QuestionEverything ago

Examine and note all leads. Draw webs.

Podesta has an obvious penchant for dark shit. No reason it shouldn't be public knowledge.

NotConspiracyIfReal ago

Remember what the AnonFBI said about look for emails that have cards favors extras or officers! This has favor in it.

Hopevoats ago

I'm 99% certain that this is the John Demos (FB Profile) from the email. I traced the email address to a physical address in Naperville, IL ([presumably] his mother's house) and found a link to both him and his wife.

Lots and lots of photos with lots of children (and not much else) and a picture in front of the Whitehouse. Would go deeper, but have too much work to do.

Zir9000 ago

Yes, i agree. and i don't think there is much else to read into here. I don't think the rest of the email is coded or something.

I wonder how evil the literal Crowley would be by todays standards. But disregarding him, just think about this philosophical statement by itself:

"Love is the law, love under will."

Now, think about how the concept of "will" would relate to the concept of "consent". As i understand it, this is pretty much excatly the law that the pedos break.

ArchCovenant ago

Take into account the spiral on Podestas living room wall? It's Masonic related through Portugal and Pedo related.

party1981 ago

This is crazy, but Washington DC is itself shaped like an upside down Satanic star.

dogwalker ago

Keep up the good work blueberries, don't let satans power get you down!

justiceforever ago

Jge[email protected] is the email address, so I'm reluctant to say his middle name would be Putnam.

Hopevoats ago

It wouldn't be too hard to determine. The email address can be traced to an address in Naperville, IL.

Zir9000 ago

This is the email: Have a look at the last 4 lines. There actually is the word "Love" under the word "will". Makes me wonder if that was intentional.

nimblenav ago

This is stupid.

The only important part is what where they talking about in the mail.

If you are not even sure that Demos is the same person of Putnam Demos is totally worthless

Samer ago

Would be very interesting to know whether or not this Rachel Clinton is an ancestor of Bill Clinton.

dogwalker ago


I wouldn't be surprised

Zir9000 ago

connect/cut, or as an occultist might say: Solve et Coagula.