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ScionOfZion ago

Sad. These weapons of war have no place on our streets.

J_Darnley ago

RIP and thank you for bagging one on your way out.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

17? That monkey looks 40.

JustAName1488 ago

Only a Nigger would thinks it’s smart to rob a pizza delivery driver, like how stupid are they do these chimps believe they have wads of cash in their pockets or some shit? Shows how dumb they truly are.

gonadsofsteel ago

This is what happens when you dont do enough lynchings

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

"It's not 13%! It's only the males between splitting hairs and distinction without a difference that pilpul pilpul pilpul pilpul..."

SoSickOfBlacks ago

White man busting his ass to take care of his family shot dead by a fucking sheboon. God bless him for ridding this world of at least one nigger.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Niggers are so fucking stupid


they got like change for a $20 at best.

EarthPerson ago

That's it, I hate niggers. I used to hate niggers before but I hate them now as well.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

Makes me fucking sick.

People think Police have a very dangerous job, however, me working unarmed and by myself as a dive bar bouncer in NYC was more dangerous, overall. However, two jobs that are more dangerous than that are delivery guy and livery cab driver. Livery is probably the absolute most dangerous job because you’re carrying cash and your back is always turned to assholes.

superspathi ago

Attackers come in groups, always watch for the trailing gunman, or boon.

Imjgalt ago

What is the lesson here? Kill all of the niggers before letting down your guard.

Kaptaan ago

Guy's mistake was that he turned his back when he went across the street to ask them to call the police... He shouldn't have turned his back. Sad situation.

SkipBrutale ago

Im surprised they didnt call the groid killing the 5 year old a botched robbery. This is the Newspeak for black on white murder, just a financial crime out of poverty from systemic racism and whities fault for not going along with it.

Glipglup ago

Headline should read "Nigger lynched in street, livestreamed on"

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Robbery gone wrong? No! It was a murder gone right.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

He only killed one of the sheboons though. That's a 50% success rate.

con77 ago

Dominoes is the only pizza co that makes their drivers deliver to niggertown

DantesInf ago

Other places do too. And if you refuse they start screaming the company is racist so they cave until something like this happens.

Occidental_Man ago

Fight back for a change.

1Sorry_SOB ago

I would vote for Hope and Change.

Twodivinehipsters ago


jewsbadnews ago

Holy fuck the Daily Mail has no shame with their ads.

srsh ago

13 years working as a butcher. Grabs a part time job on the side to boost himself and his family. Then gets gunned down by two fucking animals. This bitch is 17 and going to be out of jail in less than 5 years .... assuming she even goes to jail. I don't think America sees black killing white as a crime anymore.

1Sorry_SOB ago

I don't think America sees black killing white as a crime anymore.

The Democrats are blind to it. They NEVER criticize black murderers. Fact.

13 years working as a butcher. Grabs a part time job on the side to boost himself and his family.

Yep. that's the difference between the races. The blacks don't consider getting a job, they wonder how they can rob someone.

If we had a white run country this would be national news. His family would be the subject of the national sympathy and concerned TV people would be once again questioning what to do with these blacks savage.

But we have a Jewish run media that is invested in propping up blacks and hiding their crimes because if we start to be concerned with the negro then we might start thinking about Jews. They will watch 100s of innocent whites die silently so we don't get all racial minded again.

CalibanFresco ago

How much would you expect to rob from a pizza delivery man?

DantesInf ago

There's a reason low IQ is associated with higher crime rates. See all nigger populations and their crime rate for reference.

125227 ago

Niggers kill for anything, nothing, or just for fun.

CalibanFresco ago

For all we know they probably just wanted to kill him for the pizza until they remembered people carry money, too.

Dudewheresmycat ago

This honestly could be the case. I was robbed during pizza delivery in this exact same fashion. A dumb ass kid at my store took an order from a ghetto ass black dude for like eight large pizzas with all kinds of toppings on them with no coupons which should’ve been a red flag. I got to the house and he was hiding in the bushes. He got eight pizzas from me and $20 cash. He said it was a lucrative business.

BentAxel ago

Niggers are a useless blight to the planet.

Oilguy55 ago

Can’t we just execute these people and get it over with? IDC that she was 17.

XD702CX ago

Poor guy should have greased both these fucking animals when he had the chance. He could have gone home to his child eventually.

BentAxel ago

If you do one, what's the second?

AlternateSelection ago

Grind that ape into dog food. Fucking savages cannot live among civilized people.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

You would feed a nigger to your dog? Shame....SHAAAAAAME!!!

AlternateSelection ago

I don't own a dog but I think dogs would eat ground nigger meat. Or feed it to wild animals.

