IDintDoNuthin ago

before mass pollution, those were White, an amazing sight it would be

TalkingAboutThings ago

I want to go to the top. Exploring old cool buildings like that is so damn fun. I wish we still made stuff like this.

Deplorablepoetry ago

My guess is all of the lower arches were once windows like the above arches. Likely bricked over to fortify the building. Must have been spectacular when first constructed.

Also noticed the lack of flying buttresses, competent architect is a massive understatement.

Simply spectacular!

Sword-and-Shield ago

I must have an inner architect inside. I know nothing about it, but European architecture just speaks to me, the shape, the complexity, how it all comes together. Pure beauty. If only my eyes weren't burned whenever I saw the cretins in modern clothes pass me by. I see now that authoritarian public decorum needs to be an obligation. Modern clothes is pestilence to the aesthetic soul.

VoatMobile ago

Imagine the clothing and smell of the peasants walking the street in medieval times.

hankylanky ago

I don't know if you have an architect inside, but you are completely full of bullshit.

Deplorablepoetry ago

When I was a kid, we flew across the Atlantic to visit family in Germany. Auntie and uncle took us on a whirlwind tour of castles.

We visited, I think it was six castles that day.... can’t remember the name of them all.

The most incredible architecture and grandeur was Heidelberg castle, blew my little mind.

Another smaller castle was Frankenstein castle.., or something like that. It these dark, ancient,, spiraling stone stairways ..., walking down into the darkness I expected to find the famous monster.

If you have the chance, you gotta go see these incredible buildings, they are beyond romantic, they are made of magic.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

And we give this up for what? Corporate cookie cutter skyscrapers. Franchises and logos.

It seems when God is included in state capacity for both arts and sciences increases. Maybe we better question our affinity for democracy?

chirogonemd ago

You absolutely nailed this. When you have an anchor which is transcendent for purposes of governing and also establishing morals and values, things naturally tend to get better and more beautiful. The argument from aesthetic for its own sake and as a reflection of that which is transcendent, its one of the more powerful arguments for God itself, as far as I'm concerned. When God is in the picture, people aim for the moon.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Agreed. As I get older I notice the subtle gains from believing in God and one is a refined sense of art/aesthetic. Even those "backwards racist rednecks" that listen to bluegrass have a better aesthetic than most pop music today.. So who really is more artistic?

People underestimate the impact of art on life. It seems to be as vital to the human condition as food. Feed it garbage, you get garbage. Feed it nourishment, receive blessing.

VoatMobile ago

People are too busy wasting their time with frivolous modernities. I can't say I blame them but everything has led up to this. Poor decisions are made by small groups of people that affect millions of people and it keeps spiraling out of control.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

frivolous modernities

I'd call them soulless corporate materials. Your Starbucks cup with a duck face selfie posted on fb for worthless internet dopamine. Fight Club had it right that we're people working jobs we hate to buy shit we don't need to impress people we don't like. However he was wrong in pinning it on the recent generation. This type of materialism has been the philosophical foundation of America since its inception, doubled down upon in the civil war, and the deal was sealed with the Federal Reserve.

chirogonemd ago

It truly does remove you from beauty. We lie to ourselves and say that it doesn't and we toss around terms like "liberation" to suggest we are freer to explore real beauty. But it doesn't ever look or feel that way in practice does it? Do romance novels and 50 Shades of Gray represent something more beautiful than the actual relationships between man and woman we are seeing break down today? Is rap music beautiful? Is porn more beautiful than an artistic rendering of the human figure? All of it, despite being called more liberated, tends to feel baser than the true aesthetic. We used to strive for the true aesthetic. Today we revel in the animal and call it beautiful.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

If you remove all the "rules" from music, you largely get noise.

If you follow the track from Bach -> Mozart -> Beethoven -> Chopin, you wonder why these greats never circle jerked themselves on "technical skill" or "breaking the rules". They just wrote music based around many of the "same old rules" Bach used.

You can see the "removal of boundaries" as extending into people's psyche universally. They have no boundaries on art or food, and it carries over to sex and fun. And sadly, it only shows how the "rules" are there to help, not hinder. If you know a rule is universally true, then you don't have to waste time trying to break it. You get creative and work around it. True creativity lies within confinement.

chirogonemd ago

Very interesting.

