SaturnDust ago

He's a sick fucking liberal wanting to convert America into socialism....get him outta here!

prolificDigital ago

Bill Gates is wrong I think Vaccine Comming soon

Merkava_4 ago

Trump needs to send in a team and take Bill Gates out. We don't need a trial; we all know how evil he is.

Enaashby ago

Let's start with the Gates' family first for the vaccine. Supposedly, the elite's chosen depopulator doesn't believe in vaccines for his OWN family.

INK9 ago

Pray for the demise of Gates, his entire family and all the reptillian- controlled elite scum on our planet.


Can we just get to killinb these fuckers already

ZenoOfElea ago

I think it's important that white people step aside for POC when it comes to this vaccine. We all know how this has been affect POC communities at a higher rate because they can't follow simple instructions. I think white people as a group should pledge that not a single white gets this vaccine until every other person on earth is vaccinated first. Now is our chance to really show the world how much we care.

BurqaFart ago

Bill Gates needs his throat slit in front of his family.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Will he agree to be quarantined just like an AVERAGE citizens' (income, duties, etc) conditions and circumstances, AND allow homeless niggers to move into his mansions during the interim?

Tyrone_Biggums ago

He loves Africans and wants billions of them.

CaptnObvius ago

Instead of the "blue screen of death" he wants to infect us all with the "black death". Too bad we can see him glowing.

doormane ago

Just a valley in American capitalism, Get the with program.

Nukeisrael ago

The earth needs to be depopulated of shitskins.

JastheMace ago

Fuck that crypto

Chimpfighter ago

Bill Gates should do humanity a favor and kill himself and Melinda too

aaronC ago

What he really means is everyone else should be locked down while he travels the world and becomes a bigger celebrity.

poly ago

Bill Gates is not a subject matter expert. He's just a weirdo with more money than brains.

GoatWhisperer ago

Gates is indeed a sack of shit-- but must we resort to Zero Hedge? That site is Q-tier woo.

slowcrash101 ago

Nobody elected him, he can go fuck himself.

BW-414 ago

fauci was pushing for 2022, too.
at first, they said a few weeks. then they said all summer. then they pushed for 2021.
by now, every person in the USA should understand that gates, fauci, and federal z.o.g. don't have good intentions. and they will keep pushing restrictions of freedom, as long as they get away with it.

awoken1 ago

He forgot to mention that China is wide opened, with no lock down, zero death and zero vaccine.

j3wish_fabl3s ago

Donald_Trumpstein ago

That's not fair giving gates all the credit! I'm the one that has the military bringing you your Warp Speed vaccine whether you want it or not. It's the crowning achievement of my presidency!

How about a little gratitude?

CaptainUSA ago

Point taken. To date Trump has been all talk and no action while pushing the globalist vaccine.

I have always been very suspicious of who Trump is really working for.

We may have our answer very very soon.

kishind ago

The real question he raises is "is there a faction within the elite jews that's less hostile towards freedom and gentile prosperity?"

And the answer is, it's deliberately unclear. He's being a double agent for power factions, including the power faction of the armed citizenry. You can't work as a double agent if either of your bosses know where your real loyalty lies.

Babadookk ago

its obvious. who funded his campaigns?

Hoppes9 ago

Even if you could convince me to take the vaccine, no way in fuck am I taking it anywhere that's going to require me to register in some database. I'm going to pay cash and you're not going to ask my name or for ID.

CaptainUSA ago

The globalist's are also planning and preparing for a cashless society as we speak.

Hoppes9 ago

They can plan all they want. They can eliminate physical cash if they want. Cash is just a stand-in for value. If people can't trade cash they'll trade ammunition, cigarettes, gold, etc. You can't stop human nature. The best you can do is make it more inconvenient.

kishind ago

That's like how, in my area, they outlawed single use plastic grocery bags, which they defined as under a certain weight... So a number of grocery stores started using thicker heavier disposable plastic bags that qualified as "reusable" under the law.

Which is about as much thought as "environmentalists" put into anything.

Hoppes9 ago

It's because liberals are at war with reality. What they really want to ban is human nature, and it never works because it can't. All the things they want to ban are really just manifestations of human nature. Look how California outlawed the .50 BMG because it was "too dangerous." That ended up creating the .416, which is even better.

