Scablifter ago

Afghanistan used to be a peaceful nation until the Russians invaded, this not our fate.

Humansized ago

all abrahamics know how to do is destroy and subvert.

generate ago

what is the difference between spirituality and religion? spirituality is a fucktard like you who confuses his own stupidity with external problems and religion is a path for fucktards like you to know yourself

generate ago

no you said it is enough to be white to be rich. I am not saying it is enough to be Christian to be rich, but if you are not Christian you are in shit

Helena73 ago

C’mon Helen.

No you cmon. I said prove christianity isn’t a “white” religion? Your response “jews arent white” is circular reasoning. You are assuming the conclusion that christianity is jewish to prove the argument that christianity isnt “white”. Which is fuckery. Aka begging the question.

It was conceived by jews in the Middle East.


Neither jews nor the Middle East have any relation to EUROPEANS.

Not even true on a genetic level, let alone cultural, which is what we are talking about. Hellenism and Zoroastrianism had a large cultural impact on the jews, e.g. the Pharisees school which rejected older jewish beliefs in favor of free will and immortality, a direct result of the rule of alexander and the ptolemies.

Helena73 ago

So european christians are jews


Jews are not white

So logically...

—-> there are no white people in europe.

It folloows:

Europe’s success is due to them being jews.


Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Gautama Buddha was White. He was son of the King of the Shakya in Northern India, descended from the Scythians who where attached to the Achaemenid army that invaded the Indus Valley circa 550 BC.

HatePrincipal ago

Pashtun are real Israelites you moron. Like the Greek/Phoenicians/cathagianians.

Four of the Israelite tribes were black ( jacobs two handmaiden concubines were negros)

e-socrates ago

Afghanistan is historically one of the most frequently invaded places on Earth. It "used to be" lots of things. It was Zoroastrian, Greek Pagan, Buddhist, Muslim for a very long time. It's been controlled by British Christians, Soviet atheists, US secular humanists or whatever.

While i'd hate to see a Muslim Europe, saying it "use [sic] to be Buddhist" is specious. About the time Afghanistan was Buddhist, in Europe there were still Nordic pagans, Greek pagans, British Druids--were these "destroyed" by Christian invaders?

Draco888 ago

Great point. Yes tribal temples and monuments were destroyed when they build churches over them.

the_illusive_man ago

About the time Afghanistan was Buddhist, in Europe there were still Nordic pagans, Greek pagans, British Druids--were these "destroyed" by Christian invaders?


Helena73 ago

Prove christianity isn’t a “white” religion? Jesus and the early christians were hellenized jews, rejected by the pharissees for embracing beliefs about immortality etc. (i.e. not jewish).

Non-jews quickly overwhelmed jews in the early stages of the religion. The gentiles “won” the council of jerusalem and all the other councils were run by gentiles. Roman Catholic law barely references the old testament and relies on “logos” for understanding the nature of sin. Christianity is so greco/roman it’s not even funny. The Pope still has the same title as the roman emperor. I bet you were raised protestant.

MissingEgo1 ago

I was flicking through some foreign channels, and boy was I surprised at how vervuiled, I don't know a good English word for this, Europe has become. So many muslim looking people. I felt so disgusted after that. We're losing at much faster pace than I thought.

Broseefus_ ago

Europe used to be a pagan continent until destroyed by christian invaders. this is the fate of europe if nothing is done. what makes it any different if europe falls it islam? 1400 years from now, our most cretinous descendants might just say islam is based and mohammad was white.

DeathThroesofVoat ago

Something something pagaen Nordic gods are da best

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Stupid muds are so lazy and stupid they can’t even finish blowing up a statue.

voatergoateryoda ago

There's paintings of white-skinned, red-haired buddhas in those Afghanistan caves.

Helena73 ago

The aryans who migrated east from the russian steppe settled all over the northern half of the indian subcontinent in places like afghanistan and nepal and pakistan and even parts of tibet (see tocharians) . Their native religion evolved into hinduism and buddhism is its offshoot. Buddha was a brahmin from nepal which means he would have had a lot of aryan ancestry.

ant_earth ago

They used to have blue eyes too

Atkho ago

That and the Buddhists were white. Afghanistan and Indus valley had a a white upper caste called the Aryans. They brought law and order and people loved them for it.

