DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

There were two women who worked at the facility believed to be the perps. They were later moved to another child care facility after. Please read the whole story before posting what you believe your conclusion to be. Thanks.

RedditCensorshipOP ago

getting 404 not found on the link

Brian18000 ago

Damn... I liked Giuliani too. What a fucker...

AndoMc87 ago

Giuliani was involved in the 911 cover up, he is a globalist. He's trying to cosy up to Trump so the globalists can control him, just like they did with G Bush Sr and Reagan.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Start pulling strings, stuff unravels. These moribunds have pulled enough strings on the "wrapper" that the whole shitshow about to fall out...its the only drama left to keep everybody busy and distracted.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

They can release the report that was never released. He could have indicted the workers at the center instead of them being allowed to remain working with children at another location.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

"...Despite 950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation, an investigation led by former U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani produced no federal grand jury indictments. The investigation did find "significant indications that children may have been abused" at the center.    Until now, no official reports or investigations have verified the sexual abuse. The Times Herald-Record, however, has learned that a still-secret, independent report - prepared by one of the nation's top experts on child sexual abuse - confirms the children's accusations of abuse.  The report also played a vital role in ending the seven-year legal ordeal and in enabling the case to be settled without the children undergoing potentially hostile questioning on the witness stand, said U.S. District Judge Whitman Knapp, who heard the civil case.    The expert, Dr. Ann Wolbert Burgess, a professor of psychiatric nursing at the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia and the author of the book, "Child Pornography and Sex Rings," entered the case in 1989.   

Cunningham, Douglas and Alan Snel "A Legacy of Pain: Settlement Doesn't Ease Abused Children's Fears," The Times Herald Record (Middletown, New York), June 11, 1991.

The report mentioned was such damaging evidence that it led to a civil court award but Guiliani refused to indict.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago


Sawyer, Kathy "Army Doctor Turns Down Promotion; Lax Response to Case of Child Abuse Cited," Washington Post, June 25, 1985 

An Army doctor rejected promotion to major at a public ceremony yesterday because, he said, officials have failed to respond adequately to charges that his daughter, 3, and other children were sexually abused at the day care center at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Capt. Walter R. Grote, 33, told a gathering at a promotion ceremony at Fort Dix, N.J., "I cannot accept promotion in a system that at first refused to acknowledge and now refuses to deal with the victims of extensive child abuse that occurred at the West Point Child Development Center."

West Point spokesman Col. John Yeagley said the Academy had taken the charges of abuse "very seriously" from the outset, nearly a year ago, promptly referring the matter to the FBI once Army investigators determined that two suspects were civilians.

A federal grand jury has been hearing the allegations that 11 children, from ages 13 months to 3 1/2, were sexually or physically abused at a facility near the Academy athletic field.

One suspect was transferred to administrative duties with the post division that oversees the day care center, Yeagley said. The other has left the Academy work force"

subchannel ago

SAme shit of a cover up here in Belgium


Read this sick shit and you will know whats going on behind the curtains of pizzagate ** The reality of protected child abuse and snuff networks.**

"SATANIC sects involved in bizarre rites including human sacrifice are being linked by Belgian police with this summer's string of grisly paedophile murders in which at least four children died.

Five witnesses came forward last week and described how black masses were held, at which children were killed in front of audiences said to have included prominent members of Belgian society. One investigator said it was "like going back to the Middle Ages".

The tentacles of the sects appear to have stretched beyond the borders of Belgium to Holland, Germany and even America. The witnesses - several of whom claim to have received death threats - say that young babies were handed over by their parents willingly in return for money. In other cases the victims were abducted. [PEHI note: The incest aspect should definitely have been described here. The "abductions" should also have been explained in more detail]

The witnesses, who are believed to have identified the sites where the masses took place to the police, said organisers had also photographed participants and threatened to hand over their pictures if they went to the police.

Witness says ** "Childbirth by a teenager through a caesarean section. Baby pulled out of the stomach and given to the dogs by Polo. She saw the dismembered mother again in the exposition of the dead... She has to eat the human flesh cut from the bodies. She has to eat pieces of children (fingers) served in gelatin. Good taste - slightly sugary. It provoked an enormous sensation of hunger and thirst. Drinking blood relieved the sensation of thirst... She speaks of another murder that she committed on a girl of 3-5 years under the threat that it would be her brother who would be killed. She opened up the girl from the vagina to the breastbone with a knife. She gave the internal organs to the dog. Someone cut off the head. The child was devoured by the dogs... Murder of a young teenage woman who was opened up by Vanden Eynde... The baby shouted in the mother's stomach. She resewed the stomach with the baby inside..."**

. . .

After buying some of the pedophile goods, which included a painful rape of a small child, van Rossem went back to one of the sex shops and asked for even more hardcore material for which he was willing to pay a hefty price. He hinted that he would like to see a girl being murdered on camera. Within a week, van Rossem received what he had ordered for 5,000 euros, a price quite similar to later reports.

