minx88 ago

Who is in Muslims are a sub species they are not human they are Neanderthal mixed with animal DNA that have been squeezed out of Satan’s ass they are the synagogue of Satan their seat and seeds I repeat they are not human therefore they worship Satan therefore masks and synagogues are demonic pods and they need to be burned

The1stLantern ago

Not that I question clown world, but what is the source this isnt being applied to other places of worship?

Smokybubbles ago

If this shit doesn't piss you maple niggers off worse than a five minute major called on your team in OT, then you are truly lost. You need top start taking your country back. Hell, your whole military is the size of the NYPD. Don't tell me you can't start kicking some commie ass. Sharpen some damn icicles.

ChickenYiddle ago

Couldn't see anything in the article about the mosques or sinagogues in the same area.

Do you happen to have any sources on this?

Risen_In_3 ago

Christians for too long have believed in the "love thy neighbor as thyself" for too long. They forget the same person who said that took time to make a whip, flipped tables, and drove grown men out of his father's temple.

recurv3 ago

Mark 13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Best thing is to get away from the whore churches and study on your own. All modern churches are corrupt and suffer the sin of Jeroboam.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Returning to temporary tent churches out in nature would also be more inline with scripture too.

recurv3 ago

Tent preachers seem to like snakes - that's a big no for me.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago


StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

The article says nothing about mosques or synagogues. How many could there be in Manitoba anyway?

Optional-Reading ago

start wearing underwear on your head and speaking gibberish and you will soon pass for one of the other abrahamic religions.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Don magic underwear, marry a 14 year-old girl, and pass for Mormon

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

i'd wear magic underwear if it got me a hot virgin

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I was thinking the same thing...sheeeeeeee-it, I would wear pink panties and a Marilyn Monroe wig if that were the deal

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

of course you know that 14 year old mormon girl ain't a virgin.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

God told the Elders it was OK

source: Elders

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

elders of zion?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Mormon Elders

Nukeisrael ago

Christians love being oppressed though, isn’t that what the religion is all about? Slave morality?

jkjkljlk567567 ago

Dudes...how do I search? help.

ManchesterT ago

Nowhere in the article does it discuss mosques or synagogues

Carpools ago

Is it true that Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and other places, to prevent further genocide of Christians?

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Look at Danzig Bromberg massacres

Civil_Warrior ago

Diversity is for niggers.

Make this tshirt.

superspathi ago

Start killing the enforcers like Solzhenitsyn said.

DrShitlord ago

Cool, did he? Have a reference at hand? I'm busy with the children, little time to read Solzhenitsyn...

ManchesterT ago

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Remember this when they start knocking on doors for vaccines and not paying Bidens gun tax

joshafool ago

Something got to give Canada!

Donald_Trumpstein ago

Jews own the courts and would win in the end, profiting off of being a victim once again.

Muslims will aloha snackbar everywhere they can

Christians will sit there and take it like pussies

One of those 3 groups doesn't know how to stand up for themselves, or even more importantly each other, physically, and in large enough numbers to matter. Can you guess which one it is?

minx88 ago

Diss robe and disbar the Jewish in the court systems drag them out fire them and fry them

Shotinthedark ago

That would be rayciss

Doglegwarrior ago

I'm not Christian I don't like the fact it comes from jew sand niggers and has nothing to do with white Europeans.

But God damn can the international jew be any more obvious this is a war against white western Christians?

I stand with the Christians that have been fooled by the jew and hope they wake up to the real enemy that confronts them

ScreaminMime ago

Where does it say Jews and Muzzies are exempt?

The1stLantern ago

Source: Trust me bro

ManchesterT ago

Nowhere. OP is speculating

buffalo_fart ago

Kinda looks like they want to kill the dune coons nothing more.

Apathy ago


beefartist ago

Cops pick low hanging fruit. If your church tolerate this bullshit they will go for you

noob_tube ago

If you kill their families over it, you won't be low hanging fruit anymore.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

unless you hang them from a tree then theyre strange fruit

Aidan20 ago

Go get yourself arrested, then. You need a few punches to the face in order to stop worrying about the little things, and develop b.a.l.l.s.

voatusernamevoat ago

Hey, it's christcucks who let in jews, muds and other non Whites, reap what you sow.

Djinnobi13 ago

As if the progressive atheists don't always bash Christianity and defend Islam. Shut the fuck up

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

YA and the jews own the corporations that build and run the MEGA cult..churchs. I helped build a few mega church buildings; extravagant, huge, empty for 90% of the time. The devil is the greatest lair, he got em on that one even whispered lies in kings ears to have them edit the bible.