Guy_Justsome ago

Sweden's loss of Christian devotion has coincided with its slide into self-destruction and shit-holery. Modern Swedes are not at all religious. As @generate points out, there really seems to be a strong correlation between the loss of traditional religion and emergent squalor.

But I suspect you're right; it's not the loss of that particular practice -- the worship of Hebrew man-god-spirit-thing -- that caused correlating decay. It's that, plus all the other progressive assaults on every social institution holding nations together.

If Odinism were a significant religion, the "agents of change" would target that, too. They'd find some element to pervert into a ridiculous self-defeating weakness and erode the faithful with it. (e.g. The "turn the other cheek" parable is a lesson to not waste disproportionate energy over minor insults like paying nominal taxes or having Caesar's graven image stamped on your money -- because it distracts from your greater need to grow your spiritual relationship with the universe. Progressive (((theologists))) twisted it into a call for cuckoldry.)

generate ago

I am not saying Christianity is the only teaching out there, probably Odinism was too, but as of now there are not so many teachings in the world

generate ago

Iran motherfucker 61% of Persians who are whites

Helena73 ago

Iran would basically be another European country if it werent for islam.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Buddhism is a belief system obfuscating knowledge based on nature behind analogies, so that selfish humans can control each other from false authority positions. Same with Islam. You're trying to compare a negative with a negative, and then wondering why the consequences will be chaos. If Buddhist or Muslims understood the laws of nature, they wouldn't accept false authority and instead help maintain this ecosystem. What this is; is a conflict leading to more conflict, with a parasitical 3rd party attached to it, while exploiting it for their own benefits.

All three parties involved are wrong; they all act selfish, they want to claim ownership over that which nature offers free for all. They all act parasitical to their own host, and the initial parasite created the weakness for the responding parasites, who creates endlessly division into even more selfish parasites. It's perpetual self destruction based on selfishness (hedonism). Stop believing what you're telling yourself. This system is based on constant change, which means there can never be a truth in the material; only ever assumptions that will change over time. That is why nature doesn't name anything, because it would be a temporary assumption, which would make nature a liar, but nature doesn't lie.

All this chaos is on us believing the lies we are telling ourselves.

fritz_maurentod ago

If you are interested in the subject, read the book "Sword and Scimitar".

generate ago

higher power?

you invented this yourself? Like mother earth? Or universe? And then what? You kiss universe and ask for stuff? You retard understand that Christianity is not a cult, it's a Teaching of love, life and death. It's like a university, you graduate it and become smart, or you smoke dope with cool guys and talk BS about "higher power" .

And the side effect of applying this Teaching is collaboration and prosperity in a country. There is no other teaching in the world like this.

generate ago

Cuba has 64.1% of whites it's a single country that has that high percentage of whites, is non-christian and lives in total shit

Rating--- ago

Czechia is a secular and nationalist country which seems quite healthy at the moment.

Cuba is a communist country, which is also the reason for its isolation and economic conditions.

generate ago

yea but this fucktard is saying no matter ideology whites will always live good. Iran us 61% white and in total shit. Compared to Italy where people have the same color and actually more stupid

So regarding Czech Republic it's sad those got materialized by jews during USSR times, but still 35.5 are religious

Hektik ago

Nah im good on fucking the 9yr olds.

Once they bloody vagina im in.

Phantom42 ago

"Prove basic European history."

Lol wut

dancemonkey ago

Afghan Sikhs are also pretty darn persecuted. Loads of them claiming asylum at the moment. Never met anyone (who's not just pointlessly genuinely racist) who has a problem with sikhs in the West though - they respect other people's religions and cultures, they're pretty westernised in terms of clothing, and their turban is just practical to keep their hair out of the way. And they set up soup kitchens for the homeless at their temples. Sikhs are alright.

