sugamari ago

if we don't put the kakistocracy down (like down down yo) they will rise and rise again. sad but only they will bolshevik their opposition. hang them all or be hanged yo.

ReverendDobbs ago

Jennifer is right.

I've been self flagellating ever since election day. Leather bone whip as i chant with my rosary.

spaceman84 ago

It's okay, I want the commies thrown from helicopters into Mt Kilauea. Kikes get a train ride, one way, also into a volcano.

ferdo_jopsord ago

I know a guy from when I was in undergrad who I am almost 100% certain is behind the curtain for the dem propaganda machine. I've stayed "friends" with him for years on social media because I was curious to watch what he was up to. I've noticed that he tries out most of the things that end up being dem talking points before they hit mainstream, and even the ones that don't get traction (anyone remember "Trump is in the Mafia" that got floated after Mueller didn't get Russian Collusion to work? I watched him and his friends try to shop that one but it got laughed at).

On the morning of the election, he was really smug, and bragged about how he was pretty certain that "the numbers" were going to work out in Biden's favor. I got the impression that he was saying, "I know things that you don't know, and we've got this in the bag."

Halfway through election day, he started posting extremely obnoxious posts that Biden was well on track to winning, even though the public polling data was showing Trump was on a clear path to over 300 electoral votes. By the evening, he had started the, "these people must be disenfranchised and never allowed to have power in this country again" speeches about Republican and non-dem voters.

They're making it clear that THEY are in charge, we don't get to dispute that, and the 2016 abomination must never be allowed to happen again . This is the last stand for those who want a constitutionally run, democratically elected government in the United States. If this is allowed to stand, those who are seizing power will make sure that those who would not have them in power will never have a voice again.

golgo91 ago

Jennifer Rubin should be impaled on a flagpole in front of the White House in minecraft

Meatloaf182 ago

Id give her a mega titty twister

tourgen ago

The jews want to round you all up, put you in camps, breed your women to sub-80 IQ invaders, destroy your history and culture, and appropriate your accomplishments as their own.

Then they tell us to "never forget!" the last time a people decided to gas these invading parasites. Like it's a bad thing, removing bad actors from your society.

MAGA_Lion ago

AOC said something similar. Used to be witches were burned at the stake.

ConanLibertatem ago

I want all jews dead. I guess that makes us even.

sellinnothin ago

But he's the fascist...ok.

CalibanFresco ago

Leftists are like muslims. Sure, they don't all explode, but the one's who don't cheer on the ones who do.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Rubin is an ugly jew cunt, who looks like a bull dyke

Tubesbestnoob ago

Kike whore can go get raped by a pack of niggers

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

I’ve been seeing this sort of sentiment viciously expressed in comments on leftist sites.

Don’t forget all the Bernie Bros campaign workers who claimed the Gulags weren’t so bad and they will create gulags for the Trump voters.

MAGA_Lion ago

Thls is why women shouldn't be in power or authority. Most of them suck like this stupid b*tch, trying to play the system like it's some kind of sorority girl party. Ship this idiot over to China - since she likes communism so much - and let her experience the joy of being a permanent organ donor.

saxmaster ago

The hard truth is that if Trump knew about this months ago and didn't actually catch the fuckers red handed, for all the world to see, then he's done more harm than good and we should give him the boot.

Rand01 ago

This bitch won't get banned, but I've been suspended from Twitter over and over again for much less.

GeneralDisposition ago

There are three levels of power in American government all have to refer to the other. Genocide will be a new reality show if things like this have these positions. We must ban them from all positions based on clear and screaming mental illness.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

What’s her ethnoreligious background?

newoldwave ago

All liberal Democrats want the conservatives gone. We sane conservatives want the liberals cured of heir insanity.

freedomite ago

all of them.

iyskreem ago

Add me to the list, why not. If you disenfranchise half of society, you've simply created a new society

BW-414 ago

just by looking at rubin, you can tell she a psychotic, ruthless zionist terrorist. if she could get away with it, she would call for another bolshevik red terror. i have no doubt about that.

Fukredditt ago

They are Bolsheviks. Eventually they will demand blood. I served in the infantry to keep this madness at bay. I'm so sorry to see it coming to this again. They know not what they do. War is coming.

HighEnergyLife ago

The Turner Diaries.

Get fucking ready

mediaisfooked ago

I guess voting for the wrong guy is now a crime.

uab ago

Struggle sessions were a form of public humiliation and torture used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at various times in the Mao era, particularly during the years immediately before and after the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and during the Cultural Revolution. The aim of struggle sessions was to shape public opinion, as well as to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies.


RCCollier ago

Rubin.....say no more.

superspathi ago

Eh, big deal. I think everyone who voted D should be marched to a pit and machine-gunned.

shitface9000 ago

These commies are hungry for vengence.

GoatWhisperer ago

"We have a list"

Commies love this move; they've been doing it for centuries now.

