SlightMassacre ago

I'm enjoying how much he clearly wants to punch that German fags face in.

ExpertShitposter ago

fat jew detected

Orjuan_SC ago


imthefox ago

amazing pic. know who took it?

ExpertShitposter ago

no sorry.

1John_Doe ago

I don't get it with the Nazi love. If they were so smart, why did they follow a sick fuck like Hitler and allow him to lead them into a historically losing proposition war on Russia, while also fighting the Americans and the British Empire. Stupid fuck got them into that battle, and stupid fucks allowed themselves to be dictated to by a corporal with one nut. You dumbphucks who admire them are well, just dumbphucks. Shoulda followed Patton's advice and chased those commie bastards out of Berlin, Germany, and all of eastern Europe.

ExpertShitposter ago

Go back to bed boomer.

boekanier ago

Are all the british soldiers that fat?

Wiglaf ago

I have to wonder how someone got so fat under rationing. This must have been very early in the war or this was the guy they left guarding the food stores for too long.

CrudOMatic ago

LOL - the difference between the two societies in one picture. Britcuck being fat & slovenly in his ugly shit-brown uniform, and the German being svelte and hardbodied with excellent posture in his immaculate Hugo Boss uniform.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I see two boats in that picture.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Wheres his other glove?

ExpertShitposter ago

lost in a glove slapping incident

Inconceivable2 ago

Well deserved pride and self confidence. (((They))) couldn't let that spread throughout Europe.

Jabilukka ago

Who ate all the bratwurst ?

SayTan ago

He would likely not have survived american captivity. He would have been intentionally starved to death. Read OTHER LOSSES by J Bacque.

Joe10jo ago

One word: stoic

Benji1369 ago

Why doesn't he have the armband with the swastika?

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't think they wore that on combat duty. Also, they might have ripped it off his arm.

KEVDOG77 ago

Great comments, learning so may great phrases, cant wait to go try them on my truck PA system in traffic today!

saimne ago

A prisoner. Yet he looks as though he owns the whole fucking place based on his posture and expression alone.

lexsird ago

From a military view point, the fat tub of lard didn't salute. This is an officer. It's your superior, you fat dumpy miserable poor excuse of a soldier, you need to extend basic military courtesy and salute.

One might say that when you forgo the small disciplines of the military you are going to forgo the large ones as well. Attention to detail is a must. Something angry tubboi has never learned ever. Or was told and just ignored it.

Look at the fat slob. A blob of lard in that uniform. It's wrinkled. Sloppily worn.

Now look at the chad. He's been captive and he's still looking boss; . Is that a shine on those boots? lol I'd say it is! It goes with that crisp uniform. We're still discussing being in captivity and afforded the barest of necessities, yet still capable of showing one's self properly.

He's going to bang more English pussy while in captivity than lardo boi will ever. You can bet on it.

mohammed_was_a_fag ago

I'll never understand how fats survive in the military. I thought they were more strict back then, but maybe that's why England fell so quickly. If only the japs hadn't bombed pearl harbor......

Gargilius ago

Wounded and defeated, he still looks better than his captor.. note that picking the right designer for your uniform helps a bit - but you still have to work on fitness and posture and demeanor and self confidence to reach that level of cool.

Phantom42 ago

That, and pilots were still the rockstars of their day. All those German kids grew up hearing about the Red Baron, and they wanted a piece of that action.

Well, Germany was happy to oblige, in a manner of speaking. They didn't want the war, but they did want to be ready for one.

LazyJello9 ago

lol none of you are even germans lol. gross.

Octoclops ago

We aren't fat British cucks either.

LazyJello9 ago

I know Mutt. You don't even know what you are hahaha

Octoclops ago

Does calling me a mutt make you feel better about being a lapdog?

LazyJello9 ago

whats that mutt? take the nigger cock out of your mouth when you talk you pathetic mutt.

i think i hear israel calling, better go breed with some africans you muttmerican.

ExpertShitposter ago

fatty detected :)

LazyJello9 ago

I could stand to lose a couple of kilos I guess.

ketoll ago

Don't worry, your so-called "legacy" is survived through project paperclip.

Chap ago

I double checked the picture, but the isle it is taken on is the isle of Grand Britannia. If you’d only gone 50 miles to the south, to the isle of Alderney in between England and France, you’d have found a very different situation. The Nazis called Alderney the island fortress. They killed more Jew on that one island alone than they did in all the concentration camps put together. Many don’t know what really happened, but neither should they.

