PaulNeriAustralia ago

Fate, death, it's so random, unexpected. Every day we get up and set off on some minor journey and we might never return home. So we should all love each other more particularly people who wear a mask.

lordvain2 ago

This is what they wanted.

Tennis123 ago

'France embraces diversity in stunningly brave tolerance of murdering shitskin religion'

boekanier ago

Let's declare war on islam, what else can we do?

Mr_Wolf ago

it'll be turned into a mosque as is tradition unless the French fight back

gramman74 ago

Google translation

According to our information, a man attacked several people with a knife on Thursday morning in the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice. Two people died, including a decapitated woman, and one person was injured. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced that he would chair a crisis meeting at Place Beauvau. The assailant was shot and taken to hospital. LIVE Thursday morning, around 9 am, a man attacked several people in the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice, according to information from Europe 1. According to the latest report, three people died, including a woman, who was beheaded. The assailant, who was quickly arrested 10 minutes later by the police, was seriously injured. Hit by bullet, he is between life and death. Main information Three people are dead, the author is seriously injured The anti-terrorism prosecution has opened an investigation A crisis meeting is held at the Interior Ministry Emmanuel Macron is expected on site at the end of the morning The state of emergency attack was activated at the national level At least three dead, the national anti-terrorism prosecutor's office seized The events occurred around 9 am, in the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice. According to our information, a lone man armed with a knife attacked several people inside the building, killing three people - two women and a man - according to the latest report. One woman was beheaded, the man was killed and the second woman, seriously injured, died of her wounds in a nearby bar where she had taken refuge. Quickly, the national anti-terrorism prosecutor's office announced the opening of an investigation for "assassination and attempted assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise" and "criminal terrorist association". It has been entrusted to the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police and the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI). "We saw the police entering the church" Pierre, who works very close to the church where the attack took place, told Nice-Matin of the police assault. "My colleagues were smoking downstairs. They rushed back up indicating that there was a madman outside. We heard several shots. Six or seven. (…) We saw the police and the CRS enter the room. church. We moved away from the windows. " A crisis meeting at the Ministry of the Interior On Twitter, the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin announced the opening of a crisis unit at the Ministry of the Interior. Emmanuel Macron visited around 10:30 am, announced the Élysée, before he went to Nice at the end of the morning. IMPORTANT # Nice: a police operation is in progress. Avoid the area and follow the instructions. After having the mayor of Nice @cestrosi, I chair a crisis meeting at the Ministry of the Interior. - Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) October 29, 2020 Prime Minister Jean Castex, who hurriedly left the National Assembly where he had come to specify the contours of the reconfinement to go to the crisis unit, denounced shortly before 1 p.m. a an attack as cowardly as it is barbaric which leaves the whole country in mourning. "The state of emergency attack activated According to our information, following the Nice attack, the government decided to activate the state of emergency attack everywhere in France. A defense council will also be held on Friday morning. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has also just sent a telegram to all the prefects. The subject line: "Reinforcement of the surveillance of places of worship after the attack with the knife of Nice ". In the document that we were able to consult, Darmanin asks them to immediately strengthen the surveillance of places of worship and cemeteries, particularly at the approach of the feast of All Saints. The Catholic Church denounces a "unspeakable act" On the spot, the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, thanked the municipal police, "who questioned the author" of the attack. Like the Minister of the Interior, Christian Estrosi recommends that the people of Nice avoid the area "to let the police and emergency services work". I am there with the @ PoliceNat06 and the @pmdenice who arrested the perpetrator of the attack. I confirm that everything suggests a terrorist attack in the Notre-Dame basilica of # Nice06. - Christian Estrosi (@cestrosi) October 29, 2020 The Conferences of Bishops of France (CEF) reacted quickly, calling the attack an "unspeakable" act. "There is an urgent need to fight this gangrene that is terrorism, in the same way that there is an urgent need to concretely set up a fraternity in our country", told AFP Father Hugues de Woillemont, CEF spokesperson. François Hollande calls for "courage, unity and cohesion" Guest of Europe 1 Thursday morning, François Hollande said to have "a thought for bereaved families, before calling" for courage, unity and to cohesion "." It is a new horror which strikes our country, after many others, and in particular in Nice ", deplores the former President of the Republic, guest of Culture Médias." Once again, Nice is struck. But it is the whole of France that is under attack, "continues François Hollande. Right and far right want exceptional justice The right and the National Gathering have raised their voice after the attack on this knife in Nice." We really have to. change the framework to eradicate the Islamists "because" the legal framework (...) can no longer be adapted to lead this war ", denounced on BFMTV the LR deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes Éric Ciotti." Enough is enough, it is time now that France exonerates itself from the laws of peace to definitively annihilate the Islamo-fascism of our territory ", demanded the LR mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi." The dramatic acceleration of Islamist acts of war against our fellow citizens and our country imposes on our leaders a global response aiming at the eradication of Islamism from our soil ", demanded on Twitter the president of the National Rally Marine Le Pen. LR will not take part in the vote on the reconfinement The LR group in assembly national government will not take part in the vote on the health situation and the re-containment, due to this attack. It is "not sure that a vote which would show divisions in the national representation is appropriate (...) Our group will not take part in the vote, in conscience and in responsibility so as not to add divisions in our country", said Ain deputy Damien Abad, boss of LR deputies. The Libertés et Territoires group also announced through the voice of the member for Charente-Maritime, Olivier Falorni, its intention not to take part in the vote. Support from all over Europe, Turkey condemns Political leaders from all over Europe have expressed their support for France after this attack. "All my solidarity with France and the French. My thoughts are with the victims of the abominable attack in Nice and their families. All of Europe is with you", for example tweeted the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. Turkey, in an acute diplomatic crisis with France in particular over the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, condemned shortly before 1 pm "firmly" the "savage" attack on Nice. By Guillaume Biet, with Europe 1