CaptainUSA ago

Organized civil disobedience worldwide against the satanic globalist cabal.

CaptainUSA ago

Bill Gates is an evil sinister man and a member of the Satanic globalist cabal with a depopulation agenda and that is mass murder against innocent civilians and crimes against humanity. The satanic globalist cabal must be stopped and exterminated. They plan to continue the lock downs decimate the small business sectors pump us full of toxic vaccines and give us a biochip as proof of vaccinations. Without the biochip we won't be able to work travel or shop. This must be stopped! We don't have to let this happen. Patriots rise up and fight back.

TheGook ago

what if a mirrion peopr gather around Gates home?

kishind ago

That's pussy talk.

What if 1000 people show up to burn Gates' home to the ground? You just need to exceed the size of the local police force, be universally armed, and the cops won't do shit. Neither will his personal security.

Then get a different 1,000 people to burn down a different Gates home. They don't respond except to personal consequences.

Vc83 ago

They dont want to depopulate earth, they want to depopulate whites. Slants, poos and niggers still breeding at uncontrollable rates.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Revenge of the nerd: be in a position to kill millions

Firevine ago

Nothing wrong with depopulation. Just start with the people who can't make it out of the stone age.

mediaisfooked ago

I think we need to vaxxinate the hell out of bill gates. Couldn't make a virus free program for 30+ years. Now he thinks he is in charge of a vaccine for the entire world.


un1ty ago

If you read between the lines, they love the empty and pristine beaches with no peasants to bother them. No second class "millionaires" who were able to gain access to the "billionaires" club and tie up the resources. Nothing but open, empty, clean, and quiet paradises for them to not be bothered in.

They want us dead so they can have it to themselves.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I can't blame them

vaeringdottir ago

See, this should have been a rock solid reason for small businesses and other impacted entities and individuals to start organizing politically and fighting back. Instead, people and businesses keep whining all on their own - and keep being easily oppressed, while being divided.

The situation is daring and catastrophic, and the only way to have your say is taking power. Creating parallel governing bodies, opposing those imposed by anti-human globalist thugs. Defending them from said thugs and saving healthy part of the society as a whole, while slashing away the cancer-rotten pieces.

It_was_the_juice ago

I stopped having any pity for small businesses like restaurants months ago. If they aren't willing to fight for the survival of their own livelihood, why should I go out of my way to order from them? Been having a great time cooking all my own food and saving some money too.

AlternateSelection ago

How does that particular psychopath have any say-so in what we can or cant do? I hope his assets are blocked by gubmint.

tallarn ago


He funds a LOT of vaccine research so the media’s been giving him a lot of airtime this year.

Whitefox00 ago

Right?! It amazes me how the media pushes the rich as geniuses. Gates is not a doctor, why the hell are they giving him a platform to express medical opinions? Some major event happens and the media runs to celebrities to get their opinion on it (a la Ja Rule). They really think we are incredibly stupid.

Babadookk ago

hes a jew and the media is owned by jews

oneinchterror ago

Gates is not a jew.

Babadookk ago

Yes he is. Mother is Mary maxwell

BrainPulper2 ago

Lockdowns hurt minorities in European countries far more than white people. Let's lock down forever, or until the stupid niggers are dead.

lysanderlocke ago

DO NOT COMPLY. 2nd ammendment. Shoot for your freedom.

lysanderlocke ago

Do not comply. Shoot on sight.

reason247 ago

Tell liberals and niggers to get that shit.

Jagon ago

I for one do agree with him that the earth needs depopulation of the niggers, chinks and all mongrels in between. If some retarded whites need to be sterelized in the process by taking this vaccine, so be it.

Firinmahlazer ago

Not a bad idea. Let's start with Africa, Israel, the middle east, India, and China and we'll see how things look after that.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago


robot7247 ago

And designed to break it completely apart and remove its resistance.

HeavyBrain ago

After all we would want to protect those preciouse diversity.

ForgottenMemes ago

This used to be the UN's plan back in the mid 90s. Save the earth by depopulating the 3rd world. The kikes didn't like that much.

