happyfacemcgee ago

this is heart breaking. I cried.

CrudOMatic ago



Dave_ph ago

Well pizza.

Skeptic5000 ago

America always had guns, yet it became dangerous once niggers and latinos started flooding in.

CrudOMatic ago

You're asking soyfaggots to do complex trigga-nigga-nomotry wif dat sheeit.

freedomite ago

Around Blacks, Never Relax.

CeasarSalud ago

Why food delivery is the worst job, you're risking your life, not only in the car, but also when at the door and all for maybe 15-20 an hour.

Too bad they haven't kept up contactless delivery, no need to deal with the apes.

SaneandAware ago

Yep, send a little robot up with the food to deal with the stinking animals. At the least make people pay with CC over the phone or online before food is delivered. No money transactions and the driver has no $$$.

ardvarcus ago

I'm sorry to tell you, but if you are delivering pizzas to niggers in the middle of the night, you must have a death wish.

SaneandAware ago

Best comments there:

And the NFL wants names of people killed by the police on their helmets? 95% of those so called people were criminals endangering the lives of the cops trying to arrest them. How about posting the names of innocent white people killed by negroes on the Jumbotron throughout the whole game. Novel idea, but the game isnt long enough to get all the names to be shown because there are thousands.

PS Boycott the woke BLM NFL, if you aren't already. Fuck their games! Fuck them!

MuzzieJuice ago

These niggers are killing us every day.

I wish that man was carrying a firearm and blasted those two niggers. I'm sick of reading about us being the victims.

CrudOMatic ago

Have been since 1865

AnotherGrayman ago

Police said Ungersma had a revolver in his pocket with the rounds fired.

He carried a sixgun and was clipped by a negress with a semi-auto after he'd expended his ammunition and was begging strangers for help.

The lesson here is to carry a higher capacity firearm, and maintain security of the scene.

You never EVER let your guard down just because you got the primary attacker.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I would go riot and burn down my neighborhood, but I am expected to be at work, plus I know it won't change nigger mentality anyway

Sanpa33 ago

The definition of Social Justice . Delivers pizza mostly in the part of town that is white and law abiding. Gets a call from the bad side of town wanting pizza delivered. Pizza drivers constantly getting robbed. Refuse service. BLM considers it racist that Pizza owner refuses to deliver to black neighborhoods. They don't care about dead drivers. They care about sicial justice. Gets store shut down with social media campaign and protests. All the usual sjw types are there--mudsharks,Jews ,trannys,and soyboys-- because niggers know no one pays attention to screeching howler monkeys by themselves.This worked so well BLM decides to use the same tactics to defund the police and again for cancel culture. Now we're here in this timeline. Pizza driver killed. No one gives a shit because he's white.

captainstrange ago

No one gives a shit because he's white.

I give a shit, and I think a lot of others do too.

He_Was_Seth_Rich ago

At least he had the sense to be armed and tried to defend himself. I'm sure she'll claim he called her a nigger or tried to rape her. There will be an absurd story. He knew he wasn't safe but neither is living on the streets. If we were all better to one another families like this would have towns to move to where they'd be safer.

con77 ago

he relaxed

Popad ago

Go fuck me probably won't allow them to raise money.

UndercoverGoyim ago

I've been calling for expulsion for some time... not sure that's it's enough with these animals

polygeek ago

Wait. Article said they both had guns. WTF was going on here?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Pizza guy had gun

Nigger man with a gun tried to rob him

Pizza guy shot the nigger

Nigger's GF shot pizza guy

polygeek ago

If I was a pizza guy and had to deliver to that clientele, I'd carry too.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I wouldn't have to carry, becuz I wouldn't go anywhere near MLK Blvd + environs

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

we should boycott pizzas cuz of pizzagate anyway

polygeek ago

wat? no. better to hunt the people involved and Minecraft.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

let's put the pizzas in ovens in mnecraft

polygeek ago

six meeeleon

NoseSubversion ago

First, username definitely checks out. Second, I am surprised the nig dropped the gun and surrendered to the cops. She should have fled like every nigger does when the cops come. Then this would be a police brutality case when they shot her and her nigger family would have a go fund me for $14M and professional athletes saying “dat rayciss”.

ChiCom ago

Sounds like she tried to throw it and say she dindu nuffins

UndercoverGoyim ago

he wuz jus tryin to git dis money mang... cracka ass pizza delivery guy mang

Flirp ago

School is opening up he needed that money for pencils and notepads, he was going to become a doctor!!!

CrudOMatic ago


blueblur ago

Fucking NIGGERS!!! Fucking antique farm equipment PIECES OF HUMAN SHIT!!!

cyclops1771 ago

White male, shot in cold blood...

