Hakudamashi ago

Sure, keep justifying not having cable I guess.

GenocideCutter777 ago

I thought kids didn't have to wear that shit. Just more proof that the scamdemic should end since it has more inconsistent rules than some kid's fan-fiction.

TheEmbodimentOfMadne ago

(((Current))) Arthur is nothing but a tool for agenda, also gotta love that flash animation.

It looks so smooth and fluid. ,😤👌

fightknightHERO ago

Technology evolves, strangely the Kikes Devolve and make their propaganda more and more obvious to the suspicious goy

like 20 years ago they'd had to make their propaganda half-aryan in order for the "dumb goyim" to consume it

now the propaganda is so in your face, so KIKE'd that only the soyest of the soyim is willing to consume it.

Karak_ ago

A bit too old (born '83) to have watched something gay like Arthur when it first came out in 1996 plus these niggerly jew rats didn't even appear on Swedish television until 2003 I believe.

Hadn't even heard of it until the mid 2000's to be honest and then until the OAG articles it was largely forgotten.

Regardless, we never let our kids just watch anything, the TV is not a babysitter. Instead they mostly grew up on a selection of cartoons and anime from when me and the missus were young.

The old disney stuff for example, a lot of series and films from the 80s to very early 90s. Shows like Transformers G1, Turtles from 1987 (called Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles here at that time) , M.A.S.K., Ryu the caveboy, The Wind in the Willows (specifically the 1983 film & 1984-1988 series animated using stopmotion, very wholesome). A movie that always comes to mind when I think back is Call of the Wild: Howl, Buck (anime adaptation of the old book The Call of the Wild, very sad story). Just some examples, as there is quite a lot but I could probably recommend more at some point for anyone interested.

fightknightHERO ago

looks pretty damn wholesome

got a torrent link for me for that stop motion film?

Khro_ ago

Thank you for sharing that.

fightknightHERO ago

This is going to take a while...

Baldcape ago

Man.. in the 80's and 90's cartoons were so amazing. Muscular and manly men, hot women, no faggotry. Now we have this... thing. I don't even know if they were supposed to be humans or some kind of monkey, look at the faces. I feel bad for the kids born after 2010, they don't know better, most of the parents are nigger-loving faggots with a "progressive" mind.

Wabutan ago

One's supposed to be an aardvark but I don't know what the other on the left is. If you look at the older books from the 70s, you can see that Arthur and other aardvark characters looked more like their namesake animals than whatever abomination they're currently drawn as.

fightknightHERO ago

you have a very rosey memories of the 90's

the 90's was full of Niggers and (c)rap/Chimp Hop

Baldcape ago

You are right, but we had better stuff compared to today. And I don't remember watching nothing with niggers as main characters, (((they))) weren't pushing it like now. Thundercats, he-man, some older Marvel animations. If there was any nigger, faggot or feminist, it was in a so irrelevant way, people didn't even notice they existed. Maybe (((they))) were already subliminally implanting that in our minds? Very possible. But in fact I watched more japanese metal hero series than western animations. Later on I turned to anime thanks to Dragon Ball, so I can't say a lot about other cartoons.

fightknightHERO ago

early 90's was fairly nigger-free

late 90's was full of em

though technically the age of crap and Chimphop is more early 2000's but... it began in the late 90's

cartoon wise there was a lot of subliminal shit, esp in (((Nickelodeon)))

Rocko's modern life (divorced parents normalization, Infidelity and maybe some fag stuff as well, i'm not 100% sure) Ren and Stimpey definitely had some gay shit in it, so did Spongebob (had some stronk wimminz as well)

there was other shit, like... you don't remember the bad stuff but i remember a lot of bad stuff

every single company (Disney, Kikelodeon whatever) was under the ownership of kikes

now you know kikes, kikes gotta poison the well one way or another...

Anime wise not really, but Niggers really liked Naruto and DBZ (plebian animes) so i can't be the judge of that (never really watched anime in my youth, except for Inuyasha because it was "safe" shit, unlike Renma 1/2 [when i was a teen] which had the occasional nudity (breasts)

loratheelf ago

I've also read that the character wearing the mask is said to look like a "a kind and thoughtful person who cares about other people"

The idea that people who wear masks are warm fuzzy people who care is a fantasy and needs to stop.

We need to tie the idea of wearing a mask to support of slavery and white supremacy, which it is. Once that racist connection is made no politician will be able to support, mandate, or even speak favorably of wearing masks.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fightknightHERO ago

The worst inhuman cunts who wear masks are the utter opposite "warm fuzzy people who care"

no... most of the mask-cultists are femoids and soyboys, esp those middle aged Jewesses who take a power trip over "commanding" strangers to wear their


loratheelf ago

Is it possible for you to have a discussion on an important issue without the antisemitism?

fightknightHERO ago

Lost your way from reddit?

Bigz_Sarducci ago

PBS jewtoons.....

General_Genocide ago

That was literal (((AIDS))) and that mask looks like underwear. Maybe there is a (((hidden message))) in that too about being pro-pedophilia. Or maybe I'm overthinking things.

