BoTTWarrior ago

Look what they have on their insta....

They also have a place in Chicago and I remember watching a video going through the emails where Obama was flying in $65k worth of pizza from Chicago.

DemonSlayer ago

Can you please start another sub just for investigating WeAreSpin?

Very interesting I kept hearing Susan Sarandon on the radio news in the weeks leading up to the election saying she isn't for Hillary that "she doesn't vote with her vagina". Possibly damage control for her anticipating what was being discovered with Comet Ping Pong from the WikiLeaks.

awakenaware ago

Hey keep on this.. #Wearespin looks way dodgy... Check out this image.. love hearts with tongue hanging out.. looks similar to the pedo symbols weve seen.. I recon this ping pong network is closely related to the pizza one! plus the pizza slice symbols, pyramid with one eye.. weird.

awakenaware ago

Check this out from same account. creepy!

Voat_Bot_9000 ago

He moved over to He posted a video about it and wants his followers to come along. Which is too bad because gab is still starting up and has a fucking wait-list...

coinscoin ago

I just don't see how they can be so banal about it

Petri_Krohn ago

Twitter says the @d_seaman account (now renamed ) has 39.1K tweets and 50.2K followers. The tweets are however not loading, except for the ones from the last two hours. It looks as if Twitter is using some technical glitch or feature to censor him.

Seaman has also posted 2,908 Photos and videos. They are all visible.

P.S. - GAB sucks! Only registered users can read gabs. I am now #1296608 in the waiting list.

DystopianDaze ago

Gab is a little start up depending on donations to get going, they are also still in beta. They are working as fast as they can to get people registered. Once they get the logjam cleared, they will be a real threat to Twitter, as the ONLY things they will censor are illegal porn, threats/terrorism and doxing.

MAGABoomer ago

Pro tip...the FBI isn't working with anyone to bust KP at the top level...they're running it. However lower level were working without knowing top level was involved...guess who got arrested? (source, personal knowledge of letter fella who got arrested then Fed judge didn't believe gov. story so judge cut him loose.) FBI has no chops in any Arab countries and I seriously doubt Japan is going to help...and that is where most of the pedo accounts were from, based on the language.

webbess1 ago

He deleted his Twitter account:

We_Waz_Kangz_N_Sh1t ago

Smoking fucking gun.

whiskey_victor ago

Seriously, 'the smoking gun' looks like a lot like THIS:

Acc: Source Both Comet Pizza & Bucks Fishing Running Same Setup of a Highly Encrypted Internal App #pizzagate #pizzaleaks Makes Sense..

PT7 Source Verified Penetration into Comet Portal: Contains Highly Encrypted Media of CP.. This Is Real.. #pizzagate #pizzaleaks #wikileaks

PT6 Verified: Comet & Bucks Operating With Same Web Infrastructure Used To Traffic CP - See Below "Big Cheese LLC" - #pizzagate #pizzaleaks

Go here:

caliginosity ago

Oh dude, I missed this email. I'm adding it to my summary post. Thanks!

WorldPeace ago

Dave is on - took me about 2 days to get in...... @d_seaman

safetythrowaway1234 ago

As of right now, you are redirected to account suspended when you type in his profile's URL. Don't see that changing anytime soon.

DystopianDaze ago

He left Twitter on his own, apparently. He just posted this on

Craic_Cocaine ago

""This e-mail is color-coded in black and white and will combust in 30 seconds."

Didn't Podesta drop a black/white kerchief on the floor in the email that started all of this?

hanknut42 ago

his relationship in the emails with his relatstate agent i think shes the ones who sets up their houses for their "pizza parites" shes the one who sent him the email about the hangcherf

RodentLord ago

As I recall, the black and white part of that podesta email was conjecture people made after connecting it to the "handkerchief code" for gay men. The podesta email IIRC only specified a "pizza related map".

Someone with a link to that email could probably correct both of us. But I believe colors were unmentioned.

112263V ago

pizza = little girl. map = blood / semen soaked momento. guess what a pizza map is? sick fuck podesta keeps momentos of his deeds. evidence?

RodentLord ago

I agree the phrasing is fishy. I think you're jumping to conclusions assuming that "map" means it was soaked in blood and semen.

112263V ago

i didnt come up with the idea on my own. people smarter than you and i did through research and piecing together clues. to get our heads around this we have to stop looking at it from our personal belief systems. it won't make sense until we look at these acts from their viewpoint. keeping souvenirs from victims is a known trait of serial killers.

