I know we're all still reeling from the news that Voat is going the way of OAG, but time is short. We should probably discuss our escape plan and get a consensus going.
The options that have been brought up so far:
- Poal.co
- Ruqqus.com
- 9chan.tw
- Sankaku Complex
- OAG.win
Each has its pros and cons (with most of the cons due to heavy-handed moderation).
Does anyone have any suggestions?
LoP-MkIV ago
It would require a certain level of trust and close the community off compared to a publicly joinable forum.
NameXD ago
Hi,I'm back here for the last time and I gonna say I am not recommended Poal.co and Ruqqus.com.
Poal.co isn't an anti-censorship website.
Now i gonna leave now.Merry Christmas and bye.
TheRealWittyUserName ago
Could you elaborate?
Starscreamer ago
Out of curiosity, do we have a general agreement on where to go next? Will be following this story with immense curiosity.
TheRealWittyUserName ago
That's the point of this discussion. We need to decide on that.
emergencysaving ago
Notabug.io is where plenty are going.
I randomly hear Poal is cancer and wont let you talk about kikes or post loli. Also hear their mods are "batshit crazy." All unconfirmed mind you but it sounds like they will abandon your liberty for their safety every time.
TheEmbodimentOfMadne ago
Regardless of where we go, I highly doubt I'll be able to post gems like this anymore.
spam_bot ago
how about option 6, we pull what voat did https://github.com/reddit-archive/reddit and preferably self host
yes, I know, it's Reddit. Voat started with this if my understanding is right. Maybe some of the more tech literate of us can jury-rig something out of this that is at least tolerable as for funding... well there's not much besides ads or donation's, and streaming looks like it might be on fire soon. As for ads I have a few idea's, no one will sponsor OAG directly so a shell website or two would be needed, nothing fancy just enough to look legit. As for the ad's try to get pay per click, or set up an ad stream or something folks can idle on it's not much but it's a start hope someone thinks of something better we can't keep running.
LurkerJK ago
You would need to put the servers on some self governed island and keep a note of the IP if it ever gets removed from DNS
Starscreamer ago
Yeah, holy shit, am I glad I never got into streaming.
Did you hear about how Twitch streamers were getting DMCA strikes for in-game sound effects?
spam_bot ago
yeah i heard and soon feloney charges are likely added on top if the covid stimulus bill goes thru
emergencysaving ago
Felony charges for the wrong sound effect... Not even surprised anymore.
Starscreamer ago
Yeah, which gives me even less incentive to stream in the first place.
Having "fuck you" money doesn't mean shit if you're having to self edit.
spam_bot ago
and alot of them don't have fuck you money to begin with this is just icing on the cake as now copyright trolls and abusers can now ruin peoples lives at whim at lot easier also makes censorship easier too i bet sidalpha is gonna have an interesting time with his dirtydevs content
fightknightHERO ago
This is why this place is shutting down
thank you ZOGnald for your final contribution to the DEATH of our constitution
Baldcape ago
Humm.. Will this affect Kikebook and Twatter too or just us, the already oppressed trying to share some truths?
StreetMix ago
oldblo ago
For those who somehow didnt know. If you want to archive some of your comments you can go to your user page and type /comments after your name in the url. You can save webpage on about 20 pages of your comments.
I hear searchvoat has text archives of voat. Can someone tell me the details please?
fightknightHERO ago
We have to find an alternative by the 25, incase we haven't reached a decision i'm always frequenting in the StoneToss Disqus comment section
i'm working on alternative right now, Do i use the current OAG logo or do you have your own suggestion? i'm gonna keep the name
since we are the true OAG and the kikes who Niggermailed William into handing them the site are nothing but kike faggot larpers
edit: it's done, create your WorldTruth.online profile and join the Group
LurkerJK ago
Don't use the logo, the thieves at OAG might use that as an excuse to DMCA you should the site ever take off.
Just slightly tweak the name "A Few Flammable Gamers" or something
fightknightHERO ago
Implying that an "anti-semitic" site like worldtruth gives a shit about (((DMCA)))
TheEmbodimentOfMadne ago
Just made an account on poal and worldtruth, you'll know me when you see me.
Latexbeat5nud1ty3 ago
Like everyone I also made account on Poal. But this new FB type site is weird. Not sure how long it will last. Also they need emails too.
ThyBonesConsumed ago
I'm not too sure about the Facebook-like layout of WorldTruthMX. I prefer the Reddit-like layout of Voat/Poal/Ruqqus since it seems better to use for discussion threads (especially Open Discussion).
fightknightHERO ago
I have to agree, problem is getting used to their "fancy" distracting interface
PontarBewsar ago
I've signed up to Poal (lot of Voaters already over there). I've also signed up to your page over at WorldTruthMX. Some good WN brothers over there.
Baldcape ago
Ok, I made an account on Poal.co
It looks like Voat indeed, but a little more polished.
If you could do the honors to create the new OAG there, please.
I like the worldtruth site you created, better than this reddit style. After Poal maybe we can move there or use both only as a precaution, because I don't think Poal will last much longer also.
Dr_Dreem ago
Should call it the Real OAG ;)
BretHart ago
Poal.co at the moment looks like the smoothest transition from what we have here. However the gaming side looks very Reddit tier atm though.
PontarBewsar ago
At the moment yes. When I first came to Voat the gaming sections were normie as fuck. We'll improve it, but one us will have to level up before we can create our own page apparently.
oldblo ago
Im not even the type to do it but if I cant post lewds that someone else hates or tell someone to hang themself then it isnt as the internet is meant to be.
fightknightHERO ago
Poal is probably the closet thing to voat
Ruqqus is kiked and 9chan has a terrible user-interface
to think the last bastion of free speech lies within smut sites, kinda demoralizing to be honest
but i'm fairly certain i've seen @ThyBonesConsumed mention they capitulated to kikery
i'd rather eat a dead nigger, even 2 dead niggers than go to Trumpstein Zionist territory
TheRealWittyUserName ago
Quick use of their search function suggests the answer is "yes", but I don't know how their wider moderation is.