Um, no. They tried to rob him, he shot the guy with the gun. told neighbors to call the cops, and she picked up the gun and shot him.

The driver shot first because he was being robbed. She shot the driver because the driver shot her boyfriend.

He didn't do anything wrong, except not securing the other weapon. But it wasn't "in cold blood."

SaneandAware ago

The use of "in cold blood" is what bothers you about this story?

cyclops1771 ago

I prefer accuracy, yes.

I think I touched on the other points, as well.

Why'd you focus on that, and ONLY that part of my comment, rabbi?

SaneandAware ago

Because EVERY part of your comment shifted accountability from the nigger murderer, Moeshe. You are like the fucker fretting about the toaster not working while the house is burning down. Or maybe you are just far along the autistic spectrum and can't help yourself. "technically speaking it wasn't cold blood...etc...the gun was not secured properly..."

cyclops1771 ago

Because EVERY part of your comment shifted accountability from the nigger murderer

Yeah, except it didn't. Which part shifts accountability? Here's what I said:

Um, no. They tried to rob him, he shot the guy with the gun. told neighbors to call the cops, and she picked up the gun and shot him. The driver shot first because he was being robbed. She shot the driver because the driver shot her boyfriend. He didn't do anything wrong, except not securing the other weapon. But it wasn't "in cold blood."

Show me, nigger. Take the cock out of your mouth first. Fucking JIDF faggot. Go kill a Palestinian baby.

SaneandAware ago

Way to edit out the only part i initially responded to! You kibitzing and being concerned about the term "in cold blood", while a white man lay dead. "Oy vey it wasn't in cold blood. I am so concerned about ow this was written!"

lol You jews do that shit every time.

cyclops1771 ago

Fucking (((Unz))) pulls this shit too often. He can't NOT try and create division around race. From all sides, (((they))) push at this part of America's social fabric.

This is the part I didn't include, because it was a commentary on (((Unz))) not on the murder.

Please, tinyhatter, tell me where I removed blame from the shooter. Go ahead. I'll wait. You might need to go kill a Palestinian woman first to gather up the courage to make your internet post.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

still in cold blood faggot, don't go nuts over that it just means he was murdered

cyclops1771 ago

No, it doesn't. It means unprovoked, a la Cannon in NC. That was a cold-blooded murder.

This was a robbery gone wrong, and the guy had JUST SHOT her Boyfriend. That is a textbook example of a hot-blooded murder.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago


cyclops1771 ago

100% it was. (((why))) are you pushing this as race-based "cold-bloded" murder, when it was specifically a robbery gone wrong, and a retaliation shooting of the guy who shot her boyfriend?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

why do you think cold blooded or hot blooded are official legal terms. Retard.

cyclops1771 ago

why do you think cold blooded or hot blooded are official legal terms.

Never said that. Damn, you (((guys))) must be bored today, don't have any pictures of dead Palestinian kids to laugh over?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yes you did. damn this retard forgets what he said

cyclops1771 ago

Nice try, faggot. Pull up the quote where I said cold-blooded and hot-blooded are "official legal terms."

Don't worry, I'll wait.

It's nice that JIDF gave you weekend off to go rape dead Palestinian babies.

GMarksTheSpot94 ago

There's no real usefulness in being the other side of the same coin, we simply don't need to swing things in our favour like the way our enemies do. To be truthful works out all the little details for us, our one and only job is to not wane from this position. Though, to be always in line with what is true and right is of course tricky, to say the least.

AnotherGrayman ago

Drown yourself, kike.

A teenage nigger murdered a white man because she and her nog boyfriend tried to rob him and failed, and she killed him in revenge after the robbery had been stopped and he was seeking police assistance. Don't fucking pretend like Unz is the one creating division around race with this story.

Fuck you.

cyclops1771 ago

she killed him in revenge after the robbery had been stopped

He shot her boyfriend. He literally shot her boyfriend, just a minute earlier. She grabbed the gun, and shot him back. That's not cold-blooded murder, it's hot blooded, and it's a fucking tragedy, regardless.

(((Unz))) pulls this shit all the time, inserting race here. She didn't kill the guy because he was white, she killed the guy because he shot her boyfriend who was trying to rob him. There is a huge difference in those two situations, and if YOU can't understand it, then you, too, are just another "useful idiot" for those who have been pushing for a race war for the past 70 years.

AnotherGrayman ago

You're playing a stupid game of semantics to make yourself correct.

All that matters here is that two niggers are responsible for the death of a white man.

