They have to go back 25 years. Imagine being that desperate to be the victim.
If I need an example of a violent leftist psycho I rarely need to look back 25 DAYS.
A 'huge wake-up moment' in Charlottesville
Lmao. A huge moment. A guy got chased by a leftist rioter with a gun, resulting in a car accident and a morbidly obese woman had a heart attack in the road. That is not a huge moment to anyone who doesn't live in an ivory tower bubble. In the middle east that wouldn't even make local news. Yet dozens die in leftist riots and it's "mostly peaceful", sure.
warned John Cohen, an ABC News contributor who served as the Department of Homeland Security counterterrorism coordinator under the Obama administration.
There you have it. An Obama admin jew who now works for the msm to lend an air of credibility to their fake news.
happyfacemcgee ago
Right, it just reads fucking fake. The FBI is a crooked organization and make no mistake that they are pulling off these false flags.
Sons of bitches.
numberonewebhandle ago
There is no such thing as domestic terrorism. Anywhere. Ever. No matter what anyone does. It cannot exist.
Octoclops ago
They have to go back 25 years. Imagine being that desperate to be the victim.
If I need an example of a violent leftist psycho I rarely need to look back 25 DAYS.
Lmao. A huge moment. A guy got chased by a leftist rioter with a gun, resulting in a car accident and a morbidly obese woman had a heart attack in the road. That is not a huge moment to anyone who doesn't live in an ivory tower bubble. In the middle east that wouldn't even make local news. Yet dozens die in leftist riots and it's "mostly peaceful", sure.
captainstrange ago
The people pushing this, the FBI and news media corporations, are domestic enemies and they are at war with america.
They are lead by bolshevik terrorist cockroaches.
There you have it. An Obama admin jew who now works for the msm to lend an air of credibility to their fake news.