Possibly_a_Carrot ago

I'm not seeing how this documentation links to Soros. Does he own American Bridge 21st Century or something?

Edit: He is indeed their primary Donor. However, this amount of money over the course of a campaign year for pizza is pretty logical. At ~10$ per pie it works out to ~20 pizzas per week. A perfectly normal amount of pizza to keep a group of volunteers satisfied.

Keep digging, boys! You'll find something we can use, I just know it!


It looks like they just had an account and would order pizzas for the office, volunteers, rallies, and protesters. Averaged over the course of the year that's only like 10-12 pizzas per week. If they're trying to bring in volunteers to do phone banking and shit of course they throw some pizza their way, otherwise everyone will leave when they get hungry.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

For sure. I don't think anyone's trying to say that this is proof of complicity on Soros's part.

Just for accuracy's sake, though, I looked up the price of a pizza at comet pizza. Their most expensive pie is $14, so with tax in DC that's $14.80 per pie (DC's sales tax on food is 5.75%). At $11000 that's an average of ~14-15 pizzas a week. Which would put them at ~<20 pizzas a week if they're getting the lower priced ($9.95) pies.

Not unreasonable at all.


When the people ordering aren't paying with their own money they'll add the extra toppings, sides, and tip and easily get the price up way higher.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Fair, but most of the time when I've been given pizza for volunteering I didn't have an option of what toppings came. Maybe I was just getting a raw deal, I donno.

lxbb ago

Appears to be a major donor at least GS

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Ahhhh, there it is. Thanks. I wouldn't have known where to go to find this info.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Embryonic stem cells have had no therupeutic uses so far that cannot be done just as well with ethical adult stem cells. Research wise, you can just use other species, which is cheaper anyway.

The only people pushing for using human embryonic stem cells for anything are planned parenthood advocates or shamanist researchers from Asia.