Also, I am not a WN; yet even I still notice readily what Emily Abrams and Jennifer Rubin have in common- and it ain't their shared love of crossword puzzles and matcha tea.

ingeedingee ago

Jews believe they can't survive more than a generation without international communism.

noob_tube ago

Communism was invented by jews. They are natural liars. They will sell you dreams of utopian paradise, use you to seize power, and then kill you when they no longer need you. Ultimately, there is no compatability with jews and the rest of humanity. They will never stop until they dominate the earth.

stinkydogfart ago

I think her nickname is Pol Pot

TheBookWasBetter ago

They got upset when we shamed their coal burners.

ketoll ago

The Mainstream Media is fucking done. Their days are numbered.

joe5955 ago

Like Trump supporters give a fuck what the left thinks of them that's the difference between the left and right

rabies_4_all ago

Good. I don’t want to be part of (((their))) society.

Catfishbelly ago

To bad half the country doesn’t feel the same. We saw the turn out we saw we aren’t alone.

burl_pin ago

The mask didn't slip, it was torn off.

xExekut3x ago

Why aren't we doing the same?

hang_em_high ago

They are making a list huh? These people want you dead; not just removed from society.

jthun2 ago

I am shocked. A jewess wanting to exterminate half the population?

calebagann ago

I sent a message telling her I'm glad to comply just as soon as jews start wearing stars again. I mean if we are gonna start putting labels let's at least be fair.

Sumeriansister ago

Awesome idea

Intrixina ago

The thing is, there's no "not following the will of voters" at all. Stupid cunt thinks that "investigating allegations of fraud" constitutes this.

uvulectomy ago

They've also spent the last four years refusing to follow the will of the voters.

Intrixina ago

That's because these narcissistic cunts honestly believe that nothing else exists in the world except for them and their needs.

Dr5trangegov ago

all of y'all are nuts.

douk_nokum ago

Should've done the same thing to Killary supporters back in 2016.

patriot2008 ago

Is she admitting to voter fraud with that statement? I feel disenfranchised.

NakedWarrior ago

Hey Jennifer Rubin, why don't you come after me with your army? Oh? You don't have an army?

Then maybe you should shut the fuck up

RobertJHarsh ago

Rubin isn't kidding. They won't tolerate another Trump again....or even the possibility of one. Everyone who denied Queen Hillary her coronation must pay, from the big money all the way down to the individual voter.

SaneandAware ago

Blue check mark calling for a purge of half the population. Twitter: that's fine.

SaneandAware ago

LOL, well played!

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

You're a moron if you think that's an extreme view

deepsouth_scoundrel ago

In fact, fuck this human trash dumpster.

Setup protonmail accounts and submit every progressive you've ever met to [email protected] as having been on Trump's payroll.

Make them target their own subhumans.

stbelmont ago

In case anyone reading hasn't heard of Trump accountability.

Monarch981 ago

4chan links will always be wiped and broken soon after

stbelmont ago


HiJoker ago

Tell me that's bullshit.

stbelmont ago

A comment says he's a Buttigieg staffer. His account has been made private.

ingeedingee ago

They're Bolsheviks. If we don't thoroughly defeat them now, we will become the resistance and unlike President Trump they will turn the full power of the government against the population.

Smokybubbles ago

Are all jews born evil?

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

How is this out of the ordinary?

Anarchy99 ago

fuckin jews

DongTuna ago

Lol trump supporters still on the train after Zion Don was proven to be an Israeli plant, even more pathetic after all this beta shit he's pulling.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

How many? All of them.

Rawrination ago

All or almost all of them.

1Sorry_SOB ago

But I say we make Jews wear yellow stars.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

The covid cops at my work thought it was a brilliant idea to give gold stars to people who's temperatures were taken by them

I threw mine out immediately after taking a selfie with it and told them to fuck off and get a real job when they asked me if I had been tested yet.

FridayJones ago

Wow, and they complain about our "optics?"

koalling ago


Every. Fucking. Time.

WhiteJewishMale ago

Im a Jew. I rarely post or comment. I come here to Lurk.

For the first time I wanted to say somewhere quietly that the SECULAR NONE RELIGOUS Jew of the USA has lead me to believe that maybe the NAZIS had a point.

As a Jew I cannot say this publicly. Im a Trump supporter and love Americans America and Christians.

Im against the anti-white bullshit and now I am starting to agree with you all about my own people.

Only 20% voted Trump. After what he did for Israel?

There is something wrong with us. Its true.

Wheatstone ago

Hey fren. I'm a self hating Scotsman here. Our mothers are fucking cunts too! I feel you man.

But don't be down on who you are. The world elites are psychopaths first! They just pass all the blame onto you Jews by dressing up the stereotypical psychopathic behaviour in Jewish garb to make you a convenient human shield for the 110th time.

We aren't fighting Jews. The final solution was not very final was it. Because our enemy isn't the Jews.

The problem is the role these psychopaths have programmed your people for.

