kishind ago

You can't have one for very long before you pick up the other, because of the huge overlap in the Venn diagram.

The world is run by jewish pedophiles along with other jews and other pedophiles.

He_Was_Seth_Rich ago

It is. Freemasonry, in almost every small town and all the big cities was full of pedos. One way you got in and got a great job was to use on of your daughters. The thing is, AA pretty much destroyed and killed it. The horrible parenting by boomers and then they brought in all the 'minorities' and made a lot of what was common level Freemasonry irrelevant. It's still around but age heavy, all of them very old and worthless now.

But Freemasonry is a Jewish ran institution and the more you study it the more realize this and it is heavy with what most of us would consider satanism. So is Judaism. Jews don't worship the old testament God or live by the Old Testament. That is not one of their books. So many Christians are taught it is though. This is not true and has never been true.

Since Jews have primarily lived as travelling merchants, slavers and bankers that infiltrate, subvert then destroy civilizations, of course things like pedophilia and ritualist killings are a part of their religion.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Well then, it must be racist and fascist as well??


Conclusions and noticing things both very anti semetic

Shotinthedark ago

Well it is pretty anti jew to hate pedophiles

AgentSakura ago

Pure unadulterated projection of their demonic sickness.

TripleZ ago

It's there religion to invert/subvert everything.

think- ago

“Cuties”: “Amy is shown pulling down her underwear to photograph her genitals to post online, and in another she tries to seduce a man (who is a family member) to get out of trouble for stealing his cell phone”

WTF is wonderful about that, sicko?!


Can anyone please explain why opposing the promotion of pedophilia is anti-semitic? Asking for a friend.

Merchant_Menace ago

We antisemites are at the forefront of the battle against pedophilia.

This lady is correct in drawing the connection there.

She's also a pedophile apologist.

Maat4u ago

So when can we start hanging these nexgendegens?

blumen4alles ago

smartly crafted by a wonderful director.

filled with gratuitous shots sexualizing children

kishind ago

If Trump didn't make the battle lines clear enough, Cuties certainly does.

voat4895 ago

besides the pedo thing there is still plenty of wokeness to hate this movie.

main character stabs a white boy in the hand with a pen, no consequenses from school, takes a picture of her crotch on another guys phone putting him in possession of child porn and posts online, attacks and nearly drowns another character, and again no consequences and by the end of the movie the audience is supposed to sympathise with her!? WTF?

He_Was_Seth_Rich ago

Common in all heroine shows or movies though. This is how warped most women are. They run around making poor decisions and causing massive desruction and get a lot of people killed or destroyed by their own foolish and self centered actions. At the end they come out on top despite all the adversity they created for themselves and they cry somewhere before the 'comeback' and they usually are crying because they got someone killed being stupid. Once I started paying attention I noticed this everywhere. It was always a dumb white girl before that just bumblefucked her way to the top while destroying a lot of lives. Now it's usually a mixed race or black girl.

CrudOMatic ago

Holy shit, this just isn't sexualization - this is what I call "monsterizing" someone, letting them get away with heinous shit and encouraging it, so they become straight out evil in adulthood. This girl will be a murderer, if this shit continues.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Spread this tweet around as much as possible

slowcrash101 ago

Wow that tranny got ratioed.

prairie ago

(((She))) doesn't get that people aren't criticizing the story in the movie, but the story of the real girls who acted in the movie, Netflix, the people watching, and the effect on real girls in the real world.

Paulsmith1958 ago

I see (((they))) have started Weimar part 2

kishind ago

Seriously, like clockwork. They even brought back antifa for its 100-year anniversary. They are running through the same playbook as last time.


That person's twitter profile:

Culture staff @ Vox. Fandom/fanfic, movie/TV/theatre critic, horror/ex-Harry Potter nerd. They/she.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Every comment is shitting on him

LettItBurn ago

Well... these are people that thing grown men with beards wrapping their fat lips around a baby's bleeding dick and sucking it is a sacrament, so...

PedoAnnihilator ago

Sooooo. Art.

fuckyourownface ago

Shalom rabbi

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