oinkman ago

Damn this fake surrender and then pulling a gun on this kid looks brutal. Kyle must have a guardian angel.

blumen4alles ago

After looking closely I realized he had the gun in his hand the whole time, didn't really pull it. But the faggot thought he was outgunned which is why he didn't try to shoot Saint Kyle until the faggot saw Kyle's gun jam.

Mortifera ago

Well done with the pics goat.

forgotpwagain ago

shoulda subbed the last one too "not today motherfucker"

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Switch pictures 2 & 3

CheeBooga ago

Every time I see those leftist terrorist jews getting shot it brings a big smile to my face.

Nevulox ago

Make sure to send these off to local police and the FBI and don’t just assume they’ve got them

Imperatrice_d_Ane ago

Is there any video to confirm the handgun is not photoshopped? I see video proof of the molotov coctail (or what reasonably appears to be)

blumen4alles ago

Yeah lots of video, you can clearly see him still holding a gun when the video catches his arm missing some parts.

thebearfromstartrack ago

He was NOT a innocent bystander caught up in a dangerous situation. He's there looking for trouble. He got it.

781842_Anon ago

In the last picture, I think I was watching the livestream of the dude holding the phone up. It happened really quick, and I thought he had a shotgun. I guess it was an AR15. It all looked justified to me.

Also, in a war zone, it is a war crime to feign surrender then attack. I am not sure if the person who got shot in the arm would be classified as an enemy combatant. Any military people her that would know?

If he is armed, rioting and looting, AND/or getting paid by a foreign entity or power, then it seems like he would be an enemy combatant. After all, we are at war and there are several active national emergencies.

Half_truth7s ago

"it is a war crime to feign surrender then attack" yeah, but it's soooo jewish. Palestians know this trick very well. Soros is pissed off at him.

Dixon_Butts ago

1 guy with a rifle vs. mob of thugs. 1 guy wins.

Aries_Rising ago

If they convict this kid of 1st degree we should organize the most awesome riot this year has seen yet.

ScreaminMime ago

We SHOULD organize tonight and kill 300 more of them, then burn down the Mayor's house.

forgotpwagain ago

the glow is strong

blumen4alles ago

If only we had a billionaire to fund travel expenses. I moved far away from niggers and jews.

prairie ago

The way they respond to people with guns is like how they respond to vehicles: they try to escalate, then cry when it gets escalated. (((Familiar tactic))).

SearchVoatBot ago

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RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Anyone notice the shit stains in pic #2 on the flying kick nigger?

Guy_Justsome ago

I think that's a wrinkle in the fabric. I see the same shadows down around his right ankle.

Plus he's wearing underwear, so even ballistic diarrhea wouldn't seep through in the split seconds separating these images.

But you sure got the "nigger" part right. It disappears the instant its victim is no longer helpless.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

It was the only one kyle missed too. Just barely. I swear you can see the mist from the bullet go by inches from his body in one of the videos.

offender ago

Does anyone know who his lawyer is?

Shylockbergstein ago


LurkedForever ago

Thank you. You're a bro.

tastelessinvective ago

How sure are we the first shot was justified?

I see some people saying the first person shot had a molotov cocktail and others say it was just a bag of groceries.

Is there definitive proof either way?

Also is there a way sending money for his defense?

xzars_folly ago

I think when he tried to run down the street to escape them and they chased him down and tried to kill him, any point of who might have shot first gets lost in the clear intent inherant in Antifa's actions.

tastelessinvective ago

Obviously when he tripped and fell and they were chasing him that was all self defense.

But BEFORE that he shot someone at another location.

It's very important that we know what happened at the first location because that's what the left wing prosecutors will try to hang him with.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

From the videos I saw, the guy he shot first was chasing him with intent to harm him. Kyle was running away from him and it seems to me he only used his gun when he became trapped between head shot guy and another guy on the other end, between two vehicles in a parking lot. He had no where to run, so he shot.

tastelessinvective ago

Yeah I just found those videos and I agree.

I'm still not 100% sure if the object thrown at him was on fire or not.