Fat_is_healthy ago

It's the "christcucks" in the catholic church that also opened up the "rat lines" for natso "war criminals."

NicotinicAcid ago

It was governement officials who are basically godless. If they are "christian", they are likely catholic, so basically following a satanic order presented as a christian church.

I would suggest you read the new testament to understand Jesus and Christ consciousness, but I know you've already made up your mind.

Alhambra ago

ACKSHULLY it was "enlightened humanists" and whig historiography who let them in. "all men are created equal" is NOT from the Bible, it's enlightenment/freemason gibberish.

Broc_Lia ago

ACKSHULLY it was "enlightened humanists" and whig historiography who let them in.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

The christians have been letting in the jews since the start. Augustine of Hippo gave them a special place in his writings. Heck, even when the Christians were doing their damndest to wipe out native european religions they were making special exemptions so the jews could go on jewing.

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

"All men are created equal" <----- written in a time when non-whites were not considered men or human.

Jabilukka ago

Goood point, whites are the real men.

Alhambra ago

fair point

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Less than 50 years ago an Aborigine was seen as equivalent to a kangaroo and were legally fauna.

chrimony ago

The New Testament does away with the Chosen People nonsense. It's very much a brotherhood of man religion.

minx88 ago

Oh yeah and since the since the Talmud clearly states extremely demonic things against Jesus that means the Jews are anti-Christ followers which means that their Maciek is Satan and that they are Satan‘s chosen people not gods but they are seed of Satan and that clearly states in the Bible Jews are the synagogue of Satan they are not white they are Middle Eastern invaders parasites communist bolshevik the most demonic murder like the most Like the Muslim but because the Jews look white because they mix with whites but they are not they are the whiny ass victimhood to face schizophrenic Backstabber yes every single Jewish Muslim is a literal Backstabber and people need to get that through their heads before they lose them

Broc_Lia ago

It's very much a brotherhood of man religion.

And that exactly the problem. All men are not my brothers.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

So you think niggers are human? Weird.

Broc_Lia ago

Even if we somehow convince the Christians to stop donating their paychecks to the subsaharan breeding programs, are we going to convince them that their greatest ally has to be removed?

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Sure if you can convince them to follow scripture and Christ not their faggot pastor.

Chimaira92 ago

Yeshua never once lays a finger on his Jewish brethren. He flips over tables and thats about it.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

He never laid a finger on anyone, nigger.

Chimaira92 ago

Exactly, he was a pacifistic cuck who self declared himself as the son of a jewish god and the king of all Jews.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeshua never made it particularly clear that subsaharans are not their neighbour. And the attachment to the "holy land" will always remain.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

There is a desert the size of the United States between those Niggers and at the time, The Kingdom of Israel.

bfriend13 ago

Christians are the chosen people right now, the time of the gentiles. But at some point God will keep his promises to the nation of Israel and save a remnant.

chrimony ago

But at some point God will keep his promises to the nation of Israel and save a remnant.

Aaaand that's why the Christian Zionists fuck us with their bending over for Israel.

bfriend13 ago

Jews have pretty much control over the US through their control over news media, tech, banking, Hollywood, etc., not just because of Christian zionists. They don't even need any Christian support at this point in time.

Do you really doubt God will keep his promises? Our salvation through Christ is totally dependent on God being trustworthy. If he doesn't keep the promises he made with Israel what can we count on for our own salvation?

chrimony ago

Do you really doubt God will keep his promises?

I'm an atheist. But if you want to argue about it theoretically, God's promises are based on the people being righteous. Since Israel is dominated by Talmud, the irreligious, and other sects, and have rejected the Christian prophet, I believe God's promise is null and void based on the New Testament.

Alhambra ago

that's right, there are no chosenites, but there is a 'synagogue of satan', 'pearls before swine' and 'sheep among wolves'.

Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.

beefartist ago

The Catholic church was one of the last groups fighting against degenerate jew hollywood trash

xXSquaksXx ago

abwydyn ago

And now look at the church.

lord_nougat ago

I guess it is clear who won that fight.

IrbyTremors ago

It ain't over yet. But yes the modern Catholic church needs to be cleansed.

Aidan20 ago

The case of America proves the opposite: take Christians out of the equation, and the whole country turns to worship kikes.

Broc_Lia ago

Christians killed the European immune system, now that their own token resistance to kikery has failed we're supposed to hail them as the solution?