Draco888 ago

Never heard of a Sikh slashing people on a bus or driving a truck in to people. Only one "Religion"(Moon Cult) seems to have a problem with that yet China is the Government actively persecuting it.

generate ago

are you a retarded atheist?

generate ago

it's both

generate ago

you are everywhere angry looser. Are you worshiping trees and bushes?

generate ago

You are a fucking moron, you don't understand Christianity that a fact. Teaching of Christ is what gave this world freedom and prosperity

Necrophagist-2018 ago

Europe was pagan before the Semitic perversion of Christianity came. If you want to save Europe you need to dump any and all Semitic based faiths and return to the beliefs of your ancestors. Christianity, by default is a defeatist religion which is beholden to being the slaves of fallacy, and forgiveness.

generate ago

fuck off looser, go worship trees

Broseefus_ ago

go worship something permanent, like nature. instead of something that is inevitably eaten by nature, like a cathedral all golden-clad to catch the eye of the stupid masses

Necrophagist-2018 ago

Have fun being cucked to people who literally want you as slaves.

Draco888 ago

"Turn the other cheek" amrite? Atheistic Hedonistic Europe is no benefit as well. I think we need a new Ethno Religion. The Thule Society was great but this time we need a model that will actually succeed. Founding a Religion with followers is the best path towards power and destiny. Christianity played the long game to take over Rome and succeeded once Constantine converted and rose to power.

mumbojumbo ago


NoPainNoGain ago

You people are cowards, barking much but when you walk past a Muslim man your knees become weak, and you turn into puddles of fear. And you have nothing to do except look down, and thus are you humiliated. I have travelled all of Europe and indeed you will find that most are beta males and sissies. The wearers of skinny jeans and boat shoes. The likes upon which we muslims laugh. We have seen how you are so keen on attacking and harrasing Muslim women because that is the extent of your dignity, and we say to you die in your rage.

Draco777 ago

Mohammad is a dead thieving conman. Even the royals know its a scam lol. You'll have a better time leaving a dogmatic superstition. Former Muslims have a much better time when they leave especially the women.

Draco888 ago

People avoid your inbred ugly race like avoiding a rabid dog on the street. Why get arrested and chance injury all to confront and prove a point to low iq rabid dog? But their is reasoning with a rabid Zionist controlled dog that worships a dead white pedohile highwayman.

generate ago

That's so true - even I picked fights against a dozen men, had gun shootouts where I was shooting to kill and back, I am scared shitless of muzzies, they are savage animals, that's something inside me. I know for sure that will need a collective response from us to eliminate all of them fuckers

crazy_eyes ago

It's the muslems that attack woman. God damned kaffur

random128dsf321 ago

off of the middle east used to be white and Europeans until arabs migrated over.

White Pharaohs, White Iranians

BlowjaySimpson ago

Genetics has blown the lid off so much kike retconning.

King Tut has more in common genetically with Western Europe than Arabs.

Scandinavians even have Greek admixture.

Out of Africa theory is just Cultural Marxist cant and psyop.

random128dsf321 ago

YEP. Just like South Africa in the modern day - Europeans build society and low IQ invaders migrate to where its profitable and out breed the local population.

Draco888 ago

Then when Cape Town is in complete ruins with zero whites they'll claim they built it. Mogadishu was actually a thriving vacation destination when Italy controlled it.

random128dsf321 ago


Rating--- ago

The Fayum mummy portraits document what people in Roman Egypt looked like.

Mr_Wolf ago

There was many Buddhist statues and structures along the Silk Road all of which they have destroyed over the last 50 or so years.

They were left alone for a long time, now they seek the world to be a shit hole. They use the sjw/pc/divesity tactics against us.

deleteme123 ago

This is misleading. Pyramids and temples from various empires are not defaced in Egypt or the Levant.. except by Wahhabi-styled Islam (some say it is was created by Zionists.. dunno).

the_illusive_man ago

According to Islam, it is forbidden to have statues of any living things (like people or animals) because they believe it to be idolatry. This is why they attack mainly statues and stuff.

Although they did try to destroy the pyramids. Saladin's son tried but failed. And that was long before the advent of Wahhabism.

deleteme123 ago

I can assure you that this is not a mainstream view. Has Iran defaced its Persian heritage?

the_illusive_man ago

What exactly is mainstream Islam? Various hadiths support aniconism in Islam since the get go.

During the initial Islamic invasion of Persia, most Zoroastrian temples were converted into mosques. Those that remain bear no iconography that would be considered idolatry.