After the war, the Nazis stayed on the island, until the allies eventually took the island back. The island is known by many names, many will know it from the story of the headless horseman, who fought the French to they’re deaths for it to remain English, allegedly even after his death. That is the island I’m referring too. The island is a huge floating blue granite pyramid. It is 14 times radioactive than Chernobyl. It is where all Albion life forms on earth come from. If you ever meet an Albion of any species, it’s ancestry can be traced to Alderney.

The Beach's are golden sands now, but before the war they where barren rocks. I shouldn’t really have to tell you what made those sands upon them that the tourists come to every year to sunbath in should I?

After the war, the Nazis stayed on the island, keeping it running, the allies showed up several years after the armistic had been declared, and when they finaially landed on Alderney, they called the place the island of feral children, as that was all that was left. The Nazis had killed all the grown ups, and only spared the young. Sort of like that film, children of the corn. But that’s the truth of it.

I’ve tended to british graves and Nazi graves, and treat them like all others, with respect. Speak no ill of the dead, how ever they where portrayed. It’s not wise too.

If you consider that if these and all other things you deem bad or good had to happen for you to be even born, then try to speak I’ll of the dead, and be slightly thankful it all did kick of previously, otherwise you wouldn’t have even been born.

Octoclops ago

That all sounds made up.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

faggot admits frequently to being arrested for rape and being detained in a secure mental facility - and it fucks niggers too. Complete nut job.

Chap ago

You don’t even sound drunk.

ExpertShitposter ago


goatboy ago

It’s OK Corporal. You can take the live preserver off while on shore...

Phantom42 ago

I hope... Or in the Arctic, or fucking Argentina.

Wherever they are, if they are there which is doubtful, we really need them.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I doubt it Antarctica is 100% zog controlled

slaver469 ago

Damn, the Germans dressed well.

Phantom42 ago

They were pioneers of camouflage as well. If you look at what a lot of militaries use today, it was inspired by the Reich. Militaries before would typically wear a solid color (grey, green, tan, etc.). The Reich had the bright idea of mass producing a uniform that would blend with the environment everywhere and be more "disruptive" to the eye than a normal solid color.

That, and the idea behind a fully automatic weapon carried by a single soldier that shoots a rifle cartridge, and you have the foundations of the modern soldier. Hell, even night vision was pioneered by the Germans, as well as jets and armor.

They were just outnumbered...

mingecake ago

What is the automatic weapon that you're referring to? I ask because I always thought that the M1 Garand was a decisive factor in terms of WW2 infantry combat.

Phantom42 ago


The M1 really wasn't all that decisive. The Japanese and Germans had their equivalent, Germans with the Gewehr 43. Don't remember the name of the Jap weapon. Let's just call it "Sushisucka Wantwothwee".

The STG is the grandpa of that AR you have in your room. It also inspired the AK-47, though the mechanisms were different when you get into parts and whatnot.

Really, the Germans were the ones innovating and revolutionizing warfare. Everyone else was generally playing catch-up. Generally.


Luftwaffe from the look of it.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Oh look, another thread full of ignorant edgy hitler-worshiping fucktards.

HorseIsDead ago

You mean website?

ExpertShitposter ago

Sometimes...its OK to be non white.

watts2db ago

"SUCK IN THAT GUT SOLDIER!!!!". - said in german accent

Phantom42 ago


Aggressive enough for you?

lord_nougat ago

Like a boss!

A Boss named Hugo!

antiliberalsociety ago

I just had to help my boy on a homework assignment, he was doing a presentation on Pearl Harbor. Dad may or may not have slipped in some truths about sanctioning Japan's oil causing them to invade the Phillipines for their oil to endure the war with communist China, and not one of our carriers were in the vicinity of Pearl even though it was peace time conveniently enough...

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Dang... That's a crazy picture. I love it. Fuck the UK cucks.

Wiserman ago

So much is about losing fat. Like one of those actors that only gets the movie role if fat is a certain amount. The point at which they stop calling a kid fat at school. The point at which a sumo wrestler is fat enough. When a soldier is too fat. So much is about appearances in this world. Fat is a uniform of fat under the real uniform.

