SearchVoatBot ago

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ardvarcus ago

Mohammed sucks Satan's cock.

gosso920 ago

They will soon experience "cuts to the neck."

Duke_Nucleon ago

You mean some Swedes have not yet left Sweden? I thought they voted to give their country to Muslims. Guess I missed something.

AtheismIsAjewCult2 ago

This is your country on atheism. Never go full retard like Sweden.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Coming here after 2024. This will be our new Amerika. Don't Vote. Get Woke.

Sanpa33 ago

Blasphemy against Christianity is still okay in Sweden.

JackTheGetRippedEr ago

Blasphemy is a religious right as long as no one is harmed or planned to be. Islam is physically dangerous. Swedish nationalists are organized underground I guarantee it.

Cool_Clock_Ahmed ago

Coming soon to the US if Demoncrats get their way.

Maat4u ago

Blasphemy in a secular world is shit. They allow faggots to rape kids all day. But the lines drawn with calling Mohammad what he was? A pedo? What a Joke

Draco777 ago

Has anyone in Sweden been imprisoned or incited for hate crimes against Christianity? All I see is Christians being attacked and accursed in the Western World while it is celebrated. Criticize Islam and that is a blasphemous hate crime.

BrokenVoat ago

The law can be used against anyone the Swedish government doesnt like. The Swedish government hates Sweden, Swedes and Christianity. Therefore you are safe if you hate on these groups.

binrobinro ago

If only they had blasphemed against the Catholics, they wouldn't have gotten into trouble.

clubberlang ago

hate crime unit

1st problem

Thankfully, the Swedish government has not fully embraced Sharia and enacted the death penalty for blasphemers explains Ingrid

2nd problem being thankful and apologetic to not fully accepting a religion of hate

Intrixina ago

Näthatsgranskaren is the same horseshit as the faggot leftist horde on twatter and elsewhere.

AlternateSelection ago

How big a pile could we make of all the Korans in the United States right now? And what a massive blaze that would turn into.

Draco777 ago

Don't forget the Babylonian Talmud for extra fuel.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

If you really care about your family's safety, anonymously upload you burning a Quran and the Muslims can't help themselves but go snackbar. Really interferes with the MSM narrative if they out themselves as dangerous and unhinged. #BarbeQuran is what liberates the West.

Intrixina ago

They've done that already in Sweden several times. Rasmus Paludan did it several times in the last couple of months, they tried to ban him from Sweden for 2 years, but turns out he's a Swedish citizen by descent and can't be banned from the country.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

And it's fueled Muslim violent rioting which has sparked backlash protests against Islam

cantaloupe6 ago

Probably just make a video, save money.

clubberlang ago

Place them in a Uhaul conveniently in a mostly peaceful but firey protest in a democratic run city

AlternateSelection ago

And slap a bunch of Trump stickers on 'em.

ThAssOfHats ago

Muhammad(piss be upon him) was a pedophile.

SearchVoatBot ago

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mleczko ago

what are you, a bigot?

SearchVoatBot ago

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OyGevaltTheyKnow ago

The hadith that says Aisha was 6 is Jewish fabrication that directly contradicts another "Sahih" hadith.

kishind ago

Married at 6 fucked at 9, or 9 fucked at 12, it doesn't relly matter because Muslims are pedophilia friendly.

It doesn't matter what the dead people did in reality. What matters is that child brides are a feature of Islam as it's really practiced, and that means Islam should be destroyed by any means necessary. Muslims are sick.

If they keep marrying their cousins there won't be any gene pool worth saving from that psycho fuck Allah. The Persians can be saved but for how much longer?

420_MASS ago

Fuck off sand nigger

cantaloupe6 ago

Taliban sure rape kids a lot though.

noob_tube ago

The taliban was trained and armed by Israel.

GutterTrash ago

It is current year. Saying such a factual statement only makes communists defend him more

ThAssOfHats ago

The comment below yours proves you correct.

SerialLarper ago

You don't know what you're talking about.

420_MASS ago

Lol fuck off sand nigger, we don't want you pedo cunts aorund

SerialLarper ago

Can't cope with the truth, eh, shithead? Cunts like you are supporting the war agenda of the Zionists.

420_MASS ago

Keep sucking that sand nigger dick faggot

SerialLarper ago

Keep projecting your own sickness, shit-fer-brains.

Dr_strangegov ago

I just don't buy it.

Gorillion ago

Pay your jizya, infidel.

Dr_strangegov ago


clubberlang ago

Oyyyyyy vey the mushugannah on this hutzpah!!!

SarMegahhikkitha ago

8 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

Atif Colo's merry band of Muslim shills.

Dr_strangegov ago

No shit! Well, that's something! So they ARE Organized? And gabby is atko? So That means too is putt? And they were fighting over control of voat? What the.....that's a hell of a story. Why, though?

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Putt is a fedora-tipping beta faggot, nobody here is stupid enough to believe he's a Rightist, and he refuses to use any Rightist memes to identify himself. He's exactly the kind of cuck that political Islam would use as a front man. Would political Islam just give up control over online discourse FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER?,_Israel#Antiquity GABARA. The "Godzilla" crap is a cover story. They covertly identify to one other to avoid friendly fire. I can give you a million other ways they use dog whistles they assume dhimmi can't hear.

Dr_strangegov ago

What is it exactly they are trying to do? Demoralize the infidels or something? What is it that his content is designed to do?

SarMegahhikkitha ago

What is /r/ShitRedditSays designed to do? They're a Leftist proxy group. Their branch here is designed to incite Rightists against "(((Christianity)))" then turn them against "Zion Don" and the Right.

Dr_strangegov ago

well, that makes me like trump even more. so they are organized. man, i loathe manipulators. thinkabout that. groups of people, banding together to manipulate and decieve. why? for money. maybe to be part of a club. maybe just because they get a power thrill out of tricking people. you know....i believe you. and i'm not angry at them. i'm just sad. because as manipulative as they think they are, they are getting played like fiddles. they cant really believe they are doing the right thing, right?

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Rotteuxx ago

Reporting in!