co2_emitter ago

Let's look at your first point...Trump is NOT a prosecutor. It's not his call.

pizzaparallel ago

This is a distraction. The information uncovered so far does not point to Judaism. If you have a problem with Jewish people, that's on you to work out.

MyPresident ago

Whew, okay buddy. You try changing the system from the inside without help from experienced people. Also your obsession with the religion of some of these people is pretty gross. Who cares if their families are Jewish? Jews make great nationalists too.

Why is this in v/pizzagate?

Nightshade09 ago

No one. Including Donald Trump. Gets to the level of power or money in our society as the Wealthy they are. Without being corrupt and evil to the core. Did you actually believe that you'll receive a “Savior?” Haven't you learned? You must be your own Savior!

pizzaparallel ago

This has very little if anything to do with pizzagate. What difference does it make which Jewish people he is associated with? Even if we don't like some of his staff picks, that doesn't implicate them in THIS investigation. One of the reasons this investigation has been successful so far is because of the collaboration of people from all over the political spectrum. Let's not get distracted by other political issues and happenings.

hanknut42 ago

if trump was really a "good guy" theres no way he would of won. these people have been doing this along time and they aren't gooing to let Trump fuck it up for them

derram ago :

Twitter :

Twitter :

Mnuchin Said to Be Top Treasury Pick Among Trump’s Advisers - Bloomberg Politics :

Steve Bannon’s Vision for the Trump Coalition After Election Day - The New Yorker :

Clinton’s former CIA director advising Trump on national security - POLITICO :

Donald Trump Says He Has ‘Open Mind’ on Climate Change Accord -

This has been an automated message.

MeatballPizza ago

Let him get in power first. He still has an uphill battle taking the Oath of Office. Legal challenges are coming to the election. More Soros dirty tricks.

It was smart IMHO to say he's not going after Hillary and her criminal cohorts until after he's in power.

RJGolden ago

ya he could just be playin possum...Let's wait and see and keep supportin until then