biglollol ago

Here are the actual posts of the guy is part of the wikileaks team. Especially the 2nd pic tells us why we shouldn't send wikileaks stuff.

hello_w0rld ago



clouds10 ago

Seriously? Cringeworthy and comical at this point.

Rellik88 ago

Wow the gov thinks we are really dumb.

vvaiting4goaot ago

If Wikileaks has been compromised and some emails were also removed, why are people still providing links from it to reference (shouldn't we use something else)? Are they shills? Is it possible for only parts of said website to be compromised and they don't have access to the whole site?

Would there be any benefit to Wikileaks (read JA and others) if we all decided to upload massive amounts of useless bytes to slow/crash/confuse the agents?

*And fuck you OP shill!

throwitaway20172017 ago

wtf planet are you living on. I'm dumping information found on onion 8chan. People like you are the reason pizzagate is getting a fake news reputation. Because you dont even read the other 30000 words in the dump and focus on one little section with a disclaimer that it should be taken as false until proven otherwise

redditrunbyfascists ago

sounds like a bad idea. wikileaks is compromised

assange is dead

do not click their links anymore

UncookedSpirit ago

There is a rumor at least (haven't seen proof) that Voat's canary went down; we have no idea if Voat is any more safe. I doubt it. I think our only safety is in numbers. If that. People might burn the world down if they have the means and are involved in this.

RedditCensorshipOP ago

Wikileaks is likely a honeypot now.

Stab ago

No that's just dumb as hell. Obviously it's fucking edited its from 2 different camera angles.

It's clearly Julian speaking and he's speaking about the leaks that had just been released as well as the media reaction.

Are you calling him a psychic?

Didot ago

I still don't understand why his interview with John Pilger that was released November 5th which concerns the "last week of the election" isn't considered evidence by these timeline lists.

Also his lawyers were trying to raise an appeal to Trump on November 16th, following his questioning by Swedish authorities. The only thing regarding the lawyers not attending were the interviews themselves.

How is it these two pieces of information are considered completely invalid regarding this?

Also those hashes were not confirmed to be the same files that WikiLeaks had Tweeted about previously. The user made the assumption that completely different filenames meant the same file but this wasn't established. So it's very possible the files that users have hashed to compare are simply the wrong files to compare.

I understand the concern over a possible compromise (as it would indeed be problematic) but it seems these pieces of information go ignored in such discussions and I don't understand why people are so quick to brush them aside.

Wtfreddit ago

Wanted to downvote this thread due to Wikileaks possibly being compromised, but can't due to no kar...err comment contribution points. Anyways given the current state of affairs with Wikileaks this seems sketchy as hell.

mathemagician33 ago

incredibly suspicious if you ask me. take a look at: ... how is James Alefantis NOT EVEN LISTED under the "Interesting People" section? Everyone else seems to be... but his name is oddly missing, when he seems to be the central figure. I mean, it's called "Pizzagate" ffs and he's the owner of the implicated pizza parlor. arggggh.

edit: also, wtf: - it lists his former partner as "John Elephante" ... did someone seriously mistype James Alefantis' name? That name seems way too close to be a different former partner of Brock's, so I really don't understand wtf is going on. are they intentionally leaving out James Alefantis' name from the investigation?

starwarsian ago

its not. they run cloudflare which you cant connect through via TOR. which means no anonymity for the uploaders.

BertieMcDuffy ago

Yeah I was thinking more along the lines of them perhaps being able to find out who the most prolific posters there are easier... but perhaps that is super easy for them anyway, no clue as to how that works...

TH3_1D10T ago

No, wiki leaks cannot be trusted till assange is seen alive again.

RJGolden ago

agreed. Careful guys\girls

Empiricist ago

I don't at all. I think I ended up replying to the wrong comment I ment to reply towards someone in favor of using wikileaks. To be clear:

  • Assange is compromsised the latest tweet from wikileaks asking us to stop asking for proof of life is both evidence against wikileaks knowing where he is and against them being free to say this, i.e. they are scared, incarcerated, or under a gagorder .

  • The Canary for the mailserver wikileak's used is dead until it's next refresh.

Stay away from wikileaks, they have been compromised!

Empiricist ago

Please do not do this: Look at wikileak's latest tweet re "proof of life" if you don't get it yourself look at The last two embassy cat tweets.