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

Na that was my first thought as well. It's basically a pink lacy thong strapped to the kid's face.

This is the social compliance aspect of the Great Reset.

fightknightHERO ago

that mask looks like underwear. Maybe there is a (((hidden message))) in that too about being pro-pedophilia. Or maybe I'm overthinking things.

had to mute it and watch it again

you're absolutely fucking right it DOES look like underwear

kikery knows no bounds

General_Genocide ago

I swear it looks like female undergarments as odd as that assessment sounds. I can think of only two things and it is either some sort weird vulgar child rape fantasy or they are trying to mock anti-maskers who call it a face diaper. Either way it's absolutely disgusting. Jews will burn in Hell but they need to burn on Earth first.

fightknightHERO ago

weird vulgar child rape fantasy

well her father delivers her a full suitcase of "masks" (underwear) so i wouldn't doubt some swarthy, leering, hook nosed KIKE

thought of something far more degenerate to imply underneath the "mask message"

PontarBewsar ago

Gone are the days when all you had to put up with was He-man showing you which to cut a branch with a knife. (remember ki8ds, always cut away form your body!). Fucking kike shit these days.

Super_Hanabi ago

Arthur is an abomination.

I pity any poor child left to face any of these shows.

00the00virus00 ago

This is the most disgusting kike show ever, if you make your kid watch this cringey piece of shit garbage TV material you deserve everything you get.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Holy fuck it's sorta hard to believe that show is still running, and it's even more kiked than it was when I was a fucking kid watching it hahahahaha.

fightknightHERO ago

You should've fucking seen the KIKERY we covered on it back in the days OAG was not under Zionist occupation

and that's not even the worst of it, the worst of it was the gay rat wedding

absolutely fucking KIKE'D beyond salvation

don't let your kids watch Talmudvision, not even the "safe" channels.

fuck2020 ago

Thank god you archived this shit

fightknightHERO ago

finding the archives was a pain in the ass, google wasn't cooperative and yippy is just zogged out the ass right now

only yandex managed to fetch me a good search result and Yandex usually sucks ass for these kinds of things

luckily you can jump from archive links to another and in the "traitors of america" list i've dropped most of the spicier links in the comment section

i'll more if needed

OmegaZord ago

Never, homeschool or fucking die!

fightknightHERO ago

you got that right, find a woman who actually wants raise children

and not let the (((TV))) and (((teachers))) do it for her

i still to this day curse my mother for being a fat liberal-"conservative" bitch who sent me to a 35% BLACKED elementary school with retarded liberal Jewesses as teachers

though because of my suffering, i learned to hate Niggers and to understand the holocaust was not only a lie

but a damn projection of the Holodomor

through adversity you forge yourself to be stronger

PontarBewsar ago

Jesus, that's quite the story man. Glad you made it out the other side swingin'. I luckily only had one Negroid in my high school.

fightknightHERO ago

that attempted robbery was real something, i could've lost a lot more than the wallet that day

but thanks to my father instilling the virtue of "never take shit from anyone, esp from no good niggers"

worked wonders

when i have a son i'm gonna teach him the same thing, and always arm him with something similar (despite how cumbersome and heavy that Kike-tier Velcro wallet was, it saved both my money and my honor that day)

granted, i don't want my son to go to the same school of these demonapes, no... he will be homeschooled

and that's also a great filter to find a trad natsoc wife, a woman who refuses to be the "homeschooling mother" is not a woman worth marrying

call me old fashioned but i believe that ONE provider and ONE caretaker/nurturer is needed for healthy offspring and healthy relationship.

NorthSeaPagan ago

If I ever have kid's I wouldn't let them in normal society, around niggers/shitskins, shitbulls or TV.

And eww, that propaganda is fucking disgusting, the PBS has always sucked but holy shit they are way more open about this shit than back when I was a kid... granted I was a retarded kid and didn't notice shit back then...

The youngest generation is going to turn out so Zogged.

fightknightHERO ago

PBS was always kike'd but lately they've gone none stop on the faggot-pedo agenda

and yeah, my kids are gonna grow up like me

no internet and plenty of quality offline vidya (PC and Xbox)

aryan vidya such as Lord of the rings return of the King

Gothic series

Risen series

Heroes of might and magic

Rise of nations, age of mythology, age of empires

Mafia 1 (still working on a review, image collection is a bitch)

and a lot of other, Euro-made games

NorthSeaPagan ago

Fuck dude I remember playing age of empires and heroes of might and magic, those games were so much fucking fun, I bet your kids will have a blast, and yeah, PBS has always been kiked and pushing lying shitlib crap, they made a whole documentary around 20 or so years ago blatantly lying about race and genetics they show to kids these days and I'm pretty sure I've hear more than a few cases of child molesters working there.

fightknightHERO ago

Well if you enjoyed heroes of might and magic

Do you know there is an HD mod for 3?

do you also know there was an fan-made expansion covering the Regnian pirate empire? (lore friendly)

new campaigns, new textures, new maps, tons of new content and WORKING ONLINE MATCH MAKING

you'll definitely enjoy it, have fun.