Why don't you go try to draw a picture of Mohammad and distribute it to your local mosque? Then we'll see what mainstream Islam is.

boekanier ago

Despite corona, thousands of retarded muslims are being brought to europe right now. The left-wing parties are pushing for that with great succes.

generate ago

Despite corona,

lmao, corona is a hoax, so look for the real goal, the governments are following an anti-white anti-christian agenda

aileron_ron ago

What happen in Afghanistan is going to happen in the UK,Germany and any other country that welcomes muzzies.

random128dsf321 ago

Turkey used to be white and Roman and European before migration. The Pharaohs were white before migration. Jesus was white, not brown.

Helena73 ago

Ancient Egyptians were largely middle eastern, closely related to the semitics like jesus. Jesus would have looked like other semitics, like syrians or lebanese. Turkey was inhabited by white indoeuropeans like the hittites and the lydians for a long time, but before 5 or 6 thousand years ago there was someone else living there, a more middle eastern population. (Neolithic anatolians)

SadMacKabaam ago

The Byzantines while nominally Roman wer e actually Greeks. And the Greeks don't really have a good record against the Turks (Manzikert, Constantinople, ruling the Greeks for centuries, and then kicking them out of Anatolia once more along with the Brits, French, Kurds, Armenians, Italians, and then they took half of Cyprus because fuck the Greeks).

random128dsf321 ago

yep yep

70times7 ago

Hate to have to say it, but if the mudslimes or anyone else is who you think will bring on your doom, you are well deceived.

So called "christians" of the catholic and protestant variations is who scripture warns will bring on the 7 plagues.

Aint gonna be the christ killers, the mohamds, the atheists or anyone else.

Its the sunday keeping 501c3 crowd that will bring on your doom.

Phantom42 ago

We have nukes, we can get rid of all of them at the same time.

alele-opathic ago

Afghanistan use to be a Buddhist nation until destroyed by Islamic invaders.

I am all but certain this was jewish influence, as per usual.

  • Remember that the Taliban was originally CIA financed, then they lost control of their asset (like all of the other jewry-raised stooges of the era). As an aside, this led to the Taliban banning the growth of poppy, which is the first thing our military rescinded when invading Afghanistan. You can find images of US troops guarding poppy farmers and their fields. As another aside, just one decade later, Russia finds itself in the middle of a massive heroin epidemic. What a cohencidence.
  • The statues were one of the biggest tourist attractions in the nation. Afghanistan was near-totally funded by tourism.
  • The Taliban founder and supreme leader Muhammed Omar said multiple times, e.g. once in 1997, and another in 2000 (midway down the page), that the statues do not violate their Idolatry Law, and they promised to protect the statues.
  • Suddenly, and out of nowhere, the Taliban did a major about-face, and said that they were insulted that the US was financially supporting the statues, but not the country. They said the statues would be destroyed in protest.
  • At this time, they claimed that their country was financially destitute and in serious need of financial aid.
  • Japan offered to pay them handsomely for the statues, and offered to entirely handle their removal from Afghanistan to Japan. The Taliban refused Japan's money.

Or, the (((CIA))) reinfiltrated the organization they helped raise from it's infancy.

I'll keep editing this as I flesh it out with cites. Just wanted to get the skeleton of the post here.

Draco888 ago

Don't forget Al Queda penetrating the most heavily guarded airspace in the world with box cutters and the man in charge was family friends with the sitting President's family.

Bottom_text ago

Where’s the new influence in this?

generate ago

so dumb muslims are manipulated by jews, doesn't change the fact that islam is a cancer that is coming for all of us unless we cut it out completely

xzars_folly ago

There is nothing that will be done. The weakness and progressive "empathy" of modern whites ensures that one the jews got the muslims in the door, the path would follow to its inevitable conclusion.

Because unlike the modern euro trash, Arabs actually have balls. They didn't let themselves be castrated by liberal ivory tower idealism.

Thus we will watch as 35,000 years of European history is erased in a mere handful of decades.

LettItBurn ago

There is only one god and his name is aller and moe from the three stooges is his only prophet.

ardvarcus ago

This is true. Islam is aggressive at taking over and dominating other societies. It's like the Borg of Star Trek. Unless you kill the Muslim goatfuckers, and put their heads on pikes, you will be assimilated.

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Jaegerjaques ago

It's interesting how such obviously inbred and mentally deficient people can conquer such vast swathes of territory, by virtue of their ultra-violent ideology. Really goes to show how a propensity for violence can compensate for a lot of other biological deficits.