TopGun ago

TRUST NO ONE - Not even Voat, Not even Trump, Not even Breitbart. If you happen to stumble upon REAL evidence, inform local Police, and get a lawyer for yourself immediately. Don't hoard illegal shit and make yourself a target!

How would you even get in touch with Trump? And if the system is so corrupt, why have confidence in the local police you aren't familiar with? And what power does the local police even have?

throwitaway20172017 ago

Fair enough. It would really help if more of the 25k people from reddit came here. That sub had new info by the minute...this front page is staying pretty similar with not much breaking. Wikieaks would ad exposure but I'm happy as long as pizzagate's investigation isnt shutdown or slowed to the point where it isnt relevant anymore

TheAnswerIsC ago

Until Julian Assange shows his face, do not hand over any information at all to WikiLeaks. There are lots of people saying that CIA has taken control and Julian is either dead or captured.

Blacksmith21 ago

If it provides anyone comfort, chances are very good that the PEOTUS and his team have access to full-on, state-level resources to include datamining, structured data analytics, link analyses, and relationship mapping programs. I'd bet good money that they have access to national assets as well.

Here is what most don't realize - you have the former G2 of CAG as NSAdv. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then don't weigh in.

I know the man. I know these people. I'm out of the game now, but I can assure you, they are on it.

chickyrogue ago

seriously do you think we are stooopid?

ActivistAngel ago

Assange was taken out of the Embassy weeks ago. Whether he is dead or tortured in to compliance, we don't know. Wikileaks is COMPROMISED!

hunter3 ago

wikileaks is not run from the embassy

flyingcuttlefish ago

I can't be full time helper on that project but I have 2 articles of interest for the page - - . On the sub-topic LEADS these 2 items are good -


and on the picture/image code breaking and on the hand-tatoos of Podesta -

These 2 posts have original information.

Black_Phillip ago

Probably to easily cover any loose ends

8_billion_eaters ago

WikiLeaks has been compromised for several weeks. 11/24/2016. Do not blow a whistle in their direction until further notice.

happy_snek ago




willnotbesilent ago

They also posted it on the twitter account which the WL task force RT'd. But I don't know what to believe anymore.

ghtdak ago

WikiLeaks servers and media accounts are under government control

willnotbesilent ago

I'm a bit skeptic about this too. But maybe they are for real and just wanted to give us a safe platform, since we're being censored a lot of places like reddit, twitter etc.

Entr0py ago

Tor itself is compromised with fake nodes and other backdoors. There are other ways like vpns, or using a throwaway on public wifi. Not really advocating for it, but there are ways if you really wanted to.

fuckmyreddit ago

F U. No Wikileaks.

trollghost15 ago

WikiLeaks has been compromised.

AnonCanuck ago

When was the last Julian Assange proof of life? I wonder if they got to him early assuming Clinton would win the election, so they could do what they want with him and cover it up easily once in power. But with TRUMP in...i wonder if that totally fucked them over. Which brings me to my next question, lets say all of this is real (pedogate, assange...etc) and the FBI is well aware of everything. What are they dong right now (the clintons) to counter act whats coming...(if it does) The FBIAnon mentioned a false flag attack on a power plant or train station...what if they get this desperate and attempt something like this to FUCK trump over and get him out. I dont know im rambling... I guess i just find it super weird how quiet the Clinton camp is right now...To anyone following this from the beginning, its no question what they are guilty of...but whats their retaliation going to be?

redditrunbyfascists ago

deep down I hope beyond hope that some 3 letter agency has him alive somewhere, and are giving him fake 'torture' to keep up appearances till trump takes office.

then I hope even more that assange is hailed as a world hero.

you know. Not what is likely to happen, but what would happen if there were any virtue left in the world.

AnonCanuck ago

Regardless of what happens on December 19, Republican candidate Trump will become the elected President on January 6, 2017, unless some vastly unforeseen event prevents Congress from counting the Electoral College votes during a joint meeting of Congress, or the President-elect is unable to take his oath on Friday, January 20, 2017.

Stab ago

I'm trying to understand why you people choose to completely ignore the Dartmouth Films video released which features Julian Assange speaking about current events including the leaks regarding Qatar and Saudi connections to Clinton Foundation and he even speaks directly about Ecuador severing his internet access at 16:20 in the video:

How is this not proof of life?