Alhambra ago

the eternal britbong

Phantom42 ago

More like britBOING, which is what he does when he sits his lazy ass down.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

The British probably deliberately put the fat Sgt on the exit ramp to trigger the German officer who had witnessed his entire country suffer years of starvation.

antiliberalsociety ago

I think you know too much, goyim!

TXRepublicMovement ago

My grandfather admired how the German POWs were disciplined and kept themselves and their area clean. They would actually salute American officers.

midnightblue1335 ago

They would actually salute American officers.

Huh, this is normal protocol if a war were to break out today, let's say between France and the USA. If I was captured, yes, I would treat French officers with the same respect and decorum that I treated my own officers with.

It's about professionalism. We're all soldiers. Ultimately, soldiers have a warrior code to follow, and part of that is "respecting your officers and the officers of other armies, even the enemy." You don't have to respect them while actively fighting/killing each other- but we're not savages. There is no need to be cruel to each other in between battles.

GlassSmith ago

Then I suggest you read up on how German POW's were treated by the Allies, Germans weren't just not shown proper respect they were outright tortured just for the fun of it.

You want a prime example, look up "Rudolf Hess" who tried to deliver a potential peace treaty to the UK in 1941 (never fired a shoot at anyone) and was drugged, had his balls crushed with hammers, holes drilled in to him, etc; coincidentally the original document that served as proof of the 6 million figure was created from Hess's testimony while he was being tortured which was on top of the fact that he was in a UK prison from 1941 till after the war ended and had no knowledge of outside events.

Zoldam ago

Depends on the army that captured them. For example look at the contrast between Patton and Eisenhower, I would place excellent money the professionalism of their armies matched it. The Soviets were horrific, even the official narrative admits this. There was an interesting story from a German woman though, she had said when the Red Army conquered her town, the first wave (made up of Russians) warned the citizens about the next wave (made up of Siberian Mongols), which came and pillaged and raped the place.

LoginOrRegister ago

Rudolf Hess was the man who parachuted in Britain alone to do peace talks and got imprisoned ?

Source that he was tortured, drugged and "had his balls crushed with hammers" and "holes drilled in to him" ? And source that the 6 million figure comes from is testimony ?

WilliamCutting ago

I dont have it onhand, but their is a picture comparing his normal signature to the one on his sworn testimony about the holocaust. The latter looks like he could barely hold the pen.

Phantom42 ago

I mean it when I say it:

Fuck the Allies. I hope the SS was as vicious as they say. It was well-earned.

Phantom42 ago

An honorable army with respect among men that captured them... Their captors they called brothers.

Often not reciprocated.

Proveitorloseit ago

Though you're a Christian fuckboy, I will still call you brother in the war.

It matters not the gods we call out to, so long as they help us retain our strength.

Phantom42 ago

Though I'm obligated to remind you there's a difference between Kikeians and Christians, I say the same, brother.

We can sort out the Christianity vs. Kikeianity vs. PaganLARP (:P) vs. Pastafarianism stuff later.

WilliamCutting ago

Its LARPagan my Christcuck brother. Although anybody that unironically calls themselves a Pastafarian goes into the bog. Right along with anybody that claims to be a 'Wiccan'.

Ill let you guys sort of the Christian Identity fags(Goys larping as the real jews).

varialus ago

Hebrews, not Jews.

GlassSmith ago

Often not reciprocated.

you misspelled never.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

It's pretty sick how many civilians we killed in the Dresden bombings and all the POWs and civilians we killed after the war.

wig ago

we killed?


It was 98% a british action. Every bomb dropped was tallied , every flight, every bullet spent. Its all in the archives.

BRITAIN bombed dresden by far.

After the war, US and every nation murdered 2 million germen men, using death camp open fields and no food, but other nations used bullets.

But dresden civilian casualties was a British thing mainly.

lexsird ago

I just want to punch the fat fuck in his face.

Angry fats are so punchable.

Saulspergmin ago

He acts like he's better than you. Because he is.

Tistime ago

Gotta love Hugo Boss, certainly knew how to craft a uniform.

Einsatzkommando ago

"Fetter Junge"

DayOfThePillow ago

Haha, disgraceful!

TheSeer ago

America and Britain helped the USSR and Communist China, in World War II. Don't ever forget that. China was occupied by Imperial Japan, specifically in the north, in Manchukuo.

Then, after the war, the West was in a 50 year 'Cold War' with the very creature they birthed. Any one care to explain that to me? It wasn't that America fought on the wrong side, it is that other NATIONS were never our enemy. They are our brothers. The problems are inside our borders... Who is worse, a traitor or an enemy?