Aidan20 ago

What Christ taught was nothing like judaism, that's why he was killed. His philosophy was also a straight shot from classical Greece, that's why in middle ages Europe we never went taliban with the old culture, but drew a line from Socrates to Jesus and all philosophers.

North America was first colonized by Christian fundamentalists, ignorant fools who sought to return closer to jews. It's just your brand that's toxic and polluted from the origins.

Broc_Lia ago

that's why in middle ages Europe we never went taliban with the old culture

That's objectively untrue. There was rampant iconoclasm all over Europe in any country where the christians gained a foothold. Even outside of Europe we lost millenia of classical knowledge when Alexandria burned.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Didn't the sandniggers burn it?

Broc_Lia ago

It was damaged multiple times by multiple groups.

In general christians did far more to harm classical european culture than any other group.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

You just ignoring all the pagan tribes that collapsed the Roman empire or what?

Broc_Lia ago

The Roman Empire was the collapse of the Republic. It was a couple of centuries of Weimerica while the walls fell in on themselves. All the Germans did was walk right in at the end and liberate the serfs.

Aidan20 ago

Alexandria was destroyed by Islam, you retarded kike golem. And you call yourself redpilled, but can't even recognize that islam=good and christian=evil is an ancient kikery.

Broc_Lia ago

They were both iconoclasts, which you would know if you didn't have your head so far up your ass trying to decide which semetic religion is the perfect fit for europeans.

Aidan20 ago

You associate Christianity to judaism, when jews vehemently hate Christians and wish for nothing but their destruction. To be an atheist is to play in the kikes hands.

Broc_Lia ago

Jews hate Christians the way Stalin and Lenin hated champagne socialists: They had no intentions of keeping them around past their useful service life, but they were all too happy to use them to undermine the west.

Aidan20 ago

Jews hate Christians, not fedoras. Those are useful idiots, for without Christianity, people eventually forget what is wrong with jews. They wake up one day and think they're just a group doing things in their best interest. Ask Yanks, their greatest dream is to become a kike themselves: but since they literally can't, they settle for being 'like' them.

Broc_Lia ago

for without Christianity, people eventually forget what is wrong with jews

Lmao, what? We didn't have a jew problem in Europe up until Christianity let them shapeshift their way in.

If Christianity is so based and anti-kike, then why were they making kikery the only religion allowed to be practiced alongside Christianity? They put jews on a higher pedestal with more privileges than native european religions.

Aidan20 ago

Look at the larpagan pretending he wuz kangz. You pre-Christian wasteland was nigger-tier barbarians, and the greeks\romans who colonized it pretty much adopted Christianity because it's the natural evolution of the western empires. The core tenet of Christianity is that there's no chosen people, and that jews are the synagogue of Satan.

Broc_Lia ago

and the greeks\romans who colonized it pretty much adopted Christianity because it's the natural evolution of the western empires

They adopted Chrisianity becuase their cosmopolitan globalist utopias were collapsing due to multiple plagues and economic crashes. It's exactly the same thing we're seeing now with antifa and the cultural marxists.

The core tenet of Christianity is that there's no chosen people, and that jews are the synagogue of Satan.

The core tenet of christianity is universal brotherhood and philosophical monopoly. It's Islam with different window dressing.

Aidan20 ago

You pulled that plagues and economic crashes out of the ass, the Roman Empire fell due to snow nigger invasions. And you stink of shill if you disingenously say Christianity is similar to Islam, since 1. the latter came afterwards and stole liberally from it; and 2. Islam is just another path of judaism, believing mostly the same but revolving around arabs instead of jews (both semite tribes, same manure).

Broc_Lia ago

You pulled that plagues and economic crashes out of the ass

Seethe more, they happened. Everything that was good about Rome was long gone by the time the Caesars came around. Nothing after that point was worth emulating.

the Roman Empire fell due to snow nigger invasions

Socially strong germanic nations picked up the pieces after the empire had already collapsed.

And you stink of shill if you disingenously say Christianity is similar to Islam, since 1. the latter came afterwards and stole liberally from it

Lmao. If Islam copied christianity (I agree, they did) then how are they dissimilar?

and 2. Islam is just another path of judaism, believing mostly the same but revolving around arabs instead of jews (both semite tribes, same manure).

Correct. All three are jewish trash.

