Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

I never drink joo coffee. joo coffee tastes communism, and I don't like communism.

1John_Doe ago

The over under of your current age is 13 years, 6 months.

beefartist ago

Fuck off with your saint kyle shit, faggots...while his dad let him out to fuck around with communist homos a county over his family could have been being burned out of their houses or raped. Protect your fucking neighbourhood not a quicklube/tire store

Gorillion ago

Black Dick Coffee Co.

FKM ago

Look back at the very founding of BRC. They are gun runners with a coffee front.

M80TheMan ago

Fuck those kike cocksuckers. “Oooooooo we believe in gun rights but not when used in self defense against commies with guns”.

woadowl ago

So they support their jewish pedophile terrorists that Kyle protected himself from who were, by the way, attacking people and destroying property. I bought one bag of coffee from them but something didn't feel right so I stopped. I'm glad I did not give them any more money. Their videos and claims of second amendment rights and their written support of veterans and gun culture fall short

KillKillary ago

Evan Hafer Designed as a coffee brand for A-type personalities, BRCC was founded by coffee hobbyist and veteran Evan Hafer, who has been serving his country since 1995. Going from the National Guard to active-duty Special Forces,

Evan later found himself working for the State Department and CIA as a private contractor...

blakriflecoffeecomp ago

Hello goyim.

It is me your greatest ally.

Please buy my coffee.

I need your shekels to support my daughter and son who spent time in the evil Nazi Holocaust camps!

KillKillary ago

They tout the owners are veterans. Greedy opportunists like McNoName using their service to make money.

secretsquirrel7 ago

One more brand I will never touch.

Chris_Mitch_Lazlo ago

Good this gives us ammo. Fuck the nigger rifle coffee co.

Yubin ago


So jews and slaves of the jews.

Imagine being a veteran and being proud of fighting for israel.

KillKillary ago

Evan Hafer owner CIA contractor

gimpyoldman ago

"We do not sponsor nor do we have a relationship with the 17-year-old facing charges in Kenosha, WI." Say his name! Kyle Rittenhouse!

GutterTrash ago

The moment I saw him wear that stupid ass shirt I knew people would rush to suck the teat of this company, I also knew they would jew out and condemn him. They have already demonstrated to hate American money, and yet the sheep still buy their crap

MinorLeakage ago

It is a well-known fact that Evan Hafer personally sticks his dick in every bag of coffee that Black Rifle Coffee Co produces. You will catch AIDS from drinking Black Rifle Coffee Co products.

Black Rifle Coffee Co supports pedophilia, and the owner Evan Hafer insists on molesting children. Every year on the Winter Soltice, Black Rifle Coffee Co sacrifices a virgin girl to Satan, and puts a drop of her blood in every bag of coffee.

Black Rifle Coffee Co owner Evan Hafer raped and killed a girl.

TripleZ ago

Who buys this shit? Jews, that's who.

whipcracker ago

Evan Hafer: Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis. It proves just how crazy some people are, and how far they are willing to reach in order to criticize a company they don’t like. They are literally willing to call a Jew a Nazi in order to get traffic to their blog article or gain more Twitter followers. It seems that many in our country these days will automatically default to accusing people of being a Nazi, or being a racist, misogynist, or… the list goes on. I don’t think we’ve earned or deserve to be compared to Nazis by any stretch of the imagination.

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Evan, you should have said zip. Why the fuck can't you guys figure this shit out. In fact evan, the people ruining our nation have you in the crosshairs too. How do we buy your coffee if there is no economy. Shame on you son.

Hand_of_Node ago

the people ruining our nation

Are the same people running the marketing operation known as the black rifle coffee company.

1John_Doe ago

To all you juveniles who are attacking Black Rifle for not "supporting" Rittenhaus, go fuck yourselves. It's a business, the business is in business to make a profit, not to be a conservative social justice warrior. You condemn them, but what have you panzy ass living in your Mommy's basement soy boys done to support him? Yeah, nothing.

And you Cretans who attack Jews just because they are Jews? Yeah, fuck you too. You are as childish as niggers when they attack whites just for being whites. Treat everybody with respect until they prove they don't deserve it.

Ok, let the juvenile racists attack, 3, 2, 1....

