douk_nokum ago

Wrong. You can't offend me with words or pictures. Sticks and stones niggerfaggot


Niggers know the importance of a large's vital to replenishing the one's who get shot while committing a crime.

CheeBooga ago

muh based nigra

FederalShill ago

looks like one hell of a cave nigger too.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

The t-shirt the nigger is wearing also is wrong, as seeing there is a black father, which we all know would be in jail.

boekanier ago

I think people on Voat are not so easily 'offended'. Reddit is another story.

tokui ago

Half-truth, that's why.

registeretakes10s ago

username checks out

albatrosv15 ago

Wait... Niggers have wool. Why didn't i see that before??

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

She looks like a jew. He can have her

Pubiclouse ago


Jimmycrackerson ago

How sweet a nigger and a jewess. Match made in...

prairie ago

Jogger Top.

boekanier ago

Black with white, the new mantra.

Mustard_Monkey ago

A gorilla and a troll breeding how disturbing. The Orc offspring will be fugly.

Gorillion ago

The guy's t-shirt is right though. Good illustration of an ideal black family.

Floppyhorsecock ago

He has a caucasian looking nose. Maybe he's got a chance to be decent.

Kungflu_Master ago

His mouth screams "my great grandfather shagged a gorilla".

Floppyhorsecock ago

Cant deny that.

SparklingWiggle ago

Im going to pretend his shirt is just a family of niggers; and while unlikely, that would count as a family.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

No mean feat.

xenoPsychologist ago

she kinda looks like she has a shekelsniffer, but that might be just wishful thinking.

kishind ago

Unfortunately that's a french nose. The length and sharpness of it, you see.

xenoPsychologist ago

i see. im totally gonna blame the angle throwing me off, instead of inexperience diagnosing shekelsniffers. definitely.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

You mean 'Activate the brainwashing of NPCs all over the internet. There. FTFY.

Octoclops ago

Brainwashed by who?

clubberlang ago

Deyt nigga so woke he eye go back like deyt buckwheat hairdo mayhhh meaann!?!?

RaySchism ago

Oh yeah. It’s all fun and games until someone gets raped and murdered.

Mogumbo ago

Bradah am not offended at all



892012518HEROS ago

Lol perfect caption

Straight_up_Prick ago

Both need the rope. That's all i got folks. Both are straying away from what is natural and wholesome.

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

All niggers must ______________

GreatWhiteBeyond ago

Fucking ew.

bourbonexpert ago

Jokes on You She’ll be murdered. FACT

ArielQflip ago

Lmao, this pic says when I copied it "is Chris Reid transgender"

Hahaha hahahahahahaha

bdmthrfkr ago

Neo-maxi-zoom-dweeby ago

Better a nigger than a faggot

Shaker123 ago

How bout a faggot nigger?? Lol

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Both get the rope though.

Kungflu_Master ago

You don't think they deserve a chance to return to Africa?

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

I suppose. But after they are exiled make sure to drop some kind of agent all over Africa that makes them all infertile. Once the last groid drops dead, it'll be time to move in and build up Africa to be the rich continent it deserves to be.

Ol_Hickery ago

Can we get the coalfax for this?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Or point out how both sites claim to be about free speech but in fact nothing could be further from the truth for either site.

BentAxel ago

Can I make a shirt where the dad's running away? Then it might be accurate.

MrBateman ago


markrod420 ago

Looooool nice. Its true.

ScreaminMime ago

Gonna be some burnt snowflakes on both sites.

19810708321b ago

Perfect. And yes. All of this is an abomination.

HelpAcct123 ago

You did it. You crazy sonuvabitch, you did it.

anticlutch ago

Eh. Not really.

The nog's arm isn't around her. Look at the angle of his shoulder. His arm is behind himself.

I don't think they're a couple. I think they're both just there and likely a kike asked them to take a photo together.

I could be wrong, but the body language says they aren't a couple.

Steelerfish ago

I call complete bullshit on the whole premise of this post.

We all know that shirt cannot reprint the reality Of those two as a family unit because of the fact that if there was a child involved, the male pictured would avoid the situation entirely.

manoccas ago

His hair is literally moss. His skull is so thick that over millenia a symobiotic relationship grew between the lichen and the fungi.

AlternateSelection ago

Every nigger has a murderer inside him.

RaySchism ago

And every coal burner has a murderer inside her.

SpreeFeech ago

Where is the shirt that represents that couple? You one where the woman is holding hands with a monkey.

Charilko ago

Well played

smokratez ago

I am glad a white man isn't wasting his genes on that trash.

SoOutrageISaFAGGGOT ago



My twin boys birthdays are coming up (will be 9). I need to rent a few toddler NIGGERS know as “Nigglets” for a Human Dart board game we play called, “Pin the JIG”. Need ~3-4 no older then 5. I am sure there are some adult Male and Female Porch Monkeys that can use a few bucks to keep your Crack supply stocked up. Also NO need to worry if these THINGS are house broken as no NIGGERS are allowed in the house. They are typically not house broken until ~45-50 years of age. Last time we did this besides all of our silverware and DVDs attempted to be stolen, they urinated everywhere and were finger painting in the walls with their feces. Please make sure you have those Gorilla diapers. I will pay $5 an hour please have some hog moss and pigs feet ( and of course hot sauce). Hit me up NIGGERS!! This is a big day for my Son’s and don’t need you FUCKING IT UP!

My Dad dragged a NIGGER in 1976 was never CAUGHT. Wish we could send all of these FILTHY PORCH MONKEYS COD to Africa. I will even provide the 4 pounds of tobacco and 3 pounds of Jewelry that their PUNK BITCH SELL OUT ANCESTORS took for STRONG WHITEY TO bring them back to MY LAND>

oneinchterror ago

Now this is schizoposting

thatguyiam ago

Hahah, the glofegs sill have a chuckle.


