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IAmTheOptimizer ago

Due process is dead.

124grains ago

"Jury of his peers" If he get's a jury of his peers he'll get off, there's enough video of him being attacked, though being 17 with a rifle he might still get charges for being underage with a weapon (Maybe.) and he'll have to plea down the fleeing justice charge.

But he won't get a jury of his peers. He's going to be thrown to the fucking wolves and in 10 years he'll get paroled after learning how to be a real criminal because of the beautiful system we have for "reformation" of the toxic members of our society.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Nah. He only killed Whites. Not like he killed a nigger. Honk fucking honk.

reason247 ago

One shot was a jew. The arm one.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Has that been confirmed? He sure looks like one.

reason247 ago

His name was just dropped. I am phone fagging and. Didn't. Cap it. See if you see it.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I saw the name. Was hoping someone had found more.

reason247 ago

Another one. I think this is the permanent lefty.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Thx. Jew agitators. Same old tricks.