Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

The McCloskys are proof of that agenda. Missouri is an open carry state and the McCloskys were defending their home, on their own property, against a bunch of violent thugs that were committing criminal aggravated tresspass and they still face prosecution by a DA that refuses to prosecute cases from "certain" cops. including a murderer of a 7 year old boy.

That said.

If you carry a gun, like I do. You are prepared to defend yourself. If you are attacked by an assailant, the DA will then push the "narrative" that you had intent to kill regardless because you were armed and prepared at the time of the attack. You will be charged with first degree murder. If you understand that in order to even get to a jury trial. you will have to sell everything you own to defend yourself. and you won't get anything back but your freedom if your lucky. We have a long way to go to create a balanced justice system after these communists and their playmates have destroyed our legal system for this long and this much.

It_was_the_juice ago

Let's hope his family can afford a competant attorney ASAP. Right now his lawyer should be demanding that the arm guy be arrested and charged with attempted murder of a minor. Instead it's just crickets.

SubhumanDeplorable2 ago

Free Kyle

dayofthehope ago

I think this is supposed to intimidate the population and keep them from standing up against antifa but it's fake.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse - not a real boy. not even an FTM. Just a cross-dressing woman.

  • Kenosha - 20 minutes away from Racine, WI a hotspot of (((intelligence agency))) and pizzagate activity, just like Charlottesville

  • Antifa guy photographed holding gun, after massive injury to his biceps.

  • Not enough blood in any of the photographs

  • It appears that cameras were set up in advance to record the 3 shootings that occurred in rapid succession from different angles

MockySpock ago

This is the slope that South Africa was on that set the precedent for the modern meta

CognitiveDissident5 ago

This is exactly how it works in South Africa when Whites.defend themselves.

Seventh_Jim ago

Stop allowing these people to be arrested.

Charmark ago

File this fact for future reference. WE will have laws that protect Every American, OR we will have anarchy. IF we have anarchy there will be no Laws that will keep 100 MILLION honest Armed Americans from the MASS extermination of the Lawless with Great force, all day and all night. There is No other choice because WE will not allow anarchy in the FREE states.

spirit1977 ago

It goes two ways. Charging someone so quickly is more of a way to calm down the protesters as well as provide protection for Kyle. Hopefully some people defend his home while he is locked up. The protesters might try and burn down his house.

MetaCog ago

Kill as many as possible, then shoot at the cops.

voatusernamevoat ago

Not only that but politicians from top to bottom will disavow and condemn you, calling for your persecution, including trump:

reason247 ago

The cops are Antifa. The cops are BLM.

Ddboomer ago

Cops are Masons

LibertarianForChrist ago

The government is complacent in the ethnic cleansing of white people. We are now illegally living.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

The murder charge is a good thing. Easy to beat with all the evidence.

prairie ago

Ayoob was talking about this. They can try to charge you with reckless endangerment, where they're not disputing that you killed people, but that it occurred because you were careless. Apparently if you argue self-defense, it shifts the burden of proof to you, so you can show that your life was in danger and you had no way to flee. Affirmative defense

CheeBooga ago

This is why jews want to take guns. They dont want people to be able to protect themselves from their jewish terrorist thugs.


If you start shooting dont stop. And going to jail over low level spooks isnt a good trade.

thebearfromstartrack ago

If you go somewhere where a fight is likely, and you get in a fight, it's NOT self defense.

Octoclops ago

somewhere where a fight is likely

Like the "mostly peaceful protests" the fake news keeps telling us about?

reason247 ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

nuh uh.

WreckfulZebu ago

The kid worked there. There were protesters/riots there. In order to work there safely, he felt the need to take a medkit and rifle with him. While working there, commie faggots and niggers jumped him, so he defended himself.

Let me ask you, if everywhere is unsafe, if a fight could breakout anywhere, where do you go? How do yo go anywhere if a fight can break out anywhere? If where you’re going or supposed to be is a dangerous area, do you prepare for the danger?

If where you are or where you are going could be a dangerous area, you need to arm up and defend yourself.

thebearfromstartrack ago

worked there doing what? Giving swimming lessons or something?

dismyassholeaccount ago

If you can watch the video of the kid running, TWICE, before shooting and still think it's not self defense, then you need a helicopter ride too.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Once you START something, (niggers get this wrong ALL THE TIME) defending yourself is NOT "self defense" against an aggressor force.

dismyassholeaccount ago

He didn't start anything. Kikes started chasing him, he defended himself, both times. If you wanna say he started it by bringing a gun to a riot, then I'm sorry but you need to stop talking because you're gonna constantly be BTFO'd by people with an IQ higher than room temperature since the riots were the start of that incident.

xobodox ago


found the (((commie faggot)))

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Shills are so easy to spot right now. Make a list.