TheStapler ago

I think people have it a little backwards about Gates's goal. he's vaccinating and giving all sorts of handouts in Africa for the purpose of having MORE Africans.

generally speaking vaccination saves lives. there's no doubt that it's the main factor that allowed for extreme population growth especially in the third world.

also consider that Gates is primarily a capitalist and building capital depends upon growth in population. so "depopulating" the dumbest possible consumers (Africans) wouldn't make any sense for him. he wants their population to explode so that he and his buddies can make more money.

whyamIevenhere ago

This is entirely incorrect. Bill Gates is on the record, publicly, stating that overpopulation is a major problem. You can find public talks of him saying it all over jewtube.

Gates is not primarily a "capitalist" and you seem unaware of what a capitalist actually is. In reality, he is a crony corporatist that uses government as leverage against competitors and to gain exclusive monopolies for various products.

INK9 ago

he's also extremely evil. Evil as of Satan. He's not smart enough, talented enough or knowledgeable enough to have made the fortune he has. He is pure evil.

TheStapler ago

you're kinda agreeing with what i said but in different words, so how is it "entirely incorrect"?

he publicly acknowledges the problem of overpopulation

and i had never heard of corporatism, but upon a quick read of the Wikipedia article, it sounds like they're apples and oranges and some forms of corporatism incorporate capitalism. i do see how Gates could be described as a corporatist.

wokeasfook ago

Sanitation is the no 1 reason for population explosion all over the world. Now the West is in decline and beings replaced by gates retard replacers

Nukeisrael ago


A_Punkass_Bitch ago

we need national socialism

Nukeisrael ago

I know but 80% of this website literally had a Pavlovian response to any critique of capitalism. It’s like a religious word for older people here.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

part of what makes Gates so evil is that he publicly acknowledges the problem of overpopulation while fully understanding that his efforts are one of the main causes of it and doesn't admit to it.

I would love it if, when he discussed the problem of overpopulation, some interviewer would stop him and say "So why are you vaccinating hordes of niggers in Africa? Wouldn't it be best to let the disease run its course?"

slowcrash101 ago

Wrong. You can't survive on vaccines, you need food. Niggers only need food to keep reproducing, nature makes them stupid and leads to difficulty acquiring food acting as a natural form of population control. Vaccines don't help them rather the vaccines hurt them, the jew poison is less effective than nature as a means of population control.

TheStapler ago

i don't think i'm wrong but you have a good point that improved nutrition is another way population growth has been able to accelerate.

HiJoker ago

Stop making nigger chow ffs.


There are two ways to build capital. One way is to collect the product of the labor of someone else (the one and only thing Marx got right, though that wasn't his idea) and the other is to take that product from someone who already has it. Option one requires population growth, as any labor which has already produced is spoken for. Option two merely requires that you be in a position to claim that product when someone else loses it. Up to this point, that has usually meant taking it from another capitalist when his power structure loses control of it. More recently they have moved toward methods of capital consolidation that allow them to acquire wealth that would otherwise have stayed in the hands of individual families, such as making college and housing unaffordable and thereby transferring wealth from retired or nearly retired workers who have children.

But that won't work a second time, because the new generation never had the chance to collect enough of their own labor product to have that kind of wealth. As it stands, the only wealth they stand a chance of acquiring is what's left to inherit from their parents. This is not sufficient to fall into the areas covered by the old instruments, and even K-selecting groups are generally choosing to have at least one offspring in spite of inadequate resources (r-selectors of course don't care, so "welfare" is used to keep them from revolting.)

But suppose you were to silently sterilize that generation? By silently of course I mean gradually, blaming it on the acceleration of a trend of falling fertility to deflect attention away from the injections that it started with. Then, if you position right 20 years later, you stand to collect not just the entire GNP for that period, but any residual wealth that was otherwise in inheritable real property and value-holding goods including specie.

This, I believe, is the goal of Gates and the faction backing him. Collect all the wealth of all the individuals, and all they have left to do is work for you for what amounts to food and housing and consumer goods (i.e. no real potential for wealth gain.) The result is an overwhelmingly strong position from which to acquire the wealth of competing capitalist factions, such as the currently dominant De Rothschild faction (who I believe back the Kalergi plan and seek to do the reverse, subverting individual wealth by breeding less and less intelligent populations that don't realize when the money they think is contributing to their wealth is actually only contributing to their overlords'.)

