boekanier ago

He isn't afraid, like the left, to make his hands dirty. He knows how to tackle things

Heil_Kyle ago

What a nice young man.

stoicmanchild ago

KYLE WICK 2024!!

CheeBooga ago

We should be posting baby pics of him like the jews and niggers do to their own

boekanier ago

No, bad habits.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

His parents did something too...raised one heckuva good kid.

Sympozium ago

He really did serve the community.

Credible_Hulk ago

I want to know who has a higher score than him this year. COME ON PEOPLE! Pump those numbers up.

2fat2move ago

Kyle is an obvious female to male transgender

BigWind ago

he IS the flat earth

Necrophagist-2018 ago

Does anyone have any video links with Kyle interacting with people before this? Preferably BLM people? I’m

Trying to prove he was being peaceful before all this shit happened.

OyGoy ago

Pisses me off that he had to do this. You clean after your dog; other humans should clean after themselves.

Ocelot ago

Niggers and jew commies aren't human.

OyGoy ago

I was awaiting this reply and agree wholeheartedly.

Ocelot ago

Prosit, brother.

CrackerSlant ago

Kyle didn't do enough, he should have killed more commies.

dayofthehope ago

Look at the little ears Kyle's got. Look at the way his lower back bends. Look at his puffy chicks instead of the bony chicks guys usually have. No Adam's apple. That is not a dude.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

That guy is so goddamn wholesome lookin, cleanin graffiti, he even called 911 for the guy he shot. I wouldnt do either.

Too bad he's gonna get his asshole gaped to the size of a Durian by those hung niggers in prison. RIP Kyle

Fetalpig ago

On the contrary,the AB will take that kid in the white car,along with the guards who will make sure he is well protected. You know the blacks in jail are chomping at the bit. He will BE protected.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Shalom Kyle. You fucking kike.

user9713 ago

The good people of Kinosha, WA (whatever remains) need to demand the resignation of the AG.


Kenosha, WI*

user9713 ago

lmao fuck it was late when I wrote that thanks

invisiblephrend ago

i'll play devil's advocate and hope that the ag charged him with 1st degree because he/she secretly knows that it will be next to impossible to win that case. you typically need an absolutely airtight amount of evidence and testimony to convict someone of a crime that heinous.

kishind ago

Thanks Kyle! Ended three jews, a pedophile and two psycho shitheads. Saving the world, buddy.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Once owned and operated by Jews: iconic bourbon and rye brands on store shelves are or were once, including Jim Beam, I.W. Harper, Rittenhouse, Elijah Craig, Four Roses and Dickel.

CheeBooga ago

They stole it all from whites. Jews have nothing of their own.

DeadFox ago

Classic shill tactic, everyone is a jew

Inatehiggers ago

Apparently Rittenhouse is Austrian in origin

Ocelot ago

And...? >95% of kike names in the US are European in origin because that's how they blend in. German, for example: Berg - mountain (or regional for city), Stein - stone, Rot - red, Edel - noble, Stern - star, Kranz - wreath/crest, Rose - rose, Blum - flower, Baum - tree, Lerner - learner (scholar), Weiss - white/wise, Schild - shield or sign, Himmel - sky/heaven, Fein - fine, Wein - wine, Wiener - Viennese, Winzer - vintner, Händler - trader, Schreiber - writer. Just to name a handful.

So Rosenkranz = rose crest, Rothschild = red shield/sign (named after the red sign used for the store of the progenitor of the family), Weinstein = winestone, Edelstein = noble stone = jewel, you get the idea. And there are Italian kike names, Hungarian ones, Dutch, French, Russian, Polish, Italian -- you name it.

They use OUR names and words to blend in, but most of them haven't bothered re-camouflaging since they fled Germany.

IggyReilly ago

Ugh, I'm unfortunately someone with a "Jewish sounding name" (Old Testament first name, German last name). Jews automatically think I'm one of them. I guess I could use that to my advantage. Infiltrate them as they did Europeans?

