Voopin__Voopin ago

Beautiful. We love you Teddy-bear.

edit: non-contributory, sorry. Just wanted to give theo a nickname.

FlashingLight ago

This post is full of CTR shills trying to span their shit in here to slow down the investigation.

Islamiscancer ago

Kill all Niggers. Transgenderism is a mental disorder. Gas the Jews.

Whites are literally the only people that matter.

creep ago

Ladies and gentlemen, Voat in a nutshell.

arigold ago

damn .... race bullshit here? we can't even fight crime and satanic pedophiles without first finding irrelevant ways to divide the pool of investigators.


Strongman2711 ago

there are more users here then subscribers. that's strange.


BRO we just migrated and are finally free we gotta vent come on man haha

THR0W4W4Y ago

Fuck ya man! Fuck that place forever.

kingkongwaswrong ago

your intention is great, but your submission adds no value. I've linked you in the sticky as an example of a submission that just dilutes content here.

Thanks for your goodwill, but please stick to posting useful content, information, questions, investigation rather than feel good but empty submissions.


BRO we just migrated and are finally free we gotta vent come on man haha

Strelnieki ago

I'm not a liberal.


U/CUCKSPEZ is that you??? why you ban pizzagate man?