Aidan20 ago

Seriously, you don't know the basics of Christian tenets and history compared to Islam's? You a kike or the unfortunate victim of liberal parents? What Jesus said is completely incompatible with judaism and islam, the latter of which is mostly identical: a thin excuse to validate supremacism by divine authority. Jesus' message is nowhere in islam, but his figure was incorporated in the koran to better assimilate Christians, that's why it's disingenous to put them on the same level.

Broc_Lia ago

Seriously, you don't know the basics of Christian tenets and history compared to Islam's?

During their early history they behaved virtually identically.

You a kike or the unfortunate victim of liberal parents?

Christianity was forced into my ears from a young age. That doesn't erase it's past or the truth about it.

What Jesus said is completely incompatible with judaism and islam, the latter of which is mostly identical: a thin excuse to validate supremacism by divine authority.

Oh really now. Then why were the Christians so eager to destroy any possible competition?

but his figure was incorporated in the koran to better assimilate Christians, that's why it's disingenous to put them on the same level.

All three religions incoporate elements from previous dominant religions in order to spread their meme.

ketoll ago

Don't comply. Rip the fines up. Do you fear God or do you fear Government?

jkjkljlk567567 ago

how do I search voat?

happyfacemcgee ago

I think it would be a funny sign of the times if they came in and tear gassed everyone in the church.

minx88 ago

We can tear gas the synogogue of satan And that will be the first time that they were gassed because we all know the holocaust is a fucking lie and the more they try to hide that fact that its a hoax more they PROVE that it’s a lie

just like the covid is another jewish scam

minx88 ago

OK jew you have to watch out where you’re going now because in every dark corner jew will be killed

ostreet ago

WATCH OUT!!! fairy man behind you

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RacistCatWhistle ago

LOL let me know how that works out for you. Make a sovereign citizen video for us when yku het arrested fkr not paying your fine.

Broc_Lia ago

Let me know how compliance works out for you. I'm sure the pigs will be extra nice when they're kicking down your door.

RacistCatWhistle ago

Give me your address in jail and I’ll send you letters

Broc_Lia ago

With the way things are going we might be cellmates.

Thereunto ago

“Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” - Mark 12:17

anonymous111 ago

Romans 13:1-7

Submission to Governing Authorities

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

minx88 ago

No government does not rule over you has no right to claim so .nobody has the right to rule over anybody.It’s just the synagogue of Satan trying to dominate and humiliate by using victimhood war tactic we are in war they have the Jews and the Muslims and knickers have invaded and infested and breed like cockroaches because they are cockroaches out of faggot satans ass

jew use use money and fear to manipulate people by using fines to threaten people using the court system to threaten people but they actually have no fucking right to do that and you have to countersue and you have to find them and you have to put the Jew in prison for trying to threaten you with anything especially the poison job and people you would not take a cup of poison so why would you take a love someone to put up syringe full of poison into you it’s murder by syringe they’re attempting to murder people what are you doing murders you fucking kill them . jews have always lied

Martin Luther wrote a book called the Jews and their lies did you have always started wars they’ve always poison people they’ve always starved people they are the murderers they’re the gangsters they are the serial murder every time do the basic research and you see it’s always been the poisonous fucking demonic bullshit big Jew the attic for our bolshevik Jews they are the communist the Nager BLM is the Jewish bitch The Jews use victimhood to invade at this time they brought there is Lameck invaders they are not refugees like Oliver Cuomo said it’s it’s a ploy a tactic to manipulate you into allowing the Jew parasite to come in and invade Jews are invaders and now they have brought and funded for the Islamic invasion now you can see that with black Muslims in the four-star hotels waiting to murder people this is paid for by Jews that take your tax dollars which is theft the Jews are theThe thieves Roth child has told his children to have banks infiltrate the education system infiltrate the court system and the immigration to bring in the other Jews like film Judesuss and they use lies and psychological war tactics like projection blame shifting guilt tripping constant whiny ass victimhood and socialist hippie equality crack lie stop being manipulated by juice stop giving money to the Jews if they find you you sue them if they sue you you countersue you take the Jewish money and you killed a Jew because they are back stabbers how many times I have to say this to people before you learn Jews are daemonic back stabbers their demons they’re not human lizard alien whatever but they are not human they are the vampire parasite the Jewish ritual murders with Adrenochrome and that it is a power struggle with these fucking demons they want to humiliate I was in there they are bitter spiteful fucking things because when they see that they can’t control you then they use victimhood to use gaslighting because Satan is a fucking bitch and use the shit out of satans that literally it’s not an exageration People. they’re constantly trying to use control control in the education system trying to vaccinate your children because that’s just Jewish ritual murder they want to murder white children they want to tell people that you can’t go to church because they are demons they don’t like God and God’s children and anything to do with God you see what they do to the Notre Dame you see what they do to the statues of Jesus and Mary you see what they do to families who are trying to just have their business to pay their take care of them their families the Jews are the ones who are causing this shit the Jews are always the one who are causing this shit they are the communist they are the demons they are the children of the dark they are not anything but the Jew Globalist elite liberal Democrat just call them what they are they are the fucking Jews and they’re the backstabbing two-faced fucking parasite demon