Ocelot ago

I have a biblical first name as well, and my last name is an old Gaelic name which, having been Anglicized, now sounds pretty jewish. So basically a double jew name along with the others in my family since we mostly have biblical first names. People FREQUENTLY assume we're jewish even though we don't look like jews. I had kike professors who thought I was one of (((them))) and I've had neighbors randomly wish me Happy Hanukkah LOL. Sometimes I feel like if the DOTR comes, everybody will just think I'm a kike infiltrator and lynch me.

I guess I could use that to my advantage. Infiltrate them as they did Europeans?

I've often considered claiming judaism on applications to get a free ride to things but I'm afraid that I'll be found out since I know almost nothing about their stupid fake traditions. Guess I could just claim I'm "not a religious jew" like so many of the cosmo kikes do.

IggyReilly ago

I don't know how many people I've met - especially when I traveled to NYC - who thought I was jewish. The few jews I've encountered even thought I was one of ((them)) and said some nasty things about "gentiles". That was when I started to realize they were the problem.

Ocelot ago

I've never experienced it like that (never been to Jew York), but I've told jews before "no I'm not jewish" and noticed their demeanor change instantaneously to something much more guarded, shifty, and evasive whereas before they were fairly open even about things I found shocking or immoral. They are hardwired to view us as the enemy.

DeadFox ago

Yeah, you people say everyone is a kike. The way you make it seem like, it's only Jews that care about the white race lmao

Enoch, Spencer, Tarrant, Bowers, Earnest, Roof, Damingo, the list goes on and on

Siniq ago

Some shitbird on twitter was trying to say he wore those gloves to hide his fingerprints because he planned the "murders"! LUL

checkthenose ago

Saw the same shit. When someone asked why wouldn't he wear a mask if that's the case, person replied "He's not that smart".

Splooge ago

Sounds like your typical brainlet twatter cope, kek

Siniq ago

Almost like they are trying to get more rioters to come out and loot and burn for three new criminals but since these three are (((Bankers))) there will be no sympathy destruction for their lives! LUL

ZKX ago

What a nice kid.

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ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Kid is pre-pubescent

gerberlyfe2 ago

Based hero Kyle

MaxineWaters ago

I see a bunch of people talking shit about this kid because he said his group supports BLM and that he wants everybody to be safe.

He is just a boy. His opinions will mature as he does.


all41 ago

beating up on girls is something.

McFluffy ago

his group saying this also means that the boy and his group wont get executed by mob violence retaliation.

if they said fuck black lives and to gas all the jews, while he might get some support he, his group, and their families would be stormed and raped and they would lose that battle. them saying they support this means that the mob will be at ease and it was all just some big misunderstanding.

most on voat forget that we are NOT the majority, we arnt even a fringe minority. we are probably 1% of the population with this mindset and we cant fight 1v100 odds. you have to take everything that you hear with the mindset that what would you do in that situation? when you declare war anyone not a strong ally will become an enemy. the military will be on whatever side is the majority to end any conflict as quickly as possible, and currently that is not us.

TheGenophage ago

I'm not sure he was there with a group.. I dint see him in the video with the guy saying "shoot me nigga". There's a guy in a green shirt but he's wearing shorts and a different hat and even looks older from what you can see of his face.

WireResource ago

It'd be interesting to see if his opinions have already changed after being attacked? After being charged? After the trial?

RockmanRaiden ago

Butthurt fags jealous that a 17 year old libertarian made them all look like absolute pussies.

RushYYZ ago

Exactly. Let he who had no stupid opinions at age 17 cast the first stone.

SaxonWolfcock ago

I was beyond full of shit at 17

DukeCannon ago


Splooge ago

Hear hear. His views can change with the right guidance. The important takeaway is that this kid has physically removed more jews than most of us here.

ChiCom ago

Oh don't worry his views will change as he now learns about the deadly black arts of (((lawfare)))

MaxineWaters ago

All he ever wanted was a life in a civil community. I bet he is well on his way to (((knowing))).

Splooge ago

Indeed, the ironic part is that all the attention and backlash/harassment he's undoubtedly receiving now will shutter him away from the mainstream normiecons and lolberts, which is where he was before all this. He'll eventually end up speaking to a goat or someone similarly knowledgeable.

kishind ago

Good. He belongs with us.

Maroonsaint ago

Just like your dick pics belong with me