Zoldam ago

Japan killed both the communists and nationalists in China I thought, hence the ceasefire between them. Or did you mean when the civil war resumed after WW2?

TheSeer ago

If Japan hadn't been defeated (by America AND the Soviet invasion of Manchuria) there is no way that the ChiComs would have come to power. Either the Nationalists or Japan (or both) would have kept them in check, and wiped them out. Now, maybe you are saying "But there was no way America could invade Manchuria, to keep out the Soviets" (basically what happened in the Korean War, except that they were already entrenched by then)

You're right, but if America hadn't helped defeat the Germans, it would have been necessary to invade Manchuria, to keep out the Soviets and prevent the ChiComs coming to power! Germany would have overthrown the Soviet government long before.

SayTan ago

Germany declared war on the us, when they did not have to, and japan was less than useful to them. German nationalism was about german nationalism and nothing else. Had a fucking marriage of convenience with stalin, for fuck's sake. Germany respected America, but never even tried to be an ally. This is where internet white nationalists continually fuckup their histories. It is ludicrous ahistorical bullshit.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You must all realize that 90% of all of us have coincidental interests and are indeed brothers, right?! Shit it's probably more than that. ((((((they)))))) are so few and doomed. If they would only let go of their petty greed, they might too be saved. BUT THEY WON'T. They're essentially well positioned, psychopathic retards.

antiliberalsociety ago

I went to war to fight for Poland. Well who's got Poland now? I seriously want to defeat communism at every front, but if we're so damned anxious about fighting communism, why don't we do it 90 miles off of Florida; why do we go TEN THOUSAND miles away to Vietnam to fight a war we don't win? I can't understand that! There was one Naval Officer who had the guts to say "If we're going to fight over there we oughtta WIN!" And he was put before a Navy Medical board to see if he's insane. They WON'T let ya fight 'em! They're lying to us, they're lying to YOU!

Some of you young men here in this audience may find yourselves over there, drafted. In Vietnam they have these Viet Cong terrorists that like to dig tunnels. They will give you a pistol and a flashlight and send you young boys down there while they wait for you with THEIR pistols in the dark. You wanna know how to flush those rats out? TEAR GAS! You don't have to risk American lives, you can just put the tear gas in! Do you know why they won't let you use tear gas? Because "World opinion is against it" tear gas instead, is reserved in this country for the girls at the University of Mississippi! They WON'T LET YA FIGHT THEM! American boys are dying over there and IT'S TREASON! It oughtta be STOPPED and not tolerated another minute!


Phantom42 ago

Isn't it funny?

Rockwell went to war to fight for Poland, occupied by the Reich, then became a man of the Reich himself?

Interesting story of an interesting man.

Adrianmc ago

You're right brother. I'm British, spent a lifetime joking about the Germans. That moment comes when you think 'shit, I think I've been wrong my whole life'.

Never forget the vindictiveness of the eternal Jew. They play the long game.

spaceman84 ago

The "Do It Again Bomber Harris" Brits are particularly disgusting. But we have "Lincoln Did Nothing Wrong" fags here.

TheSeer ago

Divide and conquer. They've split us up. Told us "what does white even mean?"

And that God isn't real. Plus, wars are fought over God, so better to just move on. Did I mention you have no culture, history, heritage, tradition or values, worth preserving? That's right, all that classical music, all those paintings, we are going to replace it all, we are going to make PROGRESS. Rap music and modern art, baby!

Chasmaniac ago

Thinking "We're losing to this?".

spaceman84 ago

Americans were on average 3-4“ taller than most Europeans during WWII, mostly due to the fact that Americans were better fed.

wig ago

People are downvoting your fact even though from 1915 to 1950 the tallest nation on earth was USA in all data tables and all science papers, not Denmark, and not Netherlands... but USA... and in this chart in this science paper :

SEE!!! 1915 to 1950 , Americans were on average 3-4“ taller than most Europeans during WWII, mostly due to the fact that Americans were better fed. just like the graph shows.

Why are short europeans downvoating SCIENCE FACTS? Short Jews?