Other angles: https://youtu.be/rdMTghlrFiw

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

It was a ziplock bag with some type of bottle in it. Not sure what was in the bottle though. Maybe a can of pepperspray?

forgotpwagain ago

prolly ammonia and fuel

pushthis ago

damn can someone mirroir this?

blumen4alles ago

Those are the same links in the body of my submission.

pushthis ago

oh woah

catbox did that. they must not store duplicates

blumen4alles ago

Nope no duplicates, if you upload something that has already been uploaded it will just give you the original link generated. If they allowed duplicates it would be an attack vector to fill up storage space.

pic8 will upload it to multiple hosts, if you want to mirror catbox that is what I would use, seems like they are getting lots of traffic today at catbox with those videos being shared and viewed so much, sometimes they are really slow to load

Rebooted ago

He is a lion fighting off jackals.

RockmanRaiden ago

This just gave me chills.

Dixon_Butts ago

Your chills just gave me chills.

CheeBooga ago

Does @Maroonsaint have chills on his dick? Let us check.

Dixon_Butts ago

His AIDS gives my chills chills.

Illaskthequestion ago

I'm not this most tech savoy, but is there a way to archive these pics so they aren't scrubbed off the internet. These should be sent to the lawyer that's representing him.

blumen4alles ago

You could upload them to https://pic8.co/ that would offer more redundancy.

SuperToes845 ago

Download them and email them?

Rebooted ago

Download them.

gazillions ago

it's a shame the overgrown punk that initially jumped on his head wasn't shot

blumen4alles ago

IMO it is shame all those Antifa faggots were not shot or arrested.

gazillions ago


AtroNotsAreGay ago

Fake and gay psyop if someone gets shot in the chest they bleed.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

He was wearing a hoodie and landed face down. You are seeing stills from about 2 seconds of footage. I am sure he was bleeding on his t shirt under the hoody.

AtroNotsAreGay ago


RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I agree that astronots are gay and earth is flat, covered by a dome, and antartica is the ice wall barrier. But I still don't think you would see blood in this case. Like I said, maybe 2 seconds, tops and he is wearing a dark colored hoodie. Did the arm shot look fake to you?

AtroNotsAreGay ago

Its a psyop. Nobody dies or gets hurt in their psyops. Go watch the video i just posted to /v/transvestigation

offender ago

A cool psyop where a guy was actually shot in the arm for real. Obviously the glowniggers organized things, but it did actually happen.

AtroNotsAreGay ago

Nope. Its stage makeup. Special effects. The arm wound is fake and gay. You can see how big the sleeve arm is. His arm is fine underneath the makeup.

offender ago

prove it with screenshots then

AtroNotsAreGay ago

Look at the images being thrown around and how awkwardly large the top half of the arm is, it doesnt match with the bottom one.

offender ago

Wow cool. Now show me screenshots from any one of the videos, and show exactly where the visual fakery comes in.

AtroNotsAreGay ago

Youre an orange 33 tranny. I get it..

offender ago


flaxom ago

Chest wounds can actually create a suction effect and need to be treated differently for that reason.

AtroNotsAreGay ago


flaxom ago

Seriously, check it out, understanding this could save someone's life one day: https://www.healthline.com/health/sucking-chest-wound

It's not necessarily going to erupt with and freely flow blood like getting shot in the leg or something

AtroNotsAreGay ago

A close quarters gunshot wound to the chest is going to bleed.

Octoclops ago

You've already been proven wrong several times, it's time to be quiet.

AtroNotsAreGay ago

Youre an orange 33 tranny. I get it.

Roughpatch ago

Where's the gory blood in the scene?

AtroNotsAreGay ago

Its a psyop and @blumen4alles is a tranny bapho

Duchozz ago

Youre a retard

Duchozz ago


blumen4alles ago

Well you can see the dude arm get vaporized in the video. Blood hasn't had time to leak out. You can see skateboard faggot is grabbing his chest, he probably had mere seconds after getting shot. Who the fuck attacks a man holding a rifle with a skateboard?

xzars_folly ago

They learned really quick you don't "rush them and grab the gun" like <insert hero> did in the movies.

Leftists are functionally retarded.

Roughpatch ago

Wait..gaping arm blast and you're saying blood didn't have time to leak out yet? Wtfs wrong with that?

blumen4alles ago

Blood go bye-bye with rest of arm segment. What do you expect, a blood of pool on the ground where he was shot?

Roughpatch ago

Yeah I just saw the spray in another video...your right.

Reverse-Flash ago

It was so hot today I would have been tempted to dive into that pool.

blumen4alles ago

No too bad where I am at. All the smoke cleared out of the valley too, I can see the mountains again.

