sofakingtodd ago

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Podesta Briefing Memo - 12-9.docx" Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; name="Podesta Briefing Memo - 12-9.docx" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

srayzie ago

Who cares what they think of us! Is this about looking cool or trying to save some children. Your negativity needs to stop

srayzie ago

I really can't believe all this rudeness I'm reading. They asked for help! Isn't that why we're here? To help each other find answers. Some of you seem like bullies instead of welcoming. I was new to Reddit and new here and didn't know people were like this to each other

srayzie ago

I am very new to this and maybe this person is too so I don't think people need to be so rude. You can tell them nicely. We are all working on the same goal. It wasn't done maliciously so please be nice to people who do not know as much or you're gonna make some people too nervous to even post. At least they posted what they thought was important. We should all stick together on this.

Volkisch ago


Throwaway0112358 ago


"Bruce Carter: Bruce is a lead producer of the hit TV show Grimm – about vampires or something like that, set in Portland. He’s a great guy. And he’s a childhood friend of Mark Warner’s.

A guy named Mark Warner plays a big part in the disappearance of Madeline McCann. From Wikipedia:

"The McCanns arrived on Saturday, 28 April 2007, for their seven-night spring break in Praia da Luz, a village with a population of 1,000, known as a "little Britain" because of the concentration of British homeowners and holidaymakers.[28] They had booked through the British holiday company Mark Warner Ltd, and were placed in 5A Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, an apartment owned by a retired teacher from Liverpool, one of several privately owned properties rented by the company.[29]. 5A was a two-bedroom, ground-floor apartment in the fifth block of a group of apartments known as Waterside Village, which lay on the perimeter of part of Mark Warner's Ocean Club resort."

Most probably a different guy though, right? Mark Warner is a common name.

EDIT: Looking at the Mark Warner Ltd website and wikipedia, they are probably NOT related. It appears the Mark Warner Ltd doesn’t actually have someone named “Mark Warner” at the helm.

littoyachty ago

Ugh, so done with the concern trolling. GOOD BYE!

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Is your username base64 or what? Looks like an archive, excuse me while I go see if 7-Zip lets me look at it...

devnulll ago

Base64 encoded file (standard email attachment) - here is the content:

Womb_Raider ago

People like you are the most welcome here.

littoyachty ago

Google? Hm.. I don't want to accuse or jump the gun, but Google is compromised and I have a hard time trusting anyone who would suggest that as a search engine... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time but please don't do this again if you want people to trust you here.

antipedo ago

Dude, are you seriously do slow, or are you trolling?

You can't attach binary (>127) text in an email, so anything like docx, JPEG , mp3 will be converted to base64.

There's nothing secretive about it. You were told to google it. Even if Google is compromised, this knowledge won't be.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Run base64 -d on it, rename to .docx, and open. Easy verification.

Nightowl19632000 ago

@UEsDBBQABgAIAAAAI, maybe you shouldn't be such an asshole. If we don't know what something is, we simply ask a question! It has nothing to do with spreading misinformation. So if you don't like it maybe you shouldn't be here. So fuck off!

theinternets ago

Now now, @littoyachty did instigate this by inferring @UEsDBBQABgAIAAAAI is a potential shill. Let's just accept that this was a lesson in tough love. With some lols

tippyc ago

LPT: user the @ symbol. @UEsDBBQABgAIAAAAI

Nightowl19632000 ago

Ok ty @tippyc!

Nightowl19632000 ago

Oriole in exile is who the emaile was from. FYI

littoyachty ago

Hm... I'm still not convinced.. And you've been a member for literally 11 minutes. Can anyone else chime in on this?

etherael ago

He's telling the truth. Base64 encoding is simply a way to neatly package binary data for sending. Not encrypted at all, you can even download the unencrypted attachment by clicking in the "attachment" tab in wikileaks.

Justnit ago

Base64 encoding is a very old and tested method of sending email attachments as 'text'.

This is not encryption. You're barking at shadows.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

they are correct. what they quoted was the header/metadata of the file. What they are trying to say is if you did some research about what you saw in the header before posting, you wouldn't have jumped to the conclusions you made in your post.

pepperonis_for_eyes ago

the entire regular text can be downloaded from the attachments tab in the wikileaks page. A user ITT has copy and pasted the whole thing.

littoyachty ago

hm... maybe.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Its a Base64 code. It looks like its the attachment. Working on decoding it now...

mathemagician33 ago

we just went through this on r/pizzagate right before it got shut down. nothing weird here, just base64 encoded attachment(s). Base64 encoding often uses long strings of "A"s as padding characters. for further info take a look at:

Nightowl19632000 ago