Helena73 ago

I believe the key is in the polygamy. Wealthy older “alphas” hoard very young females. Young horny men resort to either

1) fucking goats

2) fucking little boys

3)killing each other off

4)going to war with/ killing non-muslims and stealing their women, to rape and or marry.

I believe this is the key to relentless islamic expansionism, and the key to stable christian societies.

Draco888 ago

Sounds like some barbaric Orc race.

Helena73 ago

No. They’re really good people. Just a few bad apples.

Draco888 ago

Good in a sense they destroy nations making them in to pigsties and creating less of a threat for world Zionism.

Don-Keyhote ago

Even UK and Sweden are 5% Muslim or so, you absolute faggot.


You are COPING

Helena73 ago

Christianity banned abortion and birth control. But you work with liberals to undermine it?

Don-Keyhote ago


Helena73 ago

Bosnian Muslims are as white as Serbs are and enjoyed a higher birth rate and patriarchy

Translation: Oi vey, muslims are our only hope, we cant possibly reproduce without converting to islam

Which is it? See that works both ways.

You are only interested in arguments that support the destruction of christianity, not any logical consistency. Because this isn’t really about christianity. It’s about your teenage rebellion, which doesnt allow you to look objectively at its role in european civilization.

Don-Keyhote ago

which doesnt allow you to look objectively at its role in european civilization.

I just did, cunt: a concrete historical example where a white population had the choice to be Muslims and subsequently outbred their Christcuck countrymen. I could offer the dying Russians vs the Chechens with 7x their birth rate.

Whereas you're clearly a Christcuck ideologue coping with the present by demanding I look to the past to zero benefit.

Go light a candle to Christianity's dead influence in the West, that's real helpful.

Helena73 ago

where a white population had the choice to be Muslim


outbred their Christcuck countrymen.

There are a lot of christians in europe, or there were. The ex-christians, who recently abandon christianity, have mysteriously dropping fertility rates since they stopped following jesus. What changed? Oh I know they’re still not muslim, hmm no that’s not right!

But by all means let’s blame the religion under which fertility rates remained high for 2000 years. Lets not pay attention to the last 100 years of it’s decline when fertility rates actually dropped off. The problem is obviously lack of polygamous child fuckery. ... you five dollar street corner assbitch.

Whereas you're clearly a Christcuck ideologue...


Helena73 ago

So did bangladesh. Pakistan was hindu. Iran was zoroastrian.

The truth is we should never have pussied out of the crusades. Because then they invaded Turkey, and the caucasus, and eventually the Balkans. The Serbs were trying to rectify that shit in the 90s, but we sided with the Muslims. Yay USA. They invaded and occupied Spain for 400 yrs. Everywhere they exist they cause trouble of the head choppy variety, everywhere they whine that they are victims while they victimize. Truly a poisonous culture.

borderline7 ago

White Europeans pussied out when they started worshiping a fake religion, made up by brown people, that told them to pussy out.

Helena73 ago

Retarded babies on this forum always claiming the last 2000 of european civilization were accidently a success in spite of christianity. Ridiculous. The problems we’re having with instability and immorality are due to christianity waning . If youre an atheist you need to acknowledge that atheism does not currently offer a good alternative to christian culture. Its a fucking mess as a belief system.

borderline7 ago

retard Christians project their own retardation on to anyone who dares say how retarded it is to believe in a bunch of myths from a bronze age death cult.

at the same time the bitch and chimp out at jews and mulism who are just as retarded, and they use the jews tactic of gas lighting and scapegoating, abusing children, lies, propaganda and mutilating genitals just like the jews.

the problems we are having now are because of the mind virus of christianity breeds week ass white people with the idea that they need to be a cuck like christ, that they have to turn the other cheek, that they have to be passive little babies and that that is Holy... and if they dont they go to hell but its not a big deal if they pussy out this life cause the next life is all that matters.

fuck you you fucking retards.

Don-Keyhote ago

Why is some dumb boomer cunt even on this site? Fucking Qtards

Bosnian Muslims are as white as Serbs are and enjoyed a higher birth rate and patriarchy than those who remained Christcucks.

Are you as a white woman CAPABLE of holding a worldview that increases the number of white people? Just once, you absolute plague?

Helena73 ago

Bosnian Muslims are as white as Serbs

No they are descended from turks.