Look at the chart yourself :

For shame, -5 downvotes on a valid factual informative post by @spaceman84

spaceman84 ago

It's not just the spics and Asians. White Americans are consuming a lot of artificial crap and cheap carbs.

rektumsempra ago

holy crap Dutch are 6 feet? Do you know what white Americans are now?

wig ago

Americans are in the chart... miserably short if you add together all USA races.

rektumsempra ago

Ok I just asked because the chart shows that white Americans used to be the tallest, so it seemed somewhat reasonable that they would still be. The problem is that a lot of Americans are mixed European, but they were taller than all other Europeans. This makes it seem white height has little to do with European country of origin and a lot to do with nutrition.

It's ok I'm not getting any taller or shorter based on the real graph lol

Proveitorloseit ago

America FTW.

We are the prised land, the glory of gods, the intended empire of man.

Now if only we could get rid of the lizard people trying to usurp our dominance

CrudOMatic ago

I would rather have actual lizard people than jews.

Proveitorloseit ago

Jews are actual lizard people.

CrudOMatic ago

That is an insult to actual lizard people. They're Beady-eye Khazarian Oven Rats, of the genus Shekelus Muridae

Proveitorloseit ago

They aren't khazarians ffs. That theory is false

Ocelot ago

Fighting four nations at once will do that to you.

Tistime ago

Which kinda spells out the crass stupidity of it all. In fairness, he did have his own allies, but the Italians were worse than useless. Biggest mistake was Russia IMHO, it's fucking huge. You can't overrun a county of that size with an expendable population in a short period of time. Made an honourable stab it sure, but was always going to lose that one. Operation Barbarossa was a huge mistake.

phillyjoe ago

they expected the same kind of resistance Russia put up in WW1. They really underestimated just how motivated the CCCP was going to be. They were utterly fucked, between the commies being a newish revolution and great motivator, along with the manufacturing base of the USA behind them I doubt even nuclear weapons would have stopped the reds.

SayTan ago

Patton could have taken moscow in under 2 weeks. They used scavenging the land on the way to berlin, leaving scorched earth, their air force sucked, and they sucked at combined arms. Millions of starving cannon fodder infantry would have been less than useless.

GlassSmith ago

The Germans didn't have choice, even during the war it was no secret that the Soviets were massing troops at their border to launch a campaign in most of Europe once everyone else was tired from the fighting. The Germans knew that if they didn't at least try to take Moscow that even if they had won the war in central and western Europe it would have been for nothing since the soviets would have just strolled in and taken everything without a fight.

Operation Barbarossa wasn't a mistake, it was a desperate attempt at pre-empting a massive threat.

Phantom42 ago

One could argue they succeeded, in a way.

Pre-war, France was leaning communist, Spain was in a civil war between Nationalists and Communists, the Eastern states bordering Germany/near it were under threat of Soviet occupation...

Germany's rise helped stop all of that.

Post-war, rather than the communists taking all Europe, and perhaps a few willing states had Germany not awakened, the communists only got Eastern Germany and back, territorially speaking.

Pyrrhic Victory.

We will rise to finish what they started. Our cause is just, our people good. God with us.

Garbalon ago

Agreed. By preventing Stalin from grabbing ALL of Europe, Hitler may have committed the greatest act of VIRTUE of all time!

So HE'S in some very nice Valhalla right now!

1776Jimbo ago

Lends credence to thinking...before you act.

lord_nougat ago

Especially when Russia and USA are two of them.

We never should have participated in that war at all. Hell, Patton was obviously right, if we were to have participated, we should have just swooped in and taken Moscow!

Proveitorloseit ago

Churchill's false flag certainly helped a lot. The old Brit cunt should have his name damaged worse than Hitler's in the New Future.

waterniggas ago

the best way to do that is to dig into his personal history and spread any degenerate shit he did far and wide

ravensedgesom ago

I don't support national socialism as we our a republic with an emphasis on individual liberty but I agree with Patton that we should have swooped into Moscow and seized it, but FDR and his jewish cabinet wanted to save international communism instead. Then it would have been the good war for all as the Russian could then be freed from the horrors and brutality of communism.

Phantom42 ago

"we our a republic"

*are, and no. We are not.

emphasis on individual liberty ... For the white of good moral character.

ravensedgesom ago

sorry I forgot we are a jewmocracy my bad.

Zoldam ago

Corporate Oligarchy

Politicians can only achieve, and remain in, power through the aid of corporate lobbying, this makes them subservient to the corporations, which means laws will be created in favor of a select few corporations and to the detriment of everyone else. The owners of the massive corporations are who really hold the power in the US.

