AlternateSelection ago

Do they know about Florida's reputation for being batshit crazy?

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

Complete bullshit. Airlines have always had paramilitary uniform standards. In the past, they’d never allow these these creeps and faggots to embellish it with non-company issue “flair.” That was a write up.

geovoat ago

Oh to be a flight crew brave enough to put on a swastika pin just to be able to have the lawsuit when it was prohibited or you were fires. Just think of the national trial overage of the legal discovery when the purpose and mission of the two groups was argued as to which was appropriate.

SarahPalinReboot ago

If there is Event (a Crash), Please make sure you offer the EXITS to Blacks first, then other people of Colour, the Women and Children. Men are last and White men are behind the last. ..... We will be taking off shortly.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

Yet another expected executive decision

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Story covered by the Daily Fail of course.

Leveraction ago


BentAxel ago

The company is based in Chicago I believe. This would make sense.

DemonFuck ago

Could be a manipulation to ingratiate oneself with "white voters", but if not generally agree with avoiding the sillyness

puggy ago

American Airlines should offer free one-way flights to Africa for negroes

sunshine702 ago

Notice how winning companies - Southwest, Trader Joes, Goya DO NOT cave to the mob but corporate schlock ones: Starbucks, AA, and Gillette do.

SkipBrutale ago

You go to work be a professional and leave your politics at home.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Imagine how fast your ass would be fired for trying to wear a white lives matter pin.

therage96 ago

Fired? You'd probably be arrested for a hate crime.

AlternateSelection ago

United States of the Offended.

sunshine702 ago

Remember when they beat up and drug off Doctor Dao. I have wondered if their CEO is trying for bankruptcy since then

PhilKDick ago

That was terrible, and the video 'terribld optics' for AA

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

I don't think dailymail could fit more ads on their damn articles...

PhilKDick ago

I'll remember to archive next time, but with the right browser you'd havd much less

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

No its okay, I was just complaining lol...

AlternateSelection ago

The Mail is a steaming pile of British tabloid shite.

Smokybubbles ago

Why not just use hammer and sickle pins? It doesn't virtue signal to niggers enough?

PhilKDick ago

Shhhh. The plan is hammer and sickle with s big smiley face on top to cover it up

HeavyBrain ago

Backlash should be purely financialy, I won't fly with an arline that will possibily spit in my food or thorw me out at 20.000 feet.

PhilKDick ago

Food? There's little of that now, and most prepackaged

BigSky_GAM ago

Unfortunately, I see too many large companies supporting the wrong movements - not supportive of our country and constitution. It is a priority, for me, to support local, employee owned and family owned companies - even at a higher cost. They have values similar to mine. God Bless America!!!

MemeDropAcct ago

Just re-name the outfit as Anti-American Airlines. Problem solved.

moosethenoose ago

I'm a paying customer - who pays A LOT to fly on your airline.

Keep your fucking politics out of my face.

I'll find another airline.

You'll be happy serving unruly blacks and blue haired dykes. Have at it.

HeavyBrain ago

No money in that as the now have to remove 2/3 of th seats if they want the blue hair diykes.

Splooge ago

The only way I’ll fly anywhere anymore is if it’s private. No niggers, no lines, no TSA niggers feeling my ass, just roll your shit onto the tarmac and get on board.

Of course, it’s pricey, so it’s only an option if I really wanna see someone or someone really wants to see me.

gazillions ago

Because blm and antifa are the corporate army. Does anyone not fucking know this?

PhilKDick ago

If everyone knew this, voat would be huge

Jujubean ago

Air travel in 2020 is like riding a Greyhound bus in the 70's Niggers everywhere. Stinking, screaching, niggers chimping out. I'll drive.

happyfacemcgee ago

That’s fucking gay. Gay for them to wear them...

PhilKDick ago

Gay like most stewards, who see anonymous sex around the world as a perk

mean_dot ago

I don't feel, as a straight White male, that I can trust my life to anyone involved in the blm movement.

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

I don't tolerate anyone getting close to me any more. Not taking any chances, the commies have displayed the same level of mental retardation as the niggers and will be handled as such.

dennisthelazyengine ago


MemeDropAcct ago

Or mentally deranged suicide candidates:

Alll aboooooard! Train #41% now loading for an express ride to hell.

mean_dot ago

The pungent smell of blistered ass wounds and HIV permeate the cabins.

SearchVoatBot ago

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RedBullTrooper ago

Un-American Airlines.

I’ve stopped flying with them years ago.

Silencio ago

They don't need you to fly with them or be the customer, they get their money directly from the US govt bailouts. Their real purpose is to please and mobilize the blm army. They get your money even if you boycott. Happy labor day!

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah this boycott shit is just boomer cope to somehow own the libs through the free market and trying to defend their ideology at the end of the day of lolbertism. Get woke go broke is another cope used often that doesn’t even happen. I mean what will these lolberts do when they are literally not allowed to have any online presence or eventually a bank account for their political views? I mean they are private companies and can do whatever they want right? They will have to make a choice of giving up their ideology or living in the woods I guess.

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

They are so privpate they are federally subsidized. Like Amazon, and like .. (everything jewish owned).

Nukeisrael ago

They are so private that they became more powerful than the government and leveraged them to be federally subsidized. In an absolute free market it would be even worse. You need a strong state that forbids them from fucking people over in the first place.

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

Ya know, I was just think about that just this morning.. a fucking nigger decided to make my sidewalk a nice place to lay down at and loiter for the second day in a row. I said, Hay nigger, great day to be a nigger Hay.. you need to get outta here cuz im goona kick your ass if your here in ten minutes still. (Went to do laundry, my devil dog neighbor will let me know what the nigger did. )

derram ago :

2020-09-07 | American Airlines faces backlash after allowing cabin crew to wear Black Lives Matter pins on duty | Daily Mail Online

'American Airlines is facing backlash among workers after allowing its cabin crew to wear Black Lives Matter pins on their uniforms while on duty. ', "BOYCOTT #AmericanAirlines. 'Other social media users were positive about the move as one wrote: 'Fly American Airlines, a company that openly supports #BlackLivesMatter."

'The Black Lives Matter protests have spread across the country since the death of George Flloyd in Minneapolis on May 25 after a white police officer knelt on his neck for eight minutes. '

'But the move has sparked backlash with one veteran flight attendant writing to American Airlines to complain in an email obtained by the New York Post. ', "One wrote: 'Bad move #AmericanAirlines #blm don't matter #AllLivesMattter support pins for #allcauses."

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