unrealisthenewreal ago

I personally don't think Trump will prosecute Clinton. With the Russian Hacking (fake news story), Trump is constantly getting delegitimized and I think this is to save Clinton from prosecution. Half the country thinks Clinton won due to Russian influence, so if Trump were to throw her jail, you'd have half the country up in arms. The MSM has successfully brainwashed half the population and those that supported Hilary are feeling PTSD as a result of her losing. Should he pardon her, he'd further divide the country. At the same time, he's incessantly getting crucified by the media, so perhaps he has nothing to lose? While I'd like for Hilary and her cronies to be brought to justice, I'm not holding my breath.

party1981 ago

You could be right. Here some factors to consider:

  1. If there is smoking gun evidence of treason or sex crimes, then the Russian influence will seem trivial. There is no smoking gun evidence of Trump being Putin's puppet.
  2. If there is smoking gun evidence of #pizzagate, it will destroy the Democratic Party and guarantee Trump reelection. This is true even in Bush Sr., Bush Jr., McCain, Graham, and Ryan are all involved in the Clinton Foundation corruption.
  3. It looks like a majority of the FBI is revolting against Comey and McCabe as they slowfoot the investigation. Also, the NYPD, Wikileaks, and Congress have all of the emails. I think everyone is waiting for Trump to take power and take action. If he doesn't, all of the emails will get released, and that could cause civil war or foreign war. Trump knows this and should try to avoid it.

realfuckyoumagic ago

This is a great post, thank you for writing this.

RebelSkum ago

Just because it won't arrest Hillary doesn't mean this isn't a moral imperative for our society. Human rights violations SHOULD be called out regardless of civil justice or not, because that might be the only justice the victims get. Period.

Vindicator ago

I am a longtime subscriber. Stratfor missed both Brexit and failure of Hillary, at least in everything I read.

This_There ago

One more voice to say FBI Anon completed his/her mission and will disappear into the wilderness. Ask yourself if you would do anything different in that position. Knowing what the opposition might do, why would you not just disappear?

party1981 ago

There were actually seven. You can find a great annotated PDF (downloadable) at the top of the stickied thread on this forum.

Millennial_Falcon ago

There were actually seven.

But posted on 3 days right? One in July, one in Sept, and one in Oct, is what the site I linked said.

You can find a great annotated PDF (downloadable) at the top of the stickied thread on this forum.

OK, I just looked in the stickied thread. All I see is a link to a post on this subverse summarizing some areas of research suggested by FBIanon. I don't see a pdf link.

party1981 ago

I think that is correct: 7 threads, 3 days. Not 100% sure.

Here is the link to the doc (I google "voat FBIanon"): https://mega.nz/#!GlRkhbTT!bsjwIdm6QBtcM5YOxZtfxUvNlAPkn1Vp0BAvQxeSfmk

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah, I had clicked on that link, and it wouldn't load. Crappy satellite internet. sigh Oh well, the links I posted give pretty good summaries.

AtticusAssange ago

Thank you Ninjakick666. I will go back to the fbi site again as I was unable to retrieve a fraction of the above. I apologize for casting any doubt on your OP. Good work and this is a great site. I just have an ominous feeling that there's an on-going attempt to "roll up" and co-opt all "open source" sites like this one. AA

party1981 ago

There were actually seven. You can find a great annotated PDF (downloadable) at the top of the stickied thread on this forum.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This. We need (preferably relatively peaceful) revolution. Not a civil war.

Millennial_Falcon ago

A man who had two kids... Wut?

party1981 ago

Perhaps. FBIanon said he was good. He also kicked out Epstein from his mansion for hitting on underage girls.

Sir_Chancealot ago

FBIAnon said, over and over, that MOST of the federal government was involved in this. Politicians, judges, prosecutors, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.

FBIAnon also said that if the full depth of what they all have done was known, we would go immediately to a civil war.

I think Trump is a good guy, and so did FBIAnon. I am of the opinion of wait and see as to how he handles this. If not, we always have the option of "Red Team Planner".

party1981 ago

Yes I agree with all of this.

NotConspiracyIfReal ago

Those are very low level pawns. I don't trust anything that happens until 1/20/17 and even then I'm going to critique it all!

irelandseyes ago

I agree in regards to not wasting too much investigation energy on the PD ring. Not because I don't care, I do care and it is the stuff of nightmares and wish they would be scourged from the earth. Having said that, FBI Anon made it clear that Pizzagate was only a very small faction of the real bomb yet to be discovered. He also referred to HUMAN trafficking, not just child. My theory rides along the rails of population control with regards to CF and all it's subsidiaries, big banks and big pharma. Pharma's creating viruses, vaccines that actually do more damage than cure or avoid disease, famine, drought, Zika spray etc.