CredAndBercuses ago

Assuming this is all for blackmail purposes (and not a sick fetish), wouldn't the blackmailers require undeniable evidence (DNA) of sexual abuse? i.e. a mixed blood and semen stained handkerchief?

EatThePizzaEaters ago

Yes, the email includes both the 'pizza related map" comment and description as' square handkerchief, black and white in color"

GenericVodka13 ago

I think he's just trying to be funny tbh. The whole file in triplicate and set on fire?


Just because they're engaged in deadly activities, it doesn't mean that they are all deadly serious all of the time. Especially if they think (or know) that they have zero chance of ever being caught.

CredAndBercuses ago

And joking about it adds plausible deniability.

Smyrtz ago

Pretty sure this is a fake. He announced he was leaving twitter for gab because twitter won't address fake accounts...then linked to davidseamanweb.

CredAndBercuses ago 1:56 AM 28th Nov 2:46 AM 28th Nov

Unless you're talking about the first tweets he did saying he was leaving?

Edit: Here's a post on November 5th about his backup account davidseamanweb: cached view archived.

Please follow my automated backup account- @davidseamanweb

9:21 PM - 5 Nov 2016

The original tweet has since been removed. Not saying Google can't be falsifying this cached view just for the sake of defending davidseamanweb, that's totally within the realm of possibility.

aldrtre ago

NYTimes Defense Of PizzaGate DC Pedophiles Blown Apart by David Seaman [VIDEO]

Markzila ago

Forgive my ignorance, as I am not full blown autistic, and have not read all the leaks... but why isn't "illegal substances" aka drugs a more plausible scenario regarding the coded language? Maybe they just got an 8-ball or an ounce of something? People have always substituted random foods when speaking about such things in my experience on this Earth.

DystopianDaze ago

If it weren't for these other emails (same company as the one linked above), I would agree. These definitely put a different spin on it.

MAGABoomer ago

In some cases it is drugs. Beanie Babies is a pound of pot. However, it is no coincidence that their language matches exactly the pedo codes of the dark web. And their symbols match exactly the FBI PDF on pedo symbols...and that they're changing the symbols now that the cat is out of the bag...there's that.

UncookedSpirit ago

Why won't the NYTimes fact check this image? Is it relevant that the NYT CEO headed BBC during the Jimmy Savile coverup?

nimblenav ago

This email is not know but it's clear that pizza is a code word

EndThePizza ago

Yep. He was fired from HuffPo earlier this year when he wrote an article questioning Hillary's health.

DystopianDaze ago

That is a Stratfor email.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

so? stratfor are sick

DystopianDaze ago

I simply pointed out that it was a Stratfor, rather than a Podesta, email.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

sorry, thought it was concern trolling lol

EndThePizza ago

That looks like it could be the shadow of the person taking the picture

aldrtre ago

HILLARY CLINTON BABY SACRIFICES: Revealed by WikiLeaks via @YouTube

aldrtre ago

Some new sites - Sean.Life (similar to Facebook) and (similar to Twitter) - Free of the extreme censorship.

DystopianDaze ago


Prepper_Jack ago

His account back up, says he's leaving twitter.

I’ve left Twitter. I’m at Twitter does nothing to stop character attacks/fake accounts. #FuckJackDorsey

New video released:

sentryseven ago

Yup, he's gone.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Nothing screams "I DID IT" more than censorship of this magnitude. Twitter CEO doesn't appreciate being caught fiddling with little kids anymore than the rest of MSM and the rest of our Politicians. Hang all the disgusting slime balls.

tobor ago

You would think the CEO of Twitter would have come out publicly right away and CONDEMNED the vast network of pedos that was found on Twitter, give reassurances to the public and share holders, but instead, silence.


All the internet 'biggies' are implicated: Google, Facebook, YT, Twitter, etc. They were designed to control public discourse about virtually everything, and clearly this includes elite criminality.

superchargedv8 ago

His tweets are gone for me too. However he still has photos. But the latest photos are from early september

Azzipdoe ago

And the way the email was worded contextually, showed they were clearly talking about cocaine. How many slices do you want, how thinly do you want them sliced, no leftovers make reservations blah blah blah

MAGABoomer ago

The Beanie Baby for sale email was the same. He had a pound of pot, price was 20 a gram the math worked.

catslovejustice ago

The problem with gab is that I am 190,000th in line to get in. :(

crystalclearme ago

Hang in there- I was told 2 weeks and it was 2 days :-)

catslovejustice ago

Thanks :)

UncookedSpirit ago

I am at 1.2millionth.. wonder if that many people are on to this, or if hostile actors have spammed them.

catslovejustice ago

Oh, I never thought about hostile actors. Good point. I just thought that people were jumping the sinking ships of twitter, facebook etc.

crystalclearme ago

Hang in there- it was supposed to be 2 weeks and I had my invite within 2 days

Rusdy ago

He was posting lots of photos of Obama with small children all day long. I guess they became aware of his credibility and have shadowbanned him. All posts until 3rd September are gone.

