mto89 ago

bTgVpkEd is Seth Rich.

Amyamy ago

Thank you for this information! This guy seems legit. He knows more accurate information altogether than anyone else I've read or watched...

NonexistentNihilist ago

Where exactly did this come from?? I've seen it around and I've seen people ask but I haven't seen a clear answer and I've been following pizzagate since the start.

FiftyMillionFables ago

It's from 4chan, a forum website, a few months before #pizzagate started. Most assumed he was role playing until most of what he said turned out to be accurate

Kutsushita ago

Done !

DarkOne ago

CF is the key, there's got to be some blacklist or financial record somewhere. if this thing is as vast as we are led to believe; there's got to be someone who f up and left something, or someone on the inside willing to help.

ejd4500 ago


Heffisntmyrealname ago

Omg she had a SAP on her personal comp?! The audacity..

Fatsack ago

Listen to what this man has sacrificed much to make clear to you. Find the connections between the Clinton Foundation and Pizzagate, Andrew Kline.

ExpandYourMind ago

This gave me the chills reading it. HRC, BC, CF, Epstein, Saudi, pedo's/trafficking, Soros, SAP's. Fucking hell m8

Echo_of_Savages ago

He .mentions human trafficking.... Half a year before pizzagate.

9217 ago

I miss FBIanon.

Are they still alive?

ejd4500 ago

There was some talk back on 4chan that the original FBIanon was discovered and "dealt" with. Not sure exactly, but if I remember correctly another anon showed up claiming to have knowledge of this.

Normality1 ago

we are all anons, as long as at least one is alive then anon is alive