joe_hill ago

wow is that Christophe Boutlier here ? "cboutlier on Instagram", with creepy comments on instagram post from jimmy comet. Again a connection between Dr. Pong and Comet ping pong

l23r ago

When I went to the Yelp page I thought "this looks like a regular kinda German bar"

Then I went to their website. They got their layout from a free website called Jimdo. (Source) Thought "maybe they just used the same designer" The designers for the Dr Pong page are Johannes Siemer and Andreas Trogisch (Source) which I found via a public link at the bottom of the Dr Pong page... and THEFUCK is this drawing of a BABY doing on a page for a BAR??

And I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS THE SAME GUY but if it is, why the fuck is one of his interests KIDS?!

Here is an archive version of and Troppodesign I noticed a kid, or at least a very young looking adult, at the top. Under "work"? Oh look. Another kid. And the studio page contains a very interesting line: Das wirklich Wunderbare aber ist, dass am Ende alles kinderleicht und gut aussieht.

Maybe I am reading into things too much. IDK...

Sleuth222 ago

It is very coincidental that these metropolitan downtown eateries don't give a fuck about their shitty interiors or a complete lack of professional website.

R4WX ago TABLE TENNIS AS A MODEL: For conversation, participation, and lesser-mitigated happiness. Interests and themes that motivate our starting are:

  • Un-virtuality (physicality) / real variability.

  • Healthy addiction.

  • Losing defintion between game/sport and �partying�.

  • Gaining control / losing control.

  • Pre-apocalyptic activity.

  • Improvement of eye-hand coordination.

  • �feedback play�.

OTHER GAMES: It is intended that the game space has the possibility to itself be played, through the use of mobilized furniture, perpetually changing d�cor, installations, exhibitions, etc. It is thought that there is an appeal to walking in to a room in which one expects to be surprised. For example, the room may be rearranged as necessary in order to suit momentarily changing needs, as in a gymnasium in which sports equipment is moved and exchanged depending upon the activity at hand.

LOW RESOLUTION: The organization of the organization, as well as its space, are therefore intended to be less than comprehensively organized. It should be clear what makes up the association and its activities, but less definable in what it produces in the way of a specific atmospheric quality or public image. We, like the public at large, might at times wonder what exactly we're dealing with here, and never know.

Well, okay? They don't even try to hide it? Or am I missing something?

l23r ago

You know, if it weren't for all the other things, I might have written that manifesto as a kind of hippy/burner kind of thing. But some things are popping out at me:

"feedback play" and "Gaining control / losing control" are connected to BDSM. Not that BDSM has anything to do with CP, but it is sexual, and not really something you think of when you think of table tennis or having a few pints at the bar.

And "Healthy addiction"? Lots of CP advocates like to think of themselves as a helpless addict, or as someone who is not doing any real harm to others.

And what other activities are happening here if "equipment is moved and exchanged depending upon the activity at hand." Why would they need to get rid of tables if the purpose of the bar is to play table tennis?

It is probably a good thing I don't live in Berlin because I would probably go there just to check it out.

Sleuth222 ago

The links are odd as well. is a reel for a chick that worked on something for them I assume. Pretty creepy. is some colon cleansing site about diet. What does that have to do with a ping pong bar?

laterlosers ago


Sleuth222 ago

Like yesterday? Last week? Thirty years ago? You could be my father...