OandAPartyRock ago

Notre Dame was arson.

Just thought I’d remind everyone.

dampkitty ago

yep, I got my youtube account deleted for talking about that one

Maat4u ago

Globalism. Where whites and Christians are wiped out replaced by violent air ass holding sand and non sand type niggers. Ruled by hooker nose god wannabes.

MarauderShields ago

Escalation to avoid EU coverage of Biden shitshow.


But there it is. Plain sight. Look at the timing of events.

Infearmal ago

My people are getting killed in our own country.....

oneinchterror ago

Things will surely get worse before they get better, but I truly believe the French people will make things right in the end. It's time for mass deportation/repatriation. Ethnonationalism is the only way forward.

boekanier ago

Ah yes, but france loves her muslims (some 6 million)

UncleDoug ago

Apparently not enough terror attacks are happening in France for the French to wake up to the threat posed by Islam.

Since 1970 in France alone, there have been 2,979 reported incidents of Islamic terrorism. Averaging 10-30 terror attacks on any given year.

BrokenVoat ago

Every bad idea comes from France. UK proverb about French politics. Guess Macron should have pushed harder against Muslims after elections.

Ma_ma_my_corona ago

Import savages get a savage place

gosso920 ago

"Cuts to the neck."

petevoat ago

No mention of beheadings in the other lame news. Said, 2 knife attacks.

Later found out it was 2.

moosethenoose ago

They hate whites as well. Their hate is rooted in jealousy. Their belief that they are superior doesn't match their reality.

They can't seem to figure out how to run a business other than a mall kiosk, gas station, convenience store, or off-brand cell phone store. Their mode of operation is grift. Somalis in Minnesota have perfected the ruse.

el_chivo ago

Untrue, there is a horrifyingly tacky somali clothing store at the mall of allah snackbar in Minneapolis. They be clothiers now.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

Hah never thought about that. They are such limited creatures.

moosethenoose ago

One would have thought that the Bataclan massacre would have provided enough impetus to start ejecting the sand niggers. The French people have let their culture devolve into track-suit wearing do-nothings being in literal control.

Fuck Islam and Jews. Deport them ALL back to their sandbox and let them kill each other.

In the early 90's our Foreign Language class was planning a trip to France. The professor stated very clearly that anyone with dark skin should not be trusted AT ALL Apparently the giggling American white girls were too much of a lure for darkies on previous trips.

I was in Marseilles around 2005 - it was pretty well along to becoming a dirty shit hole due to all of the brownies "migrating" across the Mediterranean Sea. I can't even imagine what it is like now.

blackguard19 ago

*The Bataclan hoax

And I haven’t seen any evidence of a real attack this time either.

oneinchterror ago

The director of the famous French film "Amelie" literally said he won't even consider a sequel because "Paris is ugly now".

I really wish I'd been able to do more traveling before the "migrant crisis" started. These days I'd rather visit Eastern Europe than Western Europe.

Mmmmkaybitch ago

Yes. I’m glad I went to Greece in 2011. It was right when it was starting to get bad. The rest of my European travels since have taken me to The Netherlands. Fortunately, these are both based populations who don’t like outsiders so it worked out really well.

bzeuuuh ago

To understand french mentality, watch this

It was juste after the teacher beheading. Réactions in the public will tell you all toi nées to know

Thadeus ago

How tf am I supposed to know what they’re saying I don’t know frog.