minx88 ago

Look Jesus absolutely never said that never said that Jesus never said to Tony are the cheek do your enemy that’s a fucking Jewish lie

Jesus says very clearly in revelations they are the synagogue of Satan they are the seed of Satan Jesus called him out numerous times Jesus whipped them

You don’t love your enemy you don’t turn the other cheek because if you do that then you allow the enemy to to murder you and the people that you love and then you are betraying the people that you love because the enemy will kill you so why would you do that that is just fucking stupid it’s not logic

no you kill the enemy!!

The Jews and the Muslims are demons that there’s so fucking ugly as well they look like fucking rats and cockroaches because that is what they literally are they speak act and look and behave like rats and cockroaches out of Satan‘s ass they constantly use whiny ass victimhood the same goes for the Nager they are brown because they are shit out of Satan‘s ass and the Jews only look white because they mix with whites centuries ago and still in order to blend in in order to backstab

even if the Jew has blonde hair for mixing or from a bottle you can still see that they’re ugly fucking witches Muslims really look like ugly fucking cockroaches they are deformed because they’re in breeding with each other on child and with animalsThey are insecure they are psychotic they are schizophrenic the majority if not all have schizophrenia they are not human people get this through your head before you lose it

recurv3 ago

Isaiah 1: 23Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them.

24Therefore saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies:

25And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin:

anonymous111 ago



How about Caesar sucks my fucking cock, dad?

Scary ago

You don't even understand what Jesus is saying in that verse. You also probably have not gone to Mass in over 5 years. Kindly fuck off.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Render unto Caesar. Stop using gay translations faggot.

PeacefulAssassin ago

"Hello fellow Christians, the government said it is illegal for us to go to church, so let's just follow and stop practicing our religion goyim."

The verse was talking about due taxes and not persecution you faggot

Broc_Lia ago

I think he was suggesting that you should go to church, pay the fine, then keep going to church.

PeacefulAssassin ago

I see, but we have to be careful with this verse's interpretation.

Seen it being used to say that Christians should roll over and take everything dealt to them

minx88 ago

Civil first of all the Jews and the Muslims are shit out of Satan’s ass and they need to be banned and burned

The Jews need to shut the fuck up and be and you need to sue them get them fired pulled out of their positions in a court of law and education system and politics and farmer gates needs to die immediately because he is a murdererHe’s a poisonous fucking Jew who is trying to murder people by syringe because in the syringe vaccine it is mercury barium aluminum from aldehyde it’s poison OK people you wouldn’t drink a cup of poison so why would you let these poisonous fucking Jews inject you with poison you wouldn’t choose a

he’s a poisonous fucking Jew who is trying to murder people by syringe because in the syringe vaccine it is mercury barium aluminum from aldehyde it’s poison OK people you wouldn’t drink a cup of poison so why would you let these poisonous fucking Jews inject you with poison you wouldn’t

Choose our bolshevik fucking murderous parasites they want to threaten people they want to tell people is bandit to read that they’re going to have to be murdered by syringe with the juice wanted to try is saying that if you don’t let us murder you with poison then we’re not gonna allow you to eat or go to work or or travel Or even leave your homes or put you in a cage so stop allowing this poisonous fucking Jew rats to threaten people with his daemonic shit they’re just trying to murder you and threaten to starve you and murder you if they don’t allow you to marry her you understand those people choose just are fucking murder is fucking shit they always have been and always will be

Every single solitary Jew is a fucking backstabbing demon the same goes for the Muslim they’re the same Middle Eastern shit that you looks white because they mix with whites but they are not white they are Middle Eastern demonic shit they are not human Stop thinking that they are human but you realize that they are demons then we can addressed it and and burn these fucking things!!!