Rotteuxx ago

Found one!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Awww. So much atrention from you today. I feel special.

veteran88 ago

Our legal system is corrupt and incompetent for even attempting to charge him for obvious self defense.

More than likely the big nose medic he shot in self defense was a jew.

This just proves how corrupt this system is, you can't defend yourself from jewish terrorists that are trying to attack you.

Drunkenst ago

jury trial

LoveDeadNiggers ago

jewry trial*

HaleyPeno ago

Being charged is easy, conviction is a different story. Pretty cut and dry self defense case with all of the video and photo evidence out there.

tourgen ago

Ok then. Fair enough. Therefore, from your rationalization, we must charge police officers with 1st degree murder every single time they fatally shoot someone.

HaleyPeno ago

Where did you get that from this comment??? Now you are reaching. Cops charge people with crimes every day, it’s up to the courts and prosecutors to secure a conviction with evidence. Evidence in this case points to self defense. The DA is out on a very thin limb trying to secure a politically motivated conviction agains all of the evidence that has been presented. The police throw multiple crimes in on just about every arrest hoping to make one stick. Most are thrown out to get you to admit to one of the lesser crimes so it doesn’t have to go to court. Most convictions are secured outside of a courtroom. They can charge Him with as many crimes as they want, but if there is no evidence to support that charge it is going to be dropped. Even a half retarded lawyer could argue that the 1st degree murder charge isn’t substantiated by the evidence shown in the video. Lin Wood is not a half retarded lawyer. He is going to rake that DA over the coals and then Sue the state and anyone involved in this whole story.

captainstrange ago

The feds have a 90% conviction rate.

Just look at James Fields.

Charged with vehicular homicide of heather heyer. Setenced to FIVE HUNDRED YEARS. Followed by her "murder" being used to indict all whites, all comservatives, all christians, as "the greatest evil boogieman in the modern orld and deserving of extermination and silencing" by every leftist since it happened.

The car never even hit heather heyer.

He will walk away with 5-10 years of PROBATION, gun right permanently removed, and mandatory drugging on psychoactive drugs, for the rest of his life.

For ON VIDEO defending himself, after being attacked first by others.

HaleyPeno ago

Too high profile. AND he will have Sandman’s lawyers working for him for free. He will go free and his lawyers will end up suing the State, the Police, big tech for taking his go fund me down, and the media for the lies they have told about him. He has already set precedent with the Sandman cases. Not only will Rittenhouse go free he will be set up for life once the civil cases are settled.

Octoclops ago

Your optimism is beautiful, but also stupid.

Wartimepope ago

Trump has the power to pardon James Fields but he won't. He will only pardon his kike criminal lawyers.

captainstrange ago

Trump has the power to pardon James Fields but he won't.

And this more than anything is the most damning indictment of all.

Not his 'support of jews' because that can always be criticized as strategy. Although in general it's already a bad red flag.

No, his failure to pardon a man convicted for a crime he literally did not commit, with video proof, is the strongest evidence that Trump is not here on good faith.

And if anything, it is highly probable, that after election, who he will be going after, is less so BLM antifa.

No. After the election who he will be coming after, at jared's behest

KikesOnTrikes ago

Charlottesville was pretty clear too.

xobodox ago

You under-estimate the commie DA, courts, cops, etc.. they have an agenda.

Notice that none of the rioters are being changed with anything.

50USC - the law is actually on our side.. the (((commie))) courts are not

. . . etc . . .

We will need to fight for America. (((They))) are not going to arrest themselves.

You'd better be prepared!

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Which is an overcharge, if it was manslaughter they could probably jew him into prison but murder 1 is impossible even in ZOG America.

HaleyPeno ago

You are tried by a jury of your peers, not a judge. Evidence is required, the preponderance of evidence points to self defense.

allahead ago

One thing the shadowgate documentary pointed out is that they use big data to stack jury pools with people who will vote the way they want.

brandnewset ago

Not in juvi court. He is 17

reason247 ago

HA HA HA HA have you looked into how a jury is selected? There is a colossal fuck ton of statistical analysis and manipulation that goes on. You need to look deeper. The 'impartial jury' has been massaged and selected so carefully that an outcome can be assured. Have you noticed how NONE of us here have ever been on a jury?