Are you as a white woman CAPABLE of holding a worldview Blah blah blah

Yeah, Iranians are as white as bosnians. Still a shithole country. I dont want to live there.

Are you a zoomer tidepodeater capable of understanding it’s not just genetic. It’s culture too?

Why do you think white zoomers like yourself are such a degenerate, pathetic worthless biomass of bluehaired, pansexual, drug addled humanity? #Culture

Don-Keyhote ago

No they are descended from turks.

That's not how religions spread you fucking MORON. Holy shit.

Yeah, Iranians are as white as bosnians, Slavs are much whiter than the distant Indo-Iranians.

muh culture

Islamic culture is objectively superior to (((Western))) culture, not least of all because uppity retarded whores like yourself get their tongue cut out.

Helena73 ago

Religions are spread by invaders who intermarry with locals. Religions are spread from parent to child. Which of these does my statement preclude? fuckin moron, holy shit.

no, Slavs are much whiter than the distant Indo-Iranians.

Oh you thought language=genetics, lol. No the balkan region is only partially slavic, other contributions are germanic, celtic, gypsy, vlach and turkish populations. uppity retarded whore.

The indo-aryans who settled iran and india were offshoots of the indo-europeans as were the slavs. They were all white genius.

Islamic culture is objectively superior to (((Western))) culture, not least of all because uppity retarded whores like yourself get their tongue cut out.

Well go live there and be a goat fucking pedo if you loveit so much. .... you dumb zoomer cunt.

Do the scatological slurs make you feel more at home, like when you’re face down on the pillow and your dad is talking dirty to you?

Or are they a clever rhetorical device?

Don-Keyhote ago

Religions are spread by invaders who intermarry with locals.

Lol you stupid cunt. Religion spreads by SOCIAL BENEFITS/PRESTIGE ASSOCIATED WITH IT. Imagine thinking invading armies just win the battle and settle there marrying local women. How would they continue the campaign you IDIOT?

Helena73 ago

No, they're literally called Iranians

Lol where do you think the word iran comes from, bitch? Aryan.

Some turks invaded too eventually, on their way to Bosnia. So they are mainly aryan with some turk admixture, like the bosnians,


Lol you stupid cunt. Did your sociology professor make you memorize that little chestnut?

Imagine thinking invading armies just win the battle and settle there marrying local women

Imagine thinking they didnt. Ever look at y chromosome distributions on a map? Ever compare them with mtDNA distributions?

Islamists didnt conquer tho, they were peaceful emigrees, hmm? They didnt conquer foreign countries and institute islamist regimes that penalized nonmuslims until they “chose” to convert.

Everything you know about islamic expansion was taught to you by a leftist with a brown fetish. You retarded toothless glory hole whore. Seriously how could they afford not to continue to campaign when all the available women go to a small number of old men and young dudes have no choice but to plunder women in the next country?

How bout the indoeuropeans themselves? Where did the norse, celtic, italic and greek pagan religions come from? Wandering pacifists? Their language and religion dominated europe and half of india because of social benefits offered by gentle peace loving immigrants with excellent metallurgy and other martial technology? You genital wart?

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol where do you think the word iran comes from, bitch? Aryan.

And this arbitrary fact led you to believe the inhabitants of the nation-state called Iran are white. That's embarrassing enough.

Imagine thinking they didnt. Ever look at y chromosome distributions on a map? Ever compare them with mtDNA distributions?

The topic was Bosnia and Serbia. The Ottoman Empire is famous for allowing infidels to live as they please. If converts will be relieved of infidel taxes, why the fuck would they forcibly convert their tax base, CUNT?

In reality very few Turks stayed or moved there, just as zero Muslim soldiers ever stepped foot in Indonesia. Islam spread thru SE Asia by observation and trade.

Where did the norse, celtic, italic and greek pagan religions come from? Wandering pacifists?

Some devilish faggot Jew shit.

Imagine being such a cringe larping cunt that you take pride in Bronze Age migrations, JFC white women ruin everything

Helena73 ago

And this arbitrary fact led you to believe the inhabitants of the nation-state called Iran are white.

Indoeuropeans—Aryans— a bunch of white people who spread their genes and culture all over europe, settled Iran which is literally still named after them, but its totally arbitrary tho.