If YOU can't understand that, then you're just another retarded cuck who won't be of any use to his race.

cyclops1771 ago

You're playing a stupid game of semantics to make yourself correct.

One, being correct is not "stupid." IN fact, quite the opposite.

All that matters here is that two niggers are responsible for the death of a white man.

Now, THAT is the only comment here that has made an actual, valid point. Thank you. 100% agree that the actions of these 2 blacks caused the death of a white man. No question.

What IS in question is whether the action was in cold-blood, aka, FOR NO REASON AT ALL, the female black just walked up to a random white dude and blew him away because he was white. (It wasn't, also 100%.)

If YOU can't understand that, than you are a useful idiot to the (((group))) that has been trying to create a race war for the past 70 years. Now, why would (((unz))) put "white guy shot in cold blood" in the summation of the story? (((Why indeed?))) The story is horrific enough without it.

AnotherGrayman ago


You're just a faggot trying to stroke his ego-boner by being overly verbose for no fucking reason other to warp an argument around to making yourself seem like you know something others don't. Get fucked you dumbass loser.

cyclops1771 ago

trying to stroke his ego-boner

LOL. I like that one. Going to steal it, tbh.

being overly verbose for no fucking reason

As in, "cold-blooded" verbosity?

making yourself seem like you know something others don't

Just making a point that (((Unz))) seems to like to post these types of articles in a specific way to create the most outrage, in the same way that left-leaning places try to write articles to cause the most outrage on the left. (((Unz))) isn't in this for the reasonable, thoughtful person. (((Unz))) is in this to stoke flames and start a race war, just like (((everyone else))) who's been trying to do it for 70 years. Wars take 2 sides, so they need the white side to start making actions, so they can be used to further flame the blacks.

Sorry you fell for Unz's (((fellow white person))) game, but you did on this one. It happens to all of us, I just find it idiotic that you get mad at ME for pointing it out, instead of being mad at the Jew bastard who tried to trick you.

Octoclops ago

He shot her boyfriend. He literally shot her boyfriend

Oh my God I'm literally shaking too! What kind of monster would shoot an armed robber?! The poor girl had no choice.

In case the sarcasm isn't clear, you're a faggot and cuckold.

cyclops1771 ago

What kind of monster would shoot an armed robber?! The poor girl had no choice.

This is called a "strawman" argument.

The shooting was not "in cold blood", and it wasn't racial - it was a robbery gone bad.

Take the dead Palestinian baby cock out of your mouth for one second and pay attention.

CrudOMatic ago


cyclops1771 ago

Fake and gay.

Push "Race war" a bit more, (((Crud)))

lordv1ldemort ago

Yeah. The story is shitty without making it worse.

Whitening ago

TWO jobs? White Privilege, the haters will claim.

SaneandAware ago

Yep, negroes don't even work one, just get their GUBs.

Inaminit ago

OP misspelled 'nigger'

Nuffin ago

Why is a White living or working anywhere near niggers at all? Niggers are subhuman filth. Any White can get a job at a grocery store or delivering pizzas away from niggers.

I feel terrible for him and his family, but if you stick your hand in a beehive don’t be surprised if you get stung.

SkipBrutale ago

Where do you live you can go in public and not be surrounded by mud people? I wanna move there.

Nuffin ago

I don’t dox myself, fren, but suffice it to say that I’ve lived in the NE, the MidWest and parts of our West (all of the USA) where you can easily find small to medium towns populated by mostly White people.

Frankly, I don’t know how people live in the south without being able to lynch niggers anymore.

Nukeisrael ago

"NIGGERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be NIGGERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE NIGGERS" he thought. Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of minorities after dark. "With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

Jujubean ago

It's Louisiana dude. One of the main entry points for niggers, there are niggers everywhere. It is almost immposible to go anywhere without being around niggers there.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago


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AlternateSelection ago

A simple job that should not be life threatening. You shouldn't have to be armed just to deliver food. This is the reason I don't do this job in my town. Each delivery might be your last. Niggers will kill you for 5 bucks.

Gumbatron ago

Been a dangerous job for a while. Bullet proof vest (Kevlar) was invented by a pizza delivery guy:


PriMerovingian ago

Niggers will kill you for 5 bucks

Newsflash: They aren't killing you to steal, they just wanna kill white people, the theft is the excuse. They're pulling triggers even when the victim gives up the money.

Killnigs3 ago


MuzzieJuice ago

As each day goes by, these fedposts get less and less downvotes. A simple measurement of the daily decay of the White Man's patience.

Killnigs3 ago

yup were crossing the rubicon my very words are a barometer!