The endgame of the one is automation. The endgame of the other is digital control systems that allow the management of dumb labor with very few managers (so, in a sense, human automation, though I don't think a fully mongrel-ified race could accurately be called "human.") Both have the long-term flaw that all technological developments have, with few exceptions, been the sole work of whites. But try explaining that to people with actual literal hubris. They think themselves gods who deserve to own everything and control everyone, and they believe the only reason they can't just go make new technology is because they haven't tried. They just have to destroy the people who do it now first.

Nukeisrael ago

And the current world order is using the tried and true easy option one which is infinite growth and debt based. Neoliberal capitalism is literally the enemy of the white race at the moment.

TheStapler ago

that's interesting. i can see now how some capitalists could gain wealth without population growth. but if they're looking at giving future generations of elites opportunities to build wealth, isn't growth still necessary? with fixed labor output, the marginal return of monopolization, consolidation etc. gets smaller and smaller.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

they don't need wealth just power

Nukeisrael ago

Automation should theoretically make everyone’s lives easier if states weren’t led by psychopathic traitors who are willing to sell out the future of their country for a quick buck to the capitalists who want infinite growth. All forms of materialism as an end and not a tool like markets will find any way possible to break down all barriers for commodification. Look at what’s happening to Ireland right now for example. Tax haven, megacorps move in, they need scab workers, state is pretty much leveraged by billionaire megacorps to open up for scrap workers. Megacorp wins, shitskin invader wins, politician wins, native working class loses. They made the excuse for france/UK/USA to accept immigrants due to MUH COLONIALISM so you deserve it goy! Now they are kind of overplaying their hand with Ireland and now this massive push trying to open up japan, two countries who didn’t do any colonialism (to shitskins at least that will be flooding in). It’s a mask slip. They already just used colonialism as an excuse but now they are just throwing away the mask and saying “yeah whites are going to get fucked but so what we need this system that is debt based and requires infinite growth to keep going.” Pretty much capitalists are in a race for growth and for growth NOW. Feminism doubled the work force and lowered wages but also destroyed birth rates. High IQ races like whites and east asians have barely any children in a post industrial feminist society. That means to keep the pyramid scheme going they need biomass either in the form to redistribute to or be scab workers. This is where the social justice shit comes in. It normalizes whites seeing subhumans flooding into their countries and says that globalism is the way forward and that race is just skin color. It’s all a scam and if you’re a nationalist you should place blood and soil over any material system like capitalism or communism. Honestly you can’t really be a nationalist and a capitalist because they are diametrically opposed to each other. Both communism and capitalism will eventually break down identity into nothing once it gets in the way of massing capital.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

They started in africa in the 90s

Vc83 ago

Huh? The population of "poor, starving, wartorn" african countries have been exploading the last 30 years

slowcrash101 ago

Because they have food, provided to them by developed nations. If they were left to their own devices the stupidity of niggers would naturally limit their population, because they're too dumb to feed themselves. That is they would have to expend more energy to the endeavor of feeding themselves. Because of their stupidty more niggers would simply starve to death limiting their population only the smartest niggers. Letting them starve and evolve would actually be doing them a favor, instead the jew wants to limit their potential by indulging their 'gibs me dat' mentality. The jew shares the same mentality as the nigger so in a sense they share a bond because of that. The only difference is the jew has nepotism aiding his scheming nature.

Vc83 ago

Lol so let me get this straight, for thousands of years before the white men came, the surviving niggers WERE the smartest ones???

slowcrash101 ago

Yes, or the most physically gifted, those were the only ones that could secure food reliably. The barren wastelands of the tundra created white ingenuity, due to the scarcity of food. In nature only the strong survive, when man is pitted against nature without any outside intervention evolution is accelerated via strife.

You know the saying, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men allow what the strong built to perish which creates strong men in a never ending cycle.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

In the early 1990s,

"a series of scandals over WHO-led vaccination programs in the Third World led to allegations that tetanus vaccines in places like the Philippines5 and Kenya6 were being laced with hCG in order to implement population control by stealth," Corbett says.

The subsequent controversy chilled campaigns promoting population control via vaccines.

tallarn ago

If Bill Gates is trying to sterilize Africa, he’s doing a terrible job.

Nukeisrael ago

They don’t want african numbers to fall. Those are the future scab workers and miscegenators that they need flooding into japan and Europe. It’s literally their bio weapon farm.

tallarn ago

Well yeah, but that is some retard logic. You can’t maintain anything more than a hunter-gatherer civilization with Africans. There are no scab workers. There is no advantage. A couple generations without white or Asian majorities in their home nations and the entire system - which provides these despots their money - ceases to exist.

Nukeisrael ago

How is that retard logic? It’s working right now. They are importing niggers into Ireland and Europe by the boat load. It’s literally their bio weapon farm. Infinite growth requires infinite biomass and they can farm niggers up quickly and ship them off to be scab workers. They aren’t thinking long term, it’s for short term profit and pure biomass (quantity over quality) is all that matters for maximum capital. It’s all a part of the neoliberal capital system that requires infinite growth.

tallarn ago

It’s retard logic because it isn’t sustainable. You have to remember, a lot of the people pushing for European genocide think that Africans are exactly the same as us.

Nukeisrael ago

They don’t think they are just like us. People pulling the strings know niggers are stupid it doesn’t matter what the retards on the ground believe. They are told to believe in egalitarianism so they don’t put up a fuss when they see mass migration. And not sustainable for whom? Kikes? Sure it is but even then making the most money possible doesn’t care about sustainability, it cares about GDP now. The logic of Shitlibs being unsustainable? Yeah it is. The ones pulling the strings? It makes perfect sense. I wasn’t talking about useful idiots but those who actually run the world. The ones who want mass migration to japan to keep the GDP up at the cost of the native’s safety, race and way of life.

tallarn ago

What I am saying is that the GDP will not remain the same if you replace the Japanese and West with Africans. GDP will evaporate. These people can’t sustain it. A cabal of very smart people can’t sustain it with a workforce of Africans.

Nukeisrael ago

No, it will go up. Raw GDP that helps the mega rich goes up with migration dude. They aren’t thinking that long term either, it’s like patchwork to keep up a debt based system. The way to keep the system afloat RIGHT NOW is migration. Raw GDP absolutely does go up with mass migration, that’s why they fucking do it. It’s literally more people buying things and more money moving. Are you sure you know how anything works? Of course africans can’t maintain japan but they can keep the raw GDP afloat with the aging population and low birth rates. That’s why they want it. The replacement doesn’t happen overnight and they don’t care about the long term, it’s for sort term gain which is how it has to work in a global competitive economy.

tallarn ago

Short term, maybe. And sure, if you have a work force that works for half price, then companies make more money. I just don’t see there being any long term benefit to flooding the world with nothing but low-IQ cretins.

I suppose there’s some kind of idea out there that people will be just stupid enough to not challenge leadership, but still intelligent enough for maintaining manufacturing, agriculture, and utilities. Just enough of a consumer base that all the of pointless shit that’s manufactured will be sold at inflated prices and continue to be purchased. That shit like the movie and sports entertainment industries will still remain hugely popular. Thus allowing the elites to continue their decadent lifestyles without being challenged.

IDK. I know that’s what they want. I just don’t see that actually happening. Like, Mexicans may save US companies money, but they also created Mexico. If we’re gone, this place turns into that shit hole. These people being here en masse doesn’t raise them up to our level, it tears us down to theirs. Bill Gates didn’t get rich because of the Mexican economy. If the economic, political, and most importantly social systems that elevated these people disappear, so does the source of their wealth. Eventually, but it will happen. You might get a good decade or two, but eventually, the whole thing would collapse.

I also think you’re fooling yourself if you believe that everyone involved in this is cynical, as in, aware of exactly what they’re doing and what they’re opening us up to. The conditioning for most of the lower level idiots is very, very real.

