cky_stew ago

Why else would a far right nationalist bring up the Rotherham scandals?

sugleris ago

So he really bolstered that*

hypercat ago

Not porn. Sex ring. As in they hired people to find them kids to fuck. but since they are rich, money covers everything. Really it does. Did we care that Bush did coke in school? Hell no. Rich people drug. Look at Cosby. He went for what 40 years? And just NOW people are saying he's a sick fuck? Just imagine being royalty. No one can touch you. You could death fuck a baby and get away with it. Seriously. Trafficking of children is an every day occurrence in this lovely earth of ours.

HoneyNutStallmans ago

Looks like they...

got Branded as pedophiles.

grodius ago

Russell did not 'expose' them.. this is him reading the news on youtube. He's covering an Aussie TV report on it... this article and title both make it seem like Russell Personally exposed them. At the time it was a huge media scandal in England and other countries.

654456 ago

What do you mean relapses happen all the time.

coolmoe ago

Why? I don't see why him bringing attention to some very serious abuses is a bad thing. Hes not gloryhounding or anything so why the hate for brand?

FeelinFroggy ago

Interesting, I don't remember reddit doing anything except lapping his every move up with hungry tongues. Admittedly, that was a while ago, so who knows how things have skewed and changed since. Still, I always thought reddit, on the whole, were supporters of Brand.

IdSay ago

usually when this kind of thing happens, the persons closest relatives or personal supports conveniently die in a car crash a few months after.

norse ago

he talked about phedophelia in his youtube channel "trews", the next episode, he told his subscribers that the trews was at an end. correlation? i think so.

insert_name ago

Russel Brand hasn't done anything deplorable to gain his money, as far as I know. He's an entertainer, and a pretty good speaker, and some people find him very funny.

He isn't scamming millions or murdering billions of ill people, like big bankers and big pharma and all other bigs do.

So chill there, and enjoy your soak in downvoats.

Optimus_Lime ago

i think he should've taken over for craig ferguson actually.

A_Fringe_Element ago

Yet he never once said a damn thing about Rotherham.

cky_stew ago

Why would he? The Rotherham scandals weren't politicians.

His area of focus concentrates on politicians, corporations and the like.

Can we address the elephant in the room that you identify as a "Far right nationalist" that frequently comments on racial issues here? And it just so happens that the Rotherham pedos are all of Pakistani heritage. I'm sick of you reddit refugees (Oh, the irony) bringing race into every discussion on here. This post has absolutely nothing to do with race. Take your agenda elsewhere, this topic is focusing on politicians.

RabidRaccoon ago

Rotherham doesn't fit his narrative.

cky_stew ago

It doesn't go against it either, it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

RabidRaccoon ago

The narrative is rich white men in the Establishment are victimizers and oppressed groups - poor people, brown people or women are victims.

He ignores Rotherham because the brown people are victimizers and the white ones are victims.

Of course that irony is that as a multi millionaire white man if you believe in the identity politics bullshit he pushes you should listen to someone else instead because he can't be trusted.

cky_stew ago

The narrative is rich white men in the Establishment are victimizers and oppressed groups - poor people, brown people or women are victims.

It's nothing to do with race though. One of the guys he's accusing of bullshit in the video isn't even white.

He ignores Rotherham because the brown people are victimizers and the white ones are victims.

He didn't comment on that because it was a completely different situation. It was nothing to do with the government. There are thousands of other pedophilia cases he could comment on regardless of the race of the perpetrator, but doesn't, because they're irrelevant to his point.

Of course that irony is that as a multi millionaire white man if you believe in the identity politics bullshit he pushes you should listen to someone else instead because he can't be trusted.

Fair enough opinion, but this has nothing to do with my argument.

RabidRaccoon ago

Brand is SJW scum and what happened in Rotherham is something he should speak out against.

cky_stew ago

There are millions of things he should speak out against. Why focus on Rotherham?

RabidRaccoon ago

Why does he focus on some things and ignore others? Because he's trying to create a narrative that fits his shallow, student radical ideology.

cky_stew ago

Why does he focus on some things and ignore others?

He's "ignoring" Rotherham as much as he's "ignoring" Jimmy Saville. Those things are completely irrelevant to the point he is trying to make.

Ulluses ago

They should be hung, they should all be hung. Royal to politician to police to pauper, every person involved should be swinging in the breeze come morning. The length of time and the scale of these activities is shocking and the massive amount of cover ups and eliteism is disgusting.

I normally abhor the death penalty, let a murderer stew for 60 years, let him watch his life leave him over a long time. But the corruptive infulence of these subhumans and the amount of lives they have shattered, ended and removed all trace of demands their blight they bring to the populace to be ended.

Death by torment for the leaders, hanging for the followers, jail for the conspiritors.

craschnet ago


Fiacre54 ago

Good. Every one of these sick fucks needs to be outed. Then the Hollywood pedophiles need to be outed as well.

profanion ago

How fast will politicians make a workaround to legalize these things to save their skin?