Hand_of_Node ago

Thanks for proving you don't deserve respect.

prairie ago

Everyone here on Voat: told you so.

nouseforaname ago

They didn't need to release this statement, this is deliberate counter signaling disguised as brand protection. Hanes underwear never denounced anyone and I guarantee lots of assholes wear their clothing.

CowWithBeef ago

Kyle with the epic shitpost wearing that shirt to call out the jews.

neuro2b ago

what did you expect from people that by coffee for $1 a pound and sell it for $$$$$$...mediocre coffee, and their website sucks...learn about responsive design...Rubes

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Controlled opposition coffee. Fuckin overpriced crap

Roadblox ago

Fuck these pricks. You had grown ass adults trying to kill a 17 year old child. He defended his elders and fought bravely for his own life. He’s done more than these fucks have sitting on there chairs in that corporate office. Fuck this company. We need to start a band list of companies, get awareness of what shit people need to band and why. Then distribute that to the masses.

Khro_ ago

The OneAngryGamer site that stood for free speech and no censorship had a "Traitors of America" list that tracked what companies and people publicly supported BurnLootMurder and the destruction of America. It's a good list that is of great use. A version of it is still still archived and available in the user-run voat OAG subverse where the OAG community went to after the kikes shoah'ed the OneAngryGamer site:

The list no longer exists on the OAG website because the kikes shoah'ed both the site and its free speech-loving owner. They now own and control that site and they're scrubbing it of all anti-kike information and especially anything that counters or points out their propaganda. They turned the site into yet another kosher propaganda shithole mirroring all the other gayming propaganda shithole websites with no free speech in the comment sections and no calling out of the kikes and their pushed faggotry and censorship in the articles since the articles are now all written by kikes.

lepersbell ago

An apt end considering William frequently purity-tested people on his own side and then drug them out in an expose when they didn't meet his standards. One time I saw him interview someone, talked with them over the phone and then years later even with the interview still up deny that he had ever spoke to them.

Just the same I planned on compiling information into a site that includes tags for not only anyone that either declared support for BLM or gave them money but also compiling what businesses ran COVID propaganda or required their customers or employees to wear masks outside of State mandate.

We need to be draining these people of resources, weening our dependence off of them despite them being everywhere, if only so that we have a clear mind of where we choose our money to go.

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israelmossadjewgold ago

"eh I sat on my ass in iraq and guarded people for the cia now I'm a "veteran"

yergi ago

I see people are starting to make fun of them over this on parler. Give them what's for, boys. LMFAO

diriel ago

And to think I had been considering ordering from them. No longer. Companies like this are persona non grata as far as I am concerned.

ranch-othelioma ago

Kenosha_Kyle shot members of their (((tribe))), what did voat expect?

OyGoy ago

I was a willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, because, let's be real, fuck voat, but this is below the lowest I thought a company could go. Fuck you black rifle company. Fuck you hard.

AttackHelicopter ago

That's disappointing. I remember Jared fucking around on a dirt bike while his then-wife was bathing their daughter in the kitchen sink. Wholesome as fuck. Nothing lasts forever, it seems.

MemeDropAcct ago

Joos gonna Joo.

PresidentBiden ago

uhhh oh, well, hows about that, you know, its Tuesday and you want to get a Hamburger but, well, you uh uh, come on now Man, its a type of salsa sauce and you know, you know, you know you cant just take it away from the banana plant.. And thats why we dont want to invade Syria to overthrow the Plutonian government that we went to Costco.

shitface9000 ago

wow. these guys are creating their own stereotypes.

PhillipVolk ago

Kiked coffee is mad that Kyle shot other kikes.

Gimmethelolz ago

Am i the only one that noticed they were too pathetic to even say his name in that? They can't even do Kyle that respect

Sedatedinsomniac ago

It's about 2/3 of the way down. They specifically do not stand with Kyle.

I suggest hitting their youtube channels with criticism. That'll get it in front of the normies.

invisiblephrend ago

unless they edited it, they only refer to him as "the 17-year-old".

child_abuse ago

Eyes on Crowder.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Yes. Crowder has been pushing their products this entire time since I started watching his streaming since Nov. 4th.

anticlutch ago


Stop supporting that forever israel cuck.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Some faggot will probably tell you that the filthy kike was in the military so you should give him a pass on wanting to genocide your people.

beefartist ago

Tax dollars paid for him to put in PT time and shoot the odd 5'6" goat herder

TripleZ ago

Paging @observation1

observation1 ago

Imagine being born to a Jewish parent. Grow up an American. Join the armed forces. Create a successful company. People automatically believe you are trying to genocide whites.

