fairytisya ago

Well was good to see a thread on this. voat to me is you give a link of truth or it not real. Me I use my insite and I trust my insite. Scientology so many holywood that are members why they have the money to pay for a one way ticket to heaven as I see it. Holywood grown people living in a child mind dress up and role plays. holywood first in best dressed it must be real so lets all follow. a holy cult with laws made from money and greed there is no out. all cults use young people and train them in the way they want them to be. that includes sex, or holywood sleeping with the boss to get the role. Its no wonder why old men marry woman 40 years younger than them its about sex not human mind . I dont want to go into or even search these people my mond tells me they are not right in the head and use young people and young family members to get what they want. Some say follow the money, I say follow your insite the truth in your soul that will lead you to truth. this cult that is meant to be love and truth yet destroys in the name of love so right away they are not of love but hate and greed. This cult is about science yet uses the cross of christ and has their name in lights in big letters a bold statement of the coming of nothing. To the person who made this thread dont stop there is more to this cult and the holywood of greed. So much so they will hide members with big money and will kill those who are not like them or think their way. pizzagate children around the world for decades even back till 1718( just thrown that year in why one of you will find a link ) to grow a new world cult you go where no one goes and you can cos you have all the money.. no facts here just instite for any of you to link to south pole .. saying goes.. look out look out jake frost is about. this cult trust in my self are using children paid for by the holywood. a cult to get in you have to be in and shut up .

HarleyDavidsonRider ago

The process church comes to mind, it had ties to a lot of control techniques utilized by those twats. An then the process church supposedly had ties to the Manson family as well as the cult of 4 π ... which had ties to David Berkowitz a.k.a Son of Sam.

archons ago

I remeber an article years ago talking about how the leader of Scientology would boast how he could make Tom Cruise do anything he wanted becasue he had video evidence of him doing things. He did not say of what though. I think we can guess.

dindonufin ago

I also noticed this, maybe related? Strange coincidence if not.

https://i.sli.mg/Ktxxrc.png https://i.sli.mg/CEjMMM.png

dindonufin ago

Scientology is most certainly what they use to control hollywood and popular music.

EndThePizza ago

You just reminded me of this experience of someone growing up in scientology that I read a long time ago. One interesting excerpt:

See, the Church of Scientology has its members pay for regular auditing sessions. These are a little like Catholic confession, only without all that confidentiality nonsense. This means the church has a big fat blackmail file on every one of its members. If you leave, you're declared a suppressive person. They'll take the worst bits from your file -- that time you got caught shoplifting, or that dark sexual fetish you admitted to having -- and serve that to your family along with a side of straight-up lies.

elites4prison ago

How interesting...I theorized about this to my better half two weeks ago. See South Park and the super Adventure Club and the Return of Chef.

Ample4th ago

Read this archived interview with L Ron Hubbard JR from 1983


The true origins of Scientology


Scientology, the CIA and Miviludes: Cults of abuse. Mentions Dutroux cover up


IlluminatiKing ago

They do have a whole thing on wikileaks for it. Also negative stuff keeps on coming up with them.

MillennialHarvestMes ago

Interesting. I knew some people involved with Re-evaluation Counseling, also know as "Co-Counseling." It was started by a Commie named Harvey Jackins who was an early associate of L. Ron Hubbard and involved in Scientology. As I recall, this fellow, Jackins, was also accused of rape and sexual molestation of young teenage girls. What is it about these groups? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Jackins A serious googling of this fellow yields troubling results.

bikergang_accountant ago

It takes a village.

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah, just ask Tom Cruise and John Travolta....way way back even before chanology I stumbled on xenu.net and at that time...there was very revealing information on Travolta's real sexuality. When I got into chanology, I went back trying to find it and it was gone. Will Smith has also been heavily audited..he likes twinks...these people are fools. The clams got a shit ton of $$$ from them!

In_Cog_Nito ago

Please strip Google out of the second link: http://www.attn.com/stories/1358/shocking-part-going-clear-no-one-talking-about

Fuck Google.

l23r ago

And a (albeit primitive) lie detector machine.

iamnotnotarobot ago

I don't get how people can be pulled into those cults, especially when they harm children. I'll be damned if I ever join some religion, legit or not, that insists on hurting or taking my child away from me.

Ling_Ling ago

I think it's one of those things were they get you incrementally. By the time you're at the point that you can't see your children you're already in too deep.

l23r ago

With all the information that is out there about Scientology (like hell, there was even a South Park episode about it) I don't know why anyone would join up, unless they wanted to get a "rank" of some sort.

iamnotnotarobot ago

I just saw a commercial on youtube for Scientology. It all sounded like the same story. "I was born into it/raised in it and I don't know anything better so other people should join too!" Very convincing.

l23r ago

Sounds like a lot of the Mormon propaganda. I was very fortunate to somehow always question that shit even though I was born into it.

iamnotnotarobot ago

I've always seen Scientology as Mormonism 2.0.

MAGABoomer ago

I have been saying this from day one. In fact I just posted again about it...a few times. I was in Chanology from the start...and this cult has deep ties in DC, a history of rampant child abuse, and a huge blackmail gig.

PEi ago

Lie to me.

kybarnet ago

Here are the WikiLeaks Scientology Publications for further research:
