I have no idea if this is real or not (though I tend to lean towards it being false. Still, I want to keep everyone updated.
**Do not attempt to find this Pastebin (though I imagine it's really easy).
According to anons, it contains a link at the end to a menu with illegal images inside. I have not clicked on it, and I have no intention of finding out what's inside the link. The link has been [redacted]. What you'll find at the end now is the text an anon copied from the menu, and put into a separate, clean image.
WeThePizza update: Guy#1 presumed KIA. Our 3 letter friend is taking care of the rest of our botched sting
Hi, Guy#2 here, after nearly 24 hours we have been unable to contact Guy#1, he’s probably been either captured or killed. We are now releasing part of the deadman switch as we promised.
Without releasing too much info, we botched the whole thing and my 3 letter friend’s contact (who was to ensure prosecution against We The Pizza) is now confirmed KIA. We are safe and headed into the protection of a friendly foreign intelligence agency and the agency now possess the 2GB of child rape and cloned Hard Drives. My 3 letter friend assures me they are on our side and can be trusted.
What we are releasing is disturbing, it was to be November’s child rape menu. My 3 letter friend believes his other trusted friend already has the children from the menu in government witness protection or even hiding them somewhere in a hotel.
Me and Guy#1 were never trained for this shit. Sorry we blew it.
For those who didn’t follow the original reddit post, here is a run down of what happened:
We are friends with a 3 letter agent.
We volunteer to help him.
Guy#1 sneaks into WeThePizza and unplugs some computer cords and fucks up their network.
Our 3 letter friend is contacted by WeThePizza to fix the computer issues, but says he is busy and recommends me (Guy#2) as a trusted pedo friendly repair tech, I am no computer expert but I do know a pretty decent amount.
I walked out with 2GB of child rape porn, a half assed (I somehow fucked it up) cloned Windows XP hard drive and some weird .exes that generate client lists.
We setup multiple deadman switches.
The original plan was to get this verified by the media, and contact verified government agents. But fucking Guy#1 panics and wants the FBI, CIA, NSA or whoever to know we have the deadman switches operational and he makes his first Reddit post (we told him not to) on the now banned /r/pizzagate. He lied about the specifics (thankfully). But then people start asking for proof and he posts child rape porn as proof. But people still don’t believe him and people start coming up with all sorts of fake theories about him. He then gets drunk.
To further verify our story wethepizza.com changes their website to “Coming Soon”, just less then two hours after Guy#1’s post.
A couple hours latter I create a reddit account to do damage control, but shills and disinfo agents confused the shit out of me. I tried posting a PGP message, for people to brute force, but I didn’t know you couldn’t brute force PGP and I am called a troll and disinfo/shill. Honestly the whole night was an absurd combination of being called a shill, CTR agent, spook, disinfo agent, etc. I am NOT responding to anything non-constructive today, I will only answer valid questions. I WILL NOT BE FEEDING THE TROLLS.
I gave up with the shills and called it a night, sometime during the time I was trying to relax, a shill at thedailybeast.com makes up this bizarre article that makes no sense and (kind of?) tries to take credit for our work.
Article here: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/11/21/i-ve-been-making-viral-fake-news-for-the-last-six-months-it-s-way-too-easy-to-dupe-the-right-on-the-internet.html
“I also had the analysts arguing about not wanting more lunch from We The Pizza, a real pizza place from which Correct The Record had frequently ordered. When internet sleuths googled We The Pizza, they were stunned to discover it was a real place in the middle of Washington, D.C.—just down the street from CTR’s offices!”
That makes no sense at all if you actually were trying to take credit for our data theft.
Also, I saw an info graphic all about we the pizza, does anybody have it?
This is a menu for We The Pizza: [redacted]
Anon's clean menu: https://i.sli.mg/CqGR7h.png -
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