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fightknightHERO ago

these kike shekelholders are probably SEETHING how their diversity niggerfaggotdyke team bombed so hard they're removing this game FROM THE STOREFRONT itself

man, it sure feels good knowing that Karma always wins in the end


hopefully this game broke the studio and now CDPR is no more, but knowing jews and their futile Chuzpah/lust for gentile subversion

they'll keep throwing money at the Diversity Nogs until they actually produce a "game" and not just a bug-infested walking simulator

rehsUmailliW ago

Just admit you're a nazi, we all know it...

correctus ago

Just admit that you are a nigger, all of us know this, anyway...

rehsUmailliW ago

Yeah, I am black... Now admit you're a nazi

correctus ago

You are not black, you are brown... like an odorous turd.

rehsUmailliW ago

and you are a neo nazi with an evil soul