Thissandwich ago

It reads as though they can't afford to pay catholic priests. Meaning the catholic priests are in it for the money.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Catholicism is not Christianity, they adopted that among other pagan traditions too. For example: Christmas tree, Yuletide logs, mistletoe, making December 25 the birth of Yashua, Easter (Ishtar), Easter egg, and Easter Bunny just to name a few.

McPooperton ago

That’s fine. The Catholic Church is evil. Don’t confuse catholic with Christianity

SaneandAware ago

Why do I get the feeling there is more to this than is being reported?

Xax ago

Bad sign for the Navy being on the side of the American people.

RobertJHarsh ago

How so? Catholics are boy rapists. I call this a good move.

Xax ago

The Catholic Church is God’s invention.

Slander her at the peril of your soul.

RobertJHarsh ago

I wipe my ass with the face of the Catholic Church's god. Fuck you.

Xax ago

The saints in heaven will rightly deride you when you’re sucking Satan’s shitty cock endlessly.

Suck away, dude!

RobertJHarsh ago

I'd rather do that than support a cult that rapes children.

Xax ago

You’ll be the raped child. Satan is gaping his jaws at you.

RobertJHarsh ago

Ok time for you to get back on your meds.

Xax ago

Not on meds. Meds block us from reality/God.

RobertJHarsh ago

Fuck off then.

Xax ago

Looks like you’re intent on avoiding reality.

Too bad.

Xax ago

I find it most amazing that people will trade in their Creator for some self absorbed, immaterial vandalizer of souls.

If you want to be part of Satan’s proud handiwork—look everyone how I caused the damnation of so many souls—then no one can stop you.

But if you’re a rational person, you might try asking how gratifying your goal is.

Smokybubbles ago

Maybe all the priests were out assfucking altar boys.

Fat_is_healthy ago

Mathew 18:6

Those "priests" are not Christian, they are not followers of Jesus Christ and they are not people.

BasedAndRedPilled ago

It's not even funny... How brain dead is the average American in order to not realize that some very bad things are occurring right before their eyes?

tastelessinvective ago

Oh no! Not the mestizo importing pedo club!

mostlyfriendly ago

Meh. I'm a Christian and I don't want the US gov't paying for any religious services. I've always found it weird that the clergy were gov't employees.

All of my family members who were military had great disdain for the military chaplains. They were all drunk lazy slobs who did maybe 4 hours of real work in a week. Supper easy job for the alcoholics to coast through a career on.

KindPerson43467 ago

This isn’t about one person. It’s a precedent to discriminate that should be fought over

Tastemyrainbow ago

Mabey you should get off your ass and serve like the rest of your family so you can see for yourself or maybe to much of a pussy.

mostlyfriendly ago

Ha! Funny. Yeah, that'll be a hard pass. :) Really not interested in risking my life to protect Israel or the Afghani heroin trade.

Tastemyrainbow ago


mostlyfriendly ago


Donald_Trumpstein ago

There will be no blatant idol worship in israel's slave military

TripleZ ago

What does a priest charge to say a mass? What if they offered it for free?

NoBS ago

The "connected" Catholics have been doing their rituals at the local Masonic lodge. The clueless Catholics are being used to divide and conquer. This is where we can target the real Jesuits by letting the loudest screamers dox their Satanic asses.

MyOnlyAccount ago

thanks trump

sbt2160p ago

Trump is clueless and ineffective at least until someone on Fox News calls him out on something. See: monuments, statues, critical race theory training, etc.

MyOnlyAccount ago

yeah trump isn't doing shit i care about. not voting for him

kevo7777 ago

He lowered net immigration by 50%, he is making progress on the border wall, and he is now banning critical race theory in government. You accelerationists are fucking morons if you think things will even have an opportunity to get better with Biden.

MyOnlyAccount ago

back to the queer anon forums, faggot

stay on your containment board

Elderberries ago

The American Irish (Catholics in the US) have more of a right to be angry about historic persecution than some nigger does.

And now this?

LettItBurn ago

Do that to jews and they'll sue you for $500 million.

Do that to muslims and they'll sink your fucking fleet.

Do that to Christians and they'll spread turn the other cheek.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Phantom42 ago

It's sad because the heretics that call themselves Christian have no fucking idea what that verse meant and it shows.

That's fine, just means less innocents in the way of the targets.

GasnSniff ago


reason247 ago


Heil_Hitler_SS ago

Christianity, the only religion you're legally allowed to attack/criticize.

MomsDontMakeGoodDads ago

Catholicism. They're continuing services for other denominations, like Protestantism. You know, the ones closer to judaism.

9000timesempty ago

Catholicism isn't Christianity.

Nuffin ago

No one wants to become a priest because it isn’t natural to be a man and not Marry and make love to a woman.

That’s why they got faggot kiddie rapists because those are the only “men” who pretend to be “celibate”.

neg ago

This is why I am Orthodox. Priests cannot marry, but married men can become priests. Its the best of both worlds.

doginventer ago

“Catholic Masses at San Diego-area Navy bases have ended because the Navy, in what it says is a cost-cutting move, has declined to renew its contracts with Catholic priests, and there are not enough Catholic chaplains on active duty to fill the void.

Protestant services on bases, which are led by active duty chaplains, will continue, said Brian O’Rourke, a Navy Region Southwest spokesman.”

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Seems like a Catholic problem, stemming from the straying from righteousness as seen by the pope. How I would love to see a righteous pope again and maybe the Catholic church would see greater adherence by the Faithful.

Protestant services on bases, which are led by active duty chaplains, will continue, said Brian O’Rourke, a Navy Region Southwest spokesman.

A shortage of Catholic priests within the Navy’s clergy, the Chaplain Corps, necessitated the contracting of non-military Catholic priests to lead religious services on bases.

The Navy forbade active-duty personnel from attending religious services off base, according to a July-published report in National Review. The prohibition was issued, ostensibly, as public health directive to minimize coronavirus infections.

MomsDontMakeGoodDads ago

Nice to see some people still fucking read,

anonymous111 ago

You will never see a righteous pope because their entire church and tradition is Biblically fundamentally flawed.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

It wasn’t always so. It began after the art war and infiltration leading to paying for indulgences. Guess who?

Scary ago

Why does every anti-Catholic bring up indulgences. They aren't even the most controversial topic of Catholic history, and especially since they are licit if you understand how Purgatory works. At least bring up something interesting, like how the Crusaders were offered total absolution for all sins by Pope Innocent III if they went on the holy missions to recapture whatever territories they were sent to. What's worse in the eyes of people that hate Catholicism: 1) paying for a reduction in time spent in Purgatory, or 2) having sins absolved for going to war and conquering inhabited lands?

Both of these acts by the Church were, and still are, licit, by the way. Nothing wrong with them.

NoBS ago

The Vatican is playing the victim card. Soon to follow with any Christian Collective that is compromised.

Frankenblock ago

Soon to be the only crime