The part about a rule being universally true stands out to me. Because it seems to hint at objective morality. And there's only one way for it to logically exist.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

I believe in objective morality and even believe I can prove it logically. Relativists contradict themselves too easily. I think any time spent contemplating causality or the past very clearly shows how objective and consistent our universe is. And yes, these are derived from God.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You could never afford to pay the artisans required to create such a masterpiece..., today

Sadly it’s alll about money. Imagine the cost that unions would charge...., building would cost billions of $

Meanwhile the boring shit building with way more practicality only cost a couple of million$

Economics trump majesty

Waiyu_Dudat ago

B-b-but muh medieval tyranny kept everybody broke... How could they have afforded such expensive buildings and artwork that lasts so much longer?

(The result of putting economics first in society rather than God and the ideologies God wants from society is a race to get money first and cheap = faster making it a race to the bottom as far as quality)

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Mark 8:36... You could change man to nation and get largely the same meaning.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Forfeiting one’s soul would imply one had said soul to offer.

The damned have little fear in this mortal world

damned if I do, damned if I don’t” is the common mantra of the hedonist..., fine and dandy

One does not need to believe in God to have a healthy respect for said entity.

In my opinion only a fool would bet against damnation. Odds are we are all as ignorant of our existence as we have ever been...., computers and rockets are just the cusp.

When the AWAKENING ......happens, eyes wide open everyone will see

Side note: I have a few beers in me... it’s been a long morning...., Cheers!

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Good points. We circle jerk ourselves into thinking we're so evolved but we've basically barely learned to crawl as a species. We need more humility. I don't think one needs God to recognize that the universe and it's potential is near infinite. We've only recently discovered how to "not get killed" by electricity, and we know some cute tricks with magnetism (AC motor for example), but we are so far from "mastering" electricity and magnetism and those forces. We can't even decide what the fuck gravity is.

Agreed, one doesn't need God to understand these things and respect them in a healthy, humble fashion (ready and willing to learn more), but I do notice it can help. On the other hand, I've seen it hinder learning because "God made it this way" becomes a cop out that prevents further examining.

Have another beer for me! Cheers!

goat404 ago


bourbonexpert ago

Yet I’m told blacks are totally my equal

PraiseIPU ago

Do you so this in real life?

Look at this prettu thing.

Fucking niggers didnt build it white power!

bourbonexpert ago

your comment does not make sense. i know autocorrect can cuck tings up. but you rage typed or something.

PraiseIPU ago

Do you do this in real life?

Look at this pretty thing.

Fucking niggers couldnt build it white power!

bourbonexpert ago


im pretty open about my racial views.

youre weird dude.

PraiseIPU ago

Sure you are

bourbonexpert ago

Sure I am what?

Is English your second language? No insult I wish I knew two languages.

I live in the deep country near West Virginia. Pretty much everyone here hates blacks.

PraiseIPU ago

Im saying in normal conversation do you just yell fuck niggers?

Like some rascist torrets

bourbonexpert ago

If im with other racists, yes, and everyone I meet knows im not a fan of minorities, especially niggers. Everyone. Because the only people I meet are socially through other friends, if its a business situation, niggers are almost nonexistant, because they dont have the forward thinking, or impulse control to be able to even sit in the same room as me. I'm not rich by any means, im not a genius, but I do have a work ethic and can control my emotions and give things a day or two of thought before approaching something that has flared my emotions.

Niggers can't do that...they are incapable for the most part.

I won't speak to a black long enough to build trust to discuss the nigger problem. I just don't like them.

By the way, its "Tourette's syndrome", you fucking dumb nigger who didn't even bother to spell check.

goat404 ago

If you like mud huts instead of this they are

TheBuddha ago

I've often stated that there should be a street named Maria Ave., but I haven't found one in my travels.

anElf ago

13 Maria Avenue - Summerhill

TheBuddha ago

It might actually be worth the journey, though I'm a wee bit old to be stealing street signs.