NorthSeaPagan ago

To add to Nukeisrael, with advancements in AI technology and computing the jobs that are going to disappear will mostly be middle-class jobs that White people excel at, think office jobs, engineering jobs, etc. Robots are not actually cheap and require regular maintenance, that is never going to change, it will literally always (or for at least the foreseeable future) be cheaper and more efficient to pay Pablo and Tyrone $5.00 an hour to do shitty service/manufacturing work than to pay a machine to do it, I am sure you will say I am "delusional" for thinking this but as someone who has actually worked in manufacturing jobs before I can assure you that the machines are not replacing the workers at all, they suck, they require constant maintenance, they are slow and they are most of the time less accurate than the workers are at literally every single manufacturing job I've worked in, the only time they are used is for jobs the humans literally cannot do or for super "clean" shit. Meanwhile, you have people making 100,000 USD a year working jobs on computers... jobs which actually can and will be replaced by AI in the future, AI that will just run on the computers alone doing all the work those engineers, computer scientists, office workers, etc. do...

Nukeisrael ago

I already told you they don’t care about the long term. You can’t in a global market or you lose. And yeah, it will be a shithole if mexicans take over FOR US. Not for them. That’s what you don’t get. They will always be safe and away from danger, especially with modern technology. You just don’t get that it’s not about quality, infinite debt based systems do not care about the quality of the consumer. They want 5 mexicans making 20k a year more than 1 dude making 100k a year. You need the bare minimum of high skilled jobs which are already over saturated and will be the first to go with AI and shit and the rest literally doesn’t matter. And yeah you are right that it isn’t sustainable at all but you’re not listening to me when I’m saying THEY DONT CARE. In order to stay competitive you have to keep the 3% growth per year going. Absolutely have to, it’s not a fucking debate. You seem to think the mega rich care at all about a middle class existing. Western economies are already built on pixy dust and fake service jobs, we don’t even produce anything. Again, RAW GDP RIGHT NOW is what they want. They want 5 beaners in a one bedroom apartment who all make 20k a year rather than one white dude making 100k a year. That’s 5x the cars, the car insurance, the food needed. Do you see where I’m going with this? They are not afraid of a place becoming a shithole. It doesn’t effect them at all. It effects YOU and they don’t care about YOU!

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Hes trying to bump those numbers up using europe now

obvious-throwaway- ago

Hard to blame him. My only hope is that his true intent is to rid the earth of non-whites and white race traitors. One can only fathom how much better off everything would be. Not sure why they would want to just get rid of whites, with automation I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of billions of niggers and chinks would be. Niggers are completely useless and the only thing chinks are good at is producing shit tons of products for the 7 billion people on the planet, but if you didn't have 7 billion people, then there would be no need to produce all the useless crap they produce.

reason247 ago

Think of it this way... Who wants and will take that vaccine. Cross them off the list for the future. Who is left?

gazillions ago

His true intent to is to have absolute control. He doesn't have to kill 80% of the population to do that. He's a common garden variety evil person who thinks 7 billion people should be obedient to him.

Africans would be the best served by killing him. They're also the ones who would get some of the biggest rewards from killing the UN.

lord_nougat ago

That's cool. He can start with himself.

Whitening ago

Yeah, Lead By Example !

rumorhazard ago

Depopulation of niggers and jews would be fucking wonderful for this planet.

throw_it_in_the_lake ago

Bill Gates is obviously right. Suck his dick you fucking cucks. Bunch of cucks in all these threads. I came to voat to see some real people but just a bunch of fucking cucks. Fuck you pussies. Thought you actually built a reddit alternative but you just cut and pasted Reddit.

reason247 ago

Go back to reddit.

throw_it_in_the_lake ago

They kicked me off

The_Thousandth_Man ago

Said the piece of shit...

reason247 ago

Well... At least you know its not the platform and instead you are the problem. Have you perhaps been kicked off of 109 platforms?

AnotherGrayman ago

If you smell shit everywhere you go, you're the one covered in shit.

Rahav ago

I think Gates should be vaccinated by his own vaccine,lock himself up,and redistribute all of his wealth.