that’s why they put Francis which is a fucking Jew as pub to infiltrate because they are afraid of the Catholic Church because it is God and the Jews are demonic synagogue of Satan their demons they’re never gonna stop trying to murder people they like to poison and starve because their demons they are rats they are ugly fucking rats you can even see that there they make it to plastic surgery but they are poisonous fucking back stabbers every single fucking Jew is a Backstabber

And they want to murder people there was never a holocaust did use the ones who had been murdering people and then they make up their fucking lies with a fucking bullshit victimhood tactic they’re whiny ass victimhood tactic all the time and then nothing but lie and now this is the biggest fucking lie and hoax that the Jews are trying to parasite and murder literally everyone this time on the planet especially Christian because Jews are fucking demons that hate n are psychotically jealousof gods children white angels

jews are the seeds of satan !

people it’s always been the Jews because every murder a serial killers Jack the Ripper Berkowitz the Vegas guy this the school shooters all have a juice stock market crash anytime there’s been poisoning people like the radium cosmetics in the 19 century lead paint all the toys arsenic wallpaper under the guise that it’s healthy for you because it looks like nature they always put the socialist healthy equality bullshit lie in order to stab you in the back and poison you another use the same thing with the masks is to suffocate you under the guise of safety who is the Jews trying to poison people and starve people to death Like Stalin and Trotsky and Eisenhower these are both of the Jews they have no mercy they have no empathy they are nothing but fucking murders andrenochrome vampires

Look at what they’re doing now they want to murder hundreds of millions of people again they have invaded they haven’t tested they have use this bullshit Covid like there is no fucking Covid people OK you can see that you can see people sitting

You can see it’s a lie you can see that people know that the Jewish Democrats are talking with no mask and telling people they should wear a mask and hypocrites you could see somethings wrong when hundreds of Nager’s right and smash with no masks but the police attacked somebody who is the middle of the ocean surfing Thousands of doctors have already proven that it’s a fake OK virus is meant to cleanse the body of toxins so there is no fucking virus and never was it’s just the Jews trying to lie to you constantly and push fear and then they use the snitching method and the intimidation and the constant fucking Jewish laws to control you so that you’re afraid of each other because they’re afraid of us learning the truth and getting together the Jews are scared and they are demonic they want to fucking murder thousanads of millions of people!! I’m not gonna stop but you just gonna have to fucking killed you because they’re not going to stop and what did they used to come on people it’s not difficult to see they just use money to manipulate you by trying to find you and they know that you were scared of being fined so people don’t want to get fines it’s controlling people so what are you do is you fucking so they do sell them sue the Jews if they try to find you you sue them used to the mayor you sue anybody who is trying to intimidate and harass and threaten you you get them fired you burn the picture you see them you take the Jews money do you take every last cent of theirs Because the fucking Jew is a murderer twofaced commy backstabber

Chimaira92 ago

That would be Jesus telling his followers to turn the other cheek and to befriend your enemy.

Quite literally what is happening to current Christian nations, they are following Jesus's commandment of being a pacifistic bitch.

minx88 ago

No do you just never said that we should love our enrmy First of all that’s fucking stupid but I need to kill you and your family so we don’t Luv something that would kill you it’s a trail betrayal Jesus Mary said anything like thator anything that’s the fucking Jews claiming that he said that he would never say that

In fact Jesus name for June and he said that they are done at vapors and whipped them

gazillions ago

No. It was about egalitarianism. It was referring to the fact that EVERYONE is equal when all are children of God.

Too complicated for liberal/jew media raised critics of a Christianity they can't comprehend because it's too complex for them.

But then the Synagogue of Satan are not children of God. They are rejects of God. God rejected them.

Broc_Lia ago

Well this is a direct parallel since the US dollar is being issued by the feds, just as caesar's coin was issued by the Romans.

Nb: I'm not Christian, just that's what Thereunto seemed to be saying.

ScionOfZion ago

Better buy bitcoin then, and tithe in it too.

Plavonica ago

Like a true cuck.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Like a good Chrristcuck

Moon_Central ago

Christs may come and Christs may go buy Caesar is forever.

brandnewset ago

Ceasar was the jews bitch

Broc_Lia ago

Caesar was a bitch all on his own without needing the jews' help.

IrbyTremors ago

This is the state of mouthbreathers on this website. Jews are responsible for plenty, you don't need to make up more.

itssomatic ago

Julius was in debt to jooish loan sharks.

brandnewset ago

Check out the pdf The Great Jewish Masque. 1926. Available on historyreviewed.com.

A high iq nigger like yourself should be able to read it and report back in the next couple of days.

Knowledge is power. Power can be had by hiding it too.