The Ottoman Empire is famous for allowing infidels to live as they please

In the minds of the turks maybe. Slavs romanians and greeks have a different impressions.

The infidel tax was meant to force nonmuslims to convert BITCH.

In reality very few Turks stayed or moved there, j

Haha the turks ruled bosnia for 6 centuries, until 1900. How do you think they did that? Correspondence?

Islam spread thru SE Asia by observation and trade.

Haha they were pirates with swords who sailed to indonesia to steal slaves. Just like they went to sub-saharan africa to steal slaves. And europe. And india. They were the biggest industrial slavers in history. Mostly sex slaves. Cause their religion is for perverts. Like their leader. People converted just to avoid enslavement. Muslims could not be taken as slaves. Every one else was fair game. How do you think they took so many slaves? Kind words? Sorry your religion turned out to be so degenerate and the antithesis of european civilization, sad. Go back to fucking ruminants.

Don-Keyhote ago

In the minds of the turks maybe. Slavs romanians and greeks have a different impressions.

You mean those entirely Christian areas, silly bitch?

They were the biggest industrial slavers in history. Mostly sex slaves.

Yeah millions of men with thousands of sex slaves, every Muslim has a harem to fuck 10 hrs a day cuz we got nothing better to do than diddle your bean. I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with male orgasms, fatass

Haha the turks ruled bosnia for 6 centuries, until 1900. How do you think they did that? Correspondence?

Lmao, yes, literally, w viceregents like every empire ever

Haha they were pirates with swords


Helena73 ago

You mean those entirely Christian areas, silly bitch?

They’re mostly christian now after fighting and driving out child rapists for 1000 years.

Yeah millions of men with thousands of sex slaves, every Muslim has a harem to fuck ......blah blah

Yeah thats exactly right. Arab populations now have significant admixture from the slave populations they imported. And raped.

Lmao, yes, literally, w viceregents like every empire ever

The whole region has turkish admixture, look it up rapey.

But hey dont believe me. Ask eastern europeans how they feel about muslims, ask nigerians, ask sri lankans, ask french people, ask philipinos, ask burmese, hey maybe its you? Maybe people dont like your rapey ways? Maybe people dont like your child grooming? Your boom-boom? Your camel fucking. Polygamy. Tearing down everyone elses temples and then demanding respect for your shitty little pedophile thieves manual. Stay in your sandbox. Kill each other if you want, youre so good at that.

Atkho ago

The Crusades was a war between two semitic religions. Hmmmm I wonder how that got started..

fritz_maurentod ago

... and Turkey, Egypt, Syria were also mostly Christian.

Italians and Spaniards would be white today if the Muslims hadn't been continuously raping their women.

Helena73 ago

True Romance history lessons not withstanding, I think there was a lot of mixing of mediterranean people prior to the Islamic expansion. Some of those populations are pre-indoeuropean. The Etruscans may have been from the levant. The Minoans were not indoeuropeans.

Nevertheless places like southern Spain and Sicily have something like 5 to 10 % N. African genetics, much of which is likely from the Moorish conquests

Ocelot ago

They're just Jews with less craft and more testosterone.

Helena73 ago

Welp they both love a good deal.

popsikle ago

you found my words for me

BordelonLoop ago

best observation i will hear on the subject.

voatuser1128 ago

The truth is we should never have pussied out of the crusades.

It would also have helped to not sack Constantinople during the 4th crusade. Also crusaders fought among themselves as much as they did Muslims. I also felt that the Crusader states not offering free land to any person who moved there basically ensured that they would never have the manpower to hold the Levant.

BearDolphin1488 ago

The Venetian "merchant" class who hired thristian thugs and then didn't pay them when they got to constantinople. Hmmm

lanre ago

Right. Unless you want to go scorched earth and murder everyone, something like this is a much better solution. Since murdering every man woman and child in a country hasn't been politically feasible for about 1500 years, the better solution is to just push them out like the Jews are pushing out the Palestinians.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Why hasn't it been "politically feasible" for the last 1500 years when it is the natural order of things? Are you telling me that this magical thing called "politics" can somehow defy the Laws of Nature in perpetuity, or is it just possible that people can stop being cucks, faggots, and jewchrists and start acting like men again?

Helena73 ago

Make Scorched Earth Great Again

Fuckle_Chucks ago

It's the only way to be sure.

