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Firinmahlazer ago

Not a bad idea. Let's start with Africa, Israel, the middle east, India, and China and we'll see how things look after that.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

They started in africa in the 90s

Vc83 ago

Huh? The population of "poor, starving, wartorn" african countries have been exploading the last 30 years

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

In the early 1990s,

"a series of scandals over WHO-led vaccination programs in the Third World led to allegations that tetanus vaccines in places like the Philippines5 and Kenya6 were being laced with hCG in order to implement population control by stealth," Corbett says.

The subsequent controversy chilled campaigns promoting population control via vaccines.

tallarn ago

If Bill Gates is trying to sterilize Africa, he’s doing a terrible job.

Nukeisrael ago

They don’t want african numbers to fall. Those are the future scab workers and miscegenators that they need flooding into japan and Europe. It’s literally their bio weapon farm.

tallarn ago

Well yeah, but that is some retard logic. You can’t maintain anything more than a hunter-gatherer civilization with Africans. There are no scab workers. There is no advantage. A couple generations without white or Asian majorities in their home nations and the entire system - which provides these despots their money - ceases to exist.

Nukeisrael ago

How is that retard logic? It’s working right now. They are importing niggers into Ireland and Europe by the boat load. It’s literally their bio weapon farm. Infinite growth requires infinite biomass and they can farm niggers up quickly and ship them off to be scab workers. They aren’t thinking long term, it’s for short term profit and pure biomass (quantity over quality) is all that matters for maximum capital. It’s all a part of the neoliberal capital system that requires infinite growth.

tallarn ago

It’s retard logic because it isn’t sustainable. You have to remember, a lot of the people pushing for European genocide think that Africans are exactly the same as us.

Nukeisrael ago

They don’t think they are just like us. People pulling the strings know niggers are stupid it doesn’t matter what the retards on the ground believe. They are told to believe in egalitarianism so they don’t put up a fuss when they see mass migration. And not sustainable for whom? Kikes? Sure it is but even then making the most money possible doesn’t care about sustainability, it cares about GDP now. The logic of Shitlibs being unsustainable? Yeah it is. The ones pulling the strings? It makes perfect sense. I wasn’t talking about useful idiots but those who actually run the world. The ones who want mass migration to japan to keep the GDP up at the cost of the native’s safety, race and way of life.

tallarn ago

What I am saying is that the GDP will not remain the same if you replace the Japanese and West with Africans. GDP will evaporate. These people can’t sustain it. A cabal of very smart people can’t sustain it with a workforce of Africans.

Nukeisrael ago

No, it will go up. Raw GDP that helps the mega rich goes up with migration dude. They aren’t thinking that long term either, it’s like patchwork to keep up a debt based system. The way to keep the system afloat RIGHT NOW is migration. Raw GDP absolutely does go up with mass migration, that’s why they fucking do it. It’s literally more people buying things and more money moving. Are you sure you know how anything works? Of course africans can’t maintain japan but they can keep the raw GDP afloat with the aging population and low birth rates. That’s why they want it. The replacement doesn’t happen overnight and they don’t care about the long term, it’s for sort term gain which is how it has to work in a global competitive economy.

tallarn ago

Short term, maybe. And sure, if you have a work force that works for half price, then companies make more money. I just don’t see there being any long term benefit to flooding the world with nothing but low-IQ cretins.

I suppose there’s some kind of idea out there that people will be just stupid enough to not challenge leadership, but still intelligent enough for maintaining manufacturing, agriculture, and utilities. Just enough of a consumer base that all the of pointless shit that’s manufactured will be sold at inflated prices and continue to be purchased. That shit like the movie and sports entertainment industries will still remain hugely popular. Thus allowing the elites to continue their decadent lifestyles without being challenged.

IDK. I know that’s what they want. I just don’t see that actually happening. Like, Mexicans may save US companies money, but they also created Mexico. If we’re gone, this place turns into that shit hole. These people being here en masse doesn’t raise them up to our level, it tears us down to theirs. Bill Gates didn’t get rich because of the Mexican economy. If the economic, political, and most importantly social systems that elevated these people disappear, so does the source of their wealth. Eventually, but it will happen. You might get a good decade or two, but eventually, the whole thing would collapse.

I also think you’re fooling yourself if you believe that everyone involved in this is cynical, as in, aware of exactly what they’re doing and what they’re opening us up to. The conditioning for most of the lower level idiots is very, very real.

NorthSeaPagan ago

To add to Nukeisrael, with advancements in AI technology and computing the jobs that are going to disappear will mostly be middle-class jobs that White people excel at, think office jobs, engineering jobs, etc. Robots are not actually cheap and require regular maintenance, that is never going to change, it will literally always (or for at least the foreseeable future) be cheaper and more efficient to pay Pablo and Tyrone $5.00 an hour to do shitty service/manufacturing work than to pay a machine to do it, I am sure you will say I am "delusional" for thinking this but as someone who has actually worked in manufacturing jobs before I can assure you that the machines are not replacing the workers at all, they suck, they require constant maintenance, they are slow and they are most of the time less accurate than the workers are at literally every single manufacturing job I've worked in, the only time they are used is for jobs the humans literally cannot do or for super "clean" shit. Meanwhile, you have people making 100,000 USD a year working jobs on computers... jobs which actually can and will be replaced by AI in the future, AI that will just run on the computers alone doing all the work those engineers, computer scientists, office workers, etc. do...