Jews own the majority of corporations, so it shouldn't be a surprise they are running the show.

ravensedgesom ago

yes exactly and "laws" passed through congress are nothing but corporate policy dictates.

waterniggas ago



lol, it's okay, you'll grow up eventually

Ocelot ago

And Russia was powered by US money, vehicles, resources and supplies.

We should've just done nothing. Russia couldn't do shit without our financing except for probably turtling the whole war, and Germany would've plowed France and forced Britain into a truce which would have been a fair enough fallout from the Treaty of Versailles. We'd still have been swamped with Jews, but they'd never have gained their most powerful tool in the establishment of Holocaustianity, and surely would have been much more likely to meet their demise in the coming years.

Zoldam ago

Kikes were not very well liked by the general US populace at the time, with a lack of the holocaust shield and witnessing the success Germany had, the US probably would of addressed the JQ themselves I would assume.

Ocelot ago

Yeah I believe this as well.

Phantom42 ago

It's funny, if Germany would've taken France, they would've been better off.

lord_nougat ago


Well, the japs did hit us first; they would have gotten hit back one way or another.

Octoclops ago

They attacked a military base. The Allied response was using nukes on their civilians. It's not comparable at all.

Ocelot ago

We cut off oil to them forcing their hand, and did nothing to stop the attack even though we picked it up on radar ~30 minutes beforehand.

It was all according to plan.

slwsnowman40 ago

They were allowed to hit us first.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

"We're losing to this?"

Theyve lost to this simply because theyve been hopelessly outnumbered by this. It is the classical pareto distribution, the clash between the "vital few" vs the "trivial many". And even if the vital few outclass, outsmart, outcompete the trivial many in every single aspect of human existence, they simply cant take on all of them at the same time.

chirogonemd ago

Good summary.

peacegnome ago

They also tried to fight within the constraints of being decent people, the allies were (((dirty fighters)))

Smallest_Skil ago

this right here.

jackofdiamonds ago

lol, you're suggesting the Nazis were known for their humane prison camps?


A LOT nicer than I will be.

peacegnome ago

if you are hoping that someone will delete responses to this message to control the narrative then you are on the wrong site.

if you would like to learn more so that you can do your own research you could watch "greatest story never told" and "hellstorm'. You don't have to take what they tell you as the truth, but use it as a jumping off point for your own research, and you will notice that the (((official story))) is full of holes and has nothing to collaborate it. for example piles of hair and clothes would make sense when there is a typhoid problem and prison uniforms. zyclon b would make sense to have around when there is a disease problem, and would be one of the dumbest ways to kill large amounts of people. etc.

This is all outside of the overton window, so i won't be surprised if you simply say "i can't believe you would even entertain the holocaust not happening", the reason you feel that way is that you have been emotionally manipulated your entire life, not because of anything based in the real world.

BushChuck ago

Yes. Exactly that.

Auschwitz had; tennis courts, olympic pool, billiards, library, and a gods-damn motherfucking brothel, you ignorant fuck stick.

jackofdiamonds ago

Fuck their tennis courts. They were the only army in the world putting ten year old girls in their "enemy prisoner" camps. It's not even the same conversation once you introduce unarmed civilians who just wanted to leave the country.

BushChuck ago

It's a lot nicer than what we are going to do to your kind.

jackofdiamonds ago

Bring it, fag. I'm really worried that you few thousand losers jerking off in your parents' basements are going to bring the revolution to the 300,000,000 normies in this country.

Fucking fag.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

you're glowing nigger.

jackofdiamonds ago

What can I say? I feel great after fucking your sister.

peacegnome ago

the funniest thing with the new release is that they are pushing the brothel thing as "forced prostitution" even though the girls were paid, and i don't think there was anything saying that it was forced, just that there were these girls, and the guards were their pimps. If that is their evidence of "death camps" then the debate is pretty much over.

BushChuck ago

Anyone who believes in the holohoax can't grok basic mathematics.

BlueDrache ago

Hello, stranger in a strange land.

midnightblue1335 ago

Yes. Well, I can't speak for u/peacegnome, but I will say it- "The Nazis prison camps were fantastic, up until a certain point where certain supply lines were bombed or otherwise cut."

A prison camp that has a swimming pool, theater, the ability to sign out and fucking leave the "prison" for a period of time, holding contests raising rabbits, being able to form a band, having dentists/doctors- these sound like pretty sweet prison features.