Riva ago

Thank you. When i saw that my first thought was 'that's a terrible fucking idea'

BertieMcDuffy ago

My first thought is that they were gonna try to do the same thing to wikileaks as they did to pizzagate, that "someone" would upload or link to CP, and they would use that as a juicy excuse to just shut it down, tarnished forever by these allegations... Then the tables would be turned, and the shills would be the ones with silly hashtags about wikipedoleaks or something silly... but that is probably all just in my head, got no idea about the technical side of any of it...

fuckmyreddit ago

Why help them? Wikileaks is dead.

fuckmyreddit ago

Wikileaks is dead. Until we see signs of life, assume they're all dead

demoTheGorgon ago


Blindjustice ago

Julian has been missing for a long time now we all know it. If dead it means that the information he has shared thus far was devastating to Hillary and the opening of the Pizzagate. Those that captured or made him disappear are complicit in the Pizzagate coverup.

riggington ago

At least some of the events in the timeline was proven false afaik. Also no pgp, but they apparently sent a message through bitcoin, which alleviates some of my worries a bit.

Yes, I'd love a proof of life, but I'm not so sure they are compromised anymore.

And can someone tell what wikileaks could do with having us upload information there? As long as the information is also here and elsewhere, it's not going away. They can't destroy it. And like reddit, if they do destroy the site, we can just do it elsewhere instead.

I see no problems with this one. I might be a bit wary about leaking to them, though.

edit: This would also have good visibility, which is what we want anyway. They might even tweet about it.

sentryseven ago

It's well organized though. Something we could learn from for itemizing the evidence.

BertieMcDuffy ago

Yeh I will post there just as soon as JA gives some proof of life, until then it seems VERY sketchy

thebabyseagull ago


Your kidding right?

Wikileaks cant be trusted until we know Julian Assange is still alive

The fact that they are even asking is a massive red flag

Gensi29 ago

Amazing. WikiLeaks is the best

Id like a proof of life from Julian assange

thebabyseagull ago

Wikileaks cant be trusted until we get clear proof Assange is alive

DanCaek ago


nimblenav ago

Thank you for posting it

poly ago

its a trap

nimblenav ago


Wikileaks is most likely compromised since Assange disappeared.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

Don't use wikileaks until there is proof of Assange's well being. At this point, he's going to have to directly address the public and state that wikileaks is still under his control.

Sephel ago

Uhhhhhh no. Don't post anything there.

Ctrl-Left ago

Better to be safe than sorry until we get some solid proof of life from them. Too much shady shit has happened to suggest that Assange is either dead or detained somewhere, but thats just my two cents.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

It's possible they are compromised, but they can easily come over here to find the same info people might submit to them or find out what we already know. I don't think this subverse is much of a secret.

nimblenav ago

they elites may want to easily know who's working on it and stop them before they dig too much.

justice4all ago

It's a trap to destroy all your leads and information about pizza gate! I beg you do not fall for this! Wikileaks is compromised I'm telling you this is the government .

ArchCovenant ago

I agree need recent leaks or evidence of life!!

ThrowThisAwayPi ago

I dunno, man. Chances are pretty good that WL is compromised. Not sure I'd trust that server with evidence. Sounds very suspect. Maybe use it for a backup.... I just dunno.

Naalu ago

Yeah I dont know.. a lot of talk how wikileaks is compromised so this kinda sound like a trap

UGM ago

Don't understand this, wikileaks was not safe anymore?

oedipusaurus_rex ago

When's the last time anyone has seen Assange?

His internet was cut, and he hasn't been seen, or shown proof of life since. There have been a couple of tweets, but that can easily be faked. There was also a massive internet outage shortly after Assange's internet was cut, which could have interfered with the deployment of the keys for wikileaks insurance policies.

What's more some of the wikileaks insurance files are being corrupted (the type of encryption used corrupts the files if anyone tries to read them. There are people here who can explain that works better than I).

Prepper_Jack ago

Correct. The hashes that were disclosed for these data dumps do not match what they said they would be, prior to Assange's internet being cut. This means the files have been tampered with. Wikileaks would not do this, as the hashes were part of the proof of the data integrity, and the proof that they were from Wikileaks.

Given that we have no proof of life from Assange, the hashes of those files did not match, and the people running the Wikileaks Twitter and Facebook pages have not signed anything with their original private key --- it's safe to assume that the Wikileaks servers and social media accounts are no longer being run by Wikileaks staff. More than likely, it's being run by the CIA.