MeatballPizza ago

I copied the list of workers that were on Reddit briefly. PM me though as public posting might be deemed doxxing.

pizzathrowaway ago

Realize that any densely populated urban area is going to have similar results. I mean, look up the number of sex offenders living in close proximity to Trump Tower (725 5th Ave, New York, NY).

Act_justly ago

Notice that there are a lot of convicted sex offenders with underage kids and child pornographers loocated near the pizza business.

EndThePizza ago

Yes. But if any of these sex offenders work at any of the suspected businesses, then boy do we have some compelling evidence.

Act_justly ago

This is meant to be used as a tool to correlate known convicted pedophiles with Pizzagate and possible crimes. I have noticed while protecting my children from pedators in Texas that Pedophiles are frequently repeat offenders and purposefully locate near schools, bus stops, daycares and playgrounds. God only knows how many crimes Pedophiles commit where they are not convicted.

Btw I notice that the bulk of your comments aim to dissuade others and their contributions.

Act_justly ago

And possibly a "spirit cooked" pizza place from hell