The rabid hatred, and organized violence (all tacitly endorsed by DNC establishment) by the left has exhibited towards Rand Paul has truly convinced me that Rand should be the next president after Trump. Rand Paul 2024!

jimibulgin ago

The only marginally decent US Senator is attacked by a mob and nothing happens.

What would be the outcome if it was Chuck instead, I wonder.....

nightfusion ago

where the fuck are we? Why are we not out there donkey punching these soy boys? Or are we full of shit and a myth?

CheeBooga ago

haha good. Fuck the left-winged zionists and most certainly fuck the right-winged ones.

ImARetardedNigger ago

I feel like they are uping the aggression in response to 3 of their own being owned by Kyle. This is good, theyre pushing 'normies' away and showing their true violent communist colors. When they are shot now more normies will understand why it needs to happen

mrGaudi ago

Where are the active denial system crowd control devices?


version7 ago

This will only galvanize more people against burn loot and murder.

ketoll ago

And this is what happens when they send police officers to do the National Guard and the U.S. Military's job. Fuck the DC democrat leadership!

freedomite ago

lol, rands a deracinated cuck he gets what he deserves.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

not perfect but better than all other repubs

OandAPartyRock ago

Yeah, it’s amazing to me that Trump supporters think they are winning. Q people think they are winning. The revolution has already happened. It happened in the media it happened in the intelligence community, it is already complete. Democrats do whatever they want and get away with it. Violent mobs do whatever they want and get away with it. Every day ordinary citizens who happen to be republicans can’t even walk down the street. When white people fight back, they are the ones who get arrested. It’s already over. If white people decide they are going to fight back, it isn’t to keep their country, it is to reclaim it. It already belongs to the left. I love the irony of it: they constantly quote Q saying something along the lines of “They won’t be able to walk down the street.”

You got that backwards you Larping cunt.

brandonb14 ago

I'm getting real tired of this shit. I don't know if I can wait two months.

Misskylie42 ago

You shouldn’t. We’ve already waited four useless years

OandAPartyRock ago

To do what? Elect the same guy this is happening under? And that’s if, by some miracle, the left doesn’t steal enough votes. You know, the Democrats could just make up a number and the media would report it.

Our election system should have been secured four years ago and wasn’t. I’m not saying it’s hopeless, maybe it was secured behind the scenes. With the supreme confidence that this will all end magically in two months seem to misplaced to me. I hope I’m wrong.

brandonb14 ago

You're totally wrong. This is an orchestrated effort by leftists and statists in fear their plan is thwarted. This guy "this is happening under" is our last best hope. If they do steal this election, this country will erupt.

watts2db ago

Perhaps the country erupting is our best last hope

brandonb14 ago

I'm ready.

Fetalpig ago

They are trying to make it so unbelievably insane,they can validate bringing in the UN forces,you know the family members of people the last 4 presidents have gone into their countries and bombed the shit out of,yeah those people . If you think these Soros stooges are bad,just wait.

Then we have the issue of the do nothing cops they think their pensions are safe and the UN will welcome them into their ranks,they are very wrong.

noob_tube ago

do nothing cops

They actively disarm white people and arrest them for defending themselves.

Kleemin ago

yes yes, keep harassing the one Libertarian congressman Libertarianism is the fastest path to nationalism.

greiierg ago

All of this over a fucking junkie nigger. The country is fucked until the chimps are educated.

noob_tube ago

Low IQ take. Its because jews brainwash people with TV and academia.

UndercoverGoyim ago

Until the chimps are sent back to Africa, actually

watts2db ago

Educate chimps ???

Kleemin ago

well since the latter is impossible, we're fucked

arniecuntingham ago

please stop calling them "protesters". they aren't protesting anything except the existence of white people. they are TERRORISTS.

tourgen ago

their communists. they hate capitalism and want to bring about their glorious communist starving-times/murder-party.

downvoatmachine ago

Rand got that cop to regain his cool pretty quick there, that man has some situational awareness and couth.

soulbro2 ago

Time to start packing heat at the RNC

Mogumbo ago


catfishjones ago

Last bit is about a white guy in blackface getting punched and a police chase ensuing. I'm hearing it with benny hill music.

thirdsargon ago

The globalists hate him worst of all because he wants to end foreign aid

voatuser1128 ago

I wonder if he will go down the libertarian to fascist pipeline. I doubt it.