VirtusVitium ago

Starving wild animals for sure. I think people love their pets too much to feed them this type of filth

thebearfromstartrack ago

Before rushing home to do her Calculus homework.

RabbiPuttitout ago

Since she is under age both her parents should get a death penalty.

HeavyBrain ago

WTF is a botched robbery?

It only is one when the robber didn't succseed.

Killing somone you robbed is standart, especially for niggers.

SulemonSeinfeld ago

I think it became botched when the pizza hit the ground. When that happens all the cheese slides to one side, its a mess.

1Sorry_SOB ago

ALL media does "botched robbery" to lessen the impact of black savagery.

stradian ago

Also implants the suggestion that its not premeditated (which we all know is not true.)

Luis_Sphincta ago

When someone gets hit for sharing info deleterious to Democrat interests, it's staged to look like a robbery, but they forget to take keys, wallet or watch. Maybe the delivery guy had info on 'Her Turn'?

Ocelot ago

Dailymail is owned by a kike and they love to use phrases like "robbery gone wrong" and "botched mugging". They're controlled opposition of course.

derram ago :

2020-09-15 | Girl, 17, shoots new father to death after he delivered a pizza to her home, court documents reveal | Daily Mail Online

'Billups was charged with two murder counts in Tippecanoe Superior Court - killing Mr Ungersma, and causing Mr Ungersma to kill Vanmeter. ', "A 17-year-old girl shot a Domino's delivery driver dead after luring the new father to an abandoned house with a fake pizza order, according to court documents.", "Police found Mr Ungersma dead on North 16th Street on August 31 after there were reports of 'shots fired' at around 11.15pm."

'Mr Ungersma is believed to have shot Vanmeter in self-defense after the 19-year-old tried to rob him. ', "They also found the body of Billups's boyfriend Vanmeter nearby with a Domino's pizza box, two drinks and cash laying on the ground beside him."

This has been an automated message.

beefartist ago

ONCE I lived near niggers. It wasn't even a bad neighbourhood and they were imported from a bigger city. They told me about injecting weed and participating in a drive by with a sawn off shottie...they were mid teens girls, btw

nwguy ago

37 and delivering pizza.. no loss to the human race

BentAxel ago

Oh look the fag from Portland has to chime in.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

he owns the pizza place and is working hard for his own business

ShakklezthaKlown ago

no he isn't. he's dead.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

true, used to

HeavyBrain ago

So you are ripping on somone having a job (maybe as a 2nd job) instead of being a nigger and leeching from socity?

Maybe he should have gotten a feminist tap dancing degree and and be a diversity officer that makes 250k for shit all.

rustydog ago

My god, that nasty cretin could pass for 40.

HighEnergyLife ago

R-selected species

rumorhazard ago

They're fuckin' subhuman animals. Can you imagine how that bitch stinks? Get her the fuck outta the genepool. Systematically round up and exterminate the lot, man.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

they're every bit as human as you and your mother.

gonadsofsteel ago

not so. Humans have compassion and care for thier fellow human beings. This ape did nothing of the sort. Shes overwieght fat ugly dumb nigger who because of a lack of lynchings in her neighborhood thinks she can kill an honest working man so she can pay for her drugs.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

she's a disgusting criminal sure.

still human though. humans do nasty things sometimes.

and they say truth bothers leftists the most. maybe nazis really are left wing.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

He's talking about the nigger, not the victim

ShakklezthaKlown ago

niggers are human too.

you can bitch, you can downvoat, but you can't change the truth.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

The closest common ancestor is actually so far back that they shouldn't be classified as the same species. But whatever gets your rocks off

rumorhazard ago

Hahaha check out this jew, everyone.

The only difference between us is skin color!

ShakklezthaKlown ago

didn't say that at all mate. i said they're human. which is true.

rumorhazard ago

Yeah, and it is remarkable you haven't realized that they are literally not human. Best case they are subhuman - a lesser species. White Aryans (originating from the Scythians) are responsible for virtually all civilization.

In recent history, if niggers were left untouched they would still be fucking animals and eating each other in the jungle.

Inaminit ago

Hey OP! That is NOT a 'black girl'... That is a goddam NIGGER! What are you a kike or something?

gonadsofsteel ago

hang on a sec, that doesnt look like a girl it looks like a gorilla

Inaminit ago

You really shouldn't denigrate Gorillas so badly... I would go with a baboon.

SearchVoatBot ago

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1Sorry_SOB ago

This illustrates the difference between the races.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

Definitely should've just shot both up front instead of calling the police. Too much empathy

srsh ago

Also shows the difference in media. If the races were reversed, this would be a top news story in CNN, MSNBC and all that other shit. If the news would publish all the Black on White crime then it would be obvious that white people are usually the victims of racial violence and crimes not blacks.