Babadookk ago

The translations cut off halfway through. Do you know what the gist of his message is?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

who the f..k invented muslims?

OandAPartyRock ago

Hi, I’m Robert Muslim, founder of Muslims.

About 1400 years ago we want to create a religion, and not just a religion, but a violent, evil religion. Our customers needed something fresh. There weren’t enough beheadings and child rape in traditional religions. So that’s why we created Muslims. Family owned and operated for 14 centuries. You’re welcome.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

the devil faith.

doginventer ago

Quran & Bukhari prove Rome created Islam

ReverendDobbs ago

muhammed the rapey pedophile murderer. Formed the religion peace.

philomath ago

A warlord pedophile.

Killnigs3 ago


PaulNeriAustralia ago

Phwoar! You are being tricky here. I need to analyse all the angles. Answer: Yes I do because he/she would have tried to limit CCTV coverage but I suspect you're being cryptic if not sarcastic and suggesting that just because a person wears a mask doesn't mean they are automatically decent like some in the pro-mask lobby here on Voat would seem to be suggesting in which case hurtful, damn hurtful.

FrodoTheGoldpiller ago

Do i smell reddit?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

'fraid so. God knows I've tried to wean @dulcima away from that cesspool of intrigue and fake news but she's drawn irresistibly back into the currents and eddies of misinformation and subtle brainwashing.

FireCrackLover ago

LIVE LIVE PROGRAMS FAMILY BRANDSADIO HONDELATTE MISCELLANEOUS LIVE - Attack at Notre-Dame de Nice: two dead, the author shot and wounded 9:27 a.m., October 29, 2020, modified at 10:31 a.m., October 29, 2020 AA The Notre-Dame basilica of Nice The Notre-Dame basilica of Nice Share on: According to our information, a man attacked several people with a knife on Thursday morning in the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice. Two people died, including a decapitated woman, and one person was injured. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced that he would chair a crisis meeting at Place Beauvau. The assailant was shot and taken to hospital. LIVE Thursday morning, around 9 am, a man attacked several people in the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice, according to information from Europe 1. According to the first report, two people died, including a woman, who was beheaded by the assailant, and one person was injured. The assailant was arrested 10 minutes later by the police, who had to open fire to subdue him. The assailant was shot and wounded

Gumbatron ago

Still being reported as a "stabbing" on the ABC here

PaulNeriAustralia ago

life is becoming more of a lottery - if the Covid doesn't get you the Islamist will!

CoffeeIsPoison ago

How do you think the common cold will get you?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

it won't 'cos I wear a mask in public. But for my mask I'd probably catch the covid, the flu, a cold and an STD.

xzars_folly ago

Welcome the point of globalism. When you live in nonstop terror, you are easy to control.

PontarBewsar ago

For every white life, 10000 sand monkey's should be taken.

Revelations2_9 ago

You and your upvoaters are literally judaized. Many probably are jews.

"Even when we seek revenge, it is important to make one thing clear – the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs" - Mordechai Eliyahu, the late Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel

Yes my fellow goyim, the kikes are so evil and parasitic that we should think just like them!

Repatriation/expulsion combined with cutting ties to Islamic shit holes would be more than sufficient. Between the US and Russia, the Christian nations can cover their own energy needs and the ME can go right back to being broke sandniggers. They produce nothing with their own ingenuity, and we don't need their oil.

PontarBewsar ago

Alright let's make it more clear for the record. Exterminate all Juden-rat, all sand-nigrs and all Joggers. It is the only way to be sure.

PriMerovingian ago

From orbit?

PontarBewsar ago

Ellen Ripley Style!

blackguard19 ago

So you’re not really questioning whether the news report is true before your mind jumps to mass murder?

Gee I wonder why false flags happen.

PontarBewsar ago

Why not. Muzzy filth has been a plague to the European Occident since it's birth. Get rid of them, and their Judenrat handlers.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Jumps? It's already there...

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Gumbatron ago

Unsurprisingly the government funded media here mention nothing about the beheading part. They also mentioned nothing about the attacker being muslim, but that's no longer surprising.

dampkitty ago

MSN: "Knife crime in response to Marcon's Islamophobia"

NoMeGustanLosNiggers ago

part and parcel

ReAwakened ago

Think anybody will figure out that this is actually the fault of the jews?

Killnigs3 ago

we preemtively have