ben_matlock ago

After becoming the MOST VOCAL journalist investigating pizzagate, all his accounts have gone dark. Very concerning. Anyone heard from him in the past 24 hours??

MAGABoomer ago

Well that was a lively expository Twitter feed...but bless his heart someone needs to tell him its WW THREE as we've already knocked WW 2 out of the way.

Itis1984 ago

How long until he gets suicided?

piratse ago

I feel a case of the suicides coming on, must be winter.

Groomzilla ago

Ex-HuffPo writer commits suicide, local officials claim "seasonal affective disorder" caused him to shoot himself in the back of the head twice.

piratse ago

Duct taped hands behind his back, at this point what does it matter?

This_There ago

David Seaman not only woke the fuck up, he has gone full auto on pizzagate. His Twitterstorm is something to see.

pizzagate2 ago

Sad world when going rogue is the equivalent and doing your job

Schrodingers_Spy ago

It's a start. The times...they are a changin'

noworldorder ago

piratse ago

Glad you pointed this out. Because even if Huff Post was reporting in a way I agree with, they are not to be trusted and they don't deserve the clicks. Also, EVERYONE, please use when posting links to things like twitter, huff post, breitbart etc. voat generally doesn't like to support biased sources or SJW bastions. Use any site you want, but please consider passing the word new users.

pizzagate2 ago

Maybe he's one of the GOOD journalists after the truth

Grospoliner ago

I trust anyone affiliated with HuffPo as far as I can throw them. And I can't lift 300 lb fatties...

derram ago :

David Seaman (@d_seaman) | Twitter

'I bet Kaine is into SpiritCooking also like his presumptive boss Hillary—he gives me the creeps. '

' You just get the sociopath vibe from him. '

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