Does that make me evil like him? Lol

Tallest_Skil ago


Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on an imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. It’s going to explicitly release real data, with citations, directly from a source. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… THREE ENTIRE YEARS early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? THREE ENTIRE YEARS of waiting is THREE ENTIRE YEARS to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Even if Q-LARP is a real “organization” of a sort, everything it says points to the action as being nothing more than “Part A of the ZOG wants to do something Part B of the ZOG doesn't.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about during said martial law? Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend THREE ENTIRE YEARS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening around the world, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 75 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago


ItIsAllaLie ago

I agree. Q is just about putting the awakening back to sleep. People were starting to become aware to the corruption and beginning to get fed up.

What better way to put them back asleep than by installing a puppet who appears to be fighting the deep state, then create a fictional character who "leaks" info and has them trusting a plan.

When the puppet stays in office, after all of this, the people will be so relieved that they will be okay with only a scapegoat or two taking the fall. They won't care that the swamps not drained.

They will say "maybe it is too deep, but we are safe for 4 more years" and then come 2024 they will rush to the polls and vote purple again.

He doesn't even hide his love for the jews.

And China?! He's been running predictive programming on his supporters about China for 5 years now and they are just eating up the lies.

They started to become awake and then had the blinders pulled right back down by someone who doesn't give any info and just says vague nothing's that can apply to anything, similar to Nostradamus.

Sad really.

And this has been planned for years. Around 2001 I used to have a map saved that showed the oil pipeline in the middle east. It coincides with all the "wars" and interestingly the projected line goes into China past the wall then loops back out. I used to speak with my then husband about how would they convince the citizens to go to war with China?...we are witnessing it.

MemeDropAcct ago

Bill Gates needs to be locked down.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago


moosethenoose ago

This fucking guy has no meaning in life.

He literally wakes up, and says, what can I do today.

Plenty of people jerk off to him.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

Plenty of people jerk off to him.

Anyone who's worked with any PC's and Windows for at least the last 30 years know's Gates is a evil motherfucker, and shouldn't of even been in charge of programming MS-DOS, much less sticking needles in people's arms. Bill Gates has spent a ton of money over the last couple decades in PR to improve his image, and also laid low for the last couple decades socially as well. He knew people were sniffing out his depopulation plans in the 90's/early 2000's. So he stepped back, hid in the shadows a bit while his PR teams worked on the world's psyche a bit to make him out to be some medical oracle, or something.

Make no mistake. He is just as much a piece of shit now as he was in the 1980's.

verboten ago

Gates [..] shouldn't of even been in charge of programming MS-DOS

Do you still believe that story? That two people programmed an operating system for a computer they had no access to, using the specification instead and making it work without a single test run?

The gates family was well connected with the swamp and they have made Bill Gates Warren Buffet's front man. He is just a puppet, made to distract us.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

and making it work without a single test run?

You do realized there were multiple versions of MS-DOS correct? As in, all the way until 9.0 (or was it 10.x or something) before the Windows 3.1 interface was developed. MS-DOS didn't just get dropped into the wild completely 'done. The first version of DOS was simply basic commands to access very simple files. BASIC was all part of that as well. This has been going on for years. I think you're a little 'out there' with this stuff, but the bottom line is that Gates has ran a shitty product since Day 1, has ran shitty software all the way through the decades, never fixed any back doors, and let his software run wild with 'viruses'.

I know the Gates family is well connected, but at least keep my point on the simple fact that if I can't trust Gates to fix his own software/creation, why the fuck should I trust him to inject me with some needle of toxic god-knows-what.

verboten ago

The official story is that Microsoft started with Gates and Allen developing Altair BASIC - with an Intel 8080 emulator because they didn't had the hardware. Then they drove to a presentation of the Altair computer and their BASIC ran immediately. Everybody who writes computer programs knows that it is absolute impossible that a program runs at the first try. They were just the front men for technology that was developed elsewhere (universities and military).

DOS was bought by Microsoft from a man who adapted the CPM operating system for the 8080 processor.

The_Thousandth_Man ago

It amazes me how people are looking toward Bill Gates, a college dropout, for answers on health over that of highly trained virologists and physicians. It's like interviewing Jah Rule post-9/11 all over again.

Dots1024 ago

Yet when an engineer does his research and comes to the opposite conclusion, they chimp out and cry: YoU'rE nOt A dOcTeR!

MemeDropAcct ago