HaleyPeno ago

I have. Several times.

ruck_feddit ago

I have. Several times.

No one here would expect you to reply with anything else...

Outside of fantasy world, nothing is "cut and dry" about a modern politicized murder case.

Edit: clarification

HaleyPeno ago

This isn’t TV. It’s your job to secure a lawyer that eliminates bias against you in a Jury pool. If you depend on a public defender you get what you pay for. Rittenhouse isn’t going to have to rely on someone who graduated towards the bottom of their law class. This is a political prosecution that goes against everything the courts stand for. That’s why all of the heavy hitting lawyers are lining up to represent him for free. He will clean up on this one and be set for life when it is over. Just like Sandman. The left has been using the courts as their personal playground for years, but the pendulum has started to swing the other way now.

Broc_Lia ago

A jury trial is a right, but it's optional. You can go with a trial by judge if you prefer.

I've heard a few lawyers say that it's rarely a good idea to go with a jury trial. In this case he'll be tried in a far left area by either a far left judge or a far left jury. Either way he's in trouble.

hitlerist ago

Yeah that sure worked in Charlottesville didn't it?

Donald_Trumpstein ago

of your peers


xobodox ago

You assume that (((they))) won't stack the jury with commie faggots in their kangaroo courts - like they've already done with Stone, Flynn, etc..

Look around.. prosecutions against us are swift and extreme. There are no prosecutions for them. No one is looking out for you. There will be no rapture. The "church" will not stand against evil.. etc.. It's up to us. You'd better be prepared!

DirtyQews ago

he shouldn't have been there.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You shouldnt be here. You suck at this.

DirtyQews ago

you aren't even real.

IAmTheOptimizer ago

Due process is dead.

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124grains ago

"Jury of his peers" If he get's a jury of his peers he'll get off, there's enough video of him being attacked, though being 17 with a rifle he might still get charges for being underage with a weapon (Maybe.) and he'll have to plea down the fleeing justice charge.

But he won't get a jury of his peers. He's going to be thrown to the fucking wolves and in 10 years he'll get paroled after learning how to be a real criminal because of the beautiful system we have for "reformation" of the toxic members of our society.

NPC2733 ago

He wont get a jury of anitfags. All it will take to turn the jury is one loud nigger. Usually female.

Happens all the time.

NotAntifa ago

They drug and torture Conservatives. He would be better off dead.

Suicide by cop is a great way to take one more of the bastards with you.

You will NEVER get the treatment a liberal piece of shit will get.

Plavonica ago

there's enough video of him being attacked

"I'm sorry, but that evidence is inadmissible in this court." ~Judge Goldbergsheklestein

voatusernamevoat ago

though being 17 with a rifle he might still get charges for being underage

No, people have been pointing out that's not true, open carry at seventeen, but not really the big issue, jewed judges, prosecutor, governor, etc. are.

124grains ago

Didn't know Wisconsin was so cool. Props to them for that.

You're right tho, the problem is going to be the system not the laws.

reason247 ago

If he was a nigger he would get anger management. He is white though so he will get 400 years.

NotAntifa ago

Fuck the courts!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Nah. He only killed Whites. Not like he killed a nigger. Honk fucking honk.

reason247 ago

One shot was a jew. The arm one.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Has that been confirmed? He sure looks like one.

reason247 ago

His name was just dropped. I am phone fagging and. Didn't. Cap it. See if you see it.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I saw the name. Was hoping someone had found more.

reason247 ago

Another one. I think this is the permanent lefty.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Thx. Jew agitators. Same old tricks.

reason247 ago

There is another one as well who was named. I'm looking now.

124grains ago

"But they're allies."

Truthfully I don't know which way this dumb bullshit will go. Hope he gets off tho.

Phantom42 ago

If he doesn't, many bad things must happen.

124grains ago

Too many people have boiled it down to a libertarian "If they come to my fence" mentality, and I don't blame them. I ain't gonna roll up to Kenosha or Portland to fight for people who don't give a fuck about my rights, but unless something happens nationwide to effect people (Like Biden getting elected) nothings gonna happen.

Phantom42 ago

Then all of them can die too.

Broc_Lia ago

Given it's antifa he probably killed a nose or two.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Fuck off.

Broc_Lia ago