After those shithead Allies blew up supply lines, typhoid fever broke out due to lack of food/medical resupply, and then those camps turned to shit.

How have you been on Voat for 4 YEARS and you're unaware of this?

Inconceivable2 ago

4 years of shilling for shekels perhaps?

jackofdiamonds ago

I don't fucking care what "amenities" they had. Other armies kept actual enemy combatants in their prison camps. You automatically lose all credit for your fucking swimming pools once you start rounding up unarmed civilians who were attempting to just get the fuck out of your country and far away from you. Absolutely everything that happened to those people down the line was on the Nazis, damaged supply lines and all.

midnightblue1335 ago

rounding up unarmed civilians who were attempting to just get the fuck out of your country and far away from you.

You just described the goal of the Final Solution. Go ahead and read the document. It isn't about killing all the people they were rounding up. It was about getting them the fuck out of Germany and/or Europe.

Also, jews were enemy combatants. They were fighting against Germany since the end of WW1- not with guns and tanks and bombs, but with typical kike bullshit. This created the Weimar Republic. So yeah, rounding up those responsible and their kin and getting them the hell out of the country seemed like a reasonable response.

jackofdiamonds ago

Children, dude.

midnightblue1335 ago

What about them? You mean the enemy's children? They go with their parents. Must be segregated from adults in the camps, because these are kikes we're dealing with- the Nazis knew what heebs are about. They would absolutely know that "these rats have a proclivity for fucking and otherwise abusing children".

The Nazis did the little kike children a favor by separating them from the adults.

Here's a problem with White people's boundless empathy and compassion- we wouldn't be willing to exterminate our sworn enemies' children, because they're children. We play by rules. We cling to principles. Meanwhile, our enemy is poisoning our children's mind and body every day while we passively allow it. Not destroying or removing your sworn enemy's children is simply planting the seeds for future vengeance to be taken upon you.

BaldMiscreant ago

So all those japs in camps in the US were "enemy combatants?"

jackofdiamonds ago

No. And that was one of the darkest moments in American history. But hey, at least we didn't fucking gas them to death in the showers.

BaldMiscreant ago

I like the part where you're proven wrong and you just keep barreling on ahead...

jackofdiamonds ago

Other things were bad, so Japanese internment camps weren't? Are you fucking retarded?

BaldMiscreant ago

My point is, it wasn't dark at all, and nazi concentration camps only turned dark when the soviets stopped supplying food. It was "wait over there while we sort out your cousin."

Aside from giving us George Takei, the Japanese internment program hurt no one.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

hahahahahaha 4 years here and you still stand by the idea they were "gassed" in showers. They were deloused to kill the parasites on them. Not gassed you fucking kike.

jackofdiamonds ago

What's it like having no friends?

burnthegoyimhaters ago

What's it like being a complete idiot. I wouldn't know. Do tell.

1776Jimbo ago

MANY...are the excuses that flow, when one get’s their ass kicked. this you?

Proveitorloseit ago

You fucking boomers can't die fast enough.

1776Jimbo ago

😂 Waaaaah. If you are our progeny....we’ll go now, while the gettin’s good.

Inaminit ago

LOL! Good 1.

jerry ago

You have a strange way of romanticizing an authoritarian government that would likely have had you in internment as well

based_stick_man ago

username checks out

midnightblue1335 ago

Haha, the Third Reich would have had me in a spiffy uniform, fighting- not in internment. I'm not a kike, not a fag, not retarded, not a nigger- I'm not German but we'll say I'm very, very White. The Nazis would have absolutely nothing against me, so long as I didn't start talking a load of shit about the party.

Proveitorloseit ago

Men like you and I would have enjoyed the SS. They favored Men who knew their roots, the old gods smile on us, brother.

Majorfatboy ago

Just when I think naziboos can't get any gayer, this gets posted. Well done.

Proveitorloseit ago

How about you share your address with me and we can test who is the bitch and who is the man with the whip?

I'll even bring my own whip, boyo


I love retards like you. Because you always try to come up with some stupid shit where nazis kill everyone.

Majorfatboy ago

I love retards like you. Because you always try to come up with some stupid shit where nazis kill everyone.

...Only, He didn't post anything about nazis killing anyone, You did. He only wrote "internment".

Funny how that works.