This is the same mentality the "kill all the white man" comes from. By this logic, sharing the same ancestors as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Bush Sr, or having the same lineage as somebody like John McCain means you get the electric chair. Being white just like the above people automatically makes you a bad person. Imagine that.

TripleZ ago

Imagine all the people, living in harmony.

bb22 ago

Any sister raping retard can join the military to go get fucked by Muhammad for the Jews. Real patriots defend their homes and don’t want a pat on the back from society for helping Jews.

dannyjones11 ago

Even worse, he spent his time oversees making coffee instead of killing sandniggers

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Don't drink the shit, otherwise would boycott immediately

Zyklon_Bear ago

Burn that t-shirt, Kyle.

Splooge ago

Looks like Kyle's getting his first lesson in the (((reality))) of things.

I think he's a good kid, but more than not he's fallen victim to the jewish neocon narrative and the lies that come with it.

I'm sure that prior to all this, aside from being an unironic "back the blue" advocate and believing shit like "DEMOCRATS ARE THE REALLLLLL RACISTS," he also bought into the artificial unity that the neocon side seems to offer. In particular, that companies like (((BRCC))) were worth his patronage because they'd have his back if something were to ever happen.

Well, that something did come to pass, and after being raised to hate and distance himself from "muh natzees" and "muh white supremacists," he suddenly finds that he's being called both, including from prominent figures in the neocon jew circles.

Aside from the actual support he's been getting, I sincerely hope he finds someone up on the JQ to provide him with further appropriate mentoring, so that when this ordeal is finally over, he'll understand exactly why things were how they were for him.

uvulectomy ago

He trusted the system. They persecuted him.

lepersbell ago

Thousands of years ago the first man discovered how to make fire. He was probably burnt at the stake he'd taught his brothers to light, but he left them a gift they had not conceived and he lifted darkness from the face of the Earth.

privategoat ago

Keep trusting the plan and don't pay attention, goy.

Splooge ago

Indeed, and it breaks my heart to see it so because Kyle (to me anyway) is that naive, wholesome kid we all once were. At some point, we all bought into the lies, but broke free before it got to a breaking point.

In many ways, Kyle's story is one many of us can relate to, because any of us could've been him before someone introduced us to the JQ. He never had that chance.

SulemonSeinfeld ago

"Kyle's story is one many of us can relate to, because any of us could've been him before someone introduced us to the JQ. He never had that chance."

You're a genius Splooge. This hit me like those old Sally Struthers commercials. It tugged at the heart strings.

We need a campaign..."for just a dollar a day, the price of a cup of blackriflecoffee, you can help a child in your community get the daily dose of the JQ that they need...".

PaoHater ago

Fuck these faggots. St. Kyle is a national treasure. Fuck with him; face the wrath of a lot of angry patriots.

Scyber ago

Black Retard Coffee.

PhilKDick ago

Saw Kyle wearing their shirt after his release. I just knew they didn't ever lift a jew finger to help him.

facepaint ago

OK. That is why they made that statement. They were accused of having some sort of relationship with the kid, and they just did not want to get involved in that mess.

They are still butt-holes and I won't buy their over priced coffee.

Cockboy ago

"Oh ok they just didn't want to be associated with the kid who stuck up for an upstanding business and tried to put our fires that antifa terrorists were starting. No problem then, they're a okay by me now that that's clarified. They sure are buttholes though."

You're a fence sitting faggot just like Rogan.

Fambida ago

Weren't they already cucked from years ago? This certainly doesn't surprise me.

Plavonica ago

Only in our small corner of the internet. This puts them on the front page right in everyone's face.


They are also literal faggots.

Cid ago

They've spent years pushing fake patriotic propaganda to sell coffee. I'm not sure this will even matter, in their face or not.

Ira_O_Connor ago

They're Jews. We've known that for awhile here

Tubesbestnoob ago

Even civnats and cuckservatives should be angry over this

eulogyjones ago

I think it's a safe bet to assume anyone who cares about their sovereignty and the ability to secure it will be angry

Trope_ ago

Kike Koffee is what I’m calling it from now on.