BrokenVoat ago

An absurd statement. Mongol empire used terror to eliminate opposition, this required calculated cruelty. They utterly destroyed the muslim (and then a few Mongols converted to islam and created Turkey) world and sacked Mecka. In some regions that where conqured by Mongols 90% of all people died.

Grospoliner ago

and sacked Mecka

I'm sorry. What?

generate ago

islam is cancer. You cut it out completely or it destroys you. There is no alternative. These zombies won't stop until they devour the whole world and make them live by their filth laws. And if you think you are far away you are an idiot.

Gigglestick ago

I’m not sure if I agree with this. Chinese Buddhists built this for the Silk Road, and I’m not positive it was Arabian knights who were Buddhist... if you can prove me wrong, with factual sources, do it.

random128dsf321 ago

they used to be Europeans before migration and the mixing of non Europeans. Then shit went down hill.

mralexson ago

Buddhism arrived in Afghanistan in 305 BC when the Greek Seleucid Empire made an alliance with the Indian Maurya Empire

Gigglestick ago

Well I’ll be darned. When were those statues built?

CrowUp ago

Iran, Turkey and Lebannon use to be Christian. Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malaysia use to be Hindu. There's a long list of places Muslims have taken over and ruined.

In fact, no country once it became a majority Muslim population did not instill a Muslim government.

arsefaggot ago

use to be

Negro detected.

CrowUp ago

Afraid to say Nigger?

Nigger detected.

Rating--- ago

I've been to Malaysia. I wouldn't call that place "ruined".

Helena73 ago

There are having increased problems due to fundamentalism.

BordelonLoop ago

i went to colldge with a malaysian dude. i really hated that smarmy fucker. his face. his voice. his tiny little evil body. if that is what malaysia has for inhabitants, i hope the ocean swallows the place.

Thogiker ago

Wignats will meet one person from an ethnicity and assume every single one is the exact same. You're unironically less intelligent and capable of rational thought than the average nigger.

BordelonLoop ago

you like that asian snatch, huh? and you are unironically a POS.

Onionhood ago

Iran/Persia was never a Christian country, but before the Islamic conquests it did have a sizeable Christian minority population, which the Romans supported to increase their influence.

The lands of the following countries used to be majority Christian: Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Albania, Iraq...

deleteme123 ago

Define "Muslim government".

CrowUp ago

A theocratic or non-secular government. Things like blasphemy laws being put in place.

MassTooter ago

The thing to do is elect those that want to expel Muslims (and so on) to the position of Sheriff.

Then you don't have to fight the police when fighting back against the invaders.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Europe capitulated to this invasion a long time ago. Obama's entire presidency was that capitulation. If you want to save Europe, destroy the very existence of Obama from Europe's minds, and then start getting back to relying on strengthening your own individual borders. Destroying the EU is a great idea. They're the ones who started the "diversity agenda" as a means of establishing universal global control over member countries' populations. Obama heard about it and replicated the results in the US.

I wish Europe can be saved, but quoting Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite, "How can the city [Europe] recover from this?" Booker says, "Maybe they shouldn't." You don't need to be saved when you're capable of realizing what really constitutes a danger.

NarrativeControl ago

Fortunately Eastern Europe is not Western Europe. Unfortunately this means a break from a unified Europe (from a cultural standpoint).

I only wish there's not something like another Balkan war unless it's solely for the purpose of driving out/killing Muslims.

Helena73 ago

Why else would there be one? Oh I guess catholics v orthodox? I think those guys can call a truce.

Cunty84 ago

Kalergi plan was way way before Obomber.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Yes. But the transgender agenda flourished under him and before then he was already apologizing on behalf of America whenever we did something that reflected our values. Obama was the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of people when they really started to notice the surprising depth of government obstruction and abuse. The transgender agenda was mostly aimed at white people. All part of the Kalergi Plan progression.

itssomatic ago

Dog Eat Dog

toobaditworks ago

Obama eat dog.

itssomatic ago

Yum yum yum, the madrassa lunch special.

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c0ck ago

Someone instigated and funded the explosion and of course those mudslime idiots went through with it.


Closer look: Ancient tech coverup


That's infuriating.

Guy_Justsome ago

And yet, in Buddhist cosmology, that's nothing.

Neongreen ago

Let's all thank Charlie Wilson for this.