Giabean123 ago

Evies crib its now private but it had pictures of Alefantis at hospital after baby was born he was there with the parents ar hospital and it said he was godfather. Don't remember babies name but at least there is proof he has a goddaughter.

MAGABoomer ago

No, it's a website that strange people gather on.

Here is the 8chan link...put on your depends undergarments...and have puke bucket ready. And remember, what has been seen....

MAGABoomer ago

I have no idea. Just saw the photo, the tag, and the symbology (necklace etc) and thought WTF? Even if it is his own kid...was on 8chan last night...these sick fucks breed to have kids to have sex with. They had gotten into the Tribe...shivers. They were openly talking about this.

hubertbutternut ago

Guys this should be a key focus. Who the fuck are these kids? What is the status of their well-being?

MolochHunter ago

you would think so, but the modern legal system is so fucked up that probably more than half of all lawyers would say 'dont provide that evidence to the public now, itll fuel speculation, keep it until compelled to by police/court etc'

starrydust ago

I had to comment, because I saw your username... have you heard of the baby, Lisa Irwin, that went missing in Missouri in 2011? I think that there could be a connection, as the age progression software of Lisa and the girl in the photos look really similar. Check out the latest picture on

starrydust ago

I'm glad you asked about this, and I actually came across something relevant today.

The girl in the photos bears a striking resemblance to a baby, Lisa Irwin, that went missing in Missouri in 2011. I discovered this while doing a search for Comet Ping Pong on Instagram and was stunned to see how closely the age progression software of Lisa and the girl in the photos match. Check out the latest picture on There's also a website dedicated to her, where you can view more pictures of her before she was taken: I did contact them earlier using their website, in case they haven't been informed yet. But I think that it would be good if someone or people gave a tip to the police (I'm not in the US) to make sure it gets investigated. I don't know if or when they will receive my email, and time is of importance here.

thebabyseagull ago

If the ctr shills could provide evidence of the kids of instagram being alive and well then a lot of this would stop

If they could give an alibi for podesta whereabouts at the time of Maddy Mcanns abduction then a lot of this would stop

They spend the time and money to coordinate with major media companies and fund lawyers to threaten websites,this is a lot of effort.It would be far easier and less costly to provide evidence of the children's wellbeing and an alibi for podesta.

They fact they haven't speaks volumes

MolochHunter ago

To play devils advocate, if you were innocent and caught up in this, you would stall, hoping it would go away. When it didnt - then you might scramble for defensive evidence - but that might not be immediately at hand. My point is I agree with everything you wrote except your last line which strains jurisprudence

thebabyseagull ago

Maybe right

But still stands that we need alibis for podesta and proof of the wellbeing of the children

This would persuade many people that there is nothing to see

When will they produce this evidence?

Konran ago

Yes - it does strain jurisprudence - but we are not talking about the philosophy of law here.

This is a discussion board where people state their opinions based upon their personal life experiences, intuition and knowledge.

For me u/thebabyseagull makes some very valid points.

MAGABoomer ago

If I had a kid and a trusted friend posted a pic and called it a hotard, he might not be among the living. I'm more concerned about the little boy in the #chickenlover pic with the yellow necklace. None of these people have kids of their own so who are the parents of the poor kid Alefantes I love infants tagged with #chickenlover. Shivers.

freespace ago

Yes. Don't give up.

whoisonfirst ago

Elephant-fat-arse was asked about the little girl whose hands were taped to the table, ... he said that was a game, a joke

The baby that was called a hotard was not discussed by 'not his real name - i like infants'

This story sucks, these images and actors are phantom devils created by the CIA to mind fuck ppl.

whoisonfirst ago

If the narrative is true then this child has already expired and has been disposed of.

If the narrative is false, then someone will step forward and say the photo was cropped from the net and that the comments were planted by team-trump.

Given the fact that #pizzagate community has put all their focus on comet-pizza and these insipid instagram's an honest investigator would understand that all is built on a hill of sand.

IHMO what started as a simple means to discredit hillary by way of the podesta emails became a hysteria, but once it was pointed out that Trump is/was closer to Epstein than the Clinton's then team-trump pushed the narrative off reddit/trump over to reddit/#pizzagate

thebabyseagull ago

Trump closer to epstein than trump?



Clinton flew on Epstiens jet 26 times and visited nonce island more than once without security.

ThePuppetShow ago

[Given the fact that #pizzagate community has put all their focus on comet-pizza and these insipid instagram's an honest investigator would understand that all is built on a hill of sand] You haven't been paying attention.

whoisonfirst ago

My point is that #pizzagate play's right into the NYT narrative,

The problem with #pizzagate is that its the indian elephant and the blind men, the guy holding the trunk say's its a snake, the guy at the leg say's its a tree, nobody see's the elephant,

pedoPlan is NOT about pizza, its about the fact that the CIA/MOSSAD run the USA as a sex-colony for blood, organs and fun for world elite.

MolochHunter ago

That was my conclusion. Before pizzagate i thought we were just farmed for tax, labor and debt creation. Now I know our progeny are farmed for their sadistic gratification

PrideOfOshtekk ago

We need full on evidence for that first. If we out these politicians and CEOs, we can determine who is behind it all. One step at a time. This is not hysteria. This is real.

dannonyme ago

I agree. I think this is a good point.

At NO POINT have I heard of any parents, friends or relations say anything anywhere about their child being unfairly associated with any of this horror.

freespace ago

Exactly! Complete silence...

Yuser_Manuel ago

CPS investigations are private, so it's doubtful that you'll hear anything, if they are even being investigated at all.

freespace ago

Dude, many people are investigating this unfolding scandal at this very moment.

Journalists, citizen journalists and investigators are not going to wait for CPS to get into gear. That could take a fucking long time.

The parents of this toddler can provide info. If Alefantis was innocent, he would want the toddler's parents to come forward. It would help him. Confirmation that the toddler is his goddaughter would help him (he would still have major explaining to do, but it would benefit him somewhat).

Yuser_Manuel ago

Maybe their thinking is the level of guilt will be tied to any information that they give out, so they aren't going to offer much information.

freespace ago

The parents are probably livid about finding out that trusted relative Alefantis was putting out their child as "material" on Instagram. Maybe he begged them to intervene on his behalf and they flat out refused.