Fucking pussies.

Splooge ago

Blacked Kikel Coffee Co

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lepersbell ago

They need to be hit hard with this in front of their customers.

They support the idea of guns, the iconography of guns, not actually ever using them in defense of life and liberty.

They are LARPers of the Activision Call of Duty variety.

beefartist ago

You mean like 90% of voat?

eulogyjones ago

They need to be hit hard with this in front of their customers

The coffee snob in me would be thrilled for them to lose their marketing foothold with people who have a boner for all things military.

Their coffee is absolutely shit and overpriced. I've tried it several times because people who don't know coffee got me bags in the past and I usually throw it away because its so bad I couldn't even choke it down.

You're better off supporting a local 3rd wave roaster. You'll get great quality for decent prices

Hand_of_Node ago


Regular price


/ 12 OZ. BAG

Wow. To be fair, they do have cheaper 'no name' beans ($13.99 / 12 OZ. BAG - FREE SHIPPING WITH SUBSCRIPTION!) But the whole operation is a pretty sophisticated marketing scheme targeting the oblivious.

eulogyjones ago

That's pretty hilarious considering the local 3rd wave roasters in my area sell high quality single origin beans for 18-20 bucks for a pound.

BRCC is a total ripoff. I think I paid less for 10ish ounces of a geisha varietal I came across awhile ago than that shitty escape goat roast.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's around $15 to $17 here. But I'm never going back to my local roaster now that they demand "the mask", and support Blacks Love Murder. Finally had the incentive to try roasting my own, and ordered 8 pounds of different varieties of green beans, and an air-popper popcorn popper for roasting. This popper does about 38 grams of green at a time, and yields somewhere in the low to mid 30s - which is just right for a 1 quart french press. If you're interested in dabbling, the 8 pounds of beans and popper are at for $40. Pounds of green for $4-6 on too.

BTW, old white t shirts turn a pleasing shade of 'coffee tan' when dyed with undiluted grounds and leftover liquid. Wash on cold to extend color life.

eulogyjones ago

Man I'd love to get into roasting at some point even just small batches for myself. I know that like 75% of the cost of coffee comes from roasting so it'd save a bit of money. Although I'd still buy coffee from other people anyways because I like having variety.

And yeah coffee shops are magnets for lefty faggots but I've gotten used to dealing with them because it's a small price to pay for quality coffee. Plus I can just sit down, read, and ignore them while I drink my coffee

Hand_of_Node ago

Same here, for years. Even used to read r/roasting along with r/coffee. It took the masks and all this bullshit to push me over the edge, then finding that $40 deal cinched it. It's actually only $20 for the popper and 4 pounds, but another 20 for 4 more pounds sounded good. It's 8 different types of beans. It's a cheap way to get into roasting, and there are endless opportunities to buy fancier equipment if you want.

I can see getting something that does larger batches, but this seems good for practice. The beans each come with recommendations for the 'best' roast, from city to city+ to first crack, and even vienna. Was kind of exciting to hear my first 'first crack'. :^)

chirogonemd ago

They hired a black woman as their vice president of culture.

Fucking hell, man. If you didn't have a clue already that this was just America fuck yeah opportunism....

Sloppy_Joe ago

They are okay with Americans using Guns to protect Israel and thats about it.

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

Never tried there coffee, it's hard to boycott something you've never purchased.

TripleZ ago

Nope, that's the definition of boycott.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

"We do not support legal advocacy efforts. We do not sponsor nor do we have a relationship with the 17-year-old facing charges in Kenosha, WI.

We believe in the integrity of the legal justice system, and support law enforcement officials."

Yeah okay....

TrialsAndTribulation ago

These fuckers sell coffee, not social justice. Why do they even have an opinion on this? It's exactly from the old meme:

"How is this going to help us sell coffee?"


Hand_of_Node ago

Because it's a marketing company, not a coffee company. The coffee is just the vehicle that hooks their marks.

lepersbell ago

They have an opinion because they're trying to head-off that they were involved. Kyle was seen wearing a t-shirt with their company logo for a photo op after his bonded release.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Okay, that's on me. I should have read their disclaimer. I'd be willing to bet Kyle throws away that t-shirt.

eulogyjones ago

Fucking bootlickers

Killnigs3 ago

slippery kikes im sure