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jerry ago

Lmao half the people will have an actual input the other half of voat is “hurrr fucking video game niggur “ people have hobbies holy shit how uncalled for . Game ain’t half bad it’s like futurama mixed with fallout I’ve played worse

Mystiker ago

When the games industry crashes and burns, and we remake it from the ashes, we're gatekeeping you retarded normies out of it, forever. Letting you in was a mistake.

jerry ago

U can have your gay club I was never asking to be your MLG gamer friend

BretHart ago

No instead you tried to force our club into being what you wanted like the petty faggots you are. This game failing losing the developers over a billion, getting de-listed, refunded shows right next to the Ass of Us 2 that the games you want the industry to make/become, completely backfired. Everyone acts nice to you faggots in person but behind closed doors, were spitting on you and closing our wallets. No majority of the market share? Learn to never be accepted amongst society, ever.

jerry ago

What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t know you or the retarded ideas floating around in your head but I never ever want to or will ask you to be associated with me. Play what you want faggot if you don’t want to then don’t now go fuck your self and suck my dick from the back

BretHart ago

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

You being a retarded faggot defending a clearly shitty video game? With you're retarded argument of "You guys don't like it because everyone else on Voat doesn't like it" thinking we have the intelligence of a Reddit user, retard.

"I don’t know you or the retarded ideas floating around in your head but I never ever want to or will ask you to be associated with me."

Oh I know you well enough when you write retarded arguments, that makes you a retarded person, so I will treat you like a retarded person. No one is forcing you to come here to make retarded posts either. Just saying.

"Play what you want"

I do and I know that makes you mad because you want me to play games you want and have no criticism towards said product whatsoever and blindly coonsoom, applaud. Nope, that's not how life works. Once I pay, especially full price, the gloves come off and I judged the product to the fullest extent unless I got it for a couple of bucks in a sale. It's why I got a refund on Cyberpunk because I don't settle for poorly made games.

"don’t write some retarded shit like that to me ever again"

Make. Me.

jerry ago

Do what you want faggot I don’t care