minx88 ago

I could disappear by accident

minx88 ago

And we humans who have honor and respect for ourselves and respect of life and protect and care for life care for the fragile and the animals and the nature we humans white people care but we cannot continue to be surprised and think that the Jewish Muslim and Nager or anything more than just demons

Do you wanna understand with the Jewish the Jews are about to watch the film holodomor

minx88 ago

there’s a picture of his face clearly put it on every shop window put it everywhere in the subway system you can just take a photo with your phone of the picture of the video of him doing it it’s close up he’s not even wearing a mask when he did it and put it everywhere in the subway put it everywhere put it in all the in all the clothes shops where women shop put it every and every bus station get that Knigge back into jail and what’s more get the Jewish judge that released him into jail

Because the Jewish judges are accessory to crime and by releasing him it is actually aidinng in abetting a criminal

minx88 ago

what is the name of the guy that is the Jewish judge he’s Jewish definitely and what’s his name let’s get his name let’s get him disrobed and disbarred fired and put it to jail for releasing criminals which is one against his oath so he’s a criminal and never Jews are going to never are going to be loyal to the country of the of their host Jews are parasites they are demonic parasites and they will always release prisoners and they keep doing it until we get rid of these Jewish judges are these Jews in general but it’s the Jewish in the court system that isThe only way to kill a Jew is to burn it because it’s evil otherwise it’s just the energy keeps coming back the inquisition had the right thing they were burning the Jews they were questioning and interrogating the jews

And the Jews got scared really scared and then they ran away and kept coming back but this time they brought their daemonic nigger n Muslim asssin to help them and you can see first they try to make it like a hippie thing to except that they are no threat and there are some of them are good and then they did this victimhood bullshit like well you can’t pay it all with one brush and say that all the bad no that’s wrong we can say that because according to their book they that they strictly adhere to they want to kill all non-Muslims so that we can say OK you fucking demonic piece of shit every Muslim and you a Knigge is a demon and this is correct and people need to learn this real quick and spread the information I learned before they become victim to these fucking cansble

srsh ago

Living in NYC, I'm sure she blames Trump and all white people for her near rape.

RayPinpilage ago

I hope he headbutts a bullet asap.

sneaksnek ago

this kind of shit is what sets up another sequel to Death Wish.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

I read that he was actually held on a $225K bond. NY Post.

Ddboomer ago

Target practice ...find him and send the thug to hell. There is no justice with DemonRat judges!

HeavyBrain ago

Feminists are on it any minute now.

steven_feelsperg ago

All niggers are weaponized with potentiality for destruction at any moment. With cameras, snitches, enemies, and traitors afoot, it is imperative the White man select his targets of opportunity with prescience of mind. With 52% of violent crimes belonging to the ape race, the White man is statistically likely to eliminate a criminal at random. While delivering justice without foreknowledge of crime goes against the moral fabric of the White race, the odds are in his favor.

ChimpEvader ago

I'd like to know the name of the Judge on that.

donttreadonwe ago

Jose is despicable for his actions. You are despicable for your rhetoric.

thebearfromstartrack ago

So, what they want is for him to SKIP town and do his raping somewhere else?

rubberdougie ago

New York should be nuked.

CeasarSalud ago

If you saw the file on this case they definitely list mr. Jose Reyes as white.

Unfortunately City fags need to learn once and for all that there are consequences to their decisions and no one is coming to help them.

Floppyhorsecock ago

This is fake and you retarded fucks keep voting it up

Gorillion ago

Whoever does the obvious. Shitscum like this have a lot of enemies and unstable loyalties in their day-to-day life and as such a high likelihood of in-group murder, so whatever you do - don't make it look like a white person did it. Nigger that shit up enough and they'll opt out of any deep investigation for fear of turning up another nigger they need to avoid prosecuting.

Basically, steal his shoes and any cash/drugs he has on him.

40KFTAGLView ago

I wonder what the IQ of NYC is DOWN TO?!!

Heil_Kyle ago

Always carry hot.

tripacer ago

Black lives matter but women's lives don't??? Who thinks like that? I mean besides democrats.

Nichtlustig ago

Years ago if liberal friends were talking about things like mass incarceration, I'd make jokes like "I have a simple solution, just make all crime legal."

Parody is becoming reality. They really do want to make crime legal. Only for blacks of course.

minx88 ago

the jewish weapon for attempting criminal genocide


Bringing in their Muslim and Nager child rapist and murderer’s

Giving them light sentences or releasing them to repeat crimes

constant f nasal whiny victimhood as a weapon in itself


Communist indoctrination in the school system

Poisoning people like gates and Falchi pharms the Jews

hollywood2020 ago

Yea NYC! The money is leaving while you fiddle

WolfgangBlack ago

ONLY 14 prior arrest, so like Communism, maybe THIS TIME it will end differently.....

bunnysupreme ago

Isnt this an episode of Edward Woodward's "The Equaliser"?!

At the end of the episode Woodward kills all the rapists.


minx88 ago

The best remedy for a rapist is a bullet and look at all the rapists they have been Jewish look at their Talmud it says it’s OK to rape a woman it’s OK to rape a child even as young as three that goes for the koran too

Corona says he raped a child of night and that it’s OK to fondle a one-year-old

Jews and Muslims are the same shit OK we’re not enemies that’s called a confusion tactic they are the same shit the same cube that the cockroaches swarm around is the same cube that the rats wear on their head while they hope the wall OK they’re the same shit they are Turkish Kazar Canaanite shit just because the Jews look white because they mixed with whites for centuries doesn’t mean they are they are Jewish they are cannibals they seem submissive but they’re not they are back stabbers literally

they use constant victimhood as a weapon even this ADL thing the fact that they say anti-defamation is actually a hypocrite projection because they are defaming anybody who dare point out the crimes that they are doing so they added information Jewish league is actually an acting directly deformation themselves and they need to be brought down and sent back into Hell we’re tired of the Jewish fucking victimhood bullshit

That includes his bullshit word anti-Semite which basically means anti-gentilism

And since the Jew is the invader parasite and the criminal like the Jewish judge and the Jew that works in the welfare that parasites off of our money to pay for the Muslim cockroaches in the Nager’s they are crying criminals by even using this word anti-Semite which is bullshit Trotsky word like the word racist it’s all victimhood bullshit bullshit

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

The joggery lottery: commit as many drug induced crime sprees as possible. GoFundMe. Family gets millions of dollars because the idiot dies resisting arrest while overdosing on narcotics.

minx88 ago

Take down go fund me because they have been making a problem with white people who use it so basically it’s probably owned by a Jew it’s time to stop giving money to the Jews it’s time to This Robin does by the criminal judge that allows for the sub human demons to get away with murder and rape it’s time to destroy did you in any place that they try I have crawled into like politics like the education system it’s time to destroy the Jew because they will never stop with her and ran to Crom ritual murder whether they do it themselves or they have a Muslim or Nager do it for them they are still the fucking demonic parasitic cannibal every single one of them yes every single solitary fucking Muslims you a Nager is a litteral fucking backstabbing cannibal

And people are starting to understand that but more people need to understand it that’s why did you had put this hippie bullshit socialism into the school system so that we will not think that they are afraid but they are yes every single solitary one according to the shit book and according to the psychotic jealousy and people have been love seeing that these Jews are both civic as murderers they need to take and just shoot random people are little children and get away with it because they are bloodthirsty fucking demon shit every single fucking Jew is a fucking lying sadistic bullshit fucking cannibal and they need to die now

Special_Que ago

This is by design. NYC is experiencing white flight to the likes in which it has never seen before. NYC in 2020 is going to make the NYC in 1970 look like Disney land.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

The cucks still there are in major denial.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

And all of these cowards just stand around filming like the worthless kikes they are.

jewsbadnews ago


Quaintarrow303 ago

I wonder why people are fleeing nyc, hhhmmm?

JohnGaltApproves ago

Be a shame if some anonymous, “racist bigot” happened to kidnap and fillet that nigger, penis first.

Ciaglownigger ago

We should have all zero of our goats from NYC protest

edwardbernays ago

was not wearing a mask during the rape

voats4goats ago

Imagine if pest control operated the same way... This is the perfect Yid scheme.

con77 ago

be too bad if it was found dead in an alley

Sgt_richard ago

Time for hunting parties. If cops are not going to do their job the fire them and we'll do it. Fucking pussies.

minx88 ago

A lot of Jews are put in the position of cops even a London a couple of them are Muslims which is really really bad because you had a Muslim that just shot a gun in his Australian woman a few years back she was just concerned about her of some her pet her neighbors and she walked out in the pajamas and the Muslim just shot her without any thought or hesitation so all Jews and Muslims have to be fired they cannot have positions are in law of any form because they are criminals they are a fucking criminals they are murderers

And the Jewish judges have to be disruptive disbarred and fired as well get their names and get them all fired because they are accessory to murder by releasing criminals

ScreaminMime ago

But first we must... defund the police.

minx88 ago

No first you must get rid of the Jewish judges and the Jewish police

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

The tax base is running from nyc,interstates are loaded with rental trucks going west and south

CrackerSlant ago

This guy has learned his lesson, people change you know.

minx88 ago

no jew muslim n nigger never change.

They have an IQ of 50 to 70 for the Nager and for the Jew maximum 90 it’s still way below 100 I know they’re not intelligent they are copycats they steal and then take credit for it Like Einstein zionist kikeretard

Copy directly from noted scientists taking credit for it choose or not intelligent they’re just thieves and scammers it doesn’t take that much brain to steal something

Look at the holocaust it’s one big lie it’s one big theater and I just got it there with constant lies and manipulation tactic of victimhood and the Jew is always the liar they have majority have schizophrenia if not all and they are liars and cheaters and thieves and it doesn’t Which brains to lie either there’s a reason why everybody calls Jews shifty

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

15 times a charm!

Floppyhorsecock ago

That dude redacted the tweet said the source is unreliable

AtlantaFilmFanatic ago

Are you allowed to link directly to Twitter? I want to read more on the redaction.

Floppyhorsecock ago

I tried, forbidden. Just search on twitter for the dudes handle it pops right up

parrygrin ago

Confirmed, fake and ghey.

minx88 ago

You must be a stupid fucking Knigge you can’t even pronounce a three letter word you can’t even spell the word gay

its not

ghey its spelled gay

Three words really this is why Nager’s prove that they are clinically retarded at a 50 to 70 IQ if you cannot spell and pronounce a word that is only three letters just go back to Africa and kill yourself Knigger Knigge so black like shit because you were cursed and you keep cursing yourself every single one of you Nager’s a waste of space

parrygrin ago

I'm not sure what's gayer, misspelling ghey or writing 200 words about not getting a joke.

DantesInf ago

Yeah pretty sure this is fake and gay.

"He was charged with attempted rape at his arraignment early Monday, where he was ordered held on $75,000 cash bail."

Fuck you OP, check your shit. And fuck you nigger faggots upvoting this unless you can verify it's true.

SparklingWiggle ago

I would upvote you but haven’t verified you are correct.

hang_em_high ago

Why the fuck would we allow bail on a rape caught on video. Fucking retarded.

epik- ago

Because "we" aren't running the courts, but communist black wamen are

hang_em_high ago

True but we allow them to get away with it repeatedly

Scyber ago

There's no way any justice system will let a rapist walk free when there's video proof of him committing an attempted rape.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

It happens every day, wtf?

Floppyhorsecock ago

They already have multiple times including a dude who raped someone else, and another dude who found the same girl and raped her again.

Its BAD in NY dude, but this guy according to the police hasn't been bailed yet.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Oh man, you should visit Seattle for a few months

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Let's not even talk about South Africa

Mr_Wolf ago

there's another video of him attacking her before the rape. pretty sure the same guy filmed the whole thing by the looks.

other video shows him walking up behind her pushing her shoulders and she slams face first into the train car.

think Trump retweeted that clip, Twitter may have taken it down

minx88 ago

yeah the tape of the piece of shit monkey that’s jumping up and down it looks like the same guy but you have to get a better close-up because he’s has his back to the camera but the thing is is that you can see that he was he pushed another guy first and then he jumped back and he looked at the woman that really she didn’t know was going on and the monkey was jumping up and down screaming some thing and then the moments the very second a woman just looked away he pushed her with all his body so this is a fucking piece of shit monkey it’s most likely a Muslim Nager because they don’t give a shit they are just here to murder and rape without any hesitation

every Muslim Nager every Muslim needs to be given the death sentence because they will not stop they have been doing nothing but raping children that is a violent assault which the child dies from complications so it is attempted murder or murder this piece of shit who are kicking people after throwing rocks and a kick in the head that is attempted murder these Muslim Nager‘s have to be

Killed because putting them into a prison is like a holiday for these fucking things because they have three meals a day and video games no they need to be killed in jail let the inmates kill them Every Muslim is a child pedophile and inmates don’t like pedophiles but if there’s a case that there’s more Muslims in the jailsor let them be fried

and also fire the Jewish judge that lets these fucking things go free or gives them light sentences because that is eating in abetting an accessory to murder did US judges are criminals and letting these things get away we are only giving them a light sentence to release again because the criminal will do this again the Muslim and you and Nager are going to keep being repeat criminals and that the Jewish piece of shit that attacked Kyle were sex offenders every time every single fucking time it’s a Jew it’s a Muslim Nager they are criminals and they’re not going to stop until we fucking kill them they will not stop and every single Jewish Jewish Muslim Nager is a criminalEvery single Jewish Muslim Nager is a literal Backstabber and people need to get that through your head before they lose it

kaliyugajnd ago

Im pretty sure in these places which are undergoing the "bail reform", the Judge has the power to hold them if they are reoffending consistently, or are a threat to another person (ie: domestic violence, etc.) Now if he is being released and not held, well that is a different story that may need to be taken up with that particular judge in person, possibly by the victims family or friends.

Soyboy69 ago

are a threat to another person (ie: domestic violence,

Oh great, so the husband disciplining his whore of a wife gets held when he has a job he need to go to but actual criminal niggers commit actual crimes such as theft and have nothing of value that needs done just get to walk free. Wonderful.

kaliyugajnd ago

most murders are result of domestic disputes, most cops are also shot because of domestic violence calls.

Soyboy69 ago

most cops are also shot because of domestic violence calls.

All the more reason they shouldn't even be involved in domestic disputes. Too often they end up defend cheating whores from the repercussions of their infidelity which undermines the very foundations of a society. What recourse does a man have in western society if his wife wrongs him? It's illegal to take matters into his own hands, if he takes it to court he'll be down a wife and half his income while the useless fucking slut spends it all on kike products. It's sickening and these kikes writing laws and making orders desire nothing more than the death of whites, yet you want them to be in charge of policing our family affairs of all things? What kind of a woman would respect a man who is forced at gunpoint to let her fuck whoever she wants and give his money to filthy kikes?

kaliyugajnd ago

I am not arguing about policing domestic violence in any way, I could care less, im not a nigger, we dont hit women. I am just stating that in these places that underwent bail reform some of the domestic charges are not applicable for the "no bail" charge. Unfortunately police do need to get involved because of cases where a spouse goes to their partner's workplace and shoots it up, or goes on a rampage.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Maybe 4chan can get us this nigger's address?

calcy454 ago

how are we NOT supposed to abolish this fucking bullshit?

BentAxel ago

Where is Bernard Goetz when you need him?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

busy being the only based jew ever

drhitler ago

cops are traitors

minx88 ago

Yeah but it’s the Jew cop that’s the problem or the white cop that was brainwashed into not doing his job or worse the Muslim like in the UK were there an actual threat and criminal just by having that position

lacrimamosa ago

The cops arrested him. The politicians made the rule about no bail.

You're right that we shouldn't trust cops, because if the politicians tell them to, for example, take our guns, they'll likely follow orders. And anyway if they don't, the politicians will just hire people who will follow orders.

But the problem is the ideology that gets leftists into office and positions of power.

minx88 ago

It’s called Jewish ideology it’s called the Talmud and is the Jewish politicians that are pushing this democracy bullshit and supporting the criminal rioters

Is the Jewish judges that allow these Muslims a Nager’s and Jews to get away with actual rape and murder so actually the Jews are criminals just like gangsters were not Italian they were jews.

TFS ago

The New York metropolitan area is home to the largest Jewish population in the world outside Israel.


CheeBooga ago

oh no no no you liberal yankees wanted this. Now you think you will abandon and run to another state and bring the same mentally ill thinking FUCK YOU

tankingwrong ago

Let him ride the subways.

On the track.

Anarchy99 ago

It's part of the catch and release program

Maat4u ago


Chingchongtingtong ago

Find out who let them out and make that wonderful giving lovely generous soul famous.

reason247 ago

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

drhitler ago

they dont own the country, they are just the caretakers of major infrastructure not to micromanage every aspect of our lives, time for new caretakers, and you wouldn't even need to overhaul the system just replace the existing parties with members that are not blackmailed PoS.

toggafreggin ago

As long as there is a system, psychopaths will game it and rise to the top. It's the nature of all hierarchies where anonymity becomes possible due to size.

minx88 ago

Learn to recognize the jew like Schumer and Pelosi n aoc and soros

and the faggot mayors that let people get away with writing or even support it and just because they’re white because they mixed with whites centuries ago and still doesn’t mean they are they are Jewish and you can tell by their their features not just the nose because anybody can get a nose job you have to tell by the rest of the skull that’s funny information out there and you have to learn to recognize it because since inquisition day I’ve been quite scared and taking on Christian and Catholic names I mean look at Francis he’s a fat fucking Jew rat and they put him there and the other pedophiles whichBut there to make the church look bad you know how to blame shift I had to say oh the Catholic Church is also filled with corruption pedophiles no actually they were Jews and that is infiltration so stated by Bella died people have to do just basic research the Internet is available for this did you has always been the infiltrator the parasite invader another brother wasn’t cockroaches switch their continue to import make they they they have them be like cockroaches and because of sports and the Nager’s getting rich or other means like banking etc. they areSo stop watching sports

Stop putting your money towards films stop giving any attention to any Hollywood anything to do with Hollywood because a lot of those are Adrenochrome vampires like Madonna and Ellen DeGeneerat !

stop Giving money to Amazon which is a Jew and stopgiving money to the Jew!!

any Jewish company you must boycott immediately

drag the Jew Out of the positions of politics and out of positions of the court system because they are the ones who are paying for the rights they’re the ones who are releasing the criminals to repeat crime and continue to harm little children and innocent people

toggafreggin ago

Point fingers all you want but psychopathy is inherent to all hierarchies that grow large enough to make anonymity possible.

The Jews are just genetically better adapted to be psychopaths and exploit people. They will end up controlling any hierarchy.

gazillions ago

That's why you ave the right to bear arms.

minx88 ago

And those who do not have a possibility like in UK or maybe other countries then you need to learn to DIY it

toggafreggin ago

I'm tired of fighting. At this point, I'm just hoping the elite are planning to identify and execute all of the shit people.

gazillions ago

Unless you're a nigger on welfare that doesn't mind going hungry in the future to pay the social service brigade or a child rapist, or belong to the islamic terrorist religion or are a jew, you're the shit people according to the psycho cartel we mistakenly call the elites.

Call them elites after they are executed. The mockery will be motivating.

minx88 ago

well said

elites= jew

democrat = jew

illumiate /mason

= jew

liberal = jew

or The people that are brainwashed and half by the Jew and have to wake up quick for their own safety

toggafreggin ago

I'm like a different species altogether. I just observe the ignorance in simultaneous awe and disgust.

The current powers that pretent to be are like coyotes, the masses are like sheep, the revolutionaries are like wolves, I'm more like a mountain lion.

gazillions ago

But we are all human and humans go to war, like all animals that fight. . Always have and always will

toggafreggin ago

Also, those large hierarchies are necessary to create technology that has the potential to enslave or kill us all. It seems like dismantling those and preventing the reformation of them would be wise too.

toggafreggin ago

If we know this, and also know that when we create large hierarchies, psychopaths inherently cheat them and try to exploit everyone and Nature, to the point of extinction if allowed, and we want to survive as a species, and be free, wouldn't it be in our best interest to do the best we can to prevent the formations of hierarchies large enough to become inherently corruptible?

WireResource ago

I came to the same conclusion some time ago except that I don't think its the anonymity. It's the power differential. Many of the malignant people in our current system are known. Its just that the system protects them from consequences/the wrath of the common man.

minx88 ago

Yes the Jewish parasite especially in the politics in the courts it’s the Jewish judges that are releasing the criminals like they did in the in the Russian revolution where they would release the criminals to kill innocent people it is a weapon that they are using and they’re using now again which means that every single Jewish judge is an accessory to murder and are releasing them they are aiding in abetting There for the Jewish judge is the criminal and we must take their names and get them disrupt him disbarred and dragged out and burn to a fucking crisp because they’re not going to stop and the Jewish lawyers also must be disbarred and put into jail because they are the gangsters gangsters are not Italian they were Jews that’s just Jewish Hollywood trying to turn it around and project and make it seem as if whites for the gangsters know they were the Jews

toggafreggin ago

They got to the point where the system protects them. This is the point where their systems collapse, because the people are noticing, and that's what we're going through right now.

They got the power they have because the people are out of touch with where their resources come from, and how their sedentary consumer lifestyles affect the world around them. The cycle will repeat itself until we start modeling our cultures and development on Nature's laws instead of man's rules.

WireResource ago

Serious question..What if the cycle is Nature's Law? That whole Fourth Turning thing does sort of point in that direction. What if there is an emergent behavior from all human societies that cause them to collapse in the 200-300 year range and one of the common reasons is traitorous elites?

toggafreggin ago

Those "traitorous over-powered elites" epigenitetically adapted to be what they are, and interbred on purpose to further hone their "strong points", because of the very corrupt nature of hierarchy, which only became necessary to humans because we needed a way to protect and distribute products of agriculture.

Sedentary life, dependent upon hierarchy, and the importation of resources by anonymous merchants, simply breeds and empowers psychopaths, and favors races with genetic predispositions to psychopathic tendencies.

Now you know the secret. Don't tell anyone!

toggafreggin ago

It absolutely is. When we know this, we can adapt to it, and even use it to our advantage.

WireResource ago

I've sadly not read enough on how one might capitalize...

toggafreggin ago

Those with post-civ skills and ideas will have a much better chance waking people up once the people start witnessing the fragility of their civilized lifestyles. If we are ready with viable, sustainable alternatives, and enough people catch on in time, we create the possibility to, at least temporarily, break the cycle.

reason247 ago

Yup. Smash them all and return to a literal interpretation of the original Constitution.

tokui ago

Weird boner...

rumorhazard ago

Fucking degenerate. You don’t belong here

thumbhole ago

at this point it HAS to be intentional, the jews want war, they want blood, they want all out carnage. Fun fact, even though jews are anti gun, guess who owns UZI (i think)? Why its jews of course! Ironic that a list of kike owned gun companies is nowhere to be found though ....

Talmuhdick ago

Tons of countries make firearms, what has that got to do with anything?

thumbhole ago

Jews are notorious for bannign guns and being the first in line to add restrictions in firearm usage, sale, and distribution, at the same time they own(if you count paul singer) countless firearm companies. More of the same, owning both sides shit kikes love to play

ChimpEvader ago

I'd like to see an unblurred pic of that video.

Talmuhdick ago

At least give the poor woman (I hope) some of her dignity back. Don't watch the video if it can be helped.

You know what kind of person you are when you don't need to see anything more.

ChimpEvader ago

My guess is she was White and that's why they blurred her out. So that people don't see blonde blue eyed women being punched, raped, and abused by apes.

Timur9000 ago

NYC women are whores - don't live in the city bitch

Talmuhdick ago

Grow up.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

nah he's right

AntiMason ago


BigVern ago

NY Post says he's being held on $75000 bail

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fatehacks ago

Here's the article and the relevant quote: He was charged with attempted rape at his arraignment early Monday, where he was ordered held on $75,000 cash bail.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

“This heinous and horrendous act was interrupted by a good Samaritan who observed Mr. Reyes’ behavior and got him to cease . . . while subsequently videotaping the incident,” NYPD Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison told reporters.

Wow. Getting praised for videotaping instead of intervening.

minx88 ago

Well I would say via actually videotaping is good because it way in a court of law the Nager Muslimdemon has hard

Proof against him

also if the demon has any kind of weapon that will be recorded because there had been a bunch where people tried to intervene and they got cut by the Muslim so get a photo video of the president is doing it and then when you’re back is turned fucking knock him out cold make a citizens arrest

when in the cops come you have video proof

Soyboy69 ago

If someone intervened he'd probably be going to prison and the nigger wouldn't have even been charged. I wouldn't record evidence either as I figure that could also be illegal in some way. Either you commit fully and accept that your life is over or turn a blind eye while one of your own women is raped in public. Even if it was just the rapist and the victim and you shot him mid-rape you would still have to worry about the victim ratting you out.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I bet you bail was post by the ((( National Lawyers Guild )))

minx88 ago

Get a little list of the names of the Jewish judges all the judges that are Jewish because they are accessory to murder they are eating in abetting and get the names of the Jewish lawyers

Lin_Ching_Yu ago

Bernard Goetz taught everyone a lesson on how the system works.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Ah bernie,,memories

RevDrStrangelove ago


Which is why no one will stick their neck out and do anything in a leftist shithole like NYC. If you do you're certain to be stuck in jail facing serious charges while this piece of shit walks free.

Stubbabubba ago

Another one they are giving to us to handle I guess.

Brawndosaurus ago

they've left no other options.

tentra ago

I just wanted to grill

cousineerie ago


Nuffin ago

Flee all demoshit cities. Watch their tax bases crumble to dust forcing them into bankruptcy.

Make popcorn, Watch them burn.

captainstrange ago

Make popcorn, Watch them burn.

You misunderstand the popcorn metaphor thats goes around. "Sit back and relax and eat popcorn."

When you're out hunting and sitting around a campfire. Sitting back and relaxing, what do you do?

You sharpen your knives.

Nichtlustig ago

They won't let the source of their livelihood simply escape and live in peace. They're already talking about a fleeing tax on Californians who evacuate that shithole. If there was serious white flight they'd fucking invade middle America and dangle us by our heels to shake the loose change as "reparations" so they can stay on their food stamps.

minx88 ago

Just leave tell them to take the tax shekels and shove it up their fucking Jew ass and press charges and sue them if they continue to threaten

MAGA_WAGA_Boomer ago

And watch as the jewish liberal yuppies and other degenerate cucks swarm your formerly conservative town.

minx88 ago

Watch does those Jewish Muslim Nager disappear mysteriously

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

They can’t stand those places. They are mostly urban creatures.

40KFTAGLView ago

Preemptive strike.

hang_em_high ago

Judges, AGs, and prosecutors go first then the niggers.

minx88 ago

Did the name of the judge who sent him free dox him

Get him fired get him disrobed get him disbarred get the Jewish judges that helped and getting him free get them disbarred so they can’t work anymore and especially get rid of the Jewish judges they are the biggest problem because they are letting these fucking said humans go free for their crimes against us and that they use the juice use these fucking Musselman Knigge Subhumans demons as an actual weapon and they do this in the the the Revolution in Russia to they would set the prisoners free with some Good excuse like now they’re doing with the Covid bullshit and they were letting these things around to kill civilians in cold blood so this is what they’ve done now they realize that the people are not gonna except this Covid bullshit fucking lie and so they’re they’re releasing prisoners to kill people so the people have to die are the Jewish judges and the Jewish politicians did you as judges and other district attorneys and all thesesub humans

that have a hand in releasing these pregnant prisoners they are criminals because they are accessory to murder so whoever let out these these piece of shit that shot the little boy on that shot this man in Portland and that think that they can go around hitting people with it as a skateboard which is a deadly weapon because it’s just a block of wood or someone who thinks he could hit with some creep up from them from behind to hit him on the head with a brick which is attempted murder and then do these fucking things which are not human Nager’s and Muslims and Muslim Nager‘s they are demons they are not human

Do you see that there they’re just gonna get more and more violent because they’re both civic cannibals look at the Muslim and Sweden that raped in and murdered and buried these children and now because people found out then the Muslims are writing because they want to be able to get rid away with killing people but they cannot so writing is there another way of whining and bitching moaning and playing victim hood like the Nager‘s are playing victim hood with writing because they can’t get away with their crimes against humanity we have kick these pieces of fucking shit out and expel them hundreds of times and now we have to get rid of them permanently every single one of them every single June Muslim Nager needs to die because they will not stop they will never stop raping children murdering children torturing children and you’ll see that the Jewish will get more and more Violence they will become like bloody bolshevik in holodomor!!!

You can see in the yellow vest or in Australia or UK or were the Jews are in positions of policeman us and they are they are the ones who are doing the police brutality Because the Jews love to kill white people Because the juice psychotically jealous did you or is the synagogue of Satan and they expressed clearly numerous times and there is shit demon book disgusting things like raping a child of three years old and how they want to to torture white people so they are they are schizophrenic so they pretend to be nice to you but actually they’re going to stab you they are back stabbers literally and so are the Muslims in Nager’s yes there every single one stop thinking that some of the black blacks are Muslims are on our side stop thinking that right fucking now get it through your head that if you befriend one of these fucking Nager’s that they will fucking kill you at some point Because they are not human they have a IQ of a retard and they are fucking ugly and so they are extremely extremely insecure and just extremely jealous I will kill you just because they’re jealous and they don’t care about murdering people because they think they can get away with it because the Jewish judges which are

they are the vampires

Jews are the canable serial murders do the best to do the research always have been the Did you watch Joe just have to be dragged out and burned or at least put in the prison because by letting these miss Muslim Nager demonic cockroaches murder innocent people they are in accessory to murder and eating and abetting criminals therefore did you is always the criminalj

jew judge is the criminal Every single one is an assessor he to murder by releasing these fucking things and people have to start pressing charges getting people who you know to get these pieces of shit out of office out of their position

now and if they pretend to be Christian or Catholic just look at the history of the family and find out that they are infected you also you can look at the facial features there’s plenty of information on the Internet on how to recognize a Jew but I have to get is there family history I’m just the fact that they are eating in abetting these criminals and they are releasing these criminals prove to you that they are Jewish because Jews are vampires they want blood they don’t care how many how many innocent lives are lost they will keep releasing these criminals

White people have to know the law start studying make a kids to become judges now

And politicians know we have to get rid of the Jewish judge in every country because they are allowing these demons to go free so even when they do get into prison or even when they do get caught it’s the Jews that set them free to continue to murder and rape and murder it’s the Jews are the problem every fucking time

Straight_up_Prick ago

That would be true social justice. Never going to happen.

gazillions ago

Oh yes. The judges have been pushed into over the last decades specifically because they're such an important part of their comabat plan.

minx88 ago

Get the names of all the Jewish judges get them just rob disbarred put in jail and fried for crimes against humanity for a illegally threatening eating in abetting an accessory to murder

minx88 ago

That’s true rat Childs put their children into the court system in order to release the Muslim Jewish Nager criminal it’s part of a weapon system

Also part of the weapon system is their constant victimhood stop listening to this shit it’s crocodile tears they will stab you in the back every time in fact by crying victim is a stab in the back also a weapon systems are the riots and the threats of riots

hang_em_high ago

It worked. I’m not sure even another 4 years of Trump appointed judges can fix it. A lot of it has improved at least. The CA mag stuff shows that but there is a long way to go.

jewsbadnews ago

You forgot the journalist...

rndmvar ago

Hitler's makin' a list
He's checkin' it twice
He's gonna find out who to gas or to ice
Right Wing Death Squads are coming to town!

HeavyBrain ago

Better be white or honorary Aryan.

Else you go down.

minx88 ago

That’s right

Dropthehammer ago

Its called just being an American and freedom

peacegnome ago

Is there a list? It needs to be paired with a map in case someone is having a bad day.

The1stLantern ago

Too bad he never actually gassed anyone..

minx88 ago

This time they will be burnt to a crisp every single jew Muslim Nager

imcluding the halfbreeds

The diarrea Colored kids that were made from the brainwashed poor white girl that went with a Nager. the white girl n boy will be spared And go into intervrned

But her Nager boyfriend and Nager girlfriend and they’re half breed which would probably kill them anyway I’m going to be burnt Sent back to hell

9000timesempty ago

I wouldn't even call it right wing. We're actual people. The commies and niggers aren't even people. They're all sub-human demons.

minx88 ago

you speak the truth

Ddboomer ago

Yes, they are demons, void of souls

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

The right wing has always been normal people. The nazis were all normal people that had enough of (((Communist))) subversion and terrorism.

peacegnome ago

The natsocs were left wing, but yeah, more similar to right wing Americans than left.

minx88 ago

no they were not left-wing that’s a Jew manipulating their idea of course I do has his hand and saying everything to demonize Hitler say that he was a Jew say that Jesus is to say that national socialism a Jewish saying that Hitler was all kinds of things so that’s Satan demonizing good because Hitler was getting away with the doing away with the New World order and the banking system and the Jews don’t like their shekels to be taken away from them and the Jews themselves constantly make up lies about Look at what they did to Christianity and happy live there till the questions by saying that we should love our neighbor that’s just a tactic in order to get people to have empathy and invite the invaders in and the Jews are the invaders they always have been there the parasite invaders and this time they brought the Muslim and digger and they’re getting really arrogant because her breeding like cockroaches

and the real problem is that the Jews are the court system to let these fucking things get Muslims and Nager shit actually get away with murder and to do repeat offenses it is it is a war it is a weapon the Muslim in the Nager is a weapon and then when they see their not getting away with it then they use psychological or Texas like the word anti-Semite or racism or some other bullshit guilt tripping word and I see that that’s not working either so now they tried to put the Covid so there’s people with masks and that’s not working so they’re going to try to put a fine And that won’t work either but demonic rat

jews are trying to make a problem because they see that there that were way that we will already woken up

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

The natsocs were left wing

Please. Did you read that in your high school "social studies" textbook or on Breitbart?

peacegnome ago

Define "left" for me.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Anti-Logos. Anti-civilization. Anti-history. Anti-property. Anti-logic. Anti-Beauty. Anti-Art. Anti-decency. Anti-normalcy.

Ddboomer ago

Anti-Christ followers

peacegnome ago

Okay, by that definition I agree with you that they not left.

To me that definition better describes Frankfurt school, Marxism, Jewish subversion, etc. In this case it isn't a system for a healthy government, and so wouldn't possibility for a choice.

WolfgangBlack ago

Excellent point.

WolfgangBlack ago