IMO the cp Pizzagate was one small faction of their evil and is there to satisfy their sick twisted needs. However, human trafficking around the globe, as I am finding out, is quite a lucrative ring. Besides using the trafficking for cp, they probably provide humans for big pharma testing on diseases, test subjects for many nefarious means throughout government. John Podesta was involved in a lawsuit where they lost three people on operating table. Can't remember the exact specifics but it was basically practicing illegal techniques or products on unsuspecting patients.

FBI Anon also referred to the strange death of Elisa Lam? The girl found in the watertank, on the rooftop of an LA hotel. I believe there is something here such as water contamination. She may have stumbled upon a faction of population control with regards to distributing through the water. Around the time she disappeared, not sure if it was a few months before or after her murder, that area, or within a 3 mile radius, experienced a TB outbreak.

Anon said it is so much bigger than CP ring and has the ability to cause civil war as well as global wars. How angry would citizens be if we found out we were slowly being exterminated for their population control. And how angry would other country's be if they found out this was also being done to their citizens? May have even been test studied in Africa. Gates Foundation was rumored to have had some questionable vaccines for Africa. The second largest continent with all the plutonium, gold, precious minerals etc. They look at Africa as a huge money maker as well as a good test subject for their future plans. Look at it's history. They've supposedly been sending "aide" to Africa for many many years, yet it never improves, even with "vaccines". Drought is worse than ever, famine no better there, human trafficking very high, genocide. You name it, they've tested it out on Africa and other downtrodden areas of the globe (Haiti).

I am voting your post up because I agree that Pizzagate won't get us to where we need to go. It has served it's purpose by pointing us in the direction but my energy is now focused on a much bigger picture. I believe that within their agenda, they have a set population number they want to reduce to. They tried it with the many wars but that wasn't working quite quick enough. Getting rid of billions of people is quite a process and would require many many levels of human euthanasia.

Mona2 ago

Hello. Pls read the Paris Agreement and as you read about emissions, equate that to people. Emissions =people. The agreement signed by Obama this year was not really discussed other than the constant discussion re climate control. The Agreement also gives specific amounts of emissions that must be lessened by each country by a certain date. Think emissions = people. Then see the Illuminati stones in Georgia in USA. The first tenent is reduction of the population. As horrible as the abuse of children, the extermination of people is worse. So that's my theory. The sexual abuse is a byproduct of the overall Illuminati to include Satan as their god rather than our God. If you watch some of the Illuminati tapes from a couple of members who escaped- it sounds like my theory could be correct. That would start a war- if it got out PEOPLE are being systematically murdered by the government to reduce the population and the elite/ Illuminati ruled the world. It makes me vomit to feel so powerless if this is so, and the children- that makes it so much worse.

Sir_Chancealot ago

NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING will rile up the American people like the systematic destruction of little children; where "rile up" = "hang every single swinging dick in the government, just because they might have once known a guy who was involved".

From a rhetoric standpoint, Trump would be smart if he pushed this as hard as he possibly could once in office.

Once Trump was sworn in, what do you think would happen if he would activate the Emergency Broadcast System, go live to every TV and Radio station, play several clips of people in power raping little kids, then he says the following:

"Americans. We have vast evidence that most people in government are involved in raping and killing little kids. These people are hindering my efforts to prosecute them. I need 2 million able-bodied men, armed to the teeth, to come to Washington, and surround the Capitol building."?

NotConspiracyIfReal ago

Have you seen some of the "artwork" of on of Tony Podesta's favorite artist? http://archive.is/U4Zji Her name is Patricia Piccinini. Very disturbing!

party1981 ago

This is fascinating. FBIanon didn't say anything about population control (although he mention Loxism), but I wonder if that is part of it.