BigFatDaddy ago

Toll Status: Loading. . .

Bigdeal ago

The difference is that picture gets removed from Reddit and the poster banned. Voat we just bitch about it.

HiJoker ago

WTF? Why would we bitch? That's a fine example of promoting niggers and jew women. Bravo.

Look at the jew beak and rat teeth phenotype and tell me I'm wrong please.

markrod420 ago

Actually we apparently upvoat the shit out of it and laugh it outselves. Something reddit just cant do.

jimibulgin ago

I am not laughing at myself.

markrod420 ago

Well you should. Its good for you.

jimibulgin ago

Let me rephase: This image does not cause me to laugh at myself.

markrod420 ago

Well then you probably arent bothered by interracial relationships with a white woman. I could give you a lot of reasons why you should be bothered. But if being on voat hasnt shown you enough reason yet i doubt i will succeed.

jimibulgin ago

I am not understanding how seeing an image of miscegenation should cause me to laugh at myself.

If I disapprove of not wearing motorcycle helmets, should a picture of a guy in a helmet cause me to laugh at myself?

I do not understand how this image should cause me to laugh at myself whether I approve of the behavior or not. (FTR- I do not, but it's her life....)

markrod420 ago

Its suggesting that misgagenation upsets you and the sign they are holding upsets reddit. If you laugh at the post while also being bothered by miscagenation then you are laughing at yourself. If you dont laugh at the post idk... i guess its just not funny to you. Its funny to me and like a whole bunch of other people anyway.

jimibulgin ago

Ok, thank you. The light bulbs came one with your second sentence. Yes, therefore I laugh at myself.

markrod420 ago

Woot! :)

NaggerFiggot ago


ScreaminMime ago

So true.

RoBatten ago

coalfax. ??

SearchVoatBot ago

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LurkedForever ago

hah! correct.

peacegnome ago

I was thinking: "no way". I was wrong.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I think of women who fuck nigges one step below women who fuck dogs.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Girls who fuck exclusively white but maybe let a dog lick their box once are like 2 steps over coal burners.

Either way I am so fucking happy to be married and never have to wade into the ocean of dirty whores to pick a clean fish out.

I worry for my son finding a good woman.

SearchVoatBot ago

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892012518HEROS ago

Come on now Dogs are damn good loyal friends nothing like a nigger

Heretohelpfats____ ago

I bet the dog even cleans itself more often than the nigger.

metricisokay ago

Bestiality it's offensive it's illegal.

performance ago

FF a year or two and I bet she's alone with her mocha mistake.

Tennis123 ago

mocha mistake is actually the name of my polka cover band

jewsbadnews ago

And your tax dollars pay for her bills.

CowWithBeef ago

The toll must be paid.

MemeDropAcct ago

Only thing missing is a picture of the coalburner and a niglet with the nigger daddy gone.

Cgeo9 ago


NaggerFiggot ago


SexMachine ago

What's that?

NaggerFiggot ago

96% of black men who impregnate a white woman abandon the kid and woman.

kishind ago

Not just white women. Nogs run from all their interracial children, 24 out of 25 times. It's much closer to 50/50 when they knock up a nogress.

ForgottenMemes ago

I thought it was the percentage of intimate partner murders that are interracial.

NaggerFiggot ago

Probably both are true

con77 ago

they are gonna make some fugly mongrels

oneinchterror ago

One of the top comments when this was posted to reddit was actually pretty funny. It said something like "They're an interracial couple and they still manage to look like siblings".

(they may have said "cousins" actually, either way I laughed)

Sandmich ago

Yeah but, they do look the same, to the point that it almost looks 'shopped

Acerphoon ago

That very much sounds like reddit indeed. I don't know. I don't find reddit humor that funny.

european ago

Redditor probably obsessed with incest porn

kishind ago

Somebody's consuming that shit.

Ciaglownigger ago

Just look at them and picture the nose

rubberbiscuit ago

But his hair and her hat are a perfect match.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Good one.

negrojohnny ago

That haircut pisses me off.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

He looks like your dom doesn't he Earnie.

HiJoker ago

Aww..why'd he have to fuck with them? They dindu nuffin. Nigger spiders can't even huddle without the evil white man fucking with them. RUN NIGGER SPIDERS!! RUN!!

Those are granddaddy longlegs. They are hell on other bugs. Look at them. Their bite is uber deadly to bugs. I have to wonder if you squeezed that entire mass of them if you could distill the poison out of them? That's a large amount of slicing tiny heads off to do it right, but it would kill a human target dead as fried chicken as well. Something to put on your handheld cocking xbow's bolts that you make yourself to have the proper weight. It could pack 300 ccs of toxin to burst into a target's system on impact.

You know for when aliens come and assemble their bio weapons in the form of dna from everything from TRexs to sharks and makes it all 50ft tall and bulletproof to sissy firearms. Just sayin'....if you're going to fuck with the little fellows, have a good reason.

Heretohelpfats____ ago

How can he touch?!

Fuckoffniggerfaggot ago

Brb, need to go get my weed burner and check my water tank...

Reinhart ago


Splooge ago

It’s a jig’s attempt to mimic a human hairstyle with nappy subhuman fur. Of course it’s not gonna work.

con77 ago

its OK because he dont work. She supports him.

RoBatten ago

Well, we probably do too . . .

NiggadermCQ ago

Quit paying taxes.

BjornIronside ago

How does this get down votes?

NiggadermCQ ago

(((down voaters)))

ThisIsMyRealName ago