"The tape showed how the girl was brought into an empty room by a man with a hood over his head. She was handcuffed... The man cut the clothes from her body with a knife. She had scratches and bruises all over her body. He hit her in the face with his hand. After that she was thrown to the ground by the same man and anally raped. When he was done with this, he threw the girl against a wall and began to beat and kick her over her whole body. When she slid to the ground, he went to stand with one foot on all her limbs and broke with both hands her arms and legs. Then for some time he slowly worked on her with a knife, and stabbed her 32 times in total, mainly in the chest and abdomen. Finally, he cut her throat, again slowly. After that, he slowly labored on the girls' body, from the feet to her head, with great attention to the bloody details. It was perfectly clear that the girl was already dead by then. The whole movie had lasted 57 minutes and had not been edited." (90)

littul_kitton ago

This seems improbable. Serial rapists/killers working alone and trying hard to not get caught often fail. That's the best possible case for not getting caught. It seems like a sprawling disorganized market would be much more likely to be caught.

srayzie ago

My Gosh. The pregnant teenager story is one of the saddest and sickest thing I've heard. They seem like the Devil himself. Like they are possessed. I can't even imagine. To think this is happening all over the world 😢 People need to be punished. Executed!

quantokitty ago

Yes, that's a possibility. Or his family could have been threatened. This may be payback time.

fuckmyreddit ago


Gorillion ago

Explains why he wanted to give Clinton a pass after the election.

parcelsus ago

The linked story is giving me a 404 error. Did anyone happen to save it before it got taken down?

We_The_People ago

I got the same 404... Fuck.

parcelsus ago

False alarm--you have to include the - at the end for the link to work, but voat.co didn't parse that as part of the link. Still, I made sure it was archived: http://archive.is/ypaW7

GoldMoose16 ago

Rudy is not to be trusted. Period.

Sleuth222 ago

When did everyone become a Giuliani lover? Or Trump for that matter. Is only Hillary evil? Trump used the same Soros money as she did. Trump made nice with same Roman rulers that she did. He's not going to do shit about this.

thebabyseagull ago

Trump took no money from Soros or anyone else as far as im aware.

Have you got a source that says otherwise?

Sleuth222 ago

For his campaign? Maybe not. But Soros and Trump have been business partners for the last two decades. Soros has invested in many of Trump's properties and they were both named defendants when sued in an antitrust suit during the sale of the GM building. http://www.pionline.com/article/20081009/ONLINE/810099993/developer-sues-soros-fortress-cerberus

Prepper_Jack ago

Business partners is a bit of a stretch. They had both invested in the same property (along with many other people). It's kind of like the allegation that he was best pals with Soros because they were both invited to the same party by some banker.

As far as the "Trump took money from Soros", the only reference I've ever seen to this is that he took a loan that was partially financed by a hedge fund that Soros had a large stake in (the rest was funded by a couple other companies). Trump negotiated out of the loan early, and avoided some of the hefty interest.

southartful ago

Now is the time we hold Trump accountable for his election promises.

Dig, dig hard.

nimblenav ago

At high level nobody is completely innocent, he may have been forced though. It's like a mafia, you can't get out of it.

justiceforever ago

Just because he couldn't solve the case? Idk about this one.

kingforpres ago

Not to play devils advocate or suggest this was proper, but I wonder if this wasn't due to it having been on a military post. During this time and even still to a lesser degree the public largely allowed the military to police its own issues. Again I'm not saying balls were not dropped, not saying he did his job either. Just suggesting it may not have been just him intentionally overlooking a pediphile case.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

The workers accused were civilians and that's why it was turned over FBI and State Attorney to investigate where enough information was discovered to indict but he chose not to.

kingforpres ago

Fuck him then, I don't believe in favors, cover ups, status quo, we've-always-done-it-that-way, or that's-not-my-job. I'm honestly worried even an outsider with house Senate and Supreme Court won't be able to do too much.

ArcherMcTaco ago

At least the was a civil judgement. Don't get me wrong, they should of went to jail... but its better than nothing

riggington ago

Was this Cathy O'Brien? She has scars on her vagoo and claims Clintons had her as sex slave. Also claims satanists.

derram ago

https://archive.is/Iqevt :

Giuliani: Child Molestation Case Skeleton in his Closet

This has been an automated message.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Yep, he's a scum-bag, so are Trump's former friends; the Clinton's, and Jeffery Epstein, and probably quite a few other, less noted in the media, scum-bags.

quantokitty ago

And yet, Trump selects Michael Flynn who tweeted about a political pedophile sex ring. Obviously, Giuliani should have prosecuted, but it's easy to say that when we don't know the circumstances or if there were intimidation used. Giuliani could have other skeletons in the closet that would have ruined him, or it could just be a good ole death threat. Of course, I don't know anything happened, but given the high level of this ... I truly don't know what side anyone is playing on.

I think the only way to really tell is to wait until he's sworn in. If all the evidence doesn't at least prompt an investigation, then both sides are dirty, dirty, dirty.

chickyrogue ago

guliianni is a piece of shit and we will learn someday that he was in tower 7 that morning playing reigndeer games....

LionParty ago

http://archive.is/Iqevt Archived for you.

schwanstucker ago

Interesting. However, the bar for civil matters is MUCH lower than that for criminal prosecution. We don't know enough to condemn Giuliani--we do know enough to condemn the system. Now, of course, it may be that he's guilty as sin, and should be drawn and quartered. At least. However, he may not have had enough evidence to prosecute. Waiting for more info...