irelandseyes ago

He said that what could be worse than cp. At first all I could think was "absolutely nothing is worse than cp. Then he mentioned Elisa Lam's death. There was also Monica Peterson who was investigating Human Trafficking. Murdered in Haiti. I believe both of these women ended up at the same conclusion but by different modes of info. What I mean is: Elisa discovered the tainting of the water and may have been trying to get a sample. Monica was investigating human trafficking and probably stumbled upon population control through the creation and implementation of diseases and bogus vaccines (big pharma) which would need humans to study their latest diseases and how they effect the human body etc. So - again I ask my self "Although CP seems like the worst, wiping out entire sections of the globe by government run euthanasia would be reason for civil and global war. IMHO

party1981 ago

It was a menu offering services like "Rape", "Torture", "Kill" with prices like "$50,000", "$100,000" etc. It was also filled with CP. I never downloaded or saw it, but others reported it and confirmed it. The previous day he posted 10 pictures of CP that he claimed were taken from the pizza restaurant. Again, he's either an insane hoaxer who was willing to break very serious laws, and face serious prison time, to do a hoax.

justiceforever ago

OR...he could be one of the bad guys, trying to get us in trouble. There were no faces or identifying features of the perpetrators. How convenient.

party1981 ago

Yeah, it's really hard to know what to believe. He had an entire story about a program that send out random crytographic messages to different locations. "Too strange to be fake" comes to mind. I cannot imagine someone making up something that random and shocking, much less breaking lots of laws in the process.

pizzathrowaway777 ago

I'm 99.9% sure that story was pure bullshit.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

Wasn't there a murder + suicide and house fire where an FBI agent and his wife died, but it was covered up as "fake news"?

Or was that actually fake?

Vindicator ago

The newspaper the story was published in was fake.

UncookedSpirit ago

Some are suspicious of this 9-year former FBI agent's death: http://archive.is/iXgUo You could see a lot of overlap with the death of Michael Hastings (see his Wikipedia page if you aren't familiar). Example of a car hack: http://archive.is/2pXlA

party1981 ago

I was suspicious (and sad that FBI anon maybe died). But this crash doesn't seem to involve active FBI agents, and FBI anon seemed to be actively working at the FBI. So I'm defaulting to thinking this was a normal car crash.

party1981 ago

That was actually fake

sixgorillion ago

I can't forget the fact that Epstein is a known, verified pedophile. And Trump has been a close friend of his for decades.

I think FBIanon is fucking dead.

witch_doctor1 ago

First I would like to state that I hope FBI anon is alive and well. He is a patriot and if he reads this, a proof of life post would be nice as I am sure others feel the same.

I agree with much of what OP said and don't think it is concern trolling. My guess is that Wikileaks Phase 3 was the good stuff. With the DNC, Clinton and Podesta emails that were released, we got to know the players, how they operated and how they were connected.....which would have made Phase 3 that much more of a bombshell and quickly and easily digested and analyzed. You can't just jump straight to the kiddy diddling. Just the Podesta occult stuff was beyond disturbing and hard to believe. I mean, Alex Jones became the most prescient MF'er in the media overnight. Who saw that coming?

The point is that OP is correct when he states that there is not enough to convict with what we have now or are likely to get by 'net research....however; this is where I disagree with OP. The purpose of Pizzagate IMO, considering we will not likely uncover bombshell proof, is to continue raising public awareness and continue uncovering and documenting the connections. By doing this, we ensure that this cannot be swept under the rug and that ALL of the people involved go down.

As far as O not being a major player in trafficking does not matter....even if it was just one hot dog, he needs to go down. And from a PR standpoint, this is the only way to do it. The public (by and large) did not care about his hidden records or forged documents, but if there was incontrovertible proof of Pizzagate activity, there would be demands by all for prosecution.

That being said, TPTB need to fully understand that there must be full disclosure about what was on Weiner's laptop if there is to ever be any faith in our government again.

irelandseyes ago

Absolutely agree. Please see my other reply to OP. I think Pizzagate was a way to point us to a much much bigger issue. I strongly believe the investigating should continue, but as far as Pizzagate, clearly these bastards have done what we suspect of them. The way to take them down is go after the bigger, global bomb that is out there. Whats that old saying "Chop off the head, the tail will follow?" Pizzagate is the tail. The head is what it is pointing to and needs more research.

logjam ago

I agree with your level headed comments. I just want to point out one thing and I really think it is relevant to this thread and Pizzagate as a whole.

I'm personally blown away with some of the posts that have people doing some sleuthing on their own and making very legitimate connections in all sorts of areas. I'm so in awe.

Anon also said that the FBI follows threads - and with that said I can't see how it's a bad thing to possibly be helping out authorities with connections. Perhaps many sleuths are wrong, but hell, it can't hurt when authorities can pick and choose. I think it has to be helping and even if it's a small amount - it is a contribution that benefits.