Thogiker ago

Why do retards think that the Nazis killed half of their population for no apparent reasons. We would be in the military, if anything.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Why do retards think that

They dont. They intentionally lie. Dont fall for it.

lord_nougat ago

God damned commie ants!

GreyGears ago

The chad human vs the soulless good goyim.

Proveitorloseit ago

Goyim is to non Jews as nigger is to blacks

Constantly self referring as "goy" is a travesty. You think the Nazis sat around mimicking Jews all day?

It's gross.

NosebergShekelman ago

Yeah, it is a travesty when goys larp as us fellow jews.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Not at all, a white saying 'Goyim' freaks Jews out because it's basically the same as saying 'I know what you think about me'.

3dk ago

It can be satirical and adds shock value, but when overdone it gets tiresome and loses it's edge. Voat definitely goes overboard, but that's to make up for the censorship elsewhere. It's also a good way to redpill normies. When they see us say 'goy', they think "I want to get the joke. What's a goy?", look it up and find out "Holy shit, the Jews have been calling us niggers for centuries... wtf".

Proveitorloseit ago

I prefer gentile. Niggers call each other niggers.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Found the jew.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

I prefer gentile.

Which is what Jews want you to say. They dont want goyim to find out about what the Talmud says about goyim.

Proveitorloseit ago

I don't refer to fellow gentiles as goyim because I am not a Jew, and goyim is derogatory. It's the principal.

Napierdalator ago

fellow gentiles

You're a literal fucking meme shlomo.

Proveitorloseit ago

refers to others as goy, gets angry with the word gentile


I'm the Jew huh?

SoyGoyBoy ago

Yes it’s used satirically to red pill normies. It’s not the same as niggers calling each other niggas.

McFluffy ago

you miss the point then.

calling people gentiles just means you are calling other people non-jews, something normies dont really see as an issue.

when you call people goys they look up what a goy is, which is a cattle. a religion calling anyone else not a part of the religion a cow is offensive as that is what they think of us. no one will get offended if a goy calls another goy a goy, but it makes the curious hate the jews.

also its a fucking word if you hurt someone's feelings with words then their feelings get hurt all the time and there is nothing you can really do about it.

ex-redd ago

Ha, so noble--he looks like he's running the show

I also dig the single Michael Jackson glove

jerry ago

Noble lol he wouldn’t have thought twice about opening up your prison pocket with his Michael Jackson glove

baneofretail ago

I think his arm is in a cast. The color artist just assumed it was a glove.

NumptyDumpty ago

He actually slapped his tubby face with it but he just slurped it up like spaghetti.

Demonsweat2 ago

His expression lol, "you fat fuck".

Youfatfuck ago

I approve.

Demonsweat2 ago

I knew you would show up. Shit, I should have pinged you.

Youfatfuck ago

No problem, I felt a virtual ping and came looking for the source....

3dk ago

"... Untermensch."

Burn_the_witch ago

Fettsack scheiss

BlueDrache ago


HeavyBrain ago

Scheiß Fettsack.

Burn_the_witch ago

Thanks, my German’s a bit rusty.

vtusr2 ago

BlueDrache ago

Please use catbox or some other host. Imgoat's certificate is expired.

1776Jimbo ago

And yet.......HE’S the prisoner. 😏

ExpertShitposter ago

he is visually "yucking"

TesticularCancer ago

Shitlording without words

THEx1138 ago

Fats were relegated to admin duties. You don't want a fat next to you in a foxhole on the front line, that is for sure.

lord_nougat ago

That would be an extra huge foxhole. More like a foxPIT!

HeavyBeefCurtain ago


bullet sponges

mine detectors

general decoys

lord_nougat ago


Much like these creatures!

WrongThunk ago

That right there is what you call the 'vanguard'.

n_word ago


lord_nougat ago

N word!


These niggers are extra ugly. I'd wager they're from Latin America.

lord_nougat ago

There are like two or three normalish looking ones in the group.

slwsnowman40 ago

You have a funny way of saying zero...

lord_nougat ago

Well, I mean "normal" for their species, obviously. Duh!

slwsnowman40 ago

Maybe that's why the male of their species is always "muh dik"?

lord_nougat ago

Trying to understand the motivation of dumb animals always just devolves into anthropomorphism. It is probably all just instinct.

Or perhaps in some of their cases... merely stinkt.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Eh, I wouldn't mind one in front of me.