ReadThatAlready ago

No I've never seen his videos. Maybe somebody has a copy on their website?

ReadThatAlready ago

Wow, that's interesting, never heard of that aspect. Thanks. Do you know what religion and heritage he was?

Yuser_Manuel ago

I don't know if the post you found was from THE Gerry McCann but I was reading comments on a blog dedicated to Madeleine and people were mentioning him going to chat rooms looking to hook up with women, while married. I'll look for that blog.

thicktail1730947 ago

Clement Freud was a pedophile with a really nice villa.

roundhouse1776 ago

Ernie Allen has connections to Bill Clinton.

podesta_pedosta ago

Interesting find One thing that sticks out for me is why would he use his actual name? If I were posting on kinky websites trying to solicit sex I wouldn't use my real name

ReadThatAlready ago

Give us a quick run down of Eli Sizemore, never heard of that. I've been researching the mask ritual.

madhatter67 ago

I was wondering about Branson just the other day....he's really not a very nice man behind his amiable billionaire PR

derram ago :

Richard Branson offers £100,000 for Madeleine McCann legal fund - Telegraph :

Richard Branson is the British Jeffery Epstein- Includes direct Hillary connection (idk if this has been posted yet, looked into it and may be something big) : conspiracy

This has been an automated message.

the_magic_man ago

So, you found nothing?

Brainyidiot ago

Thank you terrific work

UncookedSpirit ago

Nice sleuthing.

throwitawayn0w ago

Archive it all. Also, awesome find.

ReadThatAlready ago

Damn good idea! I did that same search logged into to google which returns fuller results. Did you see the link at That's the one you I think needs to be checked. Something going on in that thread. Date was 9/4/99 by gerry.mccann Also seems to have a link with gerry mccann also that seems related, might be critical. Look for 4/5/99 by Gerrry Mccann If you can't see them you have to log into google apparently. There's something there. I didn't follow the links but it doesn't look good for Gerry from the outside if that's Madeleline's father. Worth checking out. The name Gerry McCann is associated with two posts related to lolitas and teens, and others with Uk swinger hookups, nudism, etc. That Freud guy was said to have charmed Kate Healy by suggesting she was addicted to sex when he first met her. They were all swingers? Seems likely. Also there is an exchange about SS officers involving a guy named Gerry McCann in an alt conspiracy titled Secret Service Agent Emory Roberts. The exchange is here.!search/%22gerry$20mccann%22$20AND$20before$3A2007$2F05$2F03/alt.conspiracy.jfk/ccQY_wxZ7qc/ptULIrEt5kUJ The critical part says... [re: Secret Service agents Stu Stout, Paul Paterni, and John

Campion] Stewart Stout, following his retirement from the Secret Service was hired (by me) as an assistant Usher at the White House. He had a heart

disorder-suffered a heart attack at the White House and died within a few hours. I believe this happened around 1963-1965.

Paul Paterni was [my] mentor when I entered the Service in the

Detroit field office (1948). I learned so very much from him-Paul was most famous for his OSS work during the war and his undercover work (counterfeiting) in New York City. Upon retirement he moved to Missoula, Montana. He died I think around 1980 [1984]

I served with John Campion a former Rhode Island State Trooper on

the White House Detail during the Truman Administration. He was a "shift leader" along with Roy Kellerman and Gerry McCann. He moved to North Carolina upon retirement and died there in the early '80's.

A vanity fair article on JFK killing lists a "Gerard McCann" so maybe he was known as Gerry or Jerry then and that was maybe his father? lists "Jerry McCann" as SS for JFK. So a few spellings are used. It's an idea.

Thrash57 ago

If we can somehow find if its the same Gerry, we would be taking a giant step.

ReadThatAlready ago

Same Gerry McCann? Good chances. They are both in the U.K. The U.K. is a small place actually.

nimblenav ago

is there a way to know how many Gerry McCann are in the UK?

setter ago lists 166

ReadThatAlready ago

Sure, log into facebook, linked, in twitter etc, and search for them Gerry/Jerry/Gerald/ or whatever McCann with other parameters one at a time like Uk, Britain, major cities like London, etc. Eliminate people too young now to have participated in online discussions then and super old guys and you'll get an idea of how many people today could have made comments on a board like that then. I'm sure Madeleine's father doesn't have a page unless it's like a fund or something, but you'd get an idea if somebody else could be a match for the commentator that was trolling swinging sites back then instead. There are online directories, white pages for people, but I've never had success using them. They always want you to pay to get any real info.

Void_Walker ago

Brilliant work. I'd give anything to tie him to comment that says "anyone want to buy a little girl?" , "Getting pretty sick of dealing with this kid really want to sell it" Then we got these creeps.

pizzapartywithkids ago

Certainly doesn't help that his company name seems rather blatant: VIRGIN

UncookedSpirit ago

OMG that name creeped me out so much as a kid and then I came around to thinking it was nothing and here I am feeling a response to that brand name that I haven't had in well over a decade...