Chimaira92 ago

That's what Hollywood has conditioned him to believe, so yes.

forgotpwagain ago

it depends on arteries and shit. the shoot didnt even hit the bone so slowish leak. if you chop off the arm is leaks pretty good. the leg is crazy. so is the neck, hollywood like. why do i know this.

flaxom ago

Same retards who burn down furniture stores to support criminal niggers

gazillions ago

and do it all for their cameras. What would a terrorist attack be without a hundred phones recording it for attention.

Helena73 ago

He’s already beatified. Move over St. James, St. Dylan, St. Brenton.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Don't forget St Crusius.

St Tarrant is the best still.

GoonFag ago

Ditto St. Tarrant

nelgar31 ago

dont forget Bower the powerful

1776Jimbo ago

Put me on the jury.

Drkadrka ago

Fuck the jury, that prisoner transport should be ambushed if they go ahead and extradite. It is clear cut self defense.

The leftists are already denying the ability to raise funds for his defense, GoFundMe took his dad's fundraiser for him down, but the perforated rapefrican is over 1.5 million dollars and growing.

Nukeisrael ago

There has to be a giant market right now for fundraising this sort of thing when anyone to the right of stalin gets arrested.

CrocodileDindu ago

only problem is the money system is controlled by the enemy

Drkadrka ago

People need to file reports with GFM and then when they do nothing, with DOJ for the fraud being perpetrated against the American people.

flaxom ago

Nice work collecting them. The images of the assault medic with a gun in his hand, as part of a mob chasing after a teenager, is proof of attempted murder. Self-defense for that guy would have been running away, like what Kyle was trying to do the whole time.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

These are great. You can blow them up and frame them for your den/man cave. If things swing right again, I hope that little kids get a Kyle action figure in their happy meal

BentAxel ago

I know this goes without saying. According to the Geneva Conventions, any doctors, medics, nurses, or corpsmen are not supposed to carry weapons, and must display a red cross insignia on their person or helmet to show they are a noncombatant. ... On many occasions, corpsmen had to use weapons to help protect the wounded or themselves.

Vc83 ago

"But he called someone a nigger" - blm

MuhTriggersGuise ago

Are you talking about the first guy he shot? Because if that's so it's totally ok because he supports them politically.

the_old_ones ago


medics in war zones stop being medics the second they act as a combatant. shooting medics is a war crime UNLESS those medics break the rule themselves and join the fight

Maroonsaint ago

I never got the point of war crimes. It’s war bro. Anything goes. The best thing you could do is start targeting the civilian population. Get their children. That’s the next generation.

AnotherGrayman ago

Wars don't last forever.

The war crime restrictions are there so former enemies can co-exist afterward, instead of having to fully annihilate an entire civilization every time there's a fight because the loser won't ever forgive the winner for spraying pressurized acid and nerve gas onto children as part of a wartime intimidation program.

We have to share the planet when the shit's over, so even though we're shooting/bombing each other, there has to be some kind of limit so we don't become literal demons in the process.

Maroonsaint ago

That’s why you go scorched earth. So you don’t have to live with em afterwards. You don’t have that bitching. You end it before it starts

AnotherGrayman ago

Sounds good in theory, doesn't work in practice.

You go scorched earth and fully annihilate an entire civilization because of a dispute, and all the other civilizations you weren't fighting realize you're a threat to their survival, and unite against you.

People are always watching. You cannot destroy every single person on the planet outside of your tribe, so you have to temper your actions with that in mind, lest you become the world's common foe.

forgotpwagain ago

when you go to war every day you either go crazy or youre glad you dont have to kill everyone, and in the back of your mind, hope the enemy will give you the same respect. they dont always, but at least you can hope.

bosunmoon ago

With all the shit everyone in the world has to deal with you should thank your lucky stars that most countries try to avoid blatant war crimes.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m just sayin it’s like you kill people but you can only kill them certain ways? It’s a weird thing. You’re ok to murder but you have to murder with explosives not other gas or whatwver

flaxom ago

What's weird is you're not asking about our dicks, Maroonsaint. You feeling okay?

Maroonsaint ago

I’m hungry. I’m so hungry.

flaxom ago

Me too man, we should both pledge to take better care of ourselves. We're worth it

Maroonsaint ago

Are you working out?