The true final solution is making brain scans mandatory for all positions of power and influence and we will all suddenly be at peace with each other.

This is what the Muslims, Chinese, Jews, Europeans and North Americans are all learning right now.

We all got fucking played like fools for millennia but we are the generation that caught these cunts. So I say fuck off with who you are. I care what you are. So let's free all our people together fren.

We can die divided or we can live as brothers.

KillKillary ago

You are welcome into the body of Christians Anon. One more step forward to God and you're all the way home.

Tubesbestnoob ago

I wouldn't gas you or put you in camp.

Belrick ago

Isn't this proof that trump wasn't controlled opposition. Just niave to the extent usa had fallen?

TheKnightOfGod ago


metzitzah b'peh [](metzitzah b'peh)

Doing this to your own children... the greatest abomination, absolute evil.

MAGA_Lion ago

Genital mutilation, but for boys.

TheKnightOfGod ago

and rape.

SearchVoatBot ago

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KLDB ago

Man. These people that are willfully blind should be nick named as emus.

Alhambra ago

crying out in pain as they strike you. wow, it's like stereotypes are accurate.

Cgeo9 ago

Thats a call for civil war if they do boys, are you going to cuck or shoot

HiJoker ago

I'm ready to go RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

rumorhazard ago

I’m not going to war for trump, the Republicans or to waste Democrats. It’s extermination of the jews or nothing, boys.

RobertJHarsh ago

.Me either. The country isn't worth saving. But I'll be damned if me or my kids end up in some "white guilt" reeducation camp.

SaneandAware ago

It will switch very quickly from us playing defense to us playing offense, and why not at that point? Nothing to lose because they will take everything from you anyway.

How she can walk the streets is a mystery to me. WTF?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

It's called Secret Service you half wit.

SaneandAware ago

You are an idiot. Journalists don't get USSS details.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

That is where your mistaken goytard, all jews in america get automatic treatment and entitlement to ZOGbot protective servies.

SaneandAware ago

Meanwhile in the real world...

Nekketsu ago

Remember, they want you poor and soulless. They want you and your children to suffer. They wanna see everything you love brutally stabbed and put on a pike for the world to see, and its fellow insane tribe to laugh at right in your face.

They want all of this to happen, to you and you alone and anyone like you.

And they think it's funny.

SpunRecord ago

Why do they want it?

Diane_Abbott ago

Because they want your dying words to be that God and Jesus can't possibly be real if such terrible cruelty can be allowed to exist in the world.

Nekketsu ago

Many reasons that I can narrow down to two imo. Some are merely brainwashed to the point of no return and think it's the "right" thing, and then some are quite literally insane/evil to their cores and just want to see whites suffer.

No matter what side you think of it, though, it's all in the talmud and how jews think they own Whites.

Killnigs3 ago

I do not fear the. or anything they do i hold true to myself

SaneandAware ago

They have always wanted it and pushed policies to do just that, with the MSM cheering them on. Time to get serious yet?

Wheatstone ago

I told you that millions of us are being gangstalked and having our lives destroyed!

I also told you that if you don't speak up you will all be next!!

Do you believe us yet?

itssomatic ago

It sure was a coincidence that a Mizrahi "vagrant" was digging through my garbage.

HiJoker ago

Most of them are still 'trusting the plan'.

Wheatstone ago


HiJoker ago

They're cycling through old Q posts and bible thumping currently.

The bible thumping is another elegant way to dodge any responsibility as a citizen and patriot.

GreenSlug ago

In all fairness, i firmly believe anyone with leftist leaning ideals should be pinochet'd. Sooooo, fine, unperson me and all the right wingers, means jack shit when all the lefties are reduced to greasy spots on concrete

Gorillion ago

After reading OP I think I prefer the "Reverse Pinochet". Where you throw them onto a running helicopter, from above.

You may want to wear a raincoat though.

RabbiPuttitout ago

Can I put my name on the list? I have a lead vaccine that is effective for covid. I promise to distribute it for free.

Gas_kikes ago

jews gonna jew

SaneandAware ago

and get away with it, until all of the sudden, for no reason at all, they don't.

Gas_kikes ago

fingers crossed. The goyim do seem to be getting tired and frustrated.

raisinade ago

I legitimately think they are fucking up here, even normie Trump supporters are seeing through it. All they had to do was wait 4 more years, let Trump flounder for 4 more years, and then changing demographics and an inevitably weaker GOP candidate would have allowed them to sail to absolute victory without making any kind of fraud obvious. But they just can't help themselves, achieving victory isn't enough, they feel the need to humiliate their opponents. I think they're making it obvious on purpose, this is meant to be a slap in the face. But I also think the main obstacle to White survival is a misplaced belief in the system's legitimacy on the part of normies, and that's not going to last long with this kind of blatant fraud happening.

Gas_kikes ago

I agree that them making their big push this soon is best for our side, but I disagree that conservatives will stand up for themselves.