Wiglaf ago

Another way to get attention and seem like they have something going on inside other than an echo chamber.

Brawndosaurus ago

Just attention whoring

den0fparasites ago

Auto-tune biatch

WrongThunk ago

So, basically, she's saying she's a below average cunt who's willing to fuck for a buck? Cause that whore ain't got shit on my woman, or about 80% of the women in my area. 3/10, more sit-ups required.

New_Posedion ago

She looks great actually. Only women shame women into editing photos. Men usually like the way women really look, as long as they aren’t unhealthily overweight or aren’t taking care of themselves I mean.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Lot of women in this thread.

DintDoNothin ago

Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat Fat fat fat fat fat

FreeeBird ago

Its like a that cute girl who went away to college, promptly put on the freshman 15 and came back to town during summer break still thinking she’s just as attractive. It takes awhile for her to realize why the attention from the top guys is drying up and all she can get are the lower tier dudes and the black guys who will fuck anything. At this point she will either get her act together and lose the weight or blame society, double down and become a cow; further degrading the quality of man she can get. If it gets too low she dyes her hair purple and gets a cat because these are her only remaining chances at obtaining the attention she yearns for that her father never gave.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

She has a nice body. Too bad about the brain.

JonReed ago

You're intellectually disabled for using Instagram

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Sometimes I see what Google offers as "News". This was a big story I guess.

NumptyDumpty ago

Or if you went to the gym and ate well instead of being a lazy attention whore that posts fake half-naked pictures of herself for internet validation points... But society is the problem...

Themooninthesky ago

Example of the post wall effect.

TheKalergiFan ago

Here is what a real woman looks like

Yeah, a really fat one.

edgydude69 ago

All roads lead to attention.

Greasy ago

should have*

kayakbassfisher ago

You probably should HAVE paid attention in elementary school grammar.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Meh, $35 bluetooth scale.

YugeDick ago

She probably should of stayed in school.

washingtonpanther ago

If only she were talented, smart or educated...

0100100-100110 ago

Wait.... this is a model?l.... When did the standards just go to shit? This ho, looks like she was discovered standing in line at cinnabun in the mall.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

She's a singer.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Looks like a dyke.

Buff_Awesome ago

...I too have been to the beach.

lexsird ago

That's what passes for 'attractive' these days as a nobody celebrity? I could go dig up some meth whores that look far better and probably be more sane.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I don't know who bebe rexha is. Don't care really.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Who care?

RM-Goetbbels ago

She's a nobody just like every internet whore who thinks they're somebody.

I'm sure she's some kind of famous but if a normal person going about their day doesn't know who the fuck they are then THEY ARE A NOBODY that thinks they're somebody.

ALIENS2222 ago

Her hair is a fake color.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

dumb thot is begging for attention.

bourbonexpert ago

The shocking arrogance. But she is probably 18. Or 24 . Or whatever. She’s hot as fuck and has been told How wonder she is since she got boobs.

She’s in for a very very sad time when she’s 50z

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

She's 29. I can hear her biological clock ticking from here.

bourbonexpert ago

Id fuck her till my dick fell off.

celestial-skylord ago

Ugh... you "should of" learned to fucking speak.

7e62ce85 ago


Baconmon ago

SHOULD OF?? Great grammar...what a retard

Themooninthesky ago


nothingoriginal ago

She should never have taken this picture. She is disgusting.

TheTrigger ago

I wonder how many pink-haired retarded freaks I've walked past, in random places likes malls, who think they're famous and that people actually care about what they do because of the gazillions of beta orbiters they have on Instagram. Kinda funny to think about; the delusion is real.

tokui ago


BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

If that's your 3, what's your 10?

Seems like we need to calibrate our scales. My 1 would be an old obese jewish vegan burn victim with no legs. My 10 is an 5'1 21-24 year old red head with freckles, green eyes, hour glass body, who can tell a story and sing.

zquad ago

The sad part is the million people who gives a fuck!

bourbonexpert ago

They don’t care. They are either trying to get attention themselves or they are guys jacking off

lexsird ago

Oh look, an ocean to toss the body in.

Decidueye ago

Someone ought to mention the sandy water without any waves is absolutely safe to swim in.

lexsird ago

Ok, I'm an inlander, why is that problematic?

Decidueye ago

Rip currents.

lexsird ago

Hahaha. I should know that one, I didn't learn anything from my experience being caught in one in Hawaii.

Jewed ago

Rip currents or almost always from waves crashing into the beach and the water then has to go back out. Calm water happens all the time depending on the area and season.

Decidueye ago

Rip currents form due to factors like wind, wave activity, shoreline structures, and weather conditions. To naive and/or inexperienced swimmers, they'd appear like safe areas to swim among waves.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

"I had four cocktails on this trip so my body fat went from 9% to 11% and I've got this tiny ponch, but I still need validation from other people for my body because while I'm a celebrity I feel more alone than ever because being famous isn't like admiring someone famous it's like you're a fraud that hasn't been found out so I need to both feign honesty and reach out for connection because if I were truly as vulnerable as my instincts tell me to be I'd be at home with a family but instead I'm a hoe washed up on the beach of life about to hit the wall at full speed but at least I'll have this picture to remind me of how beautiful I looked for one day before I decided it wasn't worth it and pulled the pin of the fat grenade and went full Susan Boyle."

vtusr2 ago

She is a jewess, isn't she?


Civil_Warrior ago

You only feel like a fraud when you are talentless.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

dunning kruger, imposter syndrome, or Socrates knows that he knows nothing.

drakesdoom2 ago

I think you meant 19% to 22%

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I know womens bodies are different, but my stomach hangs over my belt when I have over 9% body fat.

drakesdoom2 ago

Go get a body scan. Your "numbers" are way off.

World class body builders at competition might get down to 4% and only maintain that for a week.

Professional athletes are normally around 8-10%.

Ripped models and actors are 10-15.

Women add 5-10 for those categories.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

4%? Hard to survive on that

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

That makes sense. I have a body composition scale, but it said was 6.1% body fat after my 21 day fast and I know I wasn't shredded like a body builder. My numbers were based on the read out of my Eufy Smart Scale, not a body composition scanner.

drakesdoom2 ago

Are you a skinny little rail with no muscle? Maybe that's bmi?

Brawndosaurus ago

Lol ouch

TheTrigger ago

Fuckin' thot whisperer, over here.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

She probably should have written should have each time she mistakenly wrote should of. Illiterate dumbass.

drakesdoom2 ago

Stupid bitch doesn't realize she is average and that their are plenty that would put her to shame no touch up required.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Where did she claim to be 10/10?

drakesdoom2 ago

She seems to be insinuating no one could look better without photo manipulation, which would imply she is a 10/10.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I didn't read that into it at all.

Jewed ago

Millions upon millions of oriental women.

TheTrigger ago

> real woman

No decent woman, ever, has uddered (sic) this phrase in any context besides mockery. It's like how Kanye West's always calling himself a genius— they think that if they repeat the lie often enough, that it'll become true.