Maroonsaint ago

Well I know I am anyways. You’re a piece of shit. I just started working out again. I’m so damn happy to be back in there..pretty annoyed that all the progresss I made before the virus is gone though. It’s like I was movin up on all my lifts then bam. All the weight I lost on the iron went to my belly. Now I gotta start all over again transferring the weight from my belly back onto the weights

flaxom ago

I have some equipment in my house but I'm not great about using it. In the middle of moving some hours away so it's been been tough going back and forth and being away from the equipment for a while, and trying to maintain a regular workout schedule. Had one really good week this month and I'm still riding that accomplishment.

yuzernaym ago

Get a room already you two.

Commie_Meta ago

Thanks. My dick needs some Zyklon B. Maroonsaint needs to get on the ball.

bosunmoon ago

Yeah that does seem a bit fucky. Especially considering our tactics in the revolutionary war.

Glory_Beckons ago


  1. At first a quick fake surrender
  2. Until he realizes Kyle's rifle jammed
  3. So he pull his handgun on him
  4. Later says he only regrets not shooting faster

Totally unrelated cohencidence: Fake medic guy's name is (((Gaige Grosskreutz))).

pitenius ago

Grosskreutz means "Big Cross". Absolutely German and Christian. I wish you people could spot a Hebrew.

781842_Anon ago

Feigning surrender, then attacking is a war crime.

KnifesEdge ago

You should arrest them for it.

781842_Anon ago

I will!

CheeBooga ago


Vc83 ago

They cry out as they strike you in literal form

Sernie_Banders ago

Dude has a GoFundMe page setup now.

This Tuesday night, at a BLM protest Kenosha, IL, my friend Gaige Grosskreutz was brutally assaulted by a an armed white man. Luckily he got out alive, though the same can't be said for other two who were brutally murdered.

Still, Gaige's arm was brutally destroyed and he is currently at a hospital undergoing surgery. Amputation is likely but fortunately his condition isn't critical.

Sadly, medical bills in America haven't socialized yet, and my friend will likely have to pay out of his pocket the insane sum of money for the treatment, just because he was fighting for the future of minorities in this country.

We will be so grateful if anybody could donate anything. The smallest amount helps. Without help, Gaige might go bankrupt, even if all his friends are doing as much as possible.

We will update on Gaige's status as his recovery carries on.

Reported for fraud

uvulectomy ago

"...just because he was fighting for the future of minorities in this country."

Fighting how? By burning shit down and trying to murder a 17y/o?

What's it called when the gaslighting is so intensely ridiculous that it becomes a self-parody?

25347679? ago

Gaige Grosskreutz was brutally assaulted by a an armed white man.

From looking at the photos in this post, isn't Kyle a Mexican?

Sernie_Banders ago

one of many reasons it is fraudulent.

SergeantSlother ago

I also reported. Said I was a close friend and Gaige is saying he should’ve killed the kid so the whole thing is factually not correct.

GoFundMe won’t remove shit though.

tomdogg ago

They removed it

retto ago

The jew was there to murder someone White.

That was the motive.

Helena73 ago

All Gaiges should be shot, regardless of race.

Vc83 ago

12 gaige

Helena73 ago

Very good, yes I hadn’t thought of that.

Why is that name so obnoxious to me? I swear I just feel so angry when I think of people named gaige!

xzars_folly ago

"Should have murdered a fellow American because he wouldn't let us burn a business."

So it IS war then after all?

If kill or be killed is the game they want to play...

MrPancake ago

It does look that way doesn't it.

blumen4alles ago

images of the assault medic with a gun in his hand

That is pretty fucking crazy, I couldn't believe it when I saw it!

antiliberalsociety ago

Do we have confirmation if he's even a medic?

Rand01 ago

He is in the L.A.R.P. medical division

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

Yeah. His LinkedIn said so, anyway.

CheeBooga ago

I heard he is in medical skoo to be a doctor or is a doctor but haven't been able to verify it yet. Jewish doctors kill more people in America than anything else through "medical error". I think the jewish filth are genociding whites.

blumen4alles ago

No, he was probably just wearing at hat saying so - and carrying a concealed weapon...

antiliberalsociety ago

Was that an emergency evacuation skateboard?

flaxom ago

Typical tricks.

canbot ago

No, these are not typical tricks. These are Jew tactics. Antifa is run by Jews.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Typical tricks.... Shlomo


Dontpanic ago

All this evidence and they still hit him with murder 1.

recon_johnny ago

Yep. Both you and I know why.

prairie ago

Your honor, we've seen all the pictures, but the defendant is white.

