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Roadblox ago

Fuck these pricks. You had grown ass adults trying to kill a 17 year old child. He defended his elders and fought bravely for his own life. He’s done more than these fucks have sitting on there chairs in that corporate office. Fuck this company. We need to start a band list of companies, get awareness of what shit people need to band and why. Then distribute that to the masses.

Khro_ ago

The OneAngryGamer site that stood for free speech and no censorship had a "Traitors of America" list that tracked what companies and people publicly supported BurnLootMurder and the destruction of America. It's a good list that is of great use. A version of it is still still archived and available in the user-run voat OAG subverse where the OAG community went to after the kikes shoah'ed the OneAngryGamer site:

The list no longer exists on the OAG website because the kikes shoah'ed both the site and its free speech-loving owner. They now own and control that site and they're scrubbing it of all anti-kike information and especially anything that counters or points out their propaganda. They turned the site into yet another kosher propaganda shithole mirroring all the other gayming propaganda shithole websites with no free speech in the comment sections and no calling out of the kikes and their pushed faggotry and censorship in the articles since the articles are now all written by kikes.

lepersbell ago

An apt end considering William frequently purity-tested people on his own side and then drug them out in an expose when they didn't meet his standards. One time I saw him interview someone, talked with them over the phone and then years later even with the interview still up deny that he had ever spoke to them.

Just the same I planned on compiling information into a site that includes tags for not only anyone that either declared support for BLM or gave them money but also compiling what businesses ran COVID propaganda or required their customers or employees to wear masks outside of State mandate.

We need to be draining these people of resources, weening our dependence off of them despite them being everywhere, if only so that we have a clear mind of where we choose our money to go.