minx88 ago

Put everywhere that he is an anti-gentile list and then he needs to get the fuck out All Jews are against the west therefore they are invaders so they need to go back in the ass of Satan that shat him out

minx88 ago

burn his picture

paralentor ago

open borders for everyone but israel

CaptThorazine ago

They aren't even trying to hide it any more.

kishind ago

They're using their copycat powers to imitate jews; they'll be nearly as bad.

Wonder_Boy ago

You got a link to what you're talking about? Or do you always fedpost like a faggot.

NeilCuckmann ago

The fact that you use "fedpost" incorrectly tells me you're likely a fed.

Plant_Boy ago

So here's a thing: Whites will invest in their families and live honorably within the rules. Jews will invest in making a political figure that will make you believe how oppressed they are, make rules against their oppression, and thus gain control over you.

I know a lot of you know this already but I just needed to verbalise it for my own benefit.

africa_calls_me ago

Jews need societies with fluid belief systems hence moral relativism. Strict, monolithic homogenous groups are a cancer to jewish power and have to be squashed and destroyed at all costs

LibertarianForChrist ago

You can tell by the nose

BurnEmcels ago

Say hello to your eternal torture.

Keep working for anarchy.

I own you past the point of no return.

NeilCuckmann ago

take your meds, schizo

heretolearn ago

3 ppl asked for a link to a source of what you've posted faghot. stfu and post links limp dick.

GabaraDiesSlow ago

You're going to get what you wanted.

Everything you love will be mine soon.

Keep up the good work.

NeilCuckmann ago

Go swing a chicken.

NeilCuckmann ago

he born in the USA

but yeah he's basically a citizen of Israel

Maat4u ago

Q save us from replacement. Lmao. Nah. He’s all for it. Because he’s under trump and trump is under the make America grovel again program

PygmyGoat ago

Cherry Creek High School... A bunch of silver-spoon snooty snobs. I’m not surprised in the least. Always had more money than they knew what to jew with.

Chimaira92 ago

link to the Bill?

She2002 ago

Kiking faggot nigger fuck

Maat4u ago

Trump and Q love niggers. Proof. Take a look at your surrounding. Take a look at all the “arrest” happening. None. The wrong people are winning. It’s not Biden either.


capitalized jewish


veteran88 ago

That thing should be stripped of citizenship and deported.

She2002 ago

Nigger kikes

Babadookk ago

Fuck jews

Neon_daemon ago

got a link faggot?

Gorillion ago

Opening the gates to the barbarians since at least 410ad.

fightknightHERO ago

I'm surprised his Early Life isn't nuked yet

heretolearn ago

Link to what you're talking about

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RCCollier ago

I can't stand these filthy Jews. I am glad though that people are waking up to the Jewish Question.

AlternateSelection ago

It's like They Live! but instead of aliens, it's Jews. We're all becoming aware of them in our midst.

Hoodboarder ago

Yes also why David Icke calls them Lizards, same same

Shotinthedark ago

Imagine putting on the glasses and everywhere you see the happy merchant

minx88 ago


kishind ago

I wish I could take them off for a minute, they're giving me a bad headache.

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heretolearn ago

We keep letting this happen

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

Meanwhile Trump gave 500 billion to these ppl https://files.catbox.moe/d695mp.mp4

Plant_Boy ago

I think we should emphasize that if the jewish community so believes in being inclusive with Black people, they should take the lead. More Black Rabbis! More Interracial Jewish Couples!

Donald_Trumpstein ago

Not wanting diversity in white communities is antisemitic. What you are proposing is antisemitic too.

kishind ago

More niggers in Israel!

Plant_Boy ago

Sand Niggers aren't the same as African Niggers and you know that.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

We are so fucked white genocide in 5 years

Plant_Boy ago

It's a sad truth, and all white people were essentially castrated of their smartest and strongest in WW1/WW2.

I almost think Russia is our only hope.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

Oh yeah I forgot about Russia!!!

LibertarianForChrist ago

Because it's a GOP bribe, it's not going to pass, thankfully.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

BTW if it does then what?

LibertarianForChrist ago

500 billion of inflation and laundered money towards more jew globalist interests.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

Actually we are in need to get money out there so as to avoid deflation. The feds were recently nationalized and thus we have a lot of extra cash that needs spending, but having said that this 500 billion dollar plan is utterly racist and designed to replace white store owners with black ones. No new businesses like Trump claims but mere a wealth transference.

LibertarianForChrist ago

500 billion dollar tax cut to all small businesses would be ideal

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

No i was thinking grants to all business owners (regardless of race) that were destroyed by the scamdemic and the riots, but tax cuts added wouldn't be bad ideal.

LibertarianForChrist ago

I agree but im not sure how you would do that for businnesses already under

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

Well that would be complicated but w-2s, lease recorders, deeds, etc etc would be a good start.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

We shall see

fellowwhiteperson ago

More money than Nasa gets. We could be building a colony on Mars. Instead we're babysitting niggers.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Facetious. He is 'giving' the money to a small business loan program. The loans are to be repaid with interest. The niggers will default, and Jews will buy the bad debt, or take over the failing business.

ChiCom ago

Sloppy seconds on nigger business.

Is this why they wanted a law that said only niggers could run weed dispensaries?

Jews would inherit the nigger grandfathering?

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

Yep and in 2024 they will be blaming the white man yet again.

OvenBakedGem ago

Diversity is our strenght goy. I wonder if such a video with whites ganging on niggers exists, but i guess medias would flood us with those if they did.

Maroonsaint ago

It used to happen in the good old days when white people had self respect and good morals. We’re morally bankrupted, broken, and brainwashed. Either self hating or scared to speak up. I make sure I always do and I’m definitely the minority

NoseSubversion ago

Yup. And alienated by your own if you do because “I don’t want any trouble”.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

Trump/Q apparently agree with you.

HighEnergyLife ago

Ya but mUh cHinesE spys!

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

You think Chink spies do not exist?

gazillions ago

Because they are jewish. Anyone that opposes whatever they want to do to anyone, anywhere in the word is bad and stupid and must be put down. There is never going to be a time when they don't think the entire fucking world must be controlled by jewish doctrine.