Helena73 ago

That wont change until a mob to rival BLM makes the life of every one of these illegal District Attorneys a living hell.

Who is the D.A.? Where do they live. Who are their family? Where is their office?

Until 1000 people make that their daily business they will continue to illegally indict innocent citizens. Might makes right apparently. Lefty lawyers have trashed any sense of loyal opposition and feel free to abuse their power.

Nukeisrael ago

Might always made right and everything else is a cope.

Helena73 ago

I think that might makes right principle maybe took a few decades off in America, everyone got real comfortable.

Nukeisrael ago

It’s natural law. It’s always been that way forever and always will be. Even commies like Mao knew this. The ability to commit physical violence is the foundation of all law.

Helena73 ago

No you are oversimplifying. When a cooperative society is regulated strictly by common culture, trust is established and physical violence is shunned in most situations because it undermines the ability to successfully cooperate. Breakdown of culture = breakdown of trust. Then the “animal” shit kicks in.

forgotpwagain ago

if police enforced laws nothing would've happened. when they don't let the rioters riot shits over in 5min.

thats why Trump keep saying hes offering the national guard. shit would be over in one night. but the longer it goes the harder it will be to extinguish.

Nukeisrael ago

You’re right but it’s fake. You’re always an animal 24/7.

Helena73 ago

You’re always an animal 24/7

Thats why I put animal in quotes. But youre still wrong there are many considerations and many different strategies when you are trying to succeed economically and reproductively among your fellow clever monkeys. “ Hassan chop” will not win out every time. Many women, weak, and elderly people have a lot of power. Some are smart, some are likeable or attractive, some are great manipulators.

Perhaps you want Might= Right to be true, because it would make things a lot more simple. Things are not simple.

Commie_Meta ago

Thank you. History cannot be diverted by a single idea. Among intelligent people, cooperation and kindness are more valuable than blood.

I wish Jerry Pournelle was still with us. We need a great strategist. May divine providence send us such another!

uvulectomy ago

And less than 24 hours after the fact, at that.

Were it a nigger, there would be endless "investigation" before a lesser charge was brought.

recon_johnny ago

If it were, there would have been much more indiscriminate firing with many non-combatants shot.

parnellsUprising ago

Yeah, that’s some bullshit. I hope he gets A competent attorney, and gets the trial moved to a white county.

Lookingforthetruth ago

he has... Len Woods going pro bono. The same attorney that represented Nicholas Sandman, the high school teen that the MSM smeared saying the "snot nosed MAGA hat wearing teen" was blocking a American Indian from walking up the steps at the Lincoln memorial. Nicholas is now a millionaire. Kyle will be too.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

gets the trial moved to a white country

A "white country", you say. Which one did you have in mind?

parnellsUprising ago

No, I meant county.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Oh ok, lol

Pepper-theDoctor ago

And any kike involved sees their justice

MrDarkWater ago

Or we could just overthrow that local government right quick.

I'm off right now ... just waiting on this hurricane to blow over

Jiggggg ago

Me too man. Supposed to come right through my town in the middle of the night. Stay safe

MrDarkWater ago


I'm over in south east Texas

Jiggggg ago

Pineywoods here!

MrDarkWater ago

Calm breeze right now in Lumberton.

But when it hits, it's gonna hit hard

Maroonsaint ago

Hey while you’re waiting why don’t you make a video of you playing with yourself and send it this way

MrDarkWater ago

Why don't you score some more drugs and keep ruining you're life?

Maroonsaint ago

The ruining of my life was years ago. Iv been getting it back on since then. I’m way up now. I’m only getting better and further

MrDarkWater ago

Good, I'm glad

gazillions ago

That was yesterdecade. It does not work like that now.

Duchozz ago

How does it work now? Because that's exactly how it worked when I lived in Milwaukee. You can call the kenosha DA and voice your support for the kid here - kenosha DA at 262-653-2400. When I called them the lady on the other end of the line seemed on my side.

gazillions ago

It completely depends on what the judge is,.

HolePunch ago

in the last couple images you can see the guy in the background with the black hoodie and stick shit his pants

SuperToes845 ago

Mom's gonna have to triple wash those dungarees.

Reverse-Flash ago

You had me at "dung".

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Baal worship.

blumen4alles ago

ripped and re-hosted from imgur: https://imgur.com/a/ewE87IQ