tcutshaw ago

Very interesting. Thank you for this info.

Dataanti ago

This is the resault of my web crawls, i hope they do you all well :) have fun searching through them. if anyone finds any other strange sites crawlled, just let me know.

http10tothe10tothe118th| Crawl

thefireisillumination| Crawl

appliedchaosdynamicscontrolassociation| Crawl

appliedchaosdynamicscontrolassociation| Couldn't find any links connected to this one |the only link on this one goes to a thread on a blizzard hacking sight? O_o

subproject119| Crawl

statisticallyuniformgradientofimprecision| this one just has strange sounds, other than that it has an external ling back to the top. |Crawl

Everything beyond here is external links that where found, might be related? |Blogger profile? |i don't even know.... |a wordpress blog, some mentions of odd things |Crawl a search engine? |to many external links to crawl, all sorts of stuff in this one, not sure if its related. it came up as an external site for one of the strange ones. |another site that came up as an external site but is also nearly full of external sites.| dont know how its related, its just another external site result from one of the strange ones. |science guild? |some blog with an intersting name

spez_dispenser ago

Do a ctrl + f for lhohq here:

The above link says the source of the leak (or guy who found it) is Ogrishinator

Dataanti ago

I have a big dump on this inc, it seems that every site i crawl has external urls to other sites that are similar in nature. not sure if this is an elaborate ARG for something unrelated or not, either way, i will post my findings.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Bizarre. The weird links just keep on popping up. Something is going be be definitively connected EVENTUALLY if we keep digging. Great work!

sundalanded ago

i poked around after someone (you?) linked this on r/pizzagate - rather disturbing stuff. and really, just a seemingly endless maze.

i applaud you for digging into this; i also wonder if there are keys necessary to get at what's really here. or maybe it's just signaling/messaging.

the strobe page had me noping out - try not to get too lost in this maelstrom.