NassTee ago

He recognized them at the meetings?

Jizzmaster3000 ago

Too bad he would never do the same when it comes to exposing sunni muslim pedophiles.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

Sex with children must be great. Just think about it: these people are risking everything doing the most hated act on the planet. Cross-culturally denounced.

It must feel amazing that the people take all the risks to do it.

IdSay ago

popes say its the path to eternal life.

surely it must be gods work.


happykitties ago

This video is one-month old. The website beforeitsnews, ironically, is a bit late.

FeelinFroggy ago

Why, is he bothering you? You don't have to listen to him, you know.

Hey_Sunshine ago

wait, wut? the us army is assassinating pedophiles? or were the assassins pedophiles? how could you believe somebody who words their sentences with such ambiguity?

Vheissu_ ago

I hope Russell Brand doesn't turn up dead one day with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. When it comes to politics you don't know how far someone is willing to go to protect their image and hold onto their power.

Fuckmesilly ago

Unfortunately, he did imply that he was depressed one time in an interview. Said something like "you don't want to be around me when the smiling stops." Perfect cover. Or maybe all the shit will just get to him one day.

IdSay ago

"he clearly tied himself up and stabbed himself 27 times. court rules this a suicide. next topic. how great is this fucking kool-aid? i mean seriously, dip in."

jaceame ago

I'm pretty sure they'd just stick him with a bunch of heroin rather than have a whole suicide story.

UnknownCitizen ago

People might think that's a joke, but it does happen.

"A man who was found with his head severed by a chainsaw was fighting to stay in a block of 70 flats in Hampshire cleared for redevelopment." "A spokesman for the coroner said: "As far as we know nobody else was involved. "There's nothing suspicious about the death. It was in his flat on Bodmin Road"

ShinyVoater ago

And yet if they'd just credited it to him tripping while practicing his chainsawmanship, we'd all be laughing at another Darwin award winner.

UnknownCitizen ago

Well, you know how easy it is to accidentally cut your head off with a chainsaw. Heck, I almost did it this morning while pooping and playing Sonic on my iPad, so one never knows...


coldacid ago

Nah, strict accidents don't qualify.

PassingShip ago

Don't forget locking himself in a gym bag in the bathroom!

FeelinFroggy ago

Mistakes happen. Like spontaneously accelerating to over a hundred MPH and slamming into a tree.

Atherlin12 ago

Anyone else get redirected after a few seconds of the video playing?

Hey_Sunshine ago

nope, wonder how that happened...

Atherlin12 ago

I got redircted to a spam site, then closed out, and tired re watching then another spam site popped (atleast I hope it was fake) saying something a DDoS attack.

swollentiki ago

Same here. Said my android phone had performed a DDoS attack on them and I needed to update.

Hey_Sunshine ago

oh, you guys should check this

blackblarneystone ago

Voaters hate him!

edit: *some

Qibble ago

Umm that's the beauty of voat. voat allows for all points of view. sadly sometimes it bites us in the ass.

blackblarneystone ago

i wouldn't call that aspect "beauty"

edit: the pedo aspect. not the "different points of view" aspect. participating in that shit is not a "point of view," it's a mental illness. keep the downvotes coming.

PM_nudes_pls ago

yea the pedo shit isnt beauty, I agree. it really is a mental illness, and one that has affects other people a lot.

I think that the person you replied to wasnt speaking of pedo shit, but of the ability of voat to have different views without censorship.

blackblarneystone ago

hence my edit above

unatco ago

Thank you for your service.

Misanthropesrlonely ago

Russel brand is a National Treasure!

thatrepublicanguy ago

an unfunny junkie is your national treasure?

rumathlete_1 ago

So Nicholas Cage will be kidnapping him soon.

Disaronnoonthecocks ago

Hope he watches his back, because now Nic Cage is after him.

sugleris ago

True replacement host for daily show

FeelinFroggy ago

That would make me watch it again, absolutely.

EllenPaoisamanbaby ago

Surprised he's still alive.

VoutGuy ago

Don't know why you're downvoated, considering who he's targeting.

Captain_Nipples ago

That.. and drug addiction.

Irony_Dan ago

Really, mostly the drug addiction.

whatthehelldamnguy ago

He's a celeb. One of the few that can't just "go missing".

jaceame ago

Drug overdoses happen all the time. They are a perfectly normal part of the celebrity lifestyle.

654456 ago

He already has a history of drug use

sugleris ago

Pretty sure he's actually been sober for years after seriously battling addiction. As lol as that sounds.

Aaaron ago

I think it's more about the powerful people that he exposed than any kind of health concern.

sugleris ago

Doh,my bad. Honestly I'd figure most politicians would believe that most people judge him on looks and discredit him.

Hope he stays alive as long as possible