RainingPiss ago

Agreed i think the world needs to join for this.

RainingPiss ago

I honestly think civil war would wake america up. As terrible as it is the yoke of slavery is already coming down on the free world, tin foil hat stuff

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

She definetley fists him with her meaty arms.

party1981 ago

Not concern trolling. Just explaining my current position.

If I wanted pizzagate to go away, I could make arguments 100x worse than what I wrote above. I do not want it to go away, because I find the worst scandal since the Holocaust to be fascinating. I hope to one day know all of the details. And I hope that the process of revealing all of the details does not cause a war or mass hysteria.

FBIanon was worried about leaks causing a war. Was he concern trolling too?

AtticusAssange ago

Ninjakick, just ran your suggested search on the fbi link. Unless I'm missing something, there are NO recent indications that "the FBI has been quite busy cleaning up" that which you mentioned. I "filtered" the site as you suggested using "child" and/or "minor" and found only old news involving single suspects. I then filtered by "year" (2016) and confirmed first search. Perhaps you can clarify or tell me what I did wrong in my searches. Can you give me the date of the most recent Press Release indicating its "busy cleaning"? I could then work backwards to find what I missed. Thanks.

party1981 ago

I think there must be justice for the children too. Fiat justitia ruat cælum.

party1981 ago

Not concern trolling. Just explaining my current position.

If I wanted pizzagate to go away, I could make arguments 100x worse than what I wrote above. I do not want it to go away, because I find the worst scandal since the Holocaust to be fascinating. I hope to one day know all of the details. And I hope that the process of revealing all of the details does not cause a war or mass hysteria.

FBIanon was worried about leaks causing a war. Was he concern trolling too?

BlueTesla ago

Great post, I like seeing information that I posted ending up elsewhere, we're doing this together peeps!

party1981 ago

I'm glad that we're working together. Let me know how I can help.

party1981 ago

Not really. Trump's margin of victory was too big. He could have lost Florida. Or he could have lost two other states (OH and PA, I think).

party1981 ago

Yes, I think this is correct.

Scoundrel ago

Great post

party1981 ago

Fiat justitia ruat cælum.

party1981 ago

I honestly don't know how evil Obama is. Comet Ping Pong had a picture of him playing ping pong in the White House. People have suspected him of being gay/pedo for years, long before pizzagate was mainstream.

I want justice for everyone, but I want it done in a way that doesn't trigger a civil war, foreign war, or mass hysteria.

party1981 ago

Yes, I agree with basically everything that you wrote.

lesmith4187 ago

I'm not a lawyer but for many years I did investigations for lawyers. I agree with your conclusions...there are several other conclusions I have come to but will not post here because I do not care if I am validated and I do believe we are being trolled here. I'm game for go fund me or kickstarter. I can do research if needed.

party1981 ago

What are your other conclusions?

lesmith4187 ago

really? lolol and you are?

party1981 ago

I'm just an ordinary guy who is following pizzagate and wants justice for all the victims of these horrible crimes.

platypus22 ago

Hiring private investigators does sound pretty awesome.

I'm 80% sure right now that these guys are trafficking kids – and the mere fact that they know we have eyes on them right now is probably causing them to have to lessen their nefarious activity, which translates to fewer kids being harmed. So It's got to be a good thing.

As for Trump . . . Doubts about him are starting to creep in. I guess I'm only 70% sure he's laying low and planning to strike as soon as he has power. The other 30% of me thinks he's still working for the elites, perhaps just a smaller band of them than Hillary was (we can't assume that they're all in one big unified group, I mean when does that actually happen in real life? Look at the Alt Right).

What should we do? I think we should work to raise awareness to the general public, and not count on Trump swooping in to save the day, because that's not a guarantee.

party1981 ago

I think we need to wait and see what happens with Trump's FBI. If the arrests don't include child trafficking, etc., then we need to continue our investigation and lobby's Trump's administration to continue. But we have to realize that, if we press too hard, we could reveal information that would trigger a war or mass hysteria.

GrandpaPepe ago

I don't want to call it Trump's FBI. Remember that the FBI was blocked for a grand jury for the Clinton Foundation. It's not Trump's duty to get a special prosecutor, however the AG has the authority to do so.

party1981 ago

All I mean is that Trump will be President, Sessions will be AG, and the FBI will not be blocked any more, if they want to prosecute (at least, they will be allowed to put HRC in prison, might not be able to disclose all secrets for national security reasons).