boekanier ago

Alright, let's now kick the muslims out of the country and everything will be nice again.

rektumsempra ago

check out /v/whitebeauty btw

Roosterus_Rex ago

they look about 14. OP is a pedo faggot

CameraCode0 ago

There is nothing in this post that implies they should be sexualized. It's in the pics subverse. Picture of young White children get posted here too, are the people who post those pedos? Are you a pedo of you ever take a picture of your child?

joshhhhhhhhhh ago

came here to say this. They;'re not even 14. Weird.

Pwning4Ever ago

In traditional American bodies

LiamOdinThomas ago

Gjor Amerika Sterkt Igjen!!!




moosethenoose ago

Pure and wholesome. Teach them how to hunt, fish, prepare and provide.

Glad I don't have the Jew mindset to want to fuck them.

olltre ago

spoiler alert...Norwegians are the jews of the north

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I knew scandinavians were mongoliod freaks and people call them white lmao

Infearmal ago

Oh look. A long nose trying to split apart white communities. How surprising!

CameraCode0 ago

It's so easy to tell which users are subversive agents because they can't help but to insult and try to divide Whites any time there is a wholesome picture of White people. To me it seems that they get triggered by the simple sight of a White person and can't help but to sperg out

LiamOdinThomas ago

This mongaloid freak can kick your you have to feel lower than a mongaloid ya lil bitch.

Masaze ago

Only if you like piggies

olltre ago


jimibulgin ago

Dude, wtf? the one on the left is going to be a knockout in a few years.

Masaze ago

Not if they're sisters, they'll likely both be pigs

Camulos ago

Now now, some kids just have excess baby fat that burns off after puberty.

klobos ago

They look a bit plump.

olltre ago

the one on the right does, not really the one on the left tho... dont be such a fag

ichlibejuice ago

so you prefer the adolescent

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Schlomo posting pictures of under-18 children

Camulos ago

Fuck off moron. There is nothing unseemly about this photo and is in fact, beautiful.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Fuck you, you "dress admiring" faggot

Camulos ago

No, fuck you, you closet pedo. When your mind goes straight to anything immoral when looking at that photo suggests you got problems yourself.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Fuck u faggot pedo

Since when does voat like girls and dresses?

Camulos ago

Since shapeshifting kikes like you came to give it a bad name.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

stfu kike

Rawrination ago

The picture is labeled Girls. Not sexy women. The dresses are beautiful works of art hanging on a wall or person either way.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Why the fuck is this pedo shit on voat. No it's not normal for men to "admire dresses of children". Fuckin faggots

fritz_maurentod ago

I take the one on the left and you the one on the right, deal?

philmchawk ago

pedos get the rope faggot.

invisiblephrend ago

if this photo gives you sexual thoughts, that's on you, pedo.

Niggardly_Jew ago

How old are the subjects of this photo? They kook like they could be capable of bearing children to me.

philmchawk ago

I mean technically they could but i doubt they are over 14.

tokui ago

They're over 20.

Niggardly_Jew ago

So white reproduction is pedophilia, got it. Thanks rabbi.

MurkSquatch ago

You are a disgusting, pederast cretin. I will enjoy watching you swing from a lamp post.

Niggardly_Jew ago

White reproduction will be punishable by death, got it. Thanks rabbi.

MurkSquatch ago

Pederasty will be punishable by death. Go hang out on Amos Yee's board, nigger.

uvulectomy ago

I've noticed an increase of this kind of tactic lately. Pedophiles trying to claim that not being a pedophile is due to "jew mind control" or some shit, and labeling pedo-haters as kikes/shills.

They're desperately trying to normalize fucking underage kids. So desperate they're pushing the "only brainwashed kike sheep hate pedos" angle.

MurkSquatch ago

Yeah, it's gross and I'm pretty tired of this guy. It's not my first encounter with him.

Niggardly_Jew ago

So you're implying that the subject of the photos are male?

MurkSquatch ago

Why don't you Google the definition of pederasty real quick.

Niggardly_Jew ago

sexual relations between two males, especially when one of them is a minor.

MurkSquatch ago

It's commonly used in reference to any sexual activity between an adult and a child of either gender that is between 12 and 15.

Niggardly_Jew ago

It's commonly used wrongly.

Iornukrum ago

Too many Ikea cookies, not enough rotten fish.

GapingAnus ago

Ikea and surströmming is more of a Swedish thing. The Norwegian thing is dried fish and drilling for oil.