Gorillion ago

Damn it. We have to get Seaman back in people's faces! We need to get Seaman all over the place!

RainingPiss ago

Underrated joke amidst these dark times.

Azzipdoe ago

Made an account just to verify what you've seen... Although it's old as shit so you've been slacking. That email was from eeeeeearly in podesta leaks before pizzagate was named pizzagate. Get your shit together kek

CredAndBercuses ago

Actually that email was from Stratfor's leaks. So maybe you should get your shit together.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

these connections are gonna span from the first leak to the last leak

DanCaek ago

This guy's a ledge.

catslovejustice ago

Yes I just noticed that.

BloodyPill ago

I see new tweets but when i click to see them nothing appears, and all of his past tweets have vanished even the poll

bleachmymind ago

And you don't have a screenshot. Lord give me the strength.

Riva ago

Email linked above

DependasaurusRex ago

He bleached his mind prematurely.

SluggishJ ago

This is fucked up.

whoisonfirst ago

Well that makes sense, in the past 24+ hours drudge, alex-jones and all the big guys have been told to shut-up or face a libel lawsuit, even seaman has something to lose Supporters of child-fucking can indirectly shut all this down including voat, by just the fear of high paid pro-bono lawyers bringing hell down on them, Sure the children in their parents basement running #Pizzagate have nothing to fear from a lawsuit, but everyone else does. Had this hysteria stayed focussed on public characters, like Podesta ( emails ) and clinton, ... but going after James ( ' like to fuck children, not my real name ) created the perfect martyr Besides given that TRUMP is every bit as much involved in Epstein as Clinton the original purpose of #Pizzagate has run its course, which is why it got shutdown on reddit, and I'm sure that voat is probably getting death threats as well

The problem is that murder & rape of children in the western world is a multi-billion dollar CIA/MOSSAD enterprise, and they will not can not let this debate become legitimate truth.

Years ago # 1 black market in world was oil, second was drugs, 3 is/was human blood, and 4th is human organs, with all these wars in middle-east now, and ukraine and missing children in USA blood/organ harvesting is one of the biggest biz in the country, and the elite rich ppl are not going to let anybody fuck with their biz, its the american way, ..

GizaDog ago

8 hr account posting here. LOL

hir0ce1ine ago

Calling us children again. What a shill, pushing the Epstein/Trump/Lolita Express connection like it wasn’t a Clinton ploy to smear him with the crimes they commit themselves. Why do you even post if you aren't willing to provide anything useful except say we can't do anything about it. If Alefantis or Kline are providing a space for these sickos to commit their crimes, or are using their connections in politics and child trafficking organisations, then they are not martyrs, they are the an important part of the investigation. Podesta obviously has connects elsewhere, not just through Comet/Besta but its the investigation into the pizza places that is laying the ground work in exposing at least one DC paedophile ring. Stop making excuses for why nothing can be done. Your insults and shilling are not appreciated here.

tobor ago

Agreed. I don't pay any attention to people who come here, or elsewhere, trying to convince me nothing can be done. I'm far past that level of manipulation.

demoTheGorgon ago

I don't rule out Trump knowing about it. However, David Seaman tweeted yesterday something about Trump banning Epstein from his golf clubs because he tried to proposition a member's underage daughter.

DystopianDaze ago

He's still speaking out, he's on (where he will not be censored) and is still on YT.

whiskey_victor ago

Too many trolls attacking him. He left Twitter. They are using "verified" accounts to accuse him of being the pedophile. Very fucked up. Fuck Twitter.

DystopianDaze ago

He'd already joined, as did others, but intended to stay on Twitter until the election was over and hung around longer to get the word out on pizzagate.

They will be attacking anyone getting this information out there. He is high profile, though, so they really feel the need to discredit him.

hanknut42 ago

yah thats how these douche bags play ball character hurting IE that girl brock wrote a book about HANG IN THERE SEAMAN!

Spooncooker ago

Wow what happened

Prepper_Jack ago

Looks like some form of shadowban. Getting notifications of new tweets, but nothing showing.

What he's trying to post has got to be interesting.

knight222 ago

Holy shit.