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

Keywords are after.

After the DNC Wisconsin erupts. Just as i predicted and now this after the rnc.

Planned attacks, i thinks so.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

This is a job for Rittenhouse

jimibulgin ago

He's done his part. We don't need a superman. We need organization.

noob_tube ago

Organization can be infiltrated and subverted. We need action.

ketoll ago

We do need to identify leaders though. We lack organization when we lack leaders we can rally behind.

WhatWouldOdinDo ago

Leaders are targets. What we need is for more people to become aware of the true nature of this world, which is happening thanks to the unrest. I never thought I’d see my family sending me questions about QAnon or sharing memes about white victims of black violence but it’s happening much to the dismay of the people who’re to hide it.

Of course I told them the QAnon are a bunch of idiots. I don’t want them being misled.

jimibulgin ago

A 17yo is probably not the best leader to rally around.

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Mogumbo ago

No we need tred Cruz carpet bomb them all lolz

HappyMealBullshit ago

Wouldnt be surprised if this was staged. Rand Paul is a blowhard attention seeker and does not have the ethical standards of his father.

JoeBiten ago

"We were under fire while landing in Iraq!"

General: What fire?

I smell a LARP

daskapitalist ago

This will continue until police and politicians grow a backbone. If a mob threatens to burn down a building if their demands aren't met, that's a terroristic threat. America is quite familiar with dealing with terrorists: overwhelming force.

If some "innocent dindu nuffin protestors" are in the mob of terrorists, too bad for them. When you join a terrorist mob you're complicit in their acts and downfall.

Atkho ago

Police have their hands tied. Politicians should be charged for refusing to protect politicians just because they are in another party.

daskapitalist ago

If police do their job and put a stop to domestic terrorism...who's going to arrest them? Themselves?

noob_tube ago

Police have their hands tied

You know they could always just... not confiscate firearms.

Catfishbelly ago

Police do have the ability to not enforce a law. That guy is full of shit.

Catfishbelly ago

Drone strikes will become the new normal under my administration

pjllama ago

Im on the fence here. Watching fucking RAND PAUL, the little ophthalmologist libertarian, get targeted like that was the most powerful to me.

I dont want to give ineffective government any justification for getting bigger now. And their entire goal is turn our police against us. Many cops are patriots. They need support now before the good ones are chased off and replaced with soros cops.

Armed patriots should have been there to handle it. Protect OUR politicians and protect OUR cops so we're not fighting our own government when UN soldiers and china comes marching in.

Broc_Lia ago

And their entire goal is turn our police against us. Many cops are patriots. They need support now

What use are they if they're carrying out ZOG orders to protect their pension? I get that they're between a rock and a hard place and I feel bad for them, but that doesn't mean supporting them helps us.

before the good ones are chased off and replaced with soros cops.

At this point I hope they do. Maybe the blue lives matter guys will wake up and realise the cops have essentially become a more legitimate seeming wing of antifa.

Armed patriots should have been there to handle it. Protect OUR politicians and protect OUR cops so we're not fighting our own government when UN soldiers and china comes marching in.

We're already fighting our own governments.

pjllama ago

Yeah I hear ya, but there are still many departments and sheriffs who are nothing but patriots. Im in a red town in a red state and I know some of the police. They're ppl too. They're itching to join the ppl and fight the government, but they havent had to cuz literally nothing is happening here. Some departments in some cities are inactive cuz of policy and threat of lawsuits, but they are total patriots once things heat up.

Broc_Lia ago

Uncucked PDs and Sheriff departments are different. Places like Portland? They've been openly siding with antifa for years.

Ocelot ago

This will continue until police and politicians grow a backbone

Yet again, another "DO SOMETHING AUTHORITIES". This will continue until the PEOPLE grow a backbone.

BjornIronside ago

It's called the "appeal to authority".

Yes, we are surrounded by brainwashed cucks.

Ocelot ago

I call it indolence, or maybe voyeurism. People don't realize that they are so used to taking a backseat and just spectating on the events in their country, their ONLY action being to go press Jew Puppet A or Jew Puppet B every 4 years, that they have built up within their minds an ever-present pushback against the will to actually act in any physical, real capacity. So they just think to themselves, WOW WHY IS THE GOVT HANDLING THIS SO BADLY, WOW THE POLICE NEED TO FIX THIS HAHA, WOW THE PRESIDENT IS AN IDIOT WE NEED A DIFFERENT GUY. It's NEVER "alright, that's it, I'm going to do something with my own hands and everyone else needs to as well." And I think most people don't even realize that force at work in their own minds.

I was talking to my father one day, and he was talking one day as he often does about how "OH if things don't change they'll be looking at a revolution!" But all he ever says is that "people" or "some people" are going to get mad and go get their guns and march on capitol hill. And I said "It's all talk, that's what EVERYONE says, and when EVERYONE is waiting for the other to act, nobody does anything." and "Are YOU going to do it though? Are you prepared to go get a gun and get out in the streets with ten thousand other men, right now on this day? Are you going to do it?" And he basically got irritated and stopped talking. That's what the men in this country have become: voyeurs who watch national events play out on a television and give their opinion on what happens. And they don't even know it, it's nothing for which they have a built concept in their minds. It nearly drives me to madness.

BjornIronside ago

I won't be going into the street, but anyone coming up my very long driveway will find out very quickly what "expert marksman" means.

Nukeisrael ago

That’s not what “appeal to authority” means. Appeal to authority would be saying you believe that race is a social construct because academic authorities say so.

BjornIronside ago

That is one sort of appeal to authority, yes.

THis is another form of the same thing.

daskapitalist ago

Great point. Have an upvote.

BentAxel ago

This will continue until

You try, convict and hang traitors.

JoeBiten ago

Police are controlled by politicians, politicians are controlled by Jews. Fat chance.

voatusernamevoat ago

Exactly, which is why this needs to be done to supplant the jews and everything else follows: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3865869/24217561/

Donald_Trumpstein ago

Politicians are largely on the side of these terroristic mobs and the police are "just following orders" "just doing our jobs"

They want this

CanuckWave ago

I have no doubt once the tides turn that those resources will be reallocated. Trump will be re-elected, and the more politicians feel skin in the game, like Rand Paul above, the stronger that support will become. I feel as though when things start to get ugly, there might be a few Democrats who cross the floor. Those agencies are just following orders, but, like any institution has probably had their interior corrupted over the last twenty years.

We will see decades happen in a few weeks when things get ugly.

NakedWarrior ago

The paid mob were screaming at Rand Paul about Breonna Taylor, this is how stupid they are. They had no idea Rand Paul was one of the authors of the bill that removes no-knock warrants so people like Breonna Taylor don't end up getting shot in the future.

olinneserpona ago

They want this

It's easy to get convinced they are just waiting for whites to do what they should have done a long time ago(using violence to enforce law and order) and use that as an excuse to establish a police state after convincing the plebs that white people are in fact white supremacists who must be destroyed.

KosherHiveKicker ago

It's only going to get worse.

Prepare to defend yourself, your family, and your friends.

xobodox ago

commie terrorists are being called "protestors"..

menacing, assault, terrorizing.. and no arrests!

Prepare for war! No one is looking out for you. (((They))) are just trying to get you to sit idle and allow the commie takeover to happen. Legally, communists have no rights in the US! Their existence, votes, etc are legally nullified. Killing a communist is completely legal - that includes judges, politicians, etc. Anyone, that voiced support for BLM has aligned themselves with communists.


fzohh ago

They've straight up threatened that it will get worse. Everyone should be preparing.

easywind ago

I’ve got shotguns and 9mm, maybe it’s time for a high powered scope rifle to take some distance target practice.

dodgesbullets ago

The best time to do that was years ago, the second best time is today.

You can't afford to wait longer.

JoeBiten ago

Should have been 4 years ago

ketoll ago

Yep, after 5 officers were murdered by BLM in Dallas in 2016 the group should have been investigated, monitored, and destroyed.

But the Feds instead sat and their fat fucking asses and did nothing. Now we have Andy Gno investigating, and 17 year olds defending because the "officials" are shit for brains. Why do we even pay our taxes?

Misskylie42 ago

We shouldn’t be paying our taxes

antiliberalsociety ago

This is actually the correct answer. People forget what powers the oppressive government

Misskylie42 ago

bro if whites stopped paying their taxes the entire jewish system would fall apart.

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

Pelosi her self did.

Kids are going to die, if we don't do this.

You have to think about the children.

Super sonic solutions required.

BentAxel ago

